Hello... state of the nation, trouble at mill and all that.

I don't come here much lately and the reason is that the new forum layout is not condusive to plesant browsing and doesnt leave me feeling all happy and eager to post, it's clumsy and auquard to navigate and know what is gong on. Prevoulsly it was a matter of loging in and one click and I could see what had changed, not now.
Just thought I'd share that.
No right click cut and paste, spell checker in firefox doesnt work. ctrl+x and into open-office ctrl+v spell cheque and then ctrl+x and then ctrl+v back into firefox everytime I want to post?
Not good.

Hi Bubblegum
It does take some getting used too, and I think they are still working on things, so hopefully, it will be better for you and others. I miss the cut and paste too. I'd only just about mastered it, and then they take it away!!!!!! Its just great seeing you though Bubblegum. I used to look forward to reading one of your posts, because they generally made me smile, (even on my bad days).
How are you and your gorgeous kids doing? Hope you're all enjoying the half term.
Take care, and hope you'll be back soon

Hi bubblegum, so good to "see" you.
No, its not the same, I totally agree.
Its snowing here - ok, polystyrene ball type, so I'm guessing its snowing with you too.
Hope you and the children are enjoying the hols.
Please perservere as we miss you...
Hi Bubblegum, Alison, Sparklinglime and Louise
Really good to see you on here Bubblegum. I am certainly missing your humour and really sorry you are not happy with the site. You are not the only one I am sure. I am still getting to grips with it too and missing the colours and faces from the old site along with the ease of navigation.
I am trying to work out how much of it is to do with change and getting used to that and resistance there and how much of it is to do with the pros and cons of this site compared with the other one???
I know that all the comments made about the changes are being taken into account and worked on so please do stick with us through this tricky adjusting phase and hopefully we will end up with a site that suits and benefits us all - fingers crossed!
Cheers C-L

My pro for the site is no bouncey long posts...
Ummmmmm...Can't think of another ;-D
Hi Sparklinglime
Yes that is true and good to hear something positive about the new site!
I am getting used to it slowly but there are some aspects that seem to be taking more time to get used to than others. I know that the powers at be are working hard to iron out all the glitches and have been taking people's comments on board so lets keep being positive and hope it all gets sorted soon.
Cheers C-L

I am getting used to it now, but then posting here most days, I think you do adjust. Its good that some familiar posts were found and bumped up.
It's good that some 'familiar faces' have posted too, and to know how everyone is getting on. I miss the updates...

Hi everone, I'm still lurking around.
At least my maths is improving : )
Here is a nice picture that my daughter drew yesterday, I like it as it has me and her and my son walking between some hills with the sun shining and we all have happy smiles.. :)
Later : )

Gorgeous. A budding artist.

Walking down the road to the beach some time last year, they had run on ahead a bit and an elderly couple walking towards us passed them and as they passed me the woman said.. she'll break someones heart that one, to which I replied, yeah mine.

AWWWWWW! is all I can say to that one...
Hi Bubblegum et al
It is a great picture - how old is your daughter?
She is very detailed and precise in her art - I just love all the colours. That is certainly one to treasure, along with the memory of your day out together which sounds lovely. I find it really hard deciding which pictures to keep and which not too as I just can't keep them all. I have big artists portfolios for each child's artwork but they are filling up too quickly and so I am getting more strict on what goes in!
Your blog looks such fun and a real live documentation of your lives. Do you spend a long time on it? I have just got a new camera which takes great shots but they are too bog to up load to site such as flickr and facebook - any tips for me Bubblegum?
Glad some of you are getting more used to this site, before long we will be complaining that they have changed it!!!!
Cheers C-L
PS: You are right about keeping our maths skills up together!

I use Picassa, I load all my pictures from my camera into Picassa and then export them from picassa and upload them to where ever from there... if that makes sense : )
If you use picasa you will see... you import them from your camera and then export them and at this point you can reduce them to something smaller and web friendly... I don't know what camera you have but I'm pretty sure you can reduce the resolution at which it takes pictures. As a guideline.. 640xsomething or other is perfectly ok for facebook and such.
MY blog is very sporadic, there are times when I post every day and then I don't post for months.
My daughter is five and a half, just : ) but quite obviously talented beyond her years.. OK! I'm biased I know.

Hey bubblegum, so glad to see you, your daughter is FAB, what a groovy girl, I love the picture. I also love the comment that you made to the woman on the beach, she does look like a little heartbreaker, the same goes for your son too :)
Please add your daughters pic to our Family Quilt, YES we do still have it on the site and YES I am still plugging it! Its in Your Life: http://interactive.onespace.org.uk/quilt/
I know these discussion groups are a bit awkward at the moment, trust me, i have lists of things I want changing to make this a happier experience for us all :} Please be patient and keep checking in. You really do brighten the days with your quick wit and warm heart.
Is it snowing where you are? Have you got any plans this week??

It has been snowing, it's not now at the moment but the mountains are covered, was going to take the kids up today but then I remembered I have to go to the dentist. They are off today as its an inset day what ever that is, it was last week we had our half term.
Hi Bubblegum
We had snow here this morning too, very wet and it didn't settle but snow all the same. Yesterday was bright sunshine and people kept saying Spring was on its way and then bamb - more snow!!!
Thank you for your reply about the photos. I will heck out that link. I have just got a digital SLR camera (a nikon) and I am sure I can take lower resolution pictures, but I wanted to take quite high ones to get really clear shots. I need to have another look at it all and explore/play further.
I think your bog is lovely and will serve as a great momento to your children when they are older. I would love to have the time to keep one up to date like that but I just don't know where my times goes?!
Anna is right, your wit and humour realy brightens up this site, so please stick with through this sticky bit and lets hope Anna manages to sort it all out shortly.
Cheers C-L

We didn't have snow today :-)
And the nice weather man was very careful to say that the whole of North Wales would have snow - except for Anglesey!
Possibly as we had three morning with snow when none was forecasted?!
Hope you've enjoyed half term with the children.

First morning back to school, and am wrecked. Not much sleep despite taking a tablet. It is a low dose, 3.5 mg, so it probably wouldn't hurt to take another one, but I'd check with GP first!
Can anyone help with a laptop problem? My friend gave my son a really old one. (He wants one because all of his friends do, it's so hard when it gets to this stage) Anyhow, my friend assured me he would be able to get on the net with it, etc. Brought it round last night, only to tell me she hasn't been able to get on the net with it for years, which is why its just been sitting in a corner!
Its an IBM (discontinued now). I googled last night, but to be honest I haven't a clue what I'm looking for on this. I'm hoping that I could buy the 'connector' thingy. Not very technical here folks, but it's not one of those long things, This is the second time his hopes have been built up and then crashed, and I would so love to get this one to work for him.
Hopefully, come September when he goes to year 3, he will get the 'free laptop'.
I now want to crawl back to bed, but unfortunately not possible. This holiday has gone way toooooo quick.
Take care all, and have a good day

What model is it, should be writen somewhere on a sticker underneath it, is it running windows XP? ..I will try and point you in the right direction if I can : )

Hi Bubblegum, thankyou
Underneath, it says type 2652
Sticker says x08 73013 (not sure if thats any help)
Also on sticker, Windows 2000 Professional 1-2cpu
It does have a sticker on the inside saying windows xp,
Not sure if any of that helps :)

Forgot to say IBM thinkpad. :)

It's me, (thicko again) haha
Just got model number by searching the access support thingy. Machine model is DWG.

![]() |
![]() |
Wireless G (54 Mbps) Network Cardbus Card for Laptops
In Stock - Ready to Ship

couldn't seem to write underneath that pic, but would it be something like that Bubblegum? If so, could I still buy it in UK?
Sorry for being a pain in a...!!!!!!!!

That one will only work if you have the correct slot on the laptop it's called a PCMCIA not all laptops have them and I don't know if yours does.. but I'm still looking..
Realy you want something like this a USB one..
is it a Thinkpad A31 2652 ? If it does have windows 2000 on it then I don't know if that above USB dongle wifi thing will work?
Your best bet is to wander into PCWorld and ask someone at their desk what do you need to access your wirless router at home (you do have a wireless rounter right?) then say could you write that down for me and then DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM PCWORLD, say ok I'll have to think about it thanx.. and then get it from Dabs.com for cheaper and dabs isn't going to try and sell you lots of other stuff you don't need.
But if USB wifi dongle things arent going to work on windows 2000 then they are going to tell you you need windows XP or windows 7 or what ever which would be a comlete waste of time on an old laptop as doing anything on it would probably be like watching treakle slide down a wall..
XP would probably be ok on it but then I don't think its possible to actualy buy that anymore, sept maybe from ebay, I don't know..
Not being very helpfull am I, if it's any consalation if you lived round the corner you could have popped it into me and for the price of a bottle of wine I would have done it all for you as thats what every other bugger and his wife does that knows me. One chap even got a bit uppity with me because I wouldnt walk to his house to mend his laptop!! I though oh my god! lazy or what..
But I digress..
What you need to do is go to a bar and bat your elids at the most geekey looking chap in there and see if he can help : )
On second thoughts don't do that, he might turn out to be that man from that film 'mad bites dog'
You could just get that usb dongle I linked to above, it's only a couple of quid and if it dosen't work.. and there is a good chance that it will work, I just cant be 100% as I don't have the laptop here in front of me.. well then you've just lost the price of an expensive bottle of wine... and the pain of that can be removed by purchaseing a cheep bottle of wine and drinking it.
P.S. excuse my spelling.

Hi Bubblegum
For the price of wine, wow, you're so cheap, lol. It is such a shame that you don't live closer, could you not consider moving? Good wine, (sorry can't say the same about the food). Uhmmm, before I pick my son up, think I'll nip into the wine bar and flutter whatever needs fluttering!!!!
Ok, back to business, opened laptop, yes it is A31 Thinkpad,
Thankyou for your time.
The chap that got uppity? Did you walk to his place? What a nerve some people have eh.
Hello Bubblegum
I am sorry that you are not on here more: we miss you! I am struggling with some of the new things myself and I know that Anna is passing on all issues to the powers that be. I will forward your comments, of course.
I hope you and the childnre are Ok and will enjoy half term