Just got all the potatoes out of a big pot that we've grown.
They look pretty good too! :D
Place your bets - youngest has helped looked after these and now knows how to grow potatoes - just he doesn't eat them. He's said he'll try one.
I bet he won't... :shock:
Gave him a teeny potatoe. He had to point out the "bite" :roll: he'd taken.
He only eats waffles. They are nice though. They split when they were being cooked, but I'll fry them up later. Got 3 packs for £10 meat this morning, so got that thin flash fry beef for the children. I hope it will be a treat. At least I don't have to feel guilty about having paid for us to have a meal now.
OOh I hope they enjoyed the posh steak treat, sparkling! With home-grown potatoes, that sounds really economical too, yum yum.
Hope your leg is doing Ok at the moment?
Yum, I agree, new potatoes, all cracked with pepper and salt and lashings of butter! Um ummmmm!
Its great that he took a little bite! I hope you praised him highly!
When my daughter was small she wouldn't eat anything green! Tut, typical! One day I dared her to eat a 'tree' (brocolli to us grown ups!) Well she couldn't resist a dare and she has been eating them ever since! Great tactic by mum!!
I bet he would if you made it into chips :lol: :lol:
A while ago I gave my 14 year old some haggis. "What is it?". "Just try it and see what you think" "Oooh it's yummy" "it's haggis" "oh no, I never eat SHEEP!" "So what about that lamb curry you had last week?"
Well done on your home-growing efforts sparkling. Just add a bit of mint (to the potatoes, not the sheep! :lol: )