Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello one and all

Myself I would have called this "Where's the parent?" but I am just posting to highlight a TV programme that is on Monday night (17th) at 8.30pm on BBC1.

It is called "Where's the Dad?" and is a Panorama programme asking why so many separated fathers lose touch with their children and what can be done to encourage contact.

Now I know there are some of us who wish the other parent would lose contact! but it will be interesting to see what this study says and I for one will be on "Spot the inaccurate generalisation" alert Smile

Posted on: January 15, 2011 - 10:27am


Or move to the other side of the world...


Sorry, couldn't resist.

I agree with what you say about the title though...

Posted on: January 15, 2011 - 10:51am


I know all about moving to other side of the world!! My children's dad moved back to his homeland! I encourage them to talk to him on skype. It was fine when he had a pc as they could see each other but he doesn't have that access now so we just call him.... it is a bit of an effort sometimes to get them to speak to him though.  However I know I am doing all I can to keep the contact going.


Posted on: January 15, 2011 - 5:03pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well! I have to say that I did watch the programme and it was very generalised. It showed a young man who had eight children by different mums (and a love bite on his neck) and he could not remember all his children's names and did not see most of them. He was asked about condoms and said he did not like them (at this stage I was bouncing on the settee saying "but other contraception is available, it is not just this man who has created the children, it is the women too") Nevertheless the phrase "feckless fathers" was bandied about. I did not like the implication that the guy with eight children was representative of dads!!!!!!

Cut to a fab-looking project in London which seeks to engage with fathers, help them with education and jobs, and in the end a group of dads met with Frank Field MP. They pointed out the strong link between high unemployment and relationship breakdown and the MP's answer was that jobs were available and that other people "entering the country" were quite willing to take them.

The programme also pointed out that couples would lose money if they lived together and made out that the benefits system was really great for single parents. One aspect of it that I DID agree with is that it mentioned that the authorities (in terms of health services etc) often do not engage with fathers and they can feel excluded by the "system". There was also a lovely Grandma interviewed who said that she felt that support around the parent with majority care and a good community were really vital.

So this is your TV Reviewer signing off. Over and Out!

Posted on: January 18, 2011 - 3:03pm


I found it quite disappointing.  They interviewed the 20 year old woman who had a baby and a toddler, and also care of her step-sister.  She was quick to say that the father figure wasn't needed - while her 10 year old sister said he was...

The one who had the 8 children should be made to have a vasectomy!

Strange how the phrase 'feckless fathers' is one I haven't heard of before, and there's Panorama - gosh, media - trying to make this the new buzz word.

Not representative at all.

My oldest was watching, and I did point out to him that there were fathers raising children alone and that parent should be used rather than the specific gender they chose.

I'm not unique, and a lot of families split up - not a mention of those.

It seemed to finish quickly too, with no effective conclusion - bit like my essays!

Posted on: January 18, 2011 - 3:30pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi there, i was going to watch this on i-player as I didn't want to watch it last night. I was really concerned that it was going to say that 'mothers' make it all too difficult for 'fathers' (being stereotypical here) to see their children. I thought that once again we were to get the blame, but thankfully it sounded as if that didn't come across.

I think it is despicable that people can be on TV and talk about having so many children and no-one can do anything about it? I don't know who's decision it would be to have this chap castrated (oops!), but its something that needs looking into.

Louise have you ever considered a role as TV reviewer?!! You are very clear and concise!

Posted on: January 18, 2011 - 4:08pm


Perhaps its time someone developed a tablet you both took if you wanted children...

Posted on: January 18, 2011 - 4:43pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Lol @ sparkling lime!

You know what: everyone is talking about this chap as if it only takes one to tango, the mothers made that decision too.

Posted on: January 18, 2011 - 9:05pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

True true Louise! Great idea sparkling!

Posted on: January 19, 2011 - 5:13pm