Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) was a Bristol based grassroots charity with national reach. Our vision was to engage and empower one-parent families living in poverty and isolation, from different backgrounds and cultures.
About SingleParents is the legacy of the hard work invested by a dedicated team of professional single parents and volunteers at Single Parent Action Network (SPAN).
The website (originally known as was born in 2008 and has supported thousands of single mums and single dads nationwide with every aspect of singleparenthood from coping with separation and/or divorce, understanding Court procedures, surviving domestic abuse to sharing parenting ideas, information on work and benefits and so much more! Read our Archive Forums for what single parents were dealing with in 2008 – 2014.
We aimed to be the first port of call for single parents online, providing information, support or signposting to relevant services and a lifeline for everyone who is doing the hardest yet most important job, parenting alone.
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) closed in 2016, but it’s legacy lives on through

What We Did
What we do

Our Aims
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN)’s aims were to: Support single parents to empower themselves and take control of their lives. Give a voice to one parent families from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Our aims

Our Impact
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN)’s work was life-changing and had a long-lasting impact on families. In this section you can learn more about how SPAN helped some of our individual members.
Our impact

Our History
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) was established in 1990 under the Third European Poverty Programme by a multi-racial group of single parents in Bristol, the great majority volunteers, working to make a better life.
Our history

The Silai Centre
In August 2013, Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) joined together with another Bristol based charity – Silai for Skills – and took over the management of the Silai Building which was renamed.
The Silai Centre

Funders & Partners
Without the generous support from our funders and partners, we would not be able to do the work that we do. Thank you to: Bristol City Council The Big Lottery Fund – Reaching Communities
Funders and Partners

Policy Priorities
Since 1990, Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) has been working in the UK and Europe to improve Government policies that affect single parent families. Through this work we give a voice to all single parents.
Policy Priorities

SPAN Research
Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) is currently involved in a number of research projects where we work in partnership with other organisations.
Span Research

Publications & Policy Papers
2014 SPAN’s response to call for evidence for the Independent review of Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions 10 January 2014> View PDF 2013 Report about the experience of single parents on the Work Programme.
Publications and Policy Papers

SPAN’s Campaigns
Single Parent Action Network’s current campaigning priority is to improve the job seeking services offered to single parents to take better account of their needs and to protect the well being of their children.
SPAN’s Campaigns