Not Entitled To Benefits
Hi all I am new to this site and this may be a long winded post so please bear with me!
I was made redundant in January when my daughter was four months old and I was still on SMP. Whilst I was working I invested in property and became a landlord and saw this as a pension fund alongside my job. However, since being made redundant I have discovered that because I own property (even tho they are all on mortgages which are now in negative equity) I am entitled to precisely NOTHING. I am totally at the end of my tether. I know it sounds like I must be able to manage easily having property but with tenants not paying etc I lost £20k last year!
I have had no income since I was made redundant, I have tried to get a job but childcare costs make this prohibitive, I have had some interviews for part time position and when I ask for feedback they tell me everything was fine but another candidate that was already doing that job (probably internally) have got the position. I want to go self employed and have a business plan but dont see how i can seriously do this as I am unlikely to make any income for 6-12 months. I have a mortgage and bills to pay, no income and there are not many jobs available to boot.
I made enquiries regarding income support and was totally upfront and told them to the whole situation and after being bounced from department to department and explaining everything umpteen time to umpteen different people I was told "the computer says no". I have tried really hard to be composed but repeatedly end up in tears I just dont feel like anybody is listening to me.
How can it be that I have worked hard all my life, paid my taxes and now through no fault of my own, apart from having a beautiful daughter, I am being penalised.
I am sorry to rant but just dont know how I am going to make my next mortgage payment and i just dont know what to do for the best. I would be so so so grateful for any advice that might be out there.
Thanks for listening x
Hi Pinksladie
Did you manage to access the replies to your post before the site went down? I think I mentioned the Citizens Advice Burea and also to look at the topics under Benefits Advice topic which Louise has copied your post across to. I hope you manage to sort this out.
The other bits and pieces I remember other posting were suggesting that if you live in your own house rather than rent it out them you might be entitled to job seekers allowance. I also suggested getting an agency to manage the rented property to ensure the tenants do pay rent so that you don't loose on that investment. Does any of that ring any bells?
Good luck C-L

Does anyone know of a case where DLA was given after an appeal? Yesterday I received a letter to say I wouldn't be getting it. Someone helped me fill out my forms, and at the time, he did say, that if I was refused, then to go back, and he would definately appeal. I didn't go to CAB for help with the form, I went somewhere nearer to me, which is a disability place itself. I am also going to ask for a copy of what the GP has written.
I do actually feel quite angry about this decision as my sister claims it, and I have the same as her, plus other things. I filled her forms out for her!
I don't actually know if it's worth appealing.
Take care all

It's a disgrace that you haven't been awarded it.
All I can do is say what my friend says. It's very common to have the first claim disallowed. Always appeal, so please do go back. Point out that a relative has the same condition and receives this.
Please Alison, do appeal.

Hi Sparkling
Thanks, I've been thinking more and more about it, so I shall appeal. I need to speak to my GP, and also need to find the number for the man that originally helped with the form, then make an appointment to see him.
Hope you're ok.
Take care

Its so wrong...
Hope you find the number, and hope the usual GP will be narked with the one who wrote the report.

Hi alisoncam
I, too, believe it is quite common for a first application to be refused. You MUST appeal. There is a time limit so get motoring on contacting the doctor. I believe one of the main things with the form is to describe your worst day rather than your best so that they can see how your disabiity can affect you.
Good luck!

Hi alisoncam
Did you get to the doctors?
Hi pinksladie
I know that lindsaygii replied to you earlier on this topic and some posts were "lost" over the weekend. I am copying this query over to Benefit Changes so that Sally can have a look at it for you. Have you thought about getting an appointment at CAb so that you can do an "overview" of everything and can then think about what decisions need to be made with regard to the property
best wishes