Ok, so its a big bad and wonderful world out there, but what really inspires your child? food? money? sports ?

Is to have a goal, regardless of what it may be is the key to success, be driven be focused and make the most of your years? and can visual repetition help with this?

I'm not saying become a national super star, simply have a goal, a light at the end of the almightly tunnel. 

Now we all know that visuals/photographs in particular connect with the soul and tick the memory box better than anything else, we can blurb and blog on until we are blue in the face, the simple fact is that an image has the power to IMPRINT INSPIRATION!

Think back to your posters and prints, laying in YOUR world (or pig-sty as mum may have called it) and recall who made you THINK, TICK and CLOCK your thoughts and fantasties of a bright future. 


Now, mine was Anna Kournikova smashing the net, yes ok,  because I wanted to look like this russian american beauty , but mainly because she had achieved her goals through hard work and perserivance, this image on my wall was a constant reminder that I could achieve something if I really wanted to. 

What are you thoughts of the effectiveness of visual inspiration?? could it help the children of tommorrow reach new heights or is it just a poster, simply that, simply does.  

Posted on: July 2, 2013 - 11:30am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello charlotte,

Is this a work project/survey you are undertaking? What has inspired your own children?

I think one issue for parents is hoping that the role models that children choose are "good" ones

Posted on: July 3, 2013 - 7:24am


Hi Louise , 

Thanks for your reply , yes I am currently trying to generate a 'thought process' on what inspires are children and can having a visual of a sporting hero or such-like pinned on a wall as a constant reminder, work as a consistant imprint/impact on reminding our children of having goals? 

My child is only 3 , however wether it be goals or not , his spider man quilt and fireman sam poster are his idols, he is already inspired and this is evident.  

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Posted on: July 3, 2013 - 9:46am