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I have started the work programme, and have an appointment on the 23rd with someone called a 'DNA assessor'. Anyone know what role they play in the work programme, and how long my appointment may be? Roll on getting a job, even a temp one, as its a bloody shambles!!!
Thanks for any help!
Hi, thanks for the reply. Need to ring them up tomorrow as I don't know how long this assessment is going to take, as it's 2.30 and I need to collect my son from school at my personal adviser the same person as a DNA assessor? My first appointment with my personal adviser was a bit of a wash-out. I arrived for my appt at 9, and was told they were running late and could they re-arrange it? I said no, as I had questions that needed answering-they gave me 10 mins with her, but this was after a wait of 45 mins and a team meeting!!! She was very nice tho, so can't complain abt her up to now. Really do hope this assessor takes into account everything, and dosen't push me to take work that is outside my childcare hours!
Will keep you informed in the next installment of the saga that is known as the Work Programme lol!!
Hi Domali9803, I am not sure if your personal advisor is the same as a DNA Assessor, as I have not heard of them before, but it sounds as though the job description is the same.
When you ring tomorrow you could ask them that question. Have a look at this article on All you need to know about JSA. you might also be interested in reading Special Rules for single parents on JSA.
Also there is a thread on the boards called Some good news for single parents, where our Parliamentary officer outlines the rules on childcare.
Good luck, look forward to hearing how it goes
Hi, I rang the work prog, and found out that my appointment with the dna assessor is for an hour with a further hour for a jobsearch! I told her I would not be able to take that appointment at 2.30 as it would clash with picking my son up at 3.20. She's rearranged it for the next day at 1.
What i've also been seeing into is the possibility (very remote that is!) of going to uni. I rang my local uni abt whether I had the right qualifications as a mature student to get onto an English Studies course. I was given a conditional offer. This is based on the fact that I pass a 4 week course starting in June. Its a tue/thur morn, 9.30-12.30. However, I am still on jsa, which means I have to give up this course if the Jobcentre or work programme find me a job!
Want to work desperately, but I would also like to work while I take a degree. At the mo, I don't feel like I'm going to be successful in either :( just don't know how or what to do, getting depressed about it all, as i've been out of the workforce for a long time...and finding it harder by the day to convince an employer I'm worthy of employing. HELP!
Hi Domali9803, I am glad that the job centre were able to re-arrange you appointment, thats great.
It is also good that you have been offered a conditional place at Uni and that the pre course is within school times.
You need to think positive about all of this, if this is what you wnt - you can have it, there will be hurdles, but you can get over them. Have you been for any job interviews?
Yeh, I've had interviews where they have shortlisted down to say 3-5 people, but just not had enough previous experience for long enough! Currently doing an IT refresher course on a monday morning, and I also do voluntary work at my local hospital as a ward clerk assistant, which I love. Ideally, my job goal would be to work in the NHS within the admin/HR/researcher field. Just dont know what to do about the conditional place course-if the work prog arrange an interview for me, I have to go, simple as that-irrespective of the fact that it could be on the day I need to be at the course. If they offer me the job, I have to take it, unless its outside the hours of my childcare. The other choice is that I do an access course, but if its more than 16 hours i get my benefit stopped. I would still need to work throughout the access course tho, and wot work would fit and pay enough for me to support myself and my kids? Totally lost with it all!
Hi Domali9803,
I am also just starting the work programme, I have my first appointment (insight) next week. They have advised that it will take 2-3 hrs, but it clashes with the time I have to collect me son from school. Were they ok with you changing your appointment time? I dont want to muck them around already, but I dont have anyone who can collect him for me.
You would think that common sence would avail, and that they would love you doing a course, but it doesnt seen to work like that. I have gone from a Senior Insurance Claims handler (pre being a stay at home mum), to now looking for any cleaning work. I dont mind, as I just want something to fit in with school hrs (if this is even poss). What I do mind, is that I feel like I am being spoken down to all the time, and I am now loosing all me self confidence. :(
I rang my work prog place and asked to speak to my adviser-I explained that the time she wanted to see me clashed with picking up my son from school at 3.20. She rearranged for the next day,, which is going to be the 24th at 1. This means a 2 hour appt would get me out of there at 3, enough time. Totally understand what your saying about being spoken down to or being made to feel like a piece of dog poo lol!! They forget that I like you, had experience pre children. I have 7 years office exp and cannot get work, although I do get interviews from time to time, which is something. I signed my son up to a childcare centre, but were not going to originally pick up from his school as there were no other kids to collect! Went into a blind panic as there is NO childminders that do his school in my town!!! Luckily, because ive used the centre before, they said yes, as its likely to be 5 days per week that ill be working. When i get a job that is!
I was looking into higher ed as an option as well, but still undecided as I need to work as well as do my studies if that is the path I chose. Going to sign on monday, so gonna have a word with them about the access course hours. See what gormless experession I'll get! Ring up and ask to speak to your personal adviser on the work programme if you can, otherwise just ring up insight and say it needs to be changed to a more suitable time. You also have the right to make a complaint if they are not helping you-dont take any crap off them! Look on the company website and check out who you need to make a complaint to and keep it to hand. Give um a today and let me know how you get on.
Thanks for advice Domali9803,
Just phoned them, and after all the worry, they were fine. Have just changed it to an earlier time, same day. No probs! Im still worried about the appointment next week tho. Let me know how you get on with your appointment, and what they have to say about the studies!
Hi all, I want to redirect you to continue your discussions on the Work Programme to our thread Urgent Advice please re: The Work Programme as this is the area that our Parliamentary Officer Laura responds too.
Today she has written something about childcare and leaving your children unattended, so scroll down on the above thread and see if you can find it :)
Hi Domali9803, welcome to One Space
Here is a summary from a job advert for a DNA assessor:
So it sounds like they are there to support you rather than take blood and help you find a job that fits with your genes!! I hope this answers your question.
How are you finding the work programme?