I'm thick, so flaming thick!!!!!!!!
I'm mad. So stupid. I thought I'd got through to the CSA and that ex should have been paying £59.82 a week instead of the £13.71.
I wasn't surprised to see that it wasn't paid. He'll avoid things as much as he can.
I decided to query it and this time read the letter properly.
It's not £59.82 a week, but a MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Git works full time. The language I want to call him would only lead to a load of stars anyway.
He even had £27.42 arrears deducted - what the heck?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had 52 nights a year deducted from his CSA payments when the children haven't sayed with him since August 2007.
He's gone to bloody Greece on holiday.
I'm thick. So thick. I so thought he'd had that sick feeling in his stomach - that was enought for me, instead now I know all he's doing is lying and laughing.
I'm stunned. It's me who has that sick feeling in my stomach.
Hi Sparkling
Am sure you have looked into things, but don't know if this site will give anymore info.
Take care
x :)
I've written a letter to CSA. Figured I could edit out the ranting. I'm giving them until 14 October to give me a reasonable reply or it goes to the MP.
Not that it will make any difference. It could be 50p and he wouldn't pay.
He continues to have reasons to laugh at me.
I can't face the in-laws this week. I'll be cancelling tea on Wednesday. Just too mad at me.
I want to run away, but I know the children would hate me.
I'm just so unbelievably stupid to think that it was fair, at last.
Hi Sparkling
Am sure you have looked into things, but don't know if this site will give anymore info.
Take care
x :)
Thanks. I'll have a look now.
What worries me is that I feel murderous towards him. That frightens me.
I'm nice really...
Ohhhhhhh Sparkling, you are lovely. Your anger toward him is perfectly understandable. Don't get mad at you. In years to come, he is going to carry a lot of guilt around with him.
I will never get to grips with how when men (or women) no longer live with the children, some of them shirk their responsibilites. I truely believe though, that what comes around goes around. Wait and see Sparkling, you have total respect from your children, I doubt whether they will have the same respect for him.
Lets hope he doesn't get too burnt on his hols!!!!!!!
Hugs for you
x :)
i can imagine how mad u must be and i think you're very controlled if it was me i woluld have taken his passport and shredded it by now :lol:
i really don't know why life is so unfair but like alison says hopefully what goes around comes around
hugs x x
Hi Mousie
I thought I'd had my wording round the wrong way, 'what goes around comes around'
Think off to bed now to watch Blue Murder. No getting any ideas Sparkling, perhaps it's not the programme for you tonight. :lol:
Take care both of you
x :)
Oh sparkling lime, it is outrageous!!!!
I would do everything in my power to change this and your MP idea is a great one. The CSA appeal procedure can eventually involve a fairly local "hearing" at which both sides have to present their case (I attended one with a friend) in front of a local judge. You need to take this to the limit to make sure you get some justice. At the very least you need to make it clear that he has had no overnight contact for two years.
As for you being "thick", in fact you are such a decent and honourable person yourself, you found it hard to believe that someone else would stoop so low, that's all.
Could someone possibly please comment on this? I've edited it down from five pages :D by simply removing the swear words :shock: and very sarcastic comments :? I have left some sarcasm in however. It's two pages now, which is almost a reasonable length?
I received a letter from you dated 28 May 2009 regarding child maintenance paid by The Git.
Clearly I have read this incorrectly as I believed that the £13.71 weekly was being increased to £59.82 weekly, and had been surprised to see £37.19 going into my bank account monthly, I’ve dug out the paperwork only to find that this sum of £59.82 was due monthly! Arrears already, I see...
This man is working full-time.
Why have his payments been decreased?
As it is, he’s been working full-time for over 18 months if not two years. He has two jobs. I have been informed by his father and other sources that he works in excess of 40 hours per week. I have written to you to tell you this. He works for a care home ( Nursing Home, **********) and is on the Nursing bank with the ****** *******Health Authority in ******* for ********* ********* and ***** ***** *****at ********.
I would have expected his payments to have increased. The £59.82 per week would actually have been the sum I would be expecting him to pay for our four children. The letter also shows that there was an overpayment of £27.42. How is this possible??
The children have not stayed with him overnight since August 2007. Fifty two nights a year were still being deducted from his payments up until this letter I received in May. I also informed you in writing at the time that the children were not sleeping over night. So again, I ask why there are arrears.
I have requested that an attachment of earning be put on his salary – on BOTH jobs. The children go without so much because he is clearly being totally untruthful when it comes to declaring his income.
The information I keep hearing about CSA being based on income without any personal circumstances having an effect on it is apparently incorrect. The family home was lost to pay off his debts. I have no interest or concerns about the fact that he is in debt again.
I know and appreciate (I was a civil servant for a number of years) how challenging your job is. I also appreciate that you’re under tremendous pressure here. However, I often hear about lone-parents who have requested and succeeded in having an attachment of earning for the NRP.
At the time of my divorce, ending my 20 year marriage, my solicitor told me he was laughing, and with him having a holiday in the USA last year and now his holiday in Greece, he is still laughing over 5 years later.
On one hand, yes, we can just about manage. No days out, no trips to the cinema and certainly no holidays! On the other, this is what the Law says he should be paying 25% of his income.
Life cannot move forward until proper maintenance is being collected. Due to change in circumstances (oldest son doing A levels and has more demands), the £20 a week we could be getting if maintenance was correctly collected would make a difference, never mind making things easier for when I return to work.
I would therefore request that this case be closely reviewed as a matter of urgency and that the points I have raised are answered. If I don’t receive a satisfactory update of the situation of maintenance here by 14 October 2009 I will be taking the matter to my MP
Many thanks.
I haven't actually put The Git in the letter... :roll: :D
I would also like to add that I'm fine today and no longer fuming :roll:
Thank you for allowing me to rant and thank you so much for your replies yesterday - especially Alison, who happened to be on line at just the right time (for me, anyway).
I am glad that you are all finding so much support from each other, that's fab!
Sparkling lime that is a great letter, I hope so much that it makes a difference. As you say, there is no reason why there can't be an Attachment of Earnings order. I wonder how the poor thing is managing a holiday in Greece when £59 per month is 25% of his earnings!? :shock:
I can't wish anything awful incase they're with a load of other people. I couldn't live with the guilt! :roll: 8-)
and even that's polite.
Thank you so much for reading the letter though. I didn't want to rant too much. Wish I'd kept the original really - they'd have had such a laugh reading it!
Hi Sparkling
That to me is a very fair, straight to the point letter, outlining each and every point. Hopefully, they will look into things again, and give you an explanation.
I hope you are ok today.
Take care
x :)
You are very welcome Sparkling. Don't think I'm much help to be honest, but I can always promise to listen, try to help, (and then run for cover) :lol: :lol:
Not replied to any posts yet, had my son's half sisters mum on the phone for ages. Wish I could do more to help her, but she knows I'm at the other end of the phone anytime. We speak during the daytime now, as I found I wasn't spending a lot of time with my son. It is working out so much better for me and him.
Anyhow, hope to catch you all soon.
Take care
x :)
It's good that you get on. So nice (I used to get row in English for using that word! :lol: ) that the children are able to get together too. I think that's brilliant.
Hi sparklinglime, you really know how to diminish yourself don't you. Going by the Topic titles you post!!
You are not thick at all, you just for once thought that the CSA might have got something right!
Excellent letter, well done, it is clear and concise. Have you sent it yet?
I posted it this morning, recorded delivery - so at least I know they'd have had it.
Thank you.
There's another post about me then...
Ok that's good sparkling lime. Actually, I bet you they get loads of letters with some choice language in.... :lol: :lol:
Hi Sparkling
Surely there must be something that can be done? I don't have any answers for you hun because I don't have any dealings with the CSA. Can't you take him to court or something?
Cannot believe that these men can get away with such low payments, it's outrageous.
Hugs for you
x :)