Contact - child-pressure :)
Hi Clara
Sorry you had such a bad day, conversations in text can really escalate and get hurtful, can't they? Can you bear to not reply AT ALL? That would be a very powerful thing to do.
To be really practical, sparkling is right, as a single parent it is hard to have much of a life away from the kids in many cases. How do you receive your child maintenance? If not through the CSA then think about involving them (I know some people, including our own sparkling lime have not always had the best service from them but worth a try. See
Take care, stay strong :)
the maintence i get through the bank he has set up a direct debit . the only reason he said it about the money was a way of hurting me knowing that i need it . i get two lots of money from him one for the boys and the other is to help me pay all the bills this was the one he was going to stop. the money is the only way of hurting me where i can can say stuff about the boys giving me cuddles and he is struggling not seeing them . he comes in and has a cuddle from them and they go back playing the youngest gives him one and then he runs back to me .
i have tried not answering the texts but it is hard as i want answers to mine and he wont answer them if i dont answer his . my texts are normally have a lot of feelings in and the truth which he can not handle i want him to be honest with me but he cant or wont ,this is what i find annoying he expects to be honest but then he dont like what i write . i have tried not texting him but that is hard as sometimes i feel the need to ask him something or feel lonely and want someone to talk to . i know that it should not be him but being with him for 18 years it is hard to break the pattern .
last couple of days have been quite emotional i have poured my heart out in texts and e-mails wanting to tell him how i feeland asking questions but he don't like them as he said they are nasty and hurtful but then the truth always hurt . i feel like curling up and staying inside the house where i know that i am safe i have not even bothered to get dressed to day have a bad head think it is from the crying and the stress, this so unlike me i am normal dressed early in the morning .
i go back to work next week which i think will be good i have been home with the boys for 6 weeks , it has been a long and stressful time he has harldy seen them .it will be good to have adult company again and the boys will be back at school so they can meet up with all their friends . it will be stressful getting all their homework and reading done as well as tea but i will cope some how at least i wont be rushing of to the gym so i can all my time will be on them . i will have to put the sticker chart back up to help as they like getting stickers for doing things well
what is it with stickers? You are right...
Sorry your days are hard. Texting can get out of hand. I restrict mine to just practical things, meeting times, phone times that kind of thing. When we try deal with issues of hurt, it all goes nasty and we try score points.
Tough times Clara. I know you will see it through.
Huug for you
Hi Clara
Yes, I know exactly what you mean.....when we split from a loved partner, we want to tell someone about it and talk it through and the person we normally would have turned to for help is....that loved partner. It is a catch 22 situation. However (and I guess you knew there was going to be a "however".... ;) ) you can just end up hurting yourself and prolonging the agony. Do take care of yourself.
I am sure you are right and the new term will be a fresh start for you and the boys. Hang on in there......
thanks to you both
i aways know that someone will give me advise and support on here . it is good that others have been through it and can offer help and things that i can try . i have told him that i will not text him anymore about my feelings and wont have any contact with him . the only will be about the boys if i need to . i wish that i did not have feelings for him as it would be so easy to get over him and try and rebuild my life . he says that he stills loves but i can not see that otherwise he would not of gone back this time to her or carried on hurting me i think it is just talk .
And also by saying that all the time, clara, he keeps you just where he wants you i.e. not knowing what he is about to do next.
Hope you have a better weekend and some bright sunshine to cheer you and the boys :)
Loads of hugs Clara.
You'll get there.
As Louise says, I hope you have some sunshine too.
Hi Cara
I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Really feel for you. I don't have feelings at all for my son's father, but in the past, the texts did flow. As you say, they don't like hearing the truth. I hope you keep strong.
Take care
had no contact at all yesterday but he did text at 7.40 to see if boys ok and he loves us all . i text the boys are fine he text back so touchung with your words . what does he expect me to write . i answered his text i could of been nasty and not replied .
i was with him for 18 years that is half of my life so that is why it is hard . we have done so much together as a couple and then sa a family . one opf the worst bits is taking the boys to places where we have been and all the memories come flloding back . we spent time my family on the isle of wight and going back was hard but it was good to see things that me and daddy had done . my ex did not realise how hard these are for me as and also the boys talking about things that they had done to him like putting cold water on him or tickling his feet , i find this hard but have to put a brave face on for the boys . the boys watch me all the time if i get upset they want to know why how do you explain that daddy has left again and gone back to her . i did tell them that if daddy went back to her they would not be seeing him and the eldest told him that when daddy turned up so daddy walked back out the door . maybe i should not of said anything but then i was hurt . they have not seen him since his 20 minutte visit on thur i asked him that would they beeing seeing her on thur when he has the two olders one he wanted to know why i asked and i said i wanted to know he did not like me asking so he walked out . he always does this when things are not going his way he walks out he does not facing things and can not or wont expect the truth . i think he certainly got a life now he can do what he wants when he wants as he has no responsibilities only nhimself to think of
sorry if there are spelling mistakes as i think quicker than i type so i miss words out and letters out
Hi Clara
You are really hurting right now, that much is clear. I realise it is hard but please try not to tell your children that if 'daddy' goes back to her then they can't see him. My sister was in your position, and she did exactly the same thing. The children were so confused. One week they were allowed to see him and the next they weren't. They are older now, and they do resent her for it.
It is hard Clara, but the kids don't understand really. I curse my son's father, and I admit I have said some horrible things about him (only the truth). I do know how hard it is not to express your anger in front of the kids.
I hope I haven't been too hard on this.
Take care
Hi clara
I think we all understand how you feel and many of us have been through something similar. I agree with alisoncam that the kids don't really understand and so it is good if you can keep them out of the loop when you have negative feelings. Having said that I do think it helps to express those feelings SOMEWHERE so you need to think about a trusted friend, family member, this board or even a counsellor so you can express it all, otherwise it bubbles inside.
One of my sons is very similar to his father in a number of ways. The worst thing I ever said to him, when I was cross at something he had done, was "huh, you're just like your father!" In one sense it was the biggest insult I could have thrown at him. I felt terrible afterwards and have never said it again. The fact is, our children are 50% biologically composed of that other parent and so sometimes we have to bite our tongues. :oops: Isn't is HARD though??????????
Hi Louise
I too have said that to my son, and then said sorry a million times over!!! My son (6), going on 26, then snapped back and announced he is nothing like 'the man in spain, (his words for him). My child says that when he has children of his own, even if he doesn't live with them, he will call them all the time, and visit every weekend.
It is very hard not to bad mouth their absent parent, and lots of times I do have to bite my tongue. I truely got upset when I had scrimped and saved for birthday presents and party last year, and the sperm doner sent a CARD, (because I had reminded the jerk in the 1st place) and my son said 'that was nice of him wasn't it mummy. I immediately said, yes, but added " he could have sent a little something for a gift". I do believe children shouldn't be lied too, but at the same time, we have to do our best to protect them..
Enjoy your Sunday
Take care
Hello alisoncam
You're right it is so hard not to bad-mouth the other parent, and I don't suppose there is a separated parent anywhere who hasn't done it at one time or another, but as long as we learn by it, that's all we can do. Also the thing springs to mind that it needs six positive statements to erase a negative one so lots of nice positive compliments help. One thing that school did with my youngest (and I pinched the idea) is to get a big piece of paper and put his name in a circle in the middle of it. Then they drew lines coming out of the circle (is this called a spider-graph?) and at the end of each line they wrote nice things about my son such as "a good friend" or "shares his toys". He loved it! :D
i know that i should not tell them but i was angry with him and they wanted to know why i was upset . he told me that i should not lie to them and then he does not like it when i tell them the truth it seems like a no win situation .
i have had a good day today we went blackberry picking and then my next door neighboured made blackberry and apple tarts the boys had great fun rolling out the pastry .
i have had some councelling but it has come to an end so i have to decide if i want to see some else and i also have a very good friend that listerns to all my moams she is a true friend and one that i can trust . my ex has offered to pay for me to see someone as i felt low that i thought they would be better off without me i have had these thoughts before and shocked my ex when he found out , we were seeing a doc at the time and he asked if i had sucide thoughts and i said yes . i could not do it but have felt that low that i thought they would have a better life without me .
then i look at the boys and think they would need me and a cuddle and a smile cheers me up .
Hey Clara
At very low point also so I know how you feel, but our kids need us! You're not alone, sending you big hugs. Can't bear the thought of my husband with someone else, will never forgive him for hurting my little girl and will never understand any of it. There is nothing worse than feeling utterly betrayed. But when I curl up in bed at night I look at my little girl and think whoever you are with she cant be better than this, and it is his loss that is the greatest. We will survive honey and maybe one day we will look back and be thankful they left cos we deserve better x
thanks mousie
the best thing is that i get all the cuddles and them sleeping with me and he gets nothing . this hurts him so much but it was his choice to leave . he finds it hard when the baby gives him a cuddle and then runs back to me . my middle boy is in my bed waiting for me it is funny when he wakes in the night and gives me a big hug then goes back to sleep but can not remember it in the morning . tomorrow it is the eldest turn just glad the baby sleeps in his cot as he is a nightmare to sleep with .
sometimes i think that my life is bettter without him and then other times i wish he was back here . i know that i have got the best deal in all this with having the boys but it is still hard lets hope that it gets easier as time goes on .
went to see exs nan today as the boys have not seen her for ages they made me feel very welcome and told me to pop in any time the boys were pleased to see her . it felt like it did before as i always went on my own with the boys he never came with us .
Hi Clara
Glad you had a good day yesterday, I expect their nan was very glad to see them. Sometimes in family separation the children can lose contact with all the "other" side of the family and that is a great shame as it is part of their identity and heritage. Sparkling lime will tell you about the support she has had from her ex-in laws as well.
That's fantastic you have a close friend to help. You're right, it is VERY hard work bringing up the boys on your own and also emotionally hard for you, Clara, as you go through all this stress.
Take care
Hi mousie
But when I curl up in bed at night I look at my little girl and think whoever you are with she cant be better than this, and it is his loss that is the greatest. We will survive honey and maybe one day we will look back and be thankful they left cos we deserve better x
I really like that, it is so true :D Hope your week will get better, we are here to support you through this time
i feel that when he left i lost his family but i see them more as the grandparents have the boys two nites a week after school . i know that they fine it hard in all of this . his mum has told me that she dont like her and her name is not to be mention in their house .i know that has been hard for his parents especially as he goes back and stays with them and then goes back to her , they dont like what he has does to us all coming and going ,especially when he sent me flowers for my b-day she told me she cant work himout but he is hurting as he has not seen the boys. his choice he has not come here to see them .
i need help how can i stop my boys from hitting each other it is driving me crazy . any help and advise would be good ..
think i opened my mouth to soon about the baby sleeping in his own bed as he woke up and slept with me so i there was three in the bed and he was up at 6
Hello clara
Your boys are hitting each other? Maybe everyone will have some good tips to bring in here? I guess one thing you could do is to have a think about how "serious" the hitting is and whether either is likely to get hurt. There is one school of thought that says ignore bad behaviour but wait till there is just one tiny smidgen of good bahviour and go overboard praising that. I sort of agree with that but I also acknowledge that there is only so much you can ignore! So you might decide you need to "tackle" it. if you do this, I would suggest you don't raise your voice or get cross but speak to them both firmly and say that hitting is nor acceptable behaviour and you can then tell them what the consequences are many minutes on the naughty step, or you could say if you get through the whole day without fighting you can win a sticker on your star chart (have to rush out and buy the wherewithal for this tomorrow!)
Anyone else got things that have worked for them?
My youngest (10) and the 13 year old will even roll around the floor fighting. I usually end up with them in seperate rooms. They get on well otherwise though. My 13 year old's voice has broken, and him yelling sounds a hundred times worse than the 10 year old yelling.
My daughter - who's 15!!!! will poke and annoy the 13 year old (he has special needs, so they do know he'll react). She does get a right telling off from me.
They've taken to tripping each other up as well.
I think a lot is to do with being stuck inside. It could well be that they do the same outside, just I don't notice then...
Sorry I've no suggestions here. Just be consistent in what ever method you try.
Hi Clara
I hope you are having a better day today, (even though you didn't sleep well last night). My son always sleeps with me, (I love it I have to say), then again, I haven't got 3 of them!!!!
As each day passes, I am sure you will get stronger and stronger.
Take care
thanks for advise i will try to ignore and then reward good behavour . have had good day went to bath park and the boys enjoyed going on the ramps with their scooters . when got back had text from to say just got back and was boys ok . i said yes . so he has not seen them since thur so while i have had them he has been playing the single man enjoying himself . he did text when can he see them and they go in the sea i asked why but no response . as my texts are short and to the point he dont like it thats his problem .
i have my nephew staying and the boys have been playing lovely and have all gone to bed , lets hope no wakes up feeloing a bit tired . going back to work on thur looking forward to it and the boys are looking forward to going back to school on fri . it will be good to some adult company and the boys to have their friends . lets hope this is the start of some good luck
Hi Clara
Hope you have had a good couple of days despite everything. Guess you're busy putting your energy into going back to work and the kids going back to school.
Wishing your well
Take care
just getting all the last bits of the boys bits together for school got them all new shoes .
ex came round last started talking and ending up with us both crying a lot of home truths came out which he did not like to hear . sent him e-mail after he left to his work which he would get this morning a lot of hard hitting things in it about my feelings and the boys . he does not like me telling him how i feel but he wont tell me how he feels . the boys dont talk about him
i know that i am only hurting myself again but i feel he needs to know the truth .he does not like what i e-mail as you say the truth hurts , he is taking the boys out for the day tomorrow on his own . he asked again about saturdays and i said that i dont want them seeing her he said is the only of having his boys on a sat is to do it alone i said yes , he will find it hard as i do he has always had her help and dont realize it is hard work . they need to spend time with him alone as they have had the chance before . i am protecting them from getting hurt what happens if in a month or so he leaves her again and then goes back to his mums he has done this three times this year from march but this time he wont be coming back to me as he has done the last three times . i have to be strong .
Hi Clara
I think you are right about your sons seeing their dad on their own. They need father and son time together after what they have been through. It will do them good to have a day out tomorrow with him. I'm sure he will cope just fine! It won't seem like it right now, but one day you will wake up, and the hurt won't be as painful, and you'll become even more stronger. Takes time though.
x :)
hi alisioncam
thanks for your advise i hope that the boys have a good day with him , i have got the youngest as he goes back to nursery tomorrow . it was so much easier last year as i hated him but this year is so much harder . lets hope as the year goes on it will start to get easier and will not want to come back .
Hi Clara
How are you doing? Did your youngest go to nursery ok today? I hope the older ones are having fun with their dad.How did your first day back at work go? Sorry, all these questions, haha.
Stay strong.
Take care
x :)
Hope its going ok too.
hi all
first day back was boring as we did not have a lot of children . the youngest had a great day at nursery playing with his friends . the other two had a great day at minehead with their dad, he found out how tiring it is to be on the go all day . it was just him and them .
i feel tired as the boys slept with me again last nite but they are both in their own bed tonight . i went out with a friend for a meal it was good to catch up and have a moan . she was telling me that she is going away for 4 months to south america i feel jealous but hopes that she has a good time . going to bed early boys go back to school so have a day just me and little one and cleaning what joy all i seem to do lately is clean .
Hi clara
For some reason I managed to completely miss this post. How are you enjoying your free time?
You have been having a right time of it. I think everyone has given some great information and support, I wanted to say that I think it is great that you have had the opportunity to speak your mind and be completely honest with your ex. The important thing to remember now is how he responds to it. You have a right to be listened to and you should not need to repeat yourself time and time again over the months, this means you have not been listened to it is just trickery. I am really happy to hear that he had your boys on their own, it is so important for them .... and him!
If you feel lonely or need to talk about something, please come on here and start another thread and just let it out, as it will not help the progression of your separation if you always turn to him, I know it is hard, but he needs to learn that he is not your everything and he can't keep playing you. Some people have found when they are feeling especially low they have rung the Samaritans, I have done a couple of times, not really knowing why, but basically because I needed to talk to someone. They were very good and much better to speak to than calling up my mum in the middle of the night, or calling my ex, who would have taken it as an invitation to come back and stomp all over my life again!
What is your job??
hi anna
i work in a day nursery with 2-3 year olds . have had a quiet day little one slept for couple of hours it was lovely . it was lovely for the boys yesterday with daddy . he wanted to know what they were doing tomorrow as it is normal his day but i am taking them to the skateboard park he asked if he could come , he knows that is the only way of seeing them as they wont be seeing her . i really thought that he might of taken her along yesterday but he would not as i had ask so that was a good thing he had listern to my views . he found it hard work having the two he should try it with threelike i have to .
boys have just come home from school, peace shattered and they are full of beans they have both had a good day . i wish they would learn to play together and help each other as all they seem to do is fight . it is such a hard job to get them to do the simple tasks like picking up their clothes and tidying their bedroom the middle is better than the eldest
I'm so glad you went out for a meal. That must have been so nice.
Hope you catch up on some sleep. I'm exhausted and they've only been at school for three days!
mine have only gone back today so will get back in to a rountine next week . went to bed earlier than normal but was awake very early i was waiting for the alarm to go off at 6 . i can not seem to win when it comes to sleeping .
the meal was lovely and it was good to have time away from the boys .
she is going away for 4 months to south america i feel jealous but hopes that she has a good time
When my daughter was smaller I had 2 friends that travelled a lot (they still are my friends!!), I used to be green with envy and think that life was SOO unfair that i was left holding the baby etc. But they used to always send me postcards and I loved to receive them. I even put a bamboo roller blind in my kitchen and inserted the cards all over the there, it was fab. I think it was good for them too, especially when they were at a bit of a loss, or feeling homesick, they could get it down on paper. It also looked like I had a very worldly social circle!!!
I know we are in the days of Facebook now, and friends of mine who are travelling now, tend to send all their news via that. But ask your mate to send postcards and then she can see them when she gets back.
Another little point I want to add is that, my daughter is now 14 and soon I will be the one off travelling, yeehah! While they will be stuck at home doing the school run, ahhhh!
I hope you have a good weekend, any plans? :)
hi anna
my friend will be setting up a blog or will be e-mailing us to where she will be . we are going to put a map up so the boys can trek her whereabouts .
we have spent the day today with their daddy going to bath park and then out for lunch it was good . tonight we are watching x factor with chocolates .
tomorrow is the start of the boys rugby training and then relaxing in the afternoon and getting all the school stuff ready . next week got four days of work so will be busy and the boys will be getting back in to the swing of going back to school .
Hi clara, enjoy the outdoorsy, testosterone morning tomorrow! I hope the weather is reasonable, although it is always normal for rugby players to end up completely covered in mud. I think thats why they enjoy it soo much!!
Glad you day went well today with visit to the park with daddy.
I hope tomorrow afternoon is relaxing. Good Luck at work and getting in to the swing of things and enjoy your chocolate tonight. I didn't know X Factor is back on, let me know if there are any acts worth watching! :)
hi anna
we had a great nite last night watching the x factor and the chocs . the boys like seeing who they like and who are rubbish and pretend to be the judges
rugby was good the weather is sunny but cold . the youngest spent the morning with daddy so i could concentrate on the older two . boys are relaxing after playing rugby and the youngest is a bed so i can so quiet time before i have to do tea , pack lunches and getting the house tidy for a busy week of work
Busy busy busy! The joys of motherhood and parenting alone!
It sounds like a good day - I hope you are having a nice relaxing evening, a bit of peace and quiet - just for you. :)
I hope the boys get off to school ok and work goes well. :)
hi all
think that i may have done something stupid i let my ex come back in to my life , even though i said i would not to it again . he promised me it would be different as he should not of let me go last time . we spent the weekend together which was lovely and he even told his mum and dad who were pleased . he stayed over sat sun and mon it was just like before . i asked him to delete her on face book which he did on mon nite but then found out on tue that he has added her again and spent all day talking to her even though at the weekend she did not want nothing to do with him and i thought this was good as it made it easier for us to try . when i asked if he had added her he said no but on wed he said that he had i felt hurt that he had lied to me . text that there will always be three people in the relationship and that my feelings did not count he told me to get over it . she will not let him get the rest of his clothes she did this before as a ploy and then in the end he went back . i was angry with him and he would not talk to me at all yesterday so i kept on phoning and texting to annoy him . he was not happy that i sent an e-mail to his phone at 5.30 it was meant for his work . he thinks we will not work as i am asking to many questions i told him it wont work as he can let go of her . i think that he will go back to her unless she is strong enough to say no . i am not sleeping and eating as too many things are going through my head and he will not give me any answers so i dont know what is going i will wait and see what happens . i wish he would talk to me but he said all i do is scream and shout . i am not going to text or e-mail him and see what happens now . the boys have enjoyed daddy being around and asked when he is staying next .
i dont know how to open a new thread so i addded it here
Hi Clara.
This is my take on things here..
You need to tell him to get out.. If he wants to be part of your life he must do so on your terms and no faffing about and lying.
Now I don't know the ins and outs of your life and relationship.. but! having just read the above post this bloke is walking all over you and you are letting him and I think you know that, so why are you letting him? There is no such thing as a successful compromise or something just for the benefit of your children as it's not going to benefit them. In fact I think the only person who is going to benefit is your bloke as he gets to do what he wants.
Sorry if I seam harsh but there you go I have seen things like this so many times since I became a single parent and got to hang about with lots of single mums. It just seams that there are blokes out there running about giving all us other blokes a bad name : ) and women who let them do it!!
Anyway, sorry again if what I say sounds harsh, but seriously tell him to get lost and then get on with your life, start planing your life around YOU and your kids, make some new friends in different circles, join some single parent type groups or just some groups, is there a community centre near you that does stuff? ...and if he is going to fit in to your life then he must do so on your grounds and not to the detriment of you and your children.
So there you go : )
good luck.
Hi clara
I have been away on holiday so have only just caught up with this thread.
How are things with the boys' dad now? I do agree with Bubblegum, it has to be on your terms or not at all. Apart from your own sanity (!) it is just so confusing for the boys to have daddy coming and going and will undermine their security. But you have to be strong and stick to a decision once you decide what to do. I think you know in your heart of hearts what to do, but only you can do it
Take care
Louise :)
Hi clara - how painful for you.
Until you shut that door forever this is going to go round and round in circles till long after the boys have left home. It is not for the girlfriend to end it, it is for you to find the strength to do what no-one else in this mess is prepared to let go and move on to pastures new.
You will always have your boys, so as bubblegum says, it is for him to abide by your rules as to when he comes and sees them and for how long.
There is such an amazing world out there and plenty of different friends to be made. You deserve much more than this, the situation can only change once you start believing this.
How are you today??
Sending loads of hugs and strength your way Clara.
Hi Clara
I know that all of this is confusing for you with your ex, but if it is like that for you, think how it must be for the boys. They simply don't understand, and if their father is coming back, then it is building their hopes up, and then they have their world destroyed again when he goes. It isn't fair on any of you, but they are only children.
I know how easy it is to keep taking the partner back, but you really do have to think of the kids. If you honestly think that you and he can get back together, then it should be done slowly, but not with him moving back in anytime soon. Start the 'dating' game again, and build the relationship back up.
I hope you are ok, and the children.
Take care
x :)
thanks for all your comments . the worse bit in all this is that he is refusing to talk to me and this gets me more angry . fri i went to get my mortgage sorted out and it has gone up by 200 hundred pounds start to worry as he said he is cutting his hours at work asked if is cutting my money he asked if getting worried said yes he just said ha ha . asked about what is going on with us he said to busy . text on sat asked to go to his nans grave , he met us there asked to talk said not the right place and walked away . seen at his mums later and said did not want to talk asked if gone back to her he said he is staying single . seen him coming out of the rugby club with her in the car . boys wanted to show him there new rugby kit so texted him out side the pub he came and seen them asked if we could talk tomorrow just looked at me and walked away .
i know what i should do but it is hard i get nervous when he turns up and i love him ., i sometimes wish that i never and it would make my life so easy. i wish that he would talk to me as this doing my head in i dont know where i stand and it is not fair on the boys daddy coming in and out of there lives .
thinking about this i dont think he wanted us to work or he would of tried he told me that we had to have ground rules and we had to change but he has not changed and i dont think that he ever will . the worse thing is that we told our parents that we going to try again . he will say that it is all my fault that i was horrible to him and that i kept on texting and phoning him on wed night well if he would talk to me i would not of done it that only makes want to do it more .
i await to see what happens tommorrow when he comes round to see the boys but i do know for one thing that if he does go back the boys will not be seeing her i will keep them on a sat and the other nights he has to see them at the house he can not go on hurting them and i have to think of them . if he does not like it that is his problem
Hi clara
You still sound so confused, poor you, this situation is really messing with your head and, as I said before, it is very confusing for your boys. I notice you said "I will await to see what happens tomorrow" I wonder if this is part of the difficulty, that you are always having wait and see what he does next? For your own sanity and the boys' security, you need to take control of this situation, make a decision and move forward with your lives. Whilst he can threaten to cut your money and worry you then he has power. Better to live peacefully in a different (rented with the help of Housing Benefit?) house than surrender your control. Peace of mind is paramount, Clara.
Hi clara, have we talked about counselling?
Just thinking you could also have a look at the Couple Connection website, or perhaps get in touch with Relate, I really think you would benefit from having time to talk to a professional about all of this.
How are you doing today??
It's early days Clara.
I'm five years down the road and no, I don't have a life. He's had three fiances - married mark III - he has weekends away, can go to the cinema and last year got married in the USA.
Avoids maintenance - I was working out the arrears earlier.
Me - today I actually feel exhausted. I'm running around with the children getting them to friends, my eldest to work, hair cuts, dentists... Costing me a bomb in fuel.
All clock watching.
Tomorrow - or rather today - eldest gets the results of the GCSEs he's resat.
All on my shoulders. No one to help, no one to share with.
There isn't a thing you can do that will make him be responsible towards the children...
No, it's not fair. Not in any way. And it's tiring. I know. All you can do is fit as much fun into each day with your children. In time you'll think of him less - just hard to see that at the mo.