My 13 year old...

He has special needs. A lot of the time it's only little things, and if you were to meet him, you really would wonder what his problems are.
Well, I've had a flaming good reminder this afternoon!
His best friend has been to Florida, and its been counting the days and lots of gentle persuasion to keep him focused with going to school (autistic spectrum/Aspurgers). He's a clever lad really, but focusing is a major issue. Best friend home and he's clearly raced here to see my son and my daughter (quite a close group really). He's wanting to cycle 2 miles up the road to see another friend. So, I said to my son, yes, he can go so long as he wears a helmet - they're going on a main road. I used to be so strict, but have lapsed, not making them wear a helmet on the estate, simply because it took too much energy. We've been here for over three years now, and when we came here, so many fights with so many things, including homelessness, just drained me.
So, after 2 hours, and me blowing up, telling him that he's hurting his friend (who has come back FOUR times to persuade him) he's finally put on a helmet and gone. Now I'll worry myself to death that he'll be ok. Doesn't take much to distract him, and for him to loose concentration. His friend knows this though (they've been brilliant friends since they were in nursery).
Ages since I've yelled like that. Ages since I've sobbed like this for him, again realising that yes, he does have special needs. Gawd knows what the neighbours are thinking! They are aware he has special needs though.
Seems Llanfairfechan and the boating pond have been forgotten about! Never mind. I'll see if I can get on with my books now and not worry too much.
I've told them all though, if they don't start wearing their helmets I'll be selling the bikes. And they know when I make a declaration like that I mean it.
I'm a horrid mummy today.

He's home.
He had a lovely bicycle ride and they played football in the playing field with their friend.
He arrived home just as I was putting tea on the plate!
He would like to go boating tomorrow when the wind has gone down.
I doubt the argument will be mentioned again. It's good in a way, as he will dismiss it from his mind. That ability must be quite nice!
I have a headache!
Thanks for the cyber hugs. Lovely. Sometimes I could do with them!

Well that's a relief...although poor Mum is the one left with the headache whilst he (with the enviable changeability of youth) continues merrily on his way.
Hope you have a nice Sunday and the boating is fun, if it happens
Louise :D

The boating was mixed! 8-) He's got three radio controlled boats - found them on the internet for £20 a time, so figured they were too good not to miss! Shame they're all on the same frequency...
We went after tea and it was beautiful. Youngest on the swings while the first boat decided not to work, and then the second... Third time lucky!!! Thank goodness, or they'd have heard him at home! The older two decided not to come. Miserable lot!
I took my books though. The boys enjoyed it.

That sounds like a lovely outing :D

Hey sparklinglime, I love the energy you have for your family and your home as well as your studies. Life must be challenging enough with four kids, but you seem to have things well under control.
Loosing control only reminds us that we are human, so no beating yourself up on that front, their safety comes first and thats all you were trying to explain.
Children can be SO annoying though sometimes, like Louise said, after a while they seem fine, whistling, humming happily and getting on with their next task, while we are holding our heads, questioning ourselves and also getting on with dinner!
Oh the freedom of youth!
I think you need a big cyber HUUUUG.
It's been "one of those days" for you today and much more difficult when he does have special needs and takes longer to focus and understand things. No matter how fab a mummy you are ( and you are!!!! :D ) there will be these days.....but you know that making him wear his helmet is the right thing to do, the same as he has to wear a seatbelt in the car. I imagine that at a quieter time you can explain all this to him (again!) when he can focus more and isn't all excited about the return of friend. Remember, one of your priorities as a parent is to keep him safe (even more so if he has additional needs) and so no matter how horrid you feel, you're only doing your job :roll: ...and a pretty good job at that ;) Hey, if only we were paid a salary commensurate with our responsibilities, we would be rolling in it :shock:
Hope you manage to have a decent evening