i have been evicted from my home due to anti social behaviour
anita jo
can any one help me please i am a single mum i have lived at my home for the last 14 years i have always had problem were i live but in march i lost my home but i now i have to find private does any one know any landlords who would take me on for a small fee i have sold most off my home to make this money up as i carnt get help any were eles please can any one help us
Posted on: May 1, 2010 - 7:59am

Hi anita jo thanks for joining us and sharing what is going on for you. It sounds as though you are in a very stressful place.
We have a Money Survival Kit on this site where you can find an experienced Advisor who can give you advice and guidance on your issues via confidential email please go to the 1-2-1 Advice.
How many children do you have? How old are they?
Posted on: May 4, 2010 - 4:42pm
Hello anita jo
I am sorry to hear that you are having these problems. As we are a nationwide website we will not know any landlords specific to your area but I have a couple of suggestions about organisations you could contact.
If you rent privately then you will normally need to put down a bond. This varies, but is often an extra month's rent. In some areas there are schemes that help you with bonds. Contact your local Citizen's Advice Bureau to find out if there are any schemes in your area. See www.citizensadvice.org.uk to find your local branch
However, before doing that I would recommend you contact Shelter as they can give excellent housing support. See http://england.shelter.org.uk
If you have been evicted due to rent arrears or anti social behaviour then your Local Authority no longer has a duty to house you but they do have a duty of care to your children under 16. i do not know the background but I am guessing that if you have had some troubles then you may have some reluctance to get Local Authority involvement?
Anyway see what Shelter say, to start with, all good wishes