Am I going Mad ?
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I did sleep well, thank you.
I treated myself to some new pillows the other day, as my neck has been making the most awful cracking noises (had terrible whiplash years ago).
While it still takes me ages to nod off, I've had two nights sleep now! :D
Just had a run in with the Beaver leader via emai. Another confession... I feel she's stamping on my toes, not just treading on them. Not often I give a short sharp reply back. But she had one. She almost apologised... :lol:
Well done, you ;)
HI everyone, certainly haven't b*ggered off, well I suppose I did went to a wedding in Scotland. Feeling quite proud of myself actually as we were obviously both invited ages ago but I decided to go anyway! So I navigated the airport with ;- One suitcase (so heavy I couldn't lift it), one hand luggage (still have neck ache), one car seat and what else...oh yes one small child!!! and a cuddly toy of course!! But we made it and had a great time and after one very bumpy flight in a plane the size of an airfix model and two trains later we are finally home. Hope everyone is ok and Hi to everyone new
Hi mousie, glad your back.
I was thinking about you the other day hoping you were ok. Well done for continuing the trip.
I think you sometimes feel like i do. Sometimes its hard to motivate yourself and i suffer in silence. I went to a shopping centre today, i had to buy some things for the greenbelt festival (away from frid to mon), but whilst walking around i suddenly felt anxious, kept looking at happy couples and feeling really really sad. Im 41 and worried thats it for me, i know ive got so much to give and am an honest decent person and usually very confident and easy going but my mind keeps wondering and i get so fed up. I need to brerak this cycle and focus on myself but its difficult, when i got there i nearly came straight back home but i pushed myself like you must have done. Hope this makes sense.
Does anyone else understand what i mean.
On a lighter note my neck looks normal now but ive now been bitten on the arm, i took what i thought was an antihistamine tablet only to discover it was a flu capsule !, when i cleared th ekitchen i must have mixed up the tablets.
Sadsy i hope your okay, how did things go today ?
Anyway I may post another picture (not another one of me dont worry) but of my gnat bitten arm !
take care all !.
another picture would be cool, just not so handsome this time!
I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about, but the whole world seems to be populated by happy couples! It's so annoying. Park benches, big couple little couple, big and little, dark and dark, dark and light, old, young, on cycles, with dogs, jogging, with zimmer frames, holding hands, squeezing each other's bottoms, park benches, logs, smooching on the grass, wheeling those tartan shopping trolleys, hands in each other's pockets, laughing and sparkling at each other. I've had enough of it!
or is it just me?
Yes I see them,
My little girl loves Mrs doubtfire i love that film yet its a sad story , now shes moved on to E.T , Hopefully soon she may watch the sopranos and frazier (yes i like frazier sorry).
I am a hopeless romantic sadsy, nearly cried once whilst watching the sound of music, but keep that to yourself ( deep cough). Its nice to see old couples holding hands.
Anyway are you ok ?
Sadsy one day we will once again be putting the bin out for a woman who appreciates us, Life is a big mystery , why are we here ? answer to put the bin out every week.
I once had a dream where i was being chased by a number nine !
Im rambling again,
Im setting up a new thread now ive got an idea that may help us all.
Big hug to you sadsy.
Hi everyone
Mouise well done you for going to that wedding on your own, especially as weddings are such emotional occasions! Sounds like your arms could be about reaching the floor with all that stuff to carry, though.
Bourne, is your gnat bite still bad? Sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you mean about the world being in "couples". I made several attempts to go to things on my own as a single person, I could manage the cinema but the theatre was harder as there is an interval and I felt self-conscious being on my own, so I came home in the interval. One thing I would say is that I do know a large number of UNhappy couples though, and even with those we see in the park/shopping, we don't know what is really going on in their relationship so don't always think they they have it sussed.
Sadsy, it's not just you...when you feel alone it does seem that things are in sharper relief, including the sight of other people's relationships. It helps to identify what are the most difficult times for you...this sounds silly but I always used to sit at the front window on Friday teatimes and watch the cars coming down the road and feel very sad that everyone had someone coming home to them and I didn't....the "solution" was merely NOT to sit at the window on Friday teatimes and be busy doing something else instead. The point is, once i had identified where I was most vulnberable, I could avoid that.
Unfortunately I am most vulnerable when I see HIM
Can someone please stop this rollercoaster I want to get off.....
Had such a good time in Scotland thought I was finally getting somewhere then saw him today and cried for 4 solid have puffy eyes and no energy :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Oh mousie, I'm so sorry.
please don't cry.
Big hug for you :)
Its not easy sometimes and you have to ride the wave for some time, it will all pass and you will be okay i promise.
I find it hard too, stupid things trigger it off, Its too easy to think about good things , things we will miss, but when i stop and take stock of my situation i realised i wasnt getting much in return, why waste energy on a one sided relationship.
It is a rollercoaster ride, but roll with the punches because this will make you a stronger person. You mentioned previously that you had to persuade your daughter to see your ex is she coping okay ?
If you need to cry cry, it releases toxins that build up and releases some stress, it sounds like your health may be suffering a bit, make sure you drink plenty of water and focus on you and your life, dont think about his.
Hope your okay.
I wont be online for a few days.
I will be at the greenbelt festival, i will post a link so you can see the pics ( not that you may be interested).
take care all, hope your still here when i get back, and dont think because im away you can start gossiping about interesting subjects like sparkling water.
off to my big double bed alone, four fluffy pillows and no teddy bears cos im a ruddy bloke.
have a great time at the festival, bourne, and we look forward to some pictures.....
Hi Mousie
Awww i am sorry you were so sad. I do hope you managed a decent sleep and that things look a bit brighter this morning. Crying is actually very healing, as bourne says, so it is a good sign that you are doing it, although it certainly won't feel like it at the time! Grief's a strange thing; we do not seem to recover in a straight line, it is very up and down (a roller-coaster as you say) BUT the down bits gradually get less.
I don't know if you like to read books about your situation or find them helpful? There are a couple I can recommend: "Putting Children First" by Karen and Nick Woodall (available from amazon or, which has a large, excellent section on whether you are the "leaver" or the "left" and how to cope in the early days. Also "I can mend your Broken Heart" by Paul McKenna.
I suppose it is difficult for you to judge whether it is more curative to avoid your little girl's dad or to force yourself to see him and try to become de-sensitised: only you can comment on that one!
Take care
I wont be online for a few days.
I will be at the greenbelt festival, i will post a link so you can see the pics ( not that you may be interested).
take care all, hope your still here when i get back, and dont think because im away you can start gossiping about interesting subjects like sparkling water.
off to my big double bed alone, four fluffy pillows and no teddy bears cos im a ruddy bloke.
Have a lovely time Bourne.
Yeah... but fluffy pillows can be cuddled - I know I cuddle mine! Take care, and I look forward to seeing the pics.
I received a text from my husband today it read ' Am missing you, hope you are having a good day, love you x x x' but it wasn't for me - apparently he sent it to me by mistake!! or perhaps this was his gutless way of telling me he has met someone else!! :( Feel like I have gone into shock, just feel sick and numb and just generally lost really. Have just cleared the wardrobe of his clothes and taken down the last remaining wedding picture, my little girl can hardly move in her bedroom as its fullof the boxes of his stuff i packed months ago that apparently he doesn't have room for! don't know what to do now - a bonfire perhaps?? Think i really need some help guys, how do others cope - he was my world!! Also the house is in both our names but is there any way i can stop him coming around when he likes??
Hi mousie, no wonder you felt sick! I am going to be generous enough to think that he sent it by mistake, not to rub salt into the wound. How infuriating though! :x
You sound as if you are wondering how you are going to get through all this and I know it seems like a long and impossible road at the moment. Do take some comfort from the experiences of others (such as sparkling lime) who have been through this time and those others on this board who are going through it with you. There will be good days and bad days, just a total rollercoaster as we said. There's no "easy" way through and some days the best that you can tell yourself is that you got through that day and you are now a day nearer to being happy.
it might be worth a letter to him saying that you have packed up all his things and they need to be colected by date "x" as after that you cannot store them for him. It is up to him to find alternative storage!
re the photos, I don't know if you read what some of the others were saying about photos on another thread but anyway I would urge you not to destroy them or cut his face out of the picture etc...for your daughter's sake. Just put them away, but do let her keep a picture or two of her dad in her room if she wants to, however it makes you feel when you go in there :shock:
Re the house, does he just turn up unannounced? Who is paying the rent/mortgage? I think you need a bit of legal advice about whether to change the locks
Take care, mousie, if you want a legal advisor you can go to
Oh mousie,
that's so awful for you, to find out by accidental txt.
I did change locks, not sure if it is legal or not. it was £104 for 3 barrels. It was when ex say she turn up with lover to collect things in van. I suspect I could not refuse to give her a key if she wanted one. I have offered to give her items if she makes a list, and I have gradually delivered them every fortnight.
It takes time for your love to die. Hurting moments like this speed it along. Soon, you will not care if he is with someone or not. You may pity the new partner. Your focus will turn to you and what you want from your own life. For now, you need to survive the day. Try get out of house, give yourself a treat. Stay away from pesky couples that are in love! It is very painful! Family photos are poison to me at the moment. I'm not ready to look at them yet.
Just look at today, not any further ahead.
huuug for you mousie
Hi me again
Went to my mums yesterday, before I left I put all his stuff outside and told him i would be out so he could pick it all up, and he did - so job done. However he did not leave the key as i asked and has taken my daughters passport. I text and asked for them back but he said he was keeping them so 'I couldn't disappear with her'. obviously he knows that I wouldn't do this as I have two older children and all my family here as well as no money, so i am nervous. how can I get it back, any advice?? I will not let him see her whilst he has it although I have not yet told him that!! I loved this man so much and for so long and I feel so betrayed . I have laid awake in bed for two nights now with images of him and his new women (although I have no idea what she looks like) and I just cant bear it.. If I saw him I dont know what I would do and if I saw them both I probably do know what I would do so obviously have to avoid this. I am a completely passive person so I am not used to be feeling so angry and bitter and it is eating away at me! I dont want to be this person I also am having difficulty with him blatantly lying about things and saying it was all my fault. What is the point of him lying to me when I know the truth. I just cant see a way forward at the moment and I only have a week before my little girl starts school so should be doing so much! I did find a couselling service and filled out a referral form but it has a 6 week waiting list. HELP
Hi Mousie
I totally agree with you. Do not let him see your daughter until you get the passport from him. Although I haven't been in your situation, I really feel for you. All the emotions you are feeling about him are completely normal and understandable. Try and take your mind off things by getting things organized for your little girls school. It might help a little!
Sorry I've not been much help.
Take care
Hey mousie,
change lock barrels? You need to feel secure that things are not going missing from home.
So sorry things are awful for you. I remember still loving my ex and having to suffer seeing them cuddle on grass whilst I had 30 mins with my daughter in the park. I had to turn and walk away. It hurt so much. Also, I had never felt jealousy before, and really was not prepared for it. Overwhelmed by different emotions.
I don't love her now* and I pity her new partner. It took 3 months though.
Yes counselling through nhs takes many weeks. I was lucky I had money for private counsellor. I couldn't last 6 weeks.
You could report passport missing and get a new one sent to you. Old one would be inactive then?
Withholding contact will increase anger stakes. The trust between you is falling away now.
Have you thought about mediation as means of easing separation? I nearly achieved it. But once hurt stakes increase, it becomes almost impossible.
Worth documenting events in case you both end up in court.
Huug for you mousie
*allright a little bit.
That's the link to the passport office website, incase there is some information there that's helpful.
While I didn't have (and have never been able to afford to get) passports for the children, I did state in mediation that he was not to take them abroad. He also knew had he tried I'd have taken prohibitive steps to prevent him doing so (long story involving a Texan).
If you have a key-cutting shop in your town, they could well sell the barrel lock that fits your door. It's something that you can change yourself. I had to change mine due to faulty keys - or at least the keys that came with it couldn't have copies cut. If you open your door, there will be a screw that's located by the latch part.
I'm glad he's taken his things. Something else to cross off the list.
Keep typing Mousie. It can be therapy in itself writing things down.
Loads of hugs, and pack as much fun as you can into the week with your daughter. I hate it when they go back to school!
Hi mousie
What a horrible thing to happen!
Witholding contact with your daughter pending the return of the passport will just escalate the conflict, but this MIGHT be worth doing if you thought that he would misuse the passport? However, I would suggest you write him a letter asking for the passport back. Say that you give him your word that you will not just "disappear" with your daughter. You know, thinking of it from his point of view, he must truly be frightened he will lose touch with his daughter.
If he does not hand it back, then do as sadsy suggests and apply for a new one, stating that the old one has been mislaid and asking that it is cancelled.
Have you checked other things in the house, such as her birth certificate? it might be worth keeping an envelope of precious documents at someone else's house so that this can't happen again.
Take care, mousie :)
Hi Mousie,
Ive just logged on at greenbelt to see all is well, however its not is it.
But to pack all the stuff up is what ive had to do and its the beggining of closure. Theres been some good advice about passport, CHANGE LOCKS Immediately, then you dont worry about him having any power over you (Which is what he seems to be doing, nice).
Got to go but everyones here for you , dont worry.
Your on your way i can tell, few more ups and downs then it will level off, Use the advice dont do nothing ( thats my advice not an order).
Thank you everyone x
Has anyone heard from Pansy? Is she ok?
Bourne - can't believe u are away at festi and still looking in - what a great guy you are - thank you x
Bourne, I hope you're having a great time.
Been thinking of Pansy too...
Where is Pansy?
It's not the same without her?
Hope you having fun bourne, I've never been to music festival. I'd like to go, but not do pxx in woods though. Might get an embarrassing rash from nettles. Also walking in bushes with toilet roll bit of, say to warden "just studying lesser spotted slug, they are attracted to floral loo rolls, don't you know?".
Pansy might be on holiday?
Sigh. Maybe I reinstate "kissing week" to lure her back...or will it keep her away? - LOL.
αγκάλιασμα για σας
Every time I read the title of this thread I think... Yes! probably :D
No offence intended, that's just the first thing that goes through my head....
Every time.. and it's been alive for a while now, so I have like this sort of mental torrets thing going round and round in my head when ever this thread comes up to the top on the active posts thing : )
maybe its the madness that keeps us sane!!!
I can't disagree!! :D
Yep, pure madness....
Im back, Ive had quite an ordeal which i will summarise, Hope everyone is okay.
I see sadsy has really lost it now ! and bubblegum eventually gave in and posted on this thread, yep hes bonkers too. In fact you all are except me.
I must admit though i felt a bit down now and again but thats part of the process i suppose, I got a nice smile off one woman which was so nice, sometimes people smile at you and it really is a nice mini connection. On the otherhand another woman in the tent across from us ( me and my brother) burst out laughing when i was brushing my teeth outside the tent one morning in just my boxers, i thought she was laughing at undies but she said it was because it was so unexpected!?
Anyway greenbelt is religious festival, im not deeply religious at all, but i believe there is a greater force , another dimension, you know, the analogy of the cave etc. But my brother is and i liked the music part. It was very very good.
We played our guitars and sang inside the tent untill the early hours, ( putting some stuff up on utube later this year so i will let you know if your interested). Anyway enough of that i must be boring you.
Wheres pansy , is she ok, sparklinglime you should go to an arts festival loads to do, i met the author of toxic childhood. She was explaining how children today are sleep deprived, facebook, beebo, texting in the early hours, getting no deep sleep because they listen out for the beep as a text comes in, consumerism, oh it goes on and its a big worry.
Mousie hope things are okay for you and you are handling the sudden downs like i am trying to do, I had a bad experience though. I was talking to my brother explaining how i gave and gave but got such little in return, how she punched me in the face one time again and again and i just stood there in disbelief ( she attacked me because i was calm and she was in a temper, a falling out over something trivial as usual) and other things. I felt so angry inside because i felt cheated, she never showed much interest, wasnt affectionate, blamed me for her temper, her clinical depression, I would try to be a father figure to her daughter and set boundaries like bedtime, what time she came in, but she would not go up to bed at the time we agreed and told her mum what time she would come in. Instead of asking her mum or me, when i tried to maintain those boundaries , her daughter would make a scene and my ex would side with her, undermine me and i would be the bad one, both of them against me. My ex would ignore me for days, I sat there and thought how awful, how awful my life has been for several years, I tried my hardest and for what, abuse. I could have cried i felt so sad, i felt ill. Then i got up to leave the Cafe (in a tent) and picked up my coat, i just wanted to get some air, picked up the wrong coat ( some old ladys !)
got my coat and as i lifted it over the chair knocked over her husbands hot chocolate. I wanted the ground to open up but then my brother took me outside and told me to do something physical to release some anger, so we went to the drum tent and beat the .. out of some drums.
Sorry to waffle, i think in summary form Im having down times like you as its early in the process and to bear with it but also do something physical, do you swim, run, yoga , ??? if not maybe you should throw yourself into something like that, it does does does help.
best finish ive gone raving mad , must be related to sadsy.
take care x
I didnt summatrise my ordeal but will tell you bits as i go along.
Toodle pip
summarise, i am well educated and can spell but my typing is pretty crop.
Its good to have you back bourne, its a shame you're up north and not down South or I'd smile at you to make you feel better and I'd buy you a beer! Unfortunately i don't really have a physical outlet at the mo! i'm just one of those peaceful souls who just likes to 'be' places, I love to walk in the rain, be by the sea, listen to the waves,feel the wind in my face, love a good storm, gaze at the you get the picture.. .oh my god this now sounds like one of those dating ads!!!
Its my wedding anniversary today so waking up (well actually didn't really sleep) knowing he was with someone else pretty much ripped me to shreds really, so thinking this is rock rock bottom things can only get better...I was sadly wrong :(
Tonight i found out that he had basically done something so low that I am in total shock ( a story far too long and intricate to bore you all with) and am left wondering if I ever knew this person at all! knowing he is gonna be in my life for the next 12 years at least is filling me with dread as I just know he is gonna be as difficult as posssible regarding EVERYTHING.
however my little girl's beautiful smile will once again pull me through
Hope everyone else had a better day x x
Dont worry about things that have not happened yet, ( I do that too), The future will be that you will be happy with your little girl. He can stay with that woman because he doesnt deserve you. One day he will do the same to her.
You will meet a nice man one day but take your time, get to know the person first, there are nice men out there , id like to think i am.
Everyone whos on this forum appear to be so helpful and nice. Sadsy even helps with the DIY, he never offers to do it himself though ?
You came to the right place and so did i to get some support.
i have just been through the aniversary date, etc, wedding albums, hundreds of photos, etc, etc.
Anyway you keep talking, wish you could explain the thing he did it may help you, but if you dont wish to dont worry. There are things i want to say but unsure. I dont want to seem like im pulling my ex down all the time i want to tell you but also dont want to come across as perfect because im sure im not, nice but not perfect.
Big Big Hug x
Hello everyone
Sorry to hear that you had that experience with the coat and hot chocolate, bourne, you felt embarrassed but your brother was there and I have to say that I imagine you made that lady's day appearing in your boxer shorts! :oops: Welcome back, I am gald the festivla was in general a positive experience for you.
Mousie you are in a difficult place right now with more and more things adding to your emotional rollercoaster. I think bourne is right, the new woman will have to go through the same thing, eventually. Keep thinking of your lovely little girl! And we will all be here to metaphorically hold your hand.
In answer to the title of this thread, that a few of you have mentioned, the answer is NO! it is everyone else who is mad, not US!!!! :D
A reminder to all:
One Space is an interactive website to support single parents who are parenting alone.
We aim to achieve this by providing relevant articles, links to useful organisations and online parenting groups where single parents can get support from parenting professionals.
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Scrabble anyone?
I always loose at Scrabble...
I like Boggle too - smaller words, easier for me to cope with :D
May i remind you sadsy this is a serious forum and humour will not be tolerated, you are therefore sentenced to fifty lashes and sixty toe tickles, you will now be banished to an island where you will be forced to wear a green jump suit and eat cabbage daily, you were warned.
Scrabble anyone ?
did someone say scrabble???
mousie , scrabble is a game for experts only.
Hi bourne,
we haven't heard from you for a while, how are you doing? Hope everything's Ok
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Oh I do hope you had a good night's sleep after your busy evening, Sparkling.
Sadsy, give us a clue! ;)