Mother's Day and You.

Do you have any family traditions around Mothers Day?
What would your ideal Mothers Day look like?
Do you encourage your children to make cards, or go without as there is no other half to go to the shops to get them?
Share your stories here.
Have a SUPER Mother's Day from all of us at One Space - you deserve it! :)

Ahhhh Bubblegum, that is so sweet of your son. He's a little darling, and I guess you are a Mum and Dad to them, like I'm Mum and Dad to my son.
I was hoping the weather would improve, but it is still so cold. Oh well, another weekend in the warm!!!
Take care

We were making mother's day cards in Cubs yesterday, and one little girl has parents who are separated. Both her mother or father will bring or collect her - but usually her dad who will ask questions, pay the subs, etc.
One of the other Cubs came to tell me that this little girl was making a card "to my dad on Mother's day".
I told her that it was lovely.
As for me. I'm not too worried really. I find I miss my Mum so much that it clouds that fact that I'm a mother! Daft as it sounds.
The only thing I ever asked for on Mother's Day is a lie in and a cup of coffee!
Got neither this morning - 2 fighting children instead. Daughter used all the hot water, so war broke out. Bless they did manage to get a card and a mug - with my money!!
Off to have lunch with an old friend, as they are at Grandmas 70th party for the day.
Hope all the Mothers have/had a good day.

Yes, a peaceful lie-in would be the best prezzie of all, Eeeyore73. Now that my youngest is 15, however, I have to drag HIM out of bed, so it does get better.
Mother's Day can be a very sad time, especially for those who have lost their Mums. So I am sending lots of positive vibes to anyone in that situation, which I know includes sparkling lime and alisoncam

I have to say that after I dropped my son off at work I came home and did bawl my eyes out in the car.
My thoughts too to those Mum's who have lost children - including my mother-in-law and my best friend's mum. How hard it must be for them too.
Off to get my eldest home now, and then I can have my cards! He didn't want me to have anything until he was home. :-)

Hi Louise
That was really lovely, thankyou.
I hope you enjoyed the cinema.
Take care
My daughter last year gave one to my sister, it still said mum on it though, I have explained but sometimes she tells her friends that my sister is her mum. Now that my sister helps run Rainbows which my daughter attends that little confusion is being cleared up : )
My son yesterday gave me a mothersday card he had made in school and said he knew I wasn't his mum but it was for me anyway.
But! they don't see their mum at the moment and the only reason mothersday is bought up really is because it is mentioned in school.