Advice Please
Hi, I'm not yet a single parent but i am on the way to be one. I was just wondering if anybody can help me tho as i live in house with my partner and our daughter. He rents this house but he also has a flat that we used to live in that he is paying the mortgage on. Currently there are two other people that live there but when we split up my other half will go back to live there. He says that i will have to leave this rented house and go back to live with my parents with our daughter. My parents don't have a huge house so we will be living in just one room together. My daughter is 3. I was just wondering if i have any rights? Can he just tell me to leave and live back with my parents? I dont even know where to look for this kind of information? Thanks.
Hello there
You must be feeling pretty churned up with all that is happening. :( Sparkling is right, whose name is on the tenancy? If only his, then you have no rights but if he is leaving, you could negotiate with the landlord. If it is a joint one then he cannot force you to leave but of course you will need to speak to the landlord anyway to get a new tenancy agreement drawn up, and of course if you stay you will be responsible for 100% of the rent.
Are you working? if not, then you can claim Income Support for you and your daughter and also Housing Benefit which would cover most of your rent (as long as the flat is not deemed by the authorities to be too large ie if it is only two bedrooms then that would be fine) and your Council Tax would also be paid. I guess what you need to do is figure out if, with Council tax paid and most, if not all, of the rent, then could you live on £64.30 Income Support for you (if you are over 18), £42 Child Tax Credit for your daughter and Child benefit of £20 ie a total of £126 per week. You can also earn up to £20 a week and get £20 maintenance a week without it affecting your benefits.
Hope this helps :)
Hi kimgrey1
Here is the link for the Citizens Advice Bureau:
You could also call up your local council.
They have knowledge of all housing issues + phoneline + well organised website.
big huuug for you
Hi there,
If you don't have a joint rental agreement , there is very little rights available to you as you are not married and in the UK , legal rights for co-habiting couples, unless something is legally written prior to moving in , are virtually non-existent. However, he does have parental responsibility to your little one, if he is named on the birth cert and this will ensure he has to adhere to certain things....I would contact a free advice family solicitor who will be able to tell you exactly what you are entitled to. Hope it all works out for you.
Good luck!
I'm sorry that you're facing this.
Unfortunately, having a bit more information might help a bit more - not prying, honest...
Are you married?
Is the rental agreement in his name? Would it not be possible for you to take on the house and pay the rent - you could speak to the Landlord maybe?
Seeking advice from CAB would be an idea as they could let you know how things stand.