Need Advice
Hi, I’m new to this site. I just wanted some advice on my situation- I think it would be nice to have different opinion, apart from family and friends. I try and make it brief – but it’s hard – so I apologise in advance for rambling on….
I left my husband in July 2006 (hopefully he will be my ex in the next month or so – but that’s the long winded unnecessary story on the financial side of things – I’ll leave that for another day).
I left because I was scared of him. I left, with our then 1and half year old daughter, I moved in with my parents (which were across the road to my home). I was paying the mortgage and bills for our matrimonial home (I had put in a large sum for the deposit on the house and I did not want the house repossessed) he stopped paying the mortgage and bills, he would not leave the house until I got an occupation order nearly 8 months later.
He has had a slow build up of contact with our daughter since I left. He has not made any maintenance payments, I have only just asked the CSA to ask for payments. I will get pittance as he does not declare all his earnings (too hard to prove) however he drives a private numbered Mercedes.
I have had to call the police when he has taken our daughter without a car seat. When I was allowed by the court to check the car for car seat before he took her – he got his new partner to film me and whilst I was doing this he kept banging the front door (my daughter was in there with my sister) so hard our daughter was in tears not wanting to go. I stopped contact at this stage.
He then told the police he had seen me hitting our daughter and he tried to get non molestation order against me for this. This resulted in our daughter being fully examined by a police officer and full social services report, which of course found nothing.
He was then found guilty of breaking my sister’s windows.
He tears our daughters clothes whilst she is wearing and tells her to tell mummy to buy new ones.
He has always made handover difficult by not passing our daughter back to me. To the extent that the handover is now at a shop across the road from my home.
We are supposed to pass a communication book because he cannot even look at me let alone talk to me – but he is so angry with me he can’t take the book from me.
If our daughter has a cold threatens to call social services because I am an unfit mother.
He fills our daughters head with bad stuff about my family and me.
If I knew that he wanted to see our daughter because he loved her I wouldn’t mind but it’s just to keep control over me. I am a muslim – he wanted to see her on Eid – I got an email from him (through the solicitor) that he made plans and I had to make sure I did not forgot that she had contact on that day – he took her to McDonalds and no he did not buy her any presents.
He has always threatened to take her away from me. When he sees her he buys her loads of sweets and chocolate (so she wants to go).
I am basically being treated like crap (excuse the language) – like I was when we were together and at the same he is making our daughter very insecure and confused.
Even the mediation officer advised him to go to relate to sort out his anger with me as it would affect his child. To be honest I am still intimidated by him – as he is very revengeful and full of hatred. He will stop at nothing – basically he is a low life.
The final straw was last contact when he brought her back an hour late with no explanation or apology - I was left standing on a shop door for an hour.
This by the way is the summarised version – there are lots more. I don’t know what to do – I can’t carry on like this. At the moment I have stopped contact and asked to go back to court – I don’t think this will ever end.
We’re only getting divorced, he’s acting like someone has been murdered– I would love to be able to have a polite relationship for the sake of our daughter but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen…..
Sorry for the rambling on and on……
Thank you, worried, for having the courage to post about something so traumatic and frightening. You must have not known where to turn at times. I am so pleased to hear that you have your parents there for support. Your decision to stop contact is understandable but I am sorry it has to go to court; this can only intensify the situation. You say that he has been advised to go to Relate to help him with his anger towards you. If you feel he would benefit from some one to one work with a counsellor, you could suggest this as a "condition" of the resumption of his parenting time? I know that you are trying to ensure that your daughter has a relationship with both parents, and that is commendable, but when the chips are down, you need to protect your daughter and it sounds as if you have serious concerns about her wellbeing.
Sparkling, thank you for your really helpful comments. I agree that it would be helpful for contact to take place at a contact centre where he is supervised...or even at a relative's house. it would be interesting to know whether NSPCC is able to help. I also agree with Sparkling about keeping a record of things as there is a fairly new law called The Harrassment Act, but it seems to me (as a layperson) to be one where a catalogue of evidence is start logging things now.
Worried, you mention that your daughter's dad has a new partner. Is she any more receptive to reason than he is? I am wondering whether she feels comfortable watching his behaviour towards another woman and his own child. Could she bring any influence to bear?
Finally, I am glad that you are getting the support of the CSA to obtain some child support. Whilst it is great if parents can sort out arrangements between themselves, it is sometimes not possible. You may also like to consider the possiblity that if he has not declared all his income then he might not have told the local Tax Office either. In the longer term, he may be persuaded to declare his income and you would receive a more realistic amount of child support.
best wishes and let us know how you get on
Louise :D
Thank you both for replying. Thanks for all the advice.
I have just given my solicitor a seven page statement about all the issues I have had with my ex regarding contact, along with a report from our daughter's Nursery to say how well she is doing - hopefully this will be seen by the judge and mediator before we go to court.
We have sorting out contact in court from the beginning as he not a man of his word and I would probably not get our daughter back at all if I didn't have a court order in place. We started at a contact centre two years ago and now he has her for 6 hours every saturday (although that's stopped at the moment). He did the banging of the door and the tearing of our daughter clothes a little while back, we have been to court in between. Since then, he does not do anything directly to our daughter apart from filling her head with nasty stuff about me and my family (this is so hard to prove). His main objective is to take her away from me so he gives her sweets and chocolates and basically lets her eat and do what she wants , so she wants to go to him - lately she has stopped listening and it very hard to get her to what I need her to do....
It makes me mad that he cannot see that she is losing out, he doesn't really want her he just wants to take her from me - he promised this and he never goes back on his promises.... He's a mean and horrible man BUT a court will not stop him seeeing her. At to be honest it's not really what I want - i just wish he could be a normal person but then I suppose we would not be getting divorced....
He is to angry ( more his pride his hurt - he did not think I would leave) to talk to me, and his new partner has probably been fed the story of how horrible i am and how I have taken his daughter away from him and how he now given up the house for me (he did not pay a penny to buy it and I have paid around 90% of the mortgage repyayments - i could prove this in court and this is the only reason he gave me the house, he loves money and there was no way he would just give it me. initially he was asking for £50,000 from me). So she does not want to know me, as I said she even videoed me when I went to check his car or a car seat.... she saw the state our daughter was in when he banged the door - but she didn't see him do it - he must have told her that I had done something to our daughter - He is a very convincing fact he is now a 'very religious' man in the community (a hpocrite) and there is no way he could be lying. when I got the occupation order to get him out of the house he moved in across the road from me (Directly opposite my sister home)...then started to break her sister and her hubby carried out surviellance every w/end until they saw him do it.... he even got the people from the mosque to lie for him as witnesses....but thankfully the court believed my sister and he got found guilty...
My problem is that alot of the stuff he does now to our daughter is hard to prove, as he playing a mental game. He never misses contact (i mean theres no way he's going get out of my life - how else would he be able to control me). There is nothing concrete - he is very clever in what he does...
I think I will try and ask that he see's relate as a condition for contact - as it is on record that he he has been advised to seek couselling ......thanks for listening - I shall let you know what happens
What a nightmare for you! it sounds as if there is a lot of hassle all the time whenever you have anything to do with him. That's a shame about his new partner; although I understand he may well have told her a certain story, I thought she may be able to see what was going on, as someone who is less closely involved.
Good luck with the legal action and let us know how you get on
Best wishes
Louise :)
Best wishes from me too.
It's such a horrid place to be.
Dear worried
It sounds as though your ex partner is an extremely abusive man and you are well out of it, times are tough now, but please don't feel alone, there are many organisations out there that can support you.
Have a look at the Women’s Aid website they have a Survivors Handbook that you may find useful and also a directory of supportive organisations in your area.
Unfortunatley abusive men often get access to their children through the Courts regardless of reports from schools, Police, Cafcass etc. Did you know that 1 in 4 women experience domestic abuse in the UK in their lives? And that 3 women a week are killed in the UK by abusive partners? It is a shame that the Judges, mediators etc aren’t so clued up on the subject. Have you been in touch with your Domestic Abuse Unit with the Police, they can be of great use in some areas of the country, also Victim Support (who used to have a terrible reputation, but our local one is very good). Try and make use of as many resources that you can, you may not be able to change the Courts mind but you can empower yourself which means that your exes abusive behaviour will have a less dramatic affect on you which in turn means your daughter will find it easier to deal with.
When you daughter repeat things that your ex says, try to not take it to heart, but do tell her that it is an unkind thing to say and that you wouldn’t behave like that, tell her that it hurts when she says things and ask her how it makes her feel. She is just trying to find her way, if she sees you being strong and in control she will take your lead.
When do you go to Court??
Don't ever apologise for rambling on. It is very difficult to get everything written down, I know.
An idea would be for you to start keeping a diary and record all his actions. If you communicate by email, make sure you print them off and file them safely. If he texts you (this is the only way ex will communicate with me - I no longer try to contact him), then you can get cables that enables you to download your text messages. If your phone doesn't have this, I do suggest that you get one. It seems to me that you need to get as much evidence as you can here, so that it's not only "hear say" (such a horrid term when you know you're telling the truth and your fears are genuine).
As he involved the Social Services, are they willing to help you here? It sounds to me that by tearing your daughter's clothes while she's wearing them that this is abuse. You are expected to protect your daughter. When the matter goes to Court you could suggest that he only has supervised contact at a contact centre. Was a case worker allocated to you at the time?
You also have it on record (I'm assuming here, sorry) that the Mediator found that your ex had anger issues.
I've been trying to see if there is any help available. I'm wondering if you could contact the NSPCC for advice. Abuse still goes on even when the children are separated.
Not sure how you feel after reading that. I hope you do have the support of family.
My ex has managed to keep control over me with the children, and since he stopped having them to stay overnight in August 2007 (we split up March 2004) I have to say that my life has been more settled. He would bring the children back after 20 minutes when he should have been having them for 2 hours. He would frequently bring them home late. I have the same issued with CSA, as he is dishonest over the hours he works.
I had a real fear that my childen would be removed from the country to Texas. My solicitor adviced me to get the children passports, and then if a copy was requested that 'alarm bells would ring'. He never tried this though.
I'm sorry that this won't help much. I do agree that you had no choice but to stop contact. Just gather your evidence with dates, etc, to take to Court. Hopefully they will support you with this.
My very best wishes