Problem with long posts?
I'm curious if anyone else is having the same problem as me.
I know I write long posts, but as the script moves off the page, rather than the type moving up, it almst bounces up as you type a letter - I can't see what I'm typing...
Just wondering, not complaining. I should make shorter posts! :D
I've got fire fox and google chrome. Too much effort to change!!!! I downloaded IE 8, and I think that's the problem.
I just might start doing shorter posts - just more of them! 8-)
Not long been in after getting my eldest from work. I have to say I enjoy the drive. I'm trying not to think of the miles going on the car or the diesel I'm using. Take That turned up loud on the way there, and a good chat and a laugh on the way home...
Ah yes make the most of it sparkling, there is a wonderful "freedom" about driving isn't there?
I have the same problem with long posts. I hadn't thought of using another browser. What I do if I think it is going to be long is to to do it in Word first and then paste it over, but I will try Firefox, thanks Sy :) Don't abbreviate your posts, sparkling, we love hearing from you!
yes!!! I keep having the same problem Louise.
How strange this problem is!
I will talk to the techy guys on Tuesday, sorry in London on Mon for conference.
Sparklinglime, I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 and had so many problems I took it back off again. I wonder if that is the problem??
I have to dash now, take care all of you, have a good weekend. :D
I'm relieve I'm not the only one - so long as it's not my computer!!!!!!!! :D
Where my daughter was on work experience, they gave her a sweatshirt and she was so pleased. They phoned, wanting it back!! So we'll be having yet another ride out that way to take it back. She's so disappointed.
Dry here so far though.
I hope everyone has a good weekend too.
Sorry I do a test.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mi magna, dignissim vitae tincidunt sit amet, dignissim aliquet lorem. Ut a turpis tincidunt urna facilisis scelerisque. Duis ac ultrices est. Maecenas ac iaculis leo. Morbi sit amet ullamcorper quam. Cras vel mi massa, scelerisque mollis erat. Sed libero lectus, mollis ut feugiat eu, tincidunt vitae dolor. Suspendisse malesuada, sapien a sodales condimentum, leo metus facilisis massa, ac accumsan tortor tortor nec lorem. Nulla sit amet felis at tortor pretium posuere. Integer nulla dui, tempus eu tincidunt non, ultrices eu elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque dictum erat non massa tincidunt et congue turpis vulputate. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum ac iaculis enim. Etiam nec tortor id risus laoreet tincidunt. Proin eros mi, fringilla sed posuere vitae, interdum non massa. In eget magna et libero tristique auctor. Aliquam quis vehicula dolor. Donec sodales tempor posuere. Ut elementum, orci at interdum gravida, tellus orci lacinia elit, ultricies volutpat dui dolor vel quam.
Sed tincidunt turpis non arcu auctor quis luctus risus pharetra. Cras in tortor turpis, vel egestas ligula. Duis quam odio, semper eu dapibus sit amet, placerat id nunc. Vestibulum sem ante, lacinia et imperdiet ac, sodales ac sapien. Mauris a ligula ac felis imperdiet varius et non urna. Praesent nec pulvinar magna. Pellentesque at lacus nulla. Praesent tempus, mi quis pharetra ullamcorper, purus orci fringilla massa, eu bibendum mauris augue vitae eros. Nulla et vestibulum dui. Etiam pharetra, sem vel dignissim consectetur, arcu orci varius purus, sit amet tristique odio elit eget libero. Suspendisse potenti. Cras convallis imperdiet nunc quis placerat. Praesent bibendum, massa at lobortis aliquam, nibh turpis laoreet ante, eget commodo purus neque ultricies velit.
Suspendisse volutpat neque et lorem lobortis eu ultricies est hendrerit. Nulla sapien turpis, ultricies vitae suscipit et, tincidunt id sem. Morbi posuere felis velit, at scelerisque sem. Etiam non tellus non turpis gravida ornare. Integer erat velit, suscipit sed dignissim eget, tempus et nulla. Aliquam vel aliquet leo. Donec pulvinar lacinia est, sit amet tincidunt nulla gravida quis. Aliquam viverra lacinia lobortis. Vivamus massa sapien, suscipit mattis venenatis ut, dapibus in risus. Sed blandit ornare diam sit amet semper. Mauris non odio justo, ut vulputate diam. Integer elementum, leo vitae tincidunt lobortis, metus massa adipiscing nunc, nec rutrum nibh lorem eu sem. Nulla lacinia commodo vestibulum.
Nullam venenatis, urna ac gravida tempor, quam leo faucibus dolor, a tincidunt justo justo et tellus. Mauris in dapibus orci. Donec mattis tristique tellus, fermentum hendrerit augue fringilla ac. Aenean vel sem odio. Donec neque nunc, egestas a porttitor accumsan, accumsan at dolor. Sed eu gravida tortor. Fusce aliquam arcu vitae elit fermentum vitae malesuada quam ultrices. Nunc sagittis malesuada mi, in aliquam nunc scelerisque ut. Donec eu mi et purus congue blandit eu ut sem. Duis quis ipsum cursus nibh dapibus semper. Vivamus felis odio, adipiscing sed auctor sed, scelerisque quis magna. Ut aliquet pharetra viverra.
Morbi sapien mauris, porttitor a sollicitudin ut, molestie id libero. Phasellus porttitor, arcu sed placerat porta, ipsum ligula dignissim dui, eu sodales felis tellus vel eros. Quisque eleifend tempus tortor, vel molestie risus cursus ac. Aliquam diam quam, feugiat quis interdum nec, luctus sit amet felis. Aliquam dapibus, nisi ac aliquam auctor, diam felis cursus ligula, id feugiat lorem magna vel enim. Maecenas ut quam elementum justo aliquam sollicitudin. Sed quis nisi in elit auctor fringilla. Nullam vel nisi mi. Proin ac malesuada justo. Donec nec augue mauris, blandit fermentum justo. Nullam eu erat nibh, ut facilisis dui.
Seems OK
Try using Firefox browser (free download) from see if it fixes it.
Also, I love your long posts, please don't change!