How am I supposed to cope???
I am a working full time; and very recently single mum. I have 2 kids 10 and 8. I am desperately TRYING to get advice as to where to go for financial help and advice. It is as you all know the 6 weeks holidays; I have 2 kids to pay for full time care which is £600 in August alone. My ex (who kindly left with all the savings we had) hasnt given me a penny since he left, the CSA said that on the 28th AUGUST I will get the grand sum of £190 (the woman he left me fore has kids so apparently I get less... they are not his kids); WFTC gives me £50 a week cos I cant claim for the 6 weeks TILL the 6 weeks hol then they will spread it over 52 weeks!!!!
Is this right??? apparently thats it... thats all I get; I have a mortgadge I cant aford for a house that I cant sell and isnt worth what I owe and a loan for a car HE took.... about to have the gas and electric cut off...
Ive TRIED the CAB; told me to go wftc and csa.....????
Just wondering if anyone can help... long shot I know... but im really new to all this; and at this rate will be homeless by Christmas :|
I'm so sorry that he's left you and the children in such a mess!
A thought with the car - is it a loan or HP? Just incase the HP company can go and pick it up due to non-payment...
I'm sorry CAB weren't able to help more than that!
Good thought about the car, sparkling!
sorry to hear about your situation. Its a terrible time for you.
I was wondering re: childcare
Is there a family member or a friend that could help you out a little? Would that help with ur finances? I have an arrangement with another single mum from my sons school so that we look after each others child for part of the week. Its saved me about £60 a week.
if you lived near north somerset i couldhelp you and you could help me as I work fulltime.
I have been advised to work part time to entitle me to benefits such as housing benefit etc but I have a mortgage and have to work my ass off.
Can you do this to cut down childcare?
Hello joanna28
You can share childcare with another parent. Of course you get 80% of your childcare paid whilst you are on Working Tax Credit but you have to find the other 20% yourself and it is spread throughout the year, meaning that the holidays (especially the long summer holiday) become very expensive unless you have had chance to save up for it beforehand. If you share with another parent,however, unless they are a regsitered childminder then you can't claim any childcare help but if you are repaying them by caring for their child then that's fair enough :)
a loan for a car HE took
Who is the legal owner of the car itsnitac? In the log book sheet?
If it is you, then you can ask for the car back. If he refuses, report it stolen.
If you are paying for car insurance, but not getting usage, then tell him you to meet you at a certain time. Then when you meet, tell him he is not insured. Take a spare set of car keys in case he lobs his into the undergrowth. If he drives whilst uninsured, report him to police.
How about renting out a room? It's fast, up to you who you accept, and you set the rules. £400 a month? Also, you could learn Polish at the same time?
I've not done it, but it may be part of my future and has been suggested to me.
Hello itsnitac
What a horrible situation. It must be difficult to hold your nerve whilst it is all going on.
Yes that's right re the childcare element, it is spread over the 52 weeks. The good side of this is that you will continue to get the money throughout the year even when you're not paying out. My first recommendation would be to approach your mortgage lender, explain the situation and ask for a 3 month repayment holiday....if you are "armed" with figures and come over to them as knowing what's what, you are likely to get a sympathetic hearing. They are having to deal with this sort of thing more often with the recession and people being made redundant and they know how slow the housing market is. If they get difficult, however, then you need to enlist outside help from an organisation such as the CAB. There are several Government schemes to help people struggling with their mortgage and all main lenders have been expected to subscribe to one of them. Have you ensured that you have told the Council you are the only adult in the house? That will cut your Council Tax by 25%.
You need to write letters to both the gas and electric people explaining your situation and offering to pay the arrears at so much per month. Also, approach the loan company/bank and explain that your husband has left and taken the car and ask for a repayment holiday for three months on that too. Before you do these letters, draw up an income and expenditure form and be realistic about your money situation. The CAB can give you an appointment for debt counselling, approach them on that basis rather than for general WTC help and you should get assistance.
Next, look around you. Is there anything you can sell? Is there any extra work you can do? My children's father suddenly stopped paying maintenance out the blue some years ago and the onlyway I got through was by doing an evening job as well as a day job.
In the medium term , you need to look at how to reduce your outgoings by considering a re-mortgage, switching your power supplier, paying your water rates over 12 months instead of 10 and cutting your spending at the supermarket. See for help and more suggestions. As the housing market picks up you may like to consider whether you would be better in rented accommodation with some help from the Local Housing Allowance (formerly Housing Benefit)
Try not to panic, there are ways and means.....If you tell me your nearest town I will have a scout around and find if there are any local organsations that can help.