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Not sure what anyone else will think of this but it makes me very unhappy to think of all the money that will be wasted finding out if we are happy lol
Hi Louise
I totally agree with you, I personally define my happiness as having 5 healthy and well adjusted children!!!!!!!!!
I am not materialistic at all, its something that has never interested me.
This government is so out of touch with "real" people it is very scary!!!!!
Very much so!
We are headed for a disaster in this country thats for sure.
I see some of the lecturers have voted to side with the student protesters from last week
This is also worrying
I think the cuts in Legal Aid are very worrying. When the article talks about people having assets worth a certain amount, this has in latter years included house equity so anyone with a mortgage has not been able to get it for some time, and now it looks as if you have a small savings account (which you might have if you are working) then you are not eligible.
In addition to this, a couple of years ago the Legal Aid system was changed so that a set amount was given to a lawyer, dependent upon the case subject (eg divorce, immigration) whether the case was a quick one or lasted ages, and this meant that some lawyers were "cherry-picking" the more straightforward cases and leaving those who may well have been in need of greater advocacy behind.
The implications for single parents seem to be mainly around divorce and child custody hearings. I note that the article quotes the PM as saying they will put a non-litigant system in place to resolve family disputes but this has yet to be announced and surely should be piloted and be firmly in place BEFORE the cuts are made?
Hi Louise
It worries me that this government are trying to make divorce for the ordinary ones of us near impossible.
I have no problem with them promoting "family" values but I have a real issue with the idea that "big brother " knows best.
I dread to think how many people will be more or less forces to stay in unsuitable relationships, and how many children will be damamged by this.
The article on legal aid is so worrying. (sorry, not read the first one).
All these decisions being made by people who have no need for these things.
Hi sparklinglime
Yes you are right there, all of these people will have never needed these services.
The 1st article is about lecturers siding with the students who caused all the bother last week, they say they feel they have to side with them as the students are after all fighting for their education.
I read a lot on the internet and am increasingly concerned about where all this is headed, civil unrest is definitely looming, not sure where it will start but it is coming.
I`m sure lots of you will remember the last unrest in this country in the 80`s, I remember it clearly and it wasnt pleasant. What really unsettles me is that how as we all know violent crime has definitely increased over the years, the gang culture has become much more noticable, I think the unrest we are going to see will be much worse than that from the 80`s.
I was at the Poll Tax riots in London! I tell everyone this, I was actually just shopping in the Trocadero in Lester SQ and I walked out with a blueberry muffin in one hand and a frozen yoghurt in the other to see rubble and bits of wood on the floor and an angry mob on one side and police men with riot shields and massive horses on the other.
The horses were really scary, they made me imagine what it may have been like in a medieval battle being faced by a line of charging horses, you'd want to just move out of the way very quickly. They would have been massive war horses too, the ancestors of our present day shire horses, so even bigger.
Here is a picture of my daughter about to kiss one (Shire horse not a policeman) back in 2008.
I asked a policeman which way to go to get away from it all and he pointed me off in the direction of Bond Street.
Hi Bubblegum
That must have been really scary.
Lovely pic of your daughter!!!!!!!!!
Good heavens!
The thing I think Bubblegum may tell you, how do we define "happiness" in today's society? Some people think it has a lot to do with keeping up with the Joneses.