Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all, I wonder what everyone is up to this Christmas eve, day and boxing day??

Are you home with your children all weekend?

Will you go to your parents, or your in-laws?

Are your children going to be with their other parent and you get the house to yourself?

How do you feel about the upcoming holiday season, is it going to be stressful or stressfree?

I remember the first few Christmasses on my own, they were really difficult, I think I stopped counting each year after about the fourth! So if you are new to the whole Christmas as a single parent, share your worries here you will find that you are not alone. Laughing

Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 5:00pm

I shall be doing the same thing I've done for the last 5 years, (since my Mum died). C and I will be on our own, but shall try and make it a good Christmas for him. Watching him opening presents, playing with him, dinner, playing again. To be honest it is no different from any other day, apart from his presents of course!!

Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 5:24pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

....oh and I would just like to mention that if you look on the left hand side of this very page, there are three articles about Christmas, one about reducing crime, one about avoiding stress and another about a creative Christmas!!!!!!!!! 


Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 5:48pm


This will be my first christmas as a single mum and i'm dreading it to be honest. I'm spending it with family but sometimes with my family that can be worse. I know there's going to be lots of questions from my little lads cousins as to why his dad is not there and why he's got no presents from both of us as they've not been told we have separated. Plus his Dad has already had a go at me for all the stuff i've brought him saying i've spent too much and that its not fair because I know he won't be able to spend as much on him but i've spent no more than i normally would and everything i've got ive picked up when i've seen it cheap. To top it all my ex has said he doesn't want to see our son over christmas as it will be too hard for him, which i kind of understand but what about what our little boy needs

Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 5:52pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi zippy  I do think the first Christmas after separation can be hard. Do have a look at the Avoiding stress at Christmas article

I do sympathise with the family thing, sometimes they can make things worse. It is none of your boys' dad's business what you may or may not have spent-he does not want to see his son over Christmas so it is good that you have been able to get some presents. 

Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 5:59pm


Hi Zippy. Perhaps you should have a word with your family, as I don't think its fair on your son to have questions fired at him. His cousins parents should put them in the picture, so they are aware of the situation, (if they are old enough of course). As for the father, like Louise says, it is none of his business. Yes, it will be hard on him, but he has chosen not to see his son. He should be thinking of the lad, not himself. I agree with you.


Posted on: December 10, 2010 - 7:53pm


His Dad is just doing it to try and make me feel bad for the fact our relationship is over- but thats another subject. My nephews and niece are old enough to be told but unfortunatly my eldest nephew at the minute is not well and wouldn't cope with knowing whats really going on, so i can understand why they are not been told. Just doesn't make things easy for me or my lad, hopefully being 3 he won't pick up to much on what they are saying but you just never know with him sometimes he's rather on the ball

Posted on: December 11, 2010 - 12:46am


Awww zippy, I'm sorry things are sounding difficult.  Are you able to keep some gifts back and have a more 'fun' time with your son when you are back home?

I'm probably a bit like Alison, as other than the dinner (they'll have a stocking) it will be more or less the same.

I tell them that the lead up to Christmas is the best part, as I know by Christmas night my fourteen year old will be on a downer. 

Posted on: December 11, 2010 - 3:05pm