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April 2014


Hey Anna,

I've still not heard from the Legal Advisor..... Did you find out if I need to repost at all?

Many thanks xXx

Posted on: April 14, 2014 - 10:06am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi CleverMummy2012, I know that Sally had a word with him the other day, but I have seen your message from Friday and I am just about to contact him myself. I will let you know.

Really sorry for the delay......

Posted on: April 14, 2014 - 10:28am

Ahhh fab thanks so much :)

That's ok! :) xXx

Posted on: April 14, 2014 - 10:34am


The weather here hasn't been too bad.  

I survived last week at work, although yesterday wasn't actually brilliant.  I need to go in to work this morning to hand over to my colleague.  Far to complicated to leave notes. 

Ended up taking my friend up to see his family over the weekend.  They're all very close which is lovely.  His sister hasn't been too well, and collapsed on Thursday.  He was upset, so I offered to take him.  And while it was never the plan, as I was going to stay out of the way, I've met most of his family now.

Youngest is now sporting a green plaster - which is a lot better than light blue, he says! 

Last week I was sleeping really badly.  As soon as there's an eclipse of the moon, I fall asleep!  

The holidays are starting here this week.  It is so nice not to have to do the school run rant.

I hope everyone is ok. 

Enjoy your quiet week pq.


Posted on: April 15, 2014 - 6:30am

Hello everyone,

New car skyflower? How exciting for you, and you're off on your holidays too, have a lovely time!

Well I dropped the girls off as planned at my parents. The girls were quite anxious but my parents have been great with them so its all been good so far. Fingers crossed it will continue. I went out with firends last night which was lovely. Not got anything planned for the rest of the week. I think I will focus on my home, a bit of gardening and a bit of decorating.

Hope you enjoy a slower pace this week sparkling. Sounds like meeting your friends family went OK, I know you say it wasn't part of your plan, but sometimes events take over. At least now its done, and if the opporunity comes up to join him on future family occasions you can.

Posted on: April 15, 2014 - 2:09pm

Hope everyone is making the most of this wonderful weather.  We've been swimming and met up with friends today for a run around. I'm shattered!

Waiting for an estate agent to come out to give me another valuation. J not impressed as he is starving and I've made him tidy his toys away. I really do just want this all over and done with now. I'm also doubting that the ex will accept the amount that I can 'get' him.  He has been adamant all along that he wants fifty per cent of the equity. Surely his solicitor must have told him that that won't happen? I know mine has said he doesn't stand a chance of getting that. Hopefully he will accept that he's better to take a smaller amount and be off the mortgage, or we're stuck with each other for the next twelve years and he can't buy another house. I am feeling today that it's all his fault because he went off with whatsherface, my life is being turned upside down, I'm doing loads of running around and losing time at work all so I can give him a deposit to buy himself a house. Grrr. It makes me cross today. Hopefully the solicitor will talk him into it. Hopefully I will pass the credit score for the mortgage. On paper it's so doable it's unbelievable. Just hope the computer says yes!

sorry to rant, but had to get it out somewhere!

Posted on: April 15, 2014 - 4:37pm

Hi Looby, how did the visit from the estate agent go. I remember going through all that and feeling the same way, just wanting it to be over. it will come to an end and you will be free, rant away on here and we will give you all the support you need Kiss

I'm feeling a bit below par today. Achey, sniffley, generally feeling sorry for myself. Dosing myself up on lemsip and berroca. The girls are still enjoying there time at my parents, which is a great relief. Another qiuet night for me. A bit more gardening and maybe some wallpaper stripping and then I might have a go at tidying A's room....eeek! (Not very quiet really!!!)

Posted on: April 16, 2014 - 3:40pm

Yes new car PQ, I will pick it up tomorrow and drive to my family on Friday, I love my new car, it feels so good to go back home,

how are your sniffles, I had it last week real bad but it seems to get better now so hopefully not too long for you, you should really rest PQ

poor Looby, it does take time to sort it all out and to get agreements, I do hope he will be reasonable but it can take such a long time,

Sparkling you did really well with his family, even though it was not planned,

Anna, we miss you, xx

Posted on: April 16, 2014 - 7:29pm

Thanks PQ and Skyflower. Am feeling more rational today! The estate agent yesterday was a complete prat! Valued the house at £20000 less than the other agents and told me he'd be the one that would get it sold. Well yes at twenty grand less than its worth. He was so patronising. Really didn't like him. The last one today was lovely. She spent ten minutes talking to J about the snails in his fish tank lol. She valued at the same price as a couple of the others, which is what I thought it was worth. Just need them all in writing and then off to the solicitors. Have had the mortgage woman double check all the figures and she has reassured me she's done iT properly. Just wait and see now.

Off to aventure park tomorrow. Got a couple of extra kids for the day so will have my hands full, but j is really looking forward to it. 

Posted on: April 16, 2014 - 8:53pm

Sounds really good Looby, the last one, so positive, lets hope it works out well.

Hope you have fun tomorrow :)

Posted on: April 16, 2014 - 10:41pm

Morning all, my sniffles have now turned into a full blown hacking chesty cough!! I sound like I smoke 40 a day! That will teach me for bragging about how I got through the winter without getting a cold!

Glad you're feeling better Looby, enjoy the adventure park.

Last day at work for me before a nice long bank holiday weekend. I'll pick my girls up tomorrow, I've really missed them.

Posted on: April 17, 2014 - 11:07am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all I'm still here Smile

Skyflower have a fabulous time with your family (and your new car!)

pancakequeen, happy bank holiday weekend, I'm looking forward to it too, a long break, I hope you manage to quash the sniffles - lots of vitamin C.

Good luck Looby with the write ups and solicitors

sparklinglime, Louise and everyone else Happy Easter, may the sun shine over the next 4 days, today certainly seems warmer than earlier in the week Cool xx

Posted on: April 17, 2014 - 11:26am

Enjoy the car Skyflower, and the trip home.

I'm sorry you're poorly pq. I hope it goes quickly so you can enjoy the weekend.

What a pain Looby.  None of this is easy...

I hope everyone has a lovely long weekend.

Posted on: April 17, 2014 - 12:44pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello everyone and hope you are enjoying the Easter hols. I am here with you for the long weekend while Anna and Sally take a short break. Anna, I am excited about the site developments!

Skyflower you are off on your travels, we will miss you but wish you Bon Voyage and hope the new car is going well for you.

PQ yes, let's hope that the girls have had a settled time with your parents. I am sorry to hear you have been poorly, it will have seemed strange without them but lovely to get a bit of peace and quiet as well and you can look forward to picking them up today. What are you up to this weekend, have you any decorating plans in mind? I have finally finished the little bedroom here, it looks very swish, I wonder what my eldest will think of his ex-bedroom when he comes tomorrow.

Sparkling a few days off from work for you. It was good that you met your friend's family, I am sure he appreciated your support. How long will your boy have the plaster on? Why do you think the moon affects your sleep, I wonder?

CleverMummy, oh it's so tiring when little ones have you up in the night. Yes, you truly must get a slow cooker, they are fab. You could always cook a double quantity then freeze half, and it could be reheated in a pan on the day you defrost it. Anything to make life easier, that's what I say. It sounds as if your MiL is being quite helpful to you right now.

Looby, hope things are going OK, I remember going through all the house business myself, very stressful and time-consuming. Interesting the difference in agents, much of the skill is about making a relationship with a client and that chap hasn't realised that!

So what are you all up to? I have been to visit my friend this week as she is emigrating to Canada shortly. My eldest is coming tomorrow, he and his lovely girlfriend have been away for a couple of days so they are spending Saturday with me and Sunday with her parents. A spot of light shopping is called for, and I have promised youngest fish and chips today.

Posted on: April 18, 2014 - 8:01am


Lovely and sunny here today. I'm still feeling a bit chesty but nothing too bad. I'll be off to pick the girls up today. I've really missed them this time. I think because I have spent most of the week at home I have noticed that they're not here more, if that makes sense? I'm normally quite busy visiting friends, but this time I wanted to focus on my garden, which is starting to look lovely even if I do say so myself Wink.

I hope to do a spot of decorating louise. I'm still trying to decide which wall paper stripping technique is the best. So far I have tried warm water and sponge and scraper (not very effective) and stanley knife, special spary and scraper (slightly better but still not that quick). I've read that if you scrub the paper with wire wool first this might help so that will be my next method.....its going to be a long and drawn out process I think and because of my back problems I can only manage an hour at a time. Oh well, it will keep me busy Smile

I hope you have a good time with your son and his girlfriend.

Posted on: April 18, 2014 - 10:08am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Glad things have improved healthwise PQ and hope the girls are Ok when you pick them up. As for decorating, those steam strippers (that look like tridents) are very efficient, I borrowed one last time I took wallpaperr off, you have to open the window though, I wonder if you can hire one from the DIY shop? Well done on the garden!

How's everyone this evening?

Posted on: April 18, 2014 - 4:06pm

Hi all, how has everyone's week been?

Ours started really well, Monday was nice, Tuesday was pretty quiet, if I recall,..... I think I just stayed in and did a little bit of housework, Sprog went to bed spectacularly early, at 7 though, which was awesome! Lol oh! Wednesday! EURGH!!!! Well, ok, it started well, had the HV round in the morning to so how we're getting on (her second visit since I showed up at the health centre in tears), and yeah we're doing ok, not totes amazeballs, but not hideously either! Then went to a mummy friend's house for a playdate, which we had a lvoely time, the kids played with water as it was lovely and warm. Had a dentist appointment after, which was when all hell broke loose...... Sprog wanted to explore the practice, so she started screaming the place down and turning to jelly when I tried to pick her up. And then the bus ride home, I could actually have decked this oldish bloke on the nose, he was so rude! He asked how old "he" was (Sprog!), where I'd been, and said "ohh so you're now going home to cook for dad", which he quickly added "oh, sorry, didn't mean to be rude". Then he came and sat on the row in front of me, but turned sidewards to keep talking to me, and then persisted to make really personal comments about Sprog's Dad like " I bet he doesn't pay maintenance either", "it's s***", and the piece de resistance- "15 minutes of pleasure, then you've gotta pay for it" I was FUUUMMMIIINNGNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I retreated upstairs then, and felt like crying :( he ruined my week, it's not been to great ever since.

Sprog has been acting up since, as do the other kids we hang out with. Thursday, we had another playdate at the same mum's house- we ended up having to walk them round the park opposite a couple of time to get them to sleep! Today started just as bad, selective hearing is the devil! But once we left, the day started to improve some what, had a nice coffee with a mummy friend whos asked me to babysit/nanny her son while she works on her design work in her garden studio, so we were chatting about that and getting to know each other more, we've got quite a lot in common with creativity and stuff like that, so looking forward to helping her out! :) she's just waiting to receive her deposit from a customer so that she can let me know when she needs me :D

Hope everyone's got a good Easter weekend planned! Mine doens't look too shabby! ^_^ Louise, I really fancy fish and chips! Well, the chips, maybe a sausage instead though, or savaloy (oi oi!) Hehehe 

Happy Easter everyone!


Posted on: April 18, 2014 - 11:18pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello CleverMummy2012

Good to see you. The first thing to say is that it's good about some possible work for you, and also at least if your friends' children play up as well then you know it is not just you. It's so frustrating when things happen like the incident in the dentist's. I remember my eldest being fairly abominable at the doctor's once and the GP said "don't worry, Louise, he's at that difficult age between one and 26" haha.

However I am not sure what to say about that dreadful man on the bus as we have a no swearing rule here. I wonder if it would help to have a phrase at the ready, that you can just repeat to people like that, something like "I really don't wish to discuss that with you" and if you ever, EVER, come across anyone so rude, unsympathetic and nosey again then just say the phrase, as a reply to anything that is said. They would soon give up! However, one of the reasons you feel so upset about it is that you secertly wonder if there is a grain of truth in what he said.  There isn't!!!!!!!Feel good about yourself and your parenting...have a look at this thread (click)

So here were are it's Saturday, how is everyone, what are you up to? The shed roof here is actually frosty!

Posted on: April 19, 2014 - 7:23am


Hi clevermummy, people like that are best ignored (easier said than done I know). The sad thing is he probably thought he was being sympathetic towards you!

Hi Louise, I used a steamer to strip the wall paper in my kitchen, I was really trying to avoid using it in my bedroom as I'm still sleeping in there and can't clear everything out, I don't want all my bedding, clothes etc to get damp. But if I can't find an effective allternative method I might have to. Going to pop down to homebase later to see if any of the staff have any good ideas.

Today my neighbours are 'popping over' for a couple of hours with their 2 young daughters 1+3 so I will have to run round the house making it toddler proof. No matter how well I think I've done they always find something unsuitable I've left lying around!! If the weather holds we might be able to go in the garden, however they will have to sit and face the same direction as I have only done one side of the garden Laughing.

No frost here louise but the temp has definitely dropped.

Posted on: April 19, 2014 - 8:58am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh PQ hope you're not feeling too "overrun" with the little ones, they do seem to get into everything at that age! Hope you got a good view of the garden haha. I see what you mean about the steam in your bedroom, even with the window open that might be difficult.

I have had a lovely afternoon and evening with eldest and his girlfriend. She really is great and they seem very happy. Youngest came in halfway through so it all collapsed into a very loud and hilarious session with him doing an impression of his friend's karaoke and doing a lot of silly dancing. I don't know where he gets it from Cool

Is everyone having a good evening?

Posted on: April 19, 2014 - 9:55pm

Just you and me around this weekend louise?

Our afternoon went really well. The little girls are great and bring out the best in my girls so we all had a lovely time.

The easter bunny visited this morning so its a hyper house at the moment! We've just watched Frozen, its an amazing film, probably one of the best Disney has done for a long time (I think). We're off to my in-laws for sunday lunch soon so that will be a big family day, there will probably be about 18 of us altogether!

The weather has turned here, I hope it rains like it said it would as I put feed and weed on my grass yesterday and it needs watering in!

I liked your story about your younger son louise, it reminds me of my nephews.

Hope everyone is having a good long weekend.

Posted on: April 20, 2014 - 9:24am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Sounds like fun in your house yesterday and this morning, PQ. No eggs here though I pretended to be upset that youngest hadn't got me one, haha. I went to church and there were three adult baptisms and I got three invites, nothing to do with the lady invited me to meet her for a posh coffee, another is having four of us over to her house next weekend and my friend and her fiance invited me to their weddding reception, so that's me sorted!

Happy Easter everyone, is it a choc fest everywhere?

Posted on: April 20, 2014 - 2:45pm

Hi all, thanks so much for your support, I'm a numpty for letting him carry on talking in the first place hehe

Glad to hear you're all having a lovely Easter- but where's the Sun gone??

PQ, did you sort out your wallpaper? And I've still never seen Frozen (yet)! I see/hear everyone keep raving about it! Lol

Louise, your youngest sounds awesome, did you get any videos? Lol

We're having a lovely long weekend now, Saturday started very slowly, gradually got housework done, ready for my aunt and uncle to visit. Thankfully they were running a bit late, so I managed to get mostly everything I needed to done (I still can't find the rocket for my bottom....). Sprog absolutely loves them, and they love us, they brought her Easter eggs round, some money from my nan for our holiday next month, plus Sprog's new lilac and fusia converse :') then mum came to pick us up about an hour later, and we went to stay with them last night, which was really nice. Sprog took half my dad's burger, srew on his table and chairs (woops :S) and got their coffee table all covered in gruby hand prints hehe but she let us sleep in til 10.15 this morning for a change! Although she woke for a bottle at 5ish, ah well :)

What does everyone have planned for the rest of the week? I'm thinking for tomorrow of having an open house for my mummy friends, as we can't hold our playgroup in our usual venue :)


Posted on: April 20, 2014 - 11:59pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

An open house, Clevermummy, I am not sure whether to say "how lovely" or "how brave" heh heh. Glad you are having a decent weekend filled with lots of nice people.

I have a drive to a new place next Saturday so am going to have a dummy run today, with friend in tow and I am hoping a pub lunch too. Youngest was at a 70s night last night. I saw his bedroom was still empty when I got up this morning. Was worried...until I went downstairs and found him asleep on the settee wrapped in my bright pink fleecy dressing gown.

What are you all up to today? Sparkling how is Easter in your house, any chance of a Caramac egg?

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 8:33am


Glad you're having a good weekend clevermummy, I'm like louise on the open house front, I'm hopeless at things like that so it would probably be a nightmare for me, but good for you.

Had a lovely time yesterday with my in-laws. The girls love spending time with their cousins, they hang on every word they say, the ages range from 17-25 so very loud and raucous with lots of laughing.

The girls are out with their dad today. I had arranged to see a new friend for coffee but he cancelled last night, I feel quiet disappointed so not sure what to do with myself now. The sun is shining today so I might go for a walk Cool.

Enjoy your drive out louise, I hope you find a nice country pub.

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 10:04am

A belated happy Easter to everyone. J was inundated with chocolate yesterday. I don't buy him any as he gets so much from other people, even though I tell them not to bother. It's the last day of holiday today, back to work tomorrow. J is looking forward to being back at school, he's missed his friends.

Finally had he last house valuation through the post so can take all that to the solicitors this week. Then the fun and games will start no doubt. Ex is determined that I will give him a hefty chunk of money as a deposit for a new place, or he will 'take me to court to force the sale'. He has even said that if I can't get a mortgage it's about time I rented somewhere instead of him. And here's me more concerned with housing J. I know he's trying to intimidate me, but he honestly can't have what I can't get. Someoneosted a lovely picture on Facebook yesterday saying 'Be strong. It will get better. It might be stormy now but it never rains forever' I'm going with this one!

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 2:33pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I do believe any court would be thinking about J, Looby. At least now this is the last stage of things, with the house, what a relief for it all to be sorted finally! Will you be helping J to eat his Easter chocolate? (just to help him out I mean)

Hello PQ, shame about your coffee, did you manage to get out in the sun? I can imagine the girls with their cousins, it's a good job my youngest can't come round doing his silly dancing.

Bit peeved earlier: went for the planned drive, got within a mile of the destination and there was a police roadblock so I had to turn round and come back, came back on nice country roads and stopped at a pub where we shared one of those platter boards with whitebait, brown bread, prawns, salmon pate and tartare sauce. What a lovely treat.

Managed to get the grass cut, so am going to put my feet up now

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 2:51pm

I didn't go out in the end. I made a last minute arrangement with another friend, then they cancelled on me too. I decided someone was trying to tell me something so I stayed at home! I've spent the afternoon exploring through some music on my ipod, its funny how you end up listening to the same things over and over again, so it was good to revisit some old favourites, and of course the adventure wouldn't be complete without a bit of Elbow Smile.

The girls will be back soon. Their visits with their dad get shorter and shorter and more infrequent, at least they see him I suppose Undecided.

Looby glad the valuation part is over. I can't imagine any court making you sell your home. Liked the quote, sounds like a good mantra to have.

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 5:58pm

In the interest of J's teeth, I have helped him out with his chocolate. Although I think he will grow up into a chocolate snob like me. The eggs that weren't 'proper' chocolate he did turn his nose up at. 

Louise sorry your drive out was cut short but sounds like a very yummy lunch. Apart from the prawns, can't be doing with them!

PQ I've had the same playlist on my phone for years. Always listen to the same songs, although I have been listening to Daughtry on Spotify, to try and broaden my horizons.

In an ideal world, the ex will accept I can only get him x amount of money, my mortgage application will be accepted and I will be free with no more threats hanging over me. I will also have some money left over at the end of the month. I know it's unrealistic that we will be forced to sell up, but it's just the grief I will get from ex if it doesn't go to plan. Of course being declined a mortgage will be all my fault. I look forward to the day when the house is mine and I can demand he gives his key back. Ladies, that will be party time!

Posted on: April 21, 2014 - 7:32pm
Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi everyone, nice to hear you have all had a good weekend Smile 

Good luck with your "open house" CleverMummy, me and a few mums used to do the same thing when our children were younger and the toddler group was closed for half term.

Your country pub lunch sounded great Louise, hope your trip next Saturday goes well.

Good job looby helping J out with his chocolate, hope you are able to sort your house situation soon. 

The new car sounds fab skyflower.

Did the girls have a good visit with their dad PQ? hope you all had a good evening, are the girls back at school today?

I had a fairly good break, got most of the spring cleaning done! had plenty of relaxing time, funnily we spent abit of time watching old movies. 

Hope you all have a good day Smile

Posted on: April 22, 2014 - 7:15am
Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe


Forgot to mention yesterday that it was A's birthday, we had a lovely evening celebrating and eating Red Velvet Cake Smile 

Hope your all doing o.k?

Posted on: April 23, 2014 - 7:02am

Good morning, oooo its quiet on here this week!

Glad you had a good time celebrating A's birthday sally. I've never had Red Velvet cake before, whats it like.

The girls enjoyed seeing their Dad, although I'm finding these new 'adhoc' arrangements very difficult, I'm going to post something in another thread as I feel I need some support and ideas.

The weather here is very changeable, yesterday sunny, today drizzley.

Thought I might take the girls to the cinema on Sunday, anyone got any film suggestions that aren't animated! Suitable for a 13, 11 and 40 something year old Wink.

Posted on: April 25, 2014 - 8:40am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Just popping in to wish everyone a happy weekend. Please make the sun shine Cool

Posted on: April 25, 2014 - 5:12pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello just putting my head round the door to say Hi, and I will be back later to catch up with all the news.

Looks a bit grey and drizzly outside. My trip was cancelled after all that hoo-hah with the dummy run, the person that was hosting has had some bad news and wanted to put the "do" off till another day.

Posted on: April 26, 2014 - 7:57am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Here are the highlights of my week:

Went to a fab comedy night with friends on Wednesday night

Got asked to help with the Alpha course at my church, very exciting as I have always wanted to do it.

Signed up to swmming lessons, starting tomorrow . I can already swim well but the lady said I can swim up and down at leisure, with no gaggle of OAPs gossiping at the shallow end or small boys dive-bombing over my head.

Watched Jamaica Inn on telly did anyone see it?

Best of all, had lovely message from my youngest saying "You are the only woman in my life, you have always been there and been amazing for me." It was lucky for him that he sent this as I was able to forgive him later in the week for a rather raucous night out culminating in a packet of Fruit Pastilles for breakfast followed by cold McDs chips YUK!!!

What are you all up to today?

Posted on: April 26, 2014 - 2:32pm

Hi Louise,

I did watch Jamaica Inn and really enjoyed it but I did find it a bit mumbly at times, especially Joss!

That was a lovely text from your youngest, I hope you have kept it. 

My cough has come back....booo! Have been getting better every day this week but last night I started to feel rough again, I shall have to get the Berroca out again.

I'm off to a party later. Cool

Posted on: April 26, 2014 - 2:52pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes the party. Enjoy!!! Sorry about the cough, very annoying for you. The Jamaica Inn sound was better for me as I had recorded it.

Hope you have a good time this evening Laughing

Posted on: April 26, 2014 - 7:19pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Morning, it is Sunday, how are you all? Have all the Easter eggs been eaten? I am on creche this morning and got swimming at teatime. I suspect I am "on the settee" this afternoon therefore.

Look forward to your news if you get chance to say Hello.

Posted on: April 27, 2014 - 8:00am


How did recording Jamaica Inn make the sound quality better Louise?

Had a great time last night at the party. Met some new people which is always lovely. Had a bit of a dance tooSmile.

The girls want to go to the cinema this afternoon. The only thing that looks remotely interesting is Transcendence but not sure how suitable it will be. Its a 12A so it should be OK. Has anyone seen it?

Enjoy your settee time louise.

Posted on: April 27, 2014 - 11:35am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I am not sure why recording it made it better, it might be that I recorded it on cable and the sound problems everyone was mentioning were on freeview? Bit technical for me.

Glad you had a good party, did you get to the cinema PQ?

My swim was good but bet I ache in the morning as I have not been for a while.

Have a good week everyone!

Posted on: April 27, 2014 - 8:17pm


No we didn't go to the cinema in the end, the girls wanted a chillout day at home. So we played games instead. I got thrashed at mario carts but managed to hold onto my crown for cards Cool.

I'm feeling a bit tired this morning as I decided to watch a very dodgy film last night.

Posted on: April 28, 2014 - 9:03am
Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe


Lovely that you were able to have that time with the girls yesterday, will it be an early night for you tonight PQ?

The text from your son was so sweet Louise, not so sure about his tastes buds though fruit pastiles and cold chips yuk.  Good luck with helping on the Alpha course we have been doing it for a few weeks now at our church, i'm really enjoying it Smile

Red Velvet Cake is basically a chocolate cake that has red food colouring in it to make it red and it has a cream cheese frosting, which is the bit that i like!!

How is everyone else?

Posted on: April 28, 2014 - 5:43pm
Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Good morning everyone,

Looking like we may have some sunshine today yeah.... forgot to ask what the dodgy film was that you were watching the other night PQ?

Have a few errands to do today A's new phone is not working properly so have to take it back to the shop to get it looked at, also need a few bits and bobs. 

Enjoy your day!!

Posted on: April 29, 2014 - 7:09am

Hi everyone.

Not been an easy week really, and an awful weekend, with things eventually getting sorted...

I went to see Evita yesterday evening, which was excellent.  It's so good that these shows are coming to north Wales.  

The weather has been lovely, with yesterday really warm.

I'm seeing my Aunty this morning, but waiting for a call from work as the accountant is calling in.  Not too impressed, but the more of us that are there the merrier!

I hope everyone is ok.

Posted on: April 29, 2014 - 8:09am

Hi Sparkling, sorry you've not had a good week. I hope things have settled down now for you.

The film I watched sally was 'A Haunting in Conneticut' not sure why I watched it as I don't like horror films!! Red Velvet cakes sounds yummy, might have a go at making it.

Posted on: April 29, 2014 - 8:39am