The teenage years can be a nightmare for many parents, even harder if you are parenting alone and have no-one to share the feelings of frustratration and powerlessness with.
We had to dedicate an entire section to questions asked by parents of teenagers. Teenagers have very specific issues and their parents often struggle to provide the support needed by a young adult who bears no resemblance to the adorable 8 year old who used to be their child. There are very few hard and fast rules on how to deal with issues ranging from drug addiction, body issues and cyberbullying to computer games to refusing to help with household tasks. And that’s before we even mention relationships!

Parenting Teens
Parenting Teens

Communicating with your Teenager
The age old cliché about teenagers is that they don’t talk, they grunt! It is true that teenage years mark a definite change in levels of communication between parents and their children.
Communicating with your Teenager

Changing your Parenting now your Child is a Teen
So you have been a parent for, maybe 10 years and you’re pretty good at it. Your child has had their “moments”, but then so have you and both of yo
Changing your Parenting now your Child is a Teen

Family Contract
When we are raising children on our own, parenting can be one of the most challenging aspects!
Family Contract

Drugs and Alcohol
As single parents we often feel judged and blamed by society if our children go ‘off the rails’ which increases our fear and uncertainty of our children getting hooked on drugs or alcohol?
Drugs and Alcohol

Eating Disorders
Britain has the highest rate of eating disorders in the UK and in a survey 1 in 5 teenagers admitted to having eating problems.
Eating Disorders

Disrespectful Teens
Teenagers are seldom disrespectful without a reason, because every child wants to be loved and valued.
Disrespectful Teens

Self Harm
As parents we find the idea of someone hurting our son or daughter quite unbearable. If we were to discover that someone had hurt them, we would without doubt be extremely angry and upset
Self Harm

Aggressive Teenagers
When a parent is confronted by aggressive behaviour from a teenage child it can be nerve-wracking, not least because that child is possibly bigger than you are!
Aggressive Teenagers

Peer Pressure and Teens
Do you know who is influencing your teenager? The Undesirable Best Friend!
Peer Pressure and Teens

Lazy Teens!
Is your lazy teen driving you up the wall? You will be no stranger to the frustration that comes with a teenager whose hand has become welded to the remote
Lazy Teens!

Developing Adult Behaviour
Over the course of recent decades ‘teenager’ has become a bit of a dirty word. People often feel uneasy or intimidated walking past a group of youths.
Developing Adult Behaviour

Internet Lingo Guide for Parents
Parenting can be stressful. Things advance at a rapid pace and suddenly you have an entire generation of culture between you and your teen.
Internet Lingo Guide for Parents

Books for Older Children 10 Yrs+
Welcome to our Book List for Older Children! (in no particular order). These books have been recommended by single parents for older children when their parents divorce or separate.
Books for Older Children 10 Yrs+

Volunteering for Teens
How can we go about motivating these often unmotivated and self-centered young people that are our teenagers?
Volunteering for Teens

Sex and Relationships for Teens
Use your own experience to support your teenager in the mysterious world of sex and love… “So you’re a single parent then? Broken marriage?
Sex and Relationships for Teens

Life as a Teenage Single Parent
If you’re a teenager or young mother who previously lived with parents or carers, you now have to also get used to doing housework, cooking, paying the bills and other household tasks.
Life as a teenage single parent