
I've noticed that Anna, Louise and Claire-Louise have not posted this week (you're missed too).
Could it be that this board is no longer moderated?
The help they give, and the links they supply are invaluable.

That is my ghostly "hello". Yes, I have been unable to access the site as there were a few glitches as they relaunched.
Anna and C-L are off at the moment so I was very keen to get back on again and here I am!
Please be assured that the board will continue to be moderated. You couldn't get rid of us that easily...... Hope all are well, I will pop and see what is happening on all the threads

Welcome back Louise, we were beginning to think you had made the site new, and completely left us to it!!!!!!!
Its great to have you back. Sparkling and Bec have been great company I have to say.
Take care, hope all is well with you

Hi Louise.

It's normal service from now on. There are still some things being ironed out but we can get back to our usual banter here.
Did anyone see that article in the paper about people going shopping in their PJs? I had to giggle at that and I thought of you, alisoncam as you and I are such big fans of PJ days (at home!) On a serious note, on one hand it doesn't take a minute to pop on some clothes, on the other hand some of the things that people wear to shop in really are much worse. There is a man here who wears the most miniscule shorts imaginable all year round and it verges on the obscene. And what about all those who shop in bikini tops in the summer? how is that worse than PJs? I wouldn't do it myself but many casual clothes are like PJs anyway.
What does everyone else think?

Shopping in pj's, now theres a thought!!!! Louise, you really must stop putting ideas in my head, haha.
Just spent two hours helping a friends neighbour move out of her flat!!!! I only went round there because my friend is having a bed of mine that I was planning to throw out. I've now left my son there watching a dvd, so I've come home for a rest! Only round the corner, but boy was that bed heavy!!!!
Had I read this post earlier Louise, I might have considered the pj thing!!! (I hear on the grapevine that Sparkling might have joined out club)hehehe.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Take care

Phew alisoncam I bet you are exhausted. Hope your back is Ok? At least you got a little break if your son stayed behind to watch a DVD.
I have been at home all day, a friend came round this morning and this afternoon I did some work for college, I am surprised my eyes are not square, the amount of time I spend on the computer.
What are you up to this evening?

Got home only an hour ago. I didn't get a rest Louise. I ended up looking after the two young ones, and myself and the 14 year old moved furniture in their bedroom. I did really well out of it though, another neighbour was getting rid of a two piece settee, so I was offered it, plus a table. I'm well chuffed, as I've been sitting on conservatory furniture for the last 4 years. Anyhow, I came back home, and struggled down the stairs with two of my chairs! A little while later, my friend and some others struggled up the stairs with the 'new' settee. Also, tomorrow, I get a tv, as mine finally lost the will to live in the week. My friend has a similar one, plus a desk. Soooooo, yes I'm exhausted, but I'm happy and exhausted. My back is really bad, but tonight I don't care. I have a water bottle on it, and once my son has eaten, I'm hoping to crawl to bed.
A few weeks ago, I was feeling extremely low. I can't honestly say that I'm feeling 100% better, but I do feel slightly more up. Lack of sleep is still the biggest problem for me even though I'm taking prescribed tablets. I've started having milky hot chocolate, but not doing the trick!
I hope you're having a relaxing evening. Nearly half term! Does your son have that too at uni? If so, will he be coming home?
Take care

Hello alisoncam
You certainly had a day and a half of it! That's great news about your new furniture, it will really change things in the flat and hopefully be nice and comfy to have a settee rather than cane chairs. Hope your poor back hasn't been too bad overnight. You will have to tell your boy that you need to be waited on like a princess today, lol.
My son's Uni doesn't have a half-term but his lectures are spread across three days. He works three days a week as well so has one day off, Thursday. He came to visit this week. The Uni is only 20 miles away. He won't stay over till Easter.
So your milky drink tactic isn't working? My youngest was in town on Friday evening and he came across an organsation called Town Pastors. They are people from local churches and they have a marquee on Friday and Saturday nights in the centre and are there to give support to young people. My son and friends visited and were delighted to be given hot chocolate. They all went back again yesterday lol, ermmmm I tdon't think that's what it's for, guys. Mind you he did tell me he was very amused to see that in the evenings, Mcdonalds has a bouncer on the door!
I wonder what else you could do to aid your sleeping? Am I right in saying you have a problem getting off AND you wake up early? The first thing to say is that if you wake early, don't start negative thinking. Block out the worries of the day by deliberately thinking about something else that you are not emotionally engaged with.Something like a Tv programme or a book. Reassure yourself that to lie there, with your eyes shut and hopefully also concentrating on your breathing is pretty relaxing and good for you.Getting off in the evening is about looking at what would relax you enough. Is it that your mind is racing?

The new furniture sounds lovely Alison. You might find that you'll be able to relax a bit more with them being more comfortable than the conservatory furniture.
I have two lovely new sets of pj's!!
I was in bed all day yesterday - other than getting up to take youngest to be a ball-boy in the local football club (and I don't know how I managed that). I had the most awful migraine, and ended up going to bed at about 10am.
Eldest stayed out all Friday night. The plan had been to go to a party and stay with his friend (who I know - they were best friends for years), then he was coming home as his friend said he was driving. I was up at 4am and he wasn't home. There was snow on the ground and the moon was bright, so I knew it would be icy, so my morbid mind goes into overdrive and I think the most sad, sad things... I'm not surprised I had a migraine.
It was 11.30am by the time I finally got hold of him.
I remind myself he's 18, but even so, it doesn't seem to help.
I have a friend who goes to Liverpool alot to see her family, she says that they think nothing of going out in PJ's there! they go round each other's house's still in PJ's. Everyone does it apparently.
Glad your feeling bit better Alisoncam, sounds like you have been busy moving furniture too, glad it's made you happy. I am on the look out for wardrobe & arm chair for daughters downstairs bedroom on ebay, trouble is I watch something with a view to maybe bidding at last min, then forget about it!!! I have done this twice now!

I love ebay!!

Hi all
Waited on like a princess Louise, that'll be the day!!!! I don't honestly know what the problem is with the sleeping thing. I can fall asleep about 11, then wake at 2, and just lie there for hours. I've tried reading, nodding off, but waking again half hour or so later. I need to see the doctor for some more sleeping tablets, so a chat there might be helpful maybe.
Pansy, what about the free sites for the wardrobe and chair?
Louise, you must put drinking chocolate on shopping list for your son!!! Mcdonalds having a bouncer doesn't surprise me at all, it's a dreadful thing though isn't it.
Sparkling, I hope you are feeling better today. I know your son is 18 but couldn't he have let you know. I would have been just like you, worried sick. Sometimes I loathe being a parent!!
My son 7 and I are having big debates at the moment about sleepovers at his friends. We have had friends here, (with their mums), he has slept at my nieces and sisters (without me), but personally I feel he is too young yet. I know I fret, but the abuse thing is always in my mind, and at the time, he stayed over at that house too. (A very good friend of mine.) So, this weekend, I have had 'you never let me do anything, what do you think is going to happen to me, you're really mean, I am old enough'.
Life is full of joys at the moment!!

Well, we as parents are constantly told we are mean and never let our children do anything. I totally understand your concerns after what has happened in the past. If it helps, I came upon an old diary of mine from when I was about 13 and it was full of "it's not fair" about my parents.
Sparkling lime, don't wear your PJs to Tescos! I might move to Liverpool though, if everyone wears them!
Pansy have a look at freecycle:
alisoncam the sleeping thing sounds so annoying. I am glad you are having a word with your doctor. When you were pregnant, did you ever do those relaxation exercises where you relax each muscle group, starting at the toes and going upwards until you feel you are floating? they might be worth a try.

Well, we as parents are constantly told we are mean and never let our children do anything. I totally understand your concerns after what has happened in the past. If it helps, I came upon an old diary of mine from when I was about 13 and it was full of "it's not fair" about my parents.
Sparkling lime, don't wear your PJs to Tescos! I might move to Liverpool though, if everyone wears them!
Pansy have a look at freecycle:
alisoncam the sleeping thing sounds so annoying. I am glad you are having a word with your doctor. When you were pregnant, did you ever do those relaxation exercises where you relax each muscle group, starting at the toes and going upwards until you feel you are floating? they might be worth a try.

Eldest got up and went out.
I forced my lot into the car at 4.30pm as I got so fed up and made them go out for a ride.
The two boys played on the beach for a while (Trearddur Bay - has lights on the front!). The enjoyed it while daughter and I looked at the stars.
Very extravagant, but very nice.
As for sleepovers, Alison, my lot started at 7pm. Eldest's friend probably started coming at about 5 though - him to me, not eldest to him. It's where he was on Friday.
Others have never really got into sleepovers, usually their friends coming to me - which I prefer!

Hello all, I am so sorry for the lack of moderators recently. It sounds as though you have all been getting along fine without us though!
We have had a very busy month here sorting out the new site and now looking into glitches.
I am looking through these boards at the moment and want to make some changes in the very near future, so please bear with us. I too am finding it a tad confusing, but I am SOO pleased to see that everyone is still here.
alisoncam-have you watched Alan Carr's stop smoking DVD? I found it really good, I gave up for a week really easily (ok, so i am smoking again) but I found it really useful having images of the nicotine monster who was controlling my cravings!
sparklinglime - so glad you had an extravagant evening, I hope you are well and your bunny is fun for you and the children!
pansy - as well as freecycle, have you tried I love having a root around on there!
Big thank you to everyone who is sticking with us on these new style boards, speak real soon :) (Wot no smilies??!!)

Hi Anna
Welcome back, good to see you! I'm finding the smoking thing really easy when I'm on my own! So, any volunteers for a 7 year old gratefully appreciated, (needed for at least 8 weeks)haha. I now think I need to knock the wine on the head, as i can't do cig without a glass, yet I found a cuppa really easy!
This morning, I spent £26 or so on paint and grain. I have just painted my kitchen cupboards. At first I was shocked at the price, then realised it's no more than what I was spending on the cigs. So, although shocked, I'm so glad I've done it.
I have been feeling down lately, and think some of it is to do with my flat. I only moved here as it was right opposite my 'home'. I grew up in it, and after my Mum died, I had to move. The paint I bought this morning is exactly the same colour as I did my Mum's kitchen cupboards, so I guess in a way, I'm really not letting go of the past, but I want to bring a bit of happiness to me, (if that makes any sense at all)
I'm getting more used to the new look now Anna, it was confusing at first, but it does get easier.
Hope you're having a good day
Take care

I'm sure your kitchen looks lovely Alison - nice to have a bit of something familiar - it can be comforting...
Hi Anna - nice to see you, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad your getting confused to :-D
We like the way the boxes get narrower the further down the page you get. I've been breathing in on one thread.

Hi all
Yesterday was a good day for me. My son was left alone at school, no one bothered him at all!! Once I picked him up, I put the second coat on the cupboards. I have told C...... he can put some designs on a few, but I shall do the rest. Maybe that was really silly of me to suggest that to him!!!!!!! I have to smile everytime I walk into the kitchen. I LOVE IT. Not sure on colour for walls yet, C.... wants red and yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that will be the flooring. The one that is down at the moment is disgusting, (it was the person's before me) Thinking of trying those sticky back tiles squares from Homebase. They look nice down, and easy to do, (so i'm told) Haven't checked out the price yet though.
I'm getting really carried away now with all of this. It won't get completed yet of course, that awful word is around,, money. Hopefully by the end of March, it shall all be done. For now, I'm happy looking at my cupboards!
Have a good day all
Take care

Hi alisoncam
I love it when when I do something new at home or get a new item (like your sofa!) and then when I come in the room I get a nice surprise every time, and wonder if it is really my house. I haven't looked at those tiles myself, maybe you could measure up, do some hard maths and then check the price online?
Great that your son had a better day at school, I know that must have ben worrying you over the weekend.
Myabe you will have to be wine-free for a while until you are past the first phase of giving up, just in the manner of avoiding temptation. Actually one thing I was told is "don't refer to yourself as giving up; say you are a non-smoker"
Have you got an appointment at the GP re sleeping?

Hi Louise
I haven't as yet made the appointment. I think the tablets have finally kicked in as last night, I was asleep before 10 and woke at 6. The only problem is I am now down to one tablet. Might order prescription via e.mail, and hopefully they will give them without seeing me!!! Think that's wishful thinking.
Hope you're keeping ok
Take care

I'm so glad the kitchen is making you smile :-)
I'm really gald too that C had a good day at school.
My neighbour (who had the hip replacement) phoned me up yesterday evening to go round as she didn't feel too good. Ended up calling an ambulance. Got her daughter-in-law's (they live away) best friend to call - who came like a shot - so much easier dealing with things when there's another person there.
I've been in with her daughter-in-law this morning (she got to my neighbour's house from the hospital at 5am!!!!) and they think she has a chest infection or, even possibly, a clot on the lung.
Hard to know what to suggest really, as until her hip she was incredibly active and determined.
I need to go and see my neighbour on the other side in a mo to let her know whats going on. She's very frail after the fall she had last September.

Gosh it's all go on your road, sparkling lime. Try not to overdo things, looking after everyone, you need your strength for you and yours!
Alisoncam I am glad you had a better sleep, see if you can get some more tablets, hope it has broken the pattern

My neighbour has pneumonia.
Had a very interesting chat with her daughter-in-law though...

Hi Sparkling
I hope your neighbour is feeling a bit better today, at least she is in the right place. With her daughter-in-law staying, it takes the pressure off you a bit.
Hi Louise
Slept well last night, didn't take the last tablet, (saving it til i'm desperate). Really didn't want to get out of the bed this morning, and actually felt as if I could sleep for another hour!!!!!!! Hopefully, the pattern has been formed, fingers crossed.
I should give the cupboards in kitchen another coat today, but I really think if I do my back is going to actually die on me. I am in pain, but if I rest today, (after the shopping) then I should be able to finish up tomorrow or Friday.
It is parents morning today, where the parents are invited in to do things with their children. Only for half hour, it's every Wednesday and Thursday. I told my lad last night that I might have to miss it today, as I wanted to get home for a rest (for my back). Seeing his little face made me change my mind, so I will be staying there after all!!
Have a good day everyone.
Take care

Hi alisoncam and sparklinglime, thankyou for your warm welcome back.
alisoncam, how did the parents interaction morning go? Did your son enjoy it? Did you enjoy it?
Great news to hear about you going for the redecoration thing, it really does make a difference. I am a bit of a sucker for a new duvet cover, I seem to buy them every couple of months, it always makes me feel good seeing it when I go to bed. However I did go to my favourite shop recently, not for a duvet cover(!) and decided I would have a little look, but there was nothing that I didn't have already (aghh!) or looked nice. I think I should write to them and tell them to renew their stock more regularly!!
sparklinglime, it does make such a difference sharing responsibility for people, I am glad that your neighbours daughter in law's best friend (is that right?) was around!
I am still finding this a bit confusing, so you are not on your own there! I am making steps to change it and make it easier, so again, please bear with us your persistence has been great, showing that the site is still active and your loyalty speaks volumes and is greatly appreciated.
I hope everyone is having a good day :)

Hi Anna
The parents morning went well thanks. Basically, the mums, (not many attend, only about 5, and one dad), sit at a table of their child's choice, (all tables have activities on), then other kids descend on us, and there is utter mayhem!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow it won't be on as my son's year is going on a trip to the science museum. I shall (hopefully) come back and finish off the painting.
I also love new duvets. I haven't bought one for myself in ages, but my son has two new ones. Ben 10 and a footie one.
I hope you've had a good day, and are having a relaxing evening
Take care

I treated myself to a new duvet last year (old one was about five and a half years old). It is so annoying! It's so fluffy I fight with it when I want to turn over, get up, fling it off cos I'm hot...
I miss my dull old flat one!
(and no, I never thought in a million years I wouldn't like a new duvet! Bet I'd moan if I had the old one back though! :-D )

Hello sparkling lime
The familiar things are the best! I got a new duvet for my son last autumn and it was fluffy too. Have you ever seen any of the old episodes of "One Foot in the Grave"? I am always jealous of their duvet as it looks really thick and cosy (obviously because no-one actually sleeps under it, it is just in a film studio for a couple of hours!)
Hope your neighbour is recovering, by the way

Hi there
On the subject of duvets, sparkling, I brought a new duvet a few months ago, it was really puffy and I thought it was going to be really luxurious, however, it is a bit like a thick peice of foam, it disn't tuck around my body and left a big wafting gap so cold air would rush down my back.
However out of bad things come good......on Monday my cat got shut in my bedroom when I went to work, when I got home she had peed on the bed and scratched up my favourite duvet cover (aghhhh!)
So off to the launderette I trekked (there was no way this chunky thing was going to fit in the washing machine) and filled the machine with my pound coins.......NOW my duvet is clean AND it is not so chunky or unfloppy! It is making me happy now :)
so I guess its a trip to the launderette eh sparkling!

Hi alisoncam, I hope your son has a great day at the science museum, I went there as a child begrudgingly, but absolutely loved it.
I hope that you manage to get some painting done and feel good about yourself.
:) (miss those smilies!)

My son when he was about four wanted to walk to town in his slippers and I told him that no you can't go to town in your slippers put some bloody shoes on... His reply was, but the lady next door does.
And she did, she was a bit old maybe forgetfull.

Hello Bubblegum
Good to see you, haven't seen you for a while.
I think sometimes older people can get away with things, so your neighbour has an excuse haha. Do you remember that poem about wearing purple, by Jenny Joseph? (she might be your neighbour!)

Hello bubblegum
Hope your doing ok. So nice to 'see' you here.

On the note of pj's, did you hear they had banned people wearing them into a store of Tescos in Wales?
I got some hard soled slippers for Christmas which has been excellent, doing the recycling etc. I love it, although probably wouldn't wear them into town!
My daughter has a pair of cow patterned pyjamas, she LOVES the bottoms, one day she went for a sleepover then went into town, thenn home, she had only gone into town wearing them! Haha, what could I say, the deed had already been done!

I'm loving all of these stories. Have to admit to wearing the bottoms under a pair of jeans, just to nip to the corner shop. IT WAS A PJ DAY!!!!! Surely that was allowed, :)

That, in my opinion, is allowed!
I'm being anti-social, sorry, as I need to catch up on reading. Essay due in next week **sigh**.

Get on with your essay Sparkling, and the very best of luck with it. (you'll be great)
Off to pick up little man now, plus a friend, which was unexpected until I received a text from her Mum. Two for the price of one this afternoon, haha

Guess what I've not been doing...
Although youngest did have football until after 6pm, then I had a Scout Executive meeting (that got a bit heated) which went on until 10.30pm and then I had to do wages - which took almost 3 hours because my computer would only do one, and then I had to log off and log back in!!!!!!!
I wasn't happy.
My 20minutes of work this morning took 90 minutes because of chatting!!

Why does anything that we think can be done quickly always seem to take much longer! There is always something else that needs to be done first!
I am looking forward to a PJ day at the weekend, but I wont be popping to the shops in them, will try and get everything in on Friday!!!
Hi Sparkling
Even if they weren't moderated, they would still post surely!!!
Maybe they can't access the site, and others too!!! Like the problem that occurred last year.
It is a bit like Ghost town isn't it?