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Sorry. A rant!


I've bitten my tongue.

Someone going on about how they stick rigidly to CSA guidelines and are moaning as the parent with care is no longer willing to collect the child. Feels its only fair that they do.

Heck. If the parent with care was to religiously stick to CSA guidelines and spend - in my case 25% - that percentage rate on their child, where would we be?

Surely both must realise that costs fluctuate? Flipping heck. We all want to live, don't we??

I've decided that flipping heck must be my work of the day.

Posted on: June 14, 2009 - 9:58pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi sparkling

Sometimes we have to bite our tongues so hard they bleed..... :(

I have worked with many families over many years at all stages of separation and can tell you that a really significant percentage tie issues around Child Support money into every other aspect of the split, whereas in fact not only are they separate in law, but also......more importantly in my view.....some "niggles" can become real bugbears and really, really affect the kids stuck in the middle of it all. As long as it is not as a case of "we starve unless we have that 50p" then what does it matter who picks them up and drops them off, as long as the kids are happy and safe? And as you say, do you restrict the money spent on your kids to the amount you receive?

On the other side of the coin I can tell you that a proportion of parents without majority care do experience a complete powerlessness after separation and see every bone of contention as a chance for the other parent to "control" the situation and the situation you descibe may well be one where the parent with most care IS trying to put obstacles in the way of the other parent's relationship with the kids.

Hey I will tell you something.....I wouldn't want to be a judge! :roll:


Posted on: June 15, 2009 - 9:37am

It must be horrid being a judge!

I'd want to be slapping most of them, I'm sure!!

I wouldn't want to do what you do either.

I couldn't be a mediator either. The two women we had were superb. In the first meeting ex was agreeing to things like half on birthday and Chrismas presents - which I thought kept things consistent with the children, a present from mummy and daddy. Ex was on £2000 take home then. Next session he withdrew everything saying that the 25% would cover everything. The ladies asked if he'd like to reconsider a few of his comments, but he wouldn't.

It doesn't matter now, I know as I'm five years down the line, yet the fact that I could quietly see that they felt I was reasonable was a comfort. I've always worried about being unfair to him. I still do!!

Funny how I can remember almost every word of those sessions, yet can remember a flaming thing about Marx and Weber for this exam tomorrow!! :lol:

Posted on: June 15, 2009 - 10:53am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

EEk of course it is tomorrow. Good luck and we will be rooting for you! ( :ugeek: this is you when you have passed the exam!)

Posted on: June 15, 2009 - 4:51pm

I've shoved the books in the cupboard - amazing how clear my desk is! I only have my notes and the study guide, oh yes and the dictionary of sociology.

I can't remember a thing. I've done tons of notes, and just can't recall anything.

I think I'll be writing out my shopping list and plans for the future tomorrow so I don't just sit there twiddling my thumbs.

I feel pretty low today over this, but am trying to focus on how much I have enjoyed the books. Going over them again for the revision has been enjoyable too! Except knowing there's an exam tomorrow!! :lol:

Somehow, I don't think come the results I'll be a geek :D Just wondering who I'm trying to 'kid' here! The grant encourages me to try again - and I do work hard, but think I should accept that I'm not in any way shape or form and academic!

Ah well. Tomorrow pm it will be over. I won't be checking the site for the result either. I'll quietly forget it never happened.

I'll go now... :?

Posted on: June 15, 2009 - 8:29pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well sparkling, I for one will be wanting to hear all about it even if you don't want to check the result :? Just do your best and concentrate on the positives you have had out this period of study. I bet you will do better than you expect, but whatever the result, what a FAB achievement to complete this study, along with your family commitments and voluntary work.

Sorry there's no icons for a trumpet fanfare, but that's what I am sending you!

Posted on: June 16, 2009 - 10:12am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Here here, I want to know too! :D I bet you will have done better than you expect and as I always used to say (as a cop out when doing exams) If I don't know it now, I never will, so what the heck!

Posted on: June 16, 2009 - 12:23pm

Thank you very much, both of you.

Llanududno was quite beautiful this morning - and I had a window seat!

I came straight home though. So glad it's done!

Posted on: June 16, 2009 - 2:09pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well done you, phew! I have been feeling quite tense for you!

Posted on: June 16, 2009 - 3:39pm

Sorry... And thank you.

Posted on: June 16, 2009 - 10:02pm

michail jackson is dead king of pop yes and he was father to

Posted on: June 26, 2009 - 10:28am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi multey65

Everyone is talking Michael Jackson, I was always a Prince fan myself, found MJ a bit too poppy for me.

He was a father, but didn't he pay someone to have his children and then clear off?

Posted on: June 26, 2009 - 10:37am

yes anna that was good i my self was moor clash and lan dury

Posted on: June 26, 2009 - 10:04pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yesterday may well be one of those days that go down in history, like when John Lennon was assassinated. My eldest boy is a big Jacko fan. He said to me how sad it is that now lots of people will be crawling out the woodwork wanting to make money out of his death.

Posted on: June 27, 2009 - 8:18am

It's sad that he can't "just" be remembered for his music. The whole absolutely anything bad needs to come out too.

My best friend and I had the greatest times dancing to his music (and Stock, Aitkin and Waterman) and, having lost my friend two years back, I'm grateful to him for making music than can still make me smile and laugh at our nuttiness!

Posted on: June 29, 2009 - 4:22pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes, sparkling, it will always bring back memories of your dear friend!

Posted on: June 30, 2009 - 9:21am