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Welcome to March 1st - St Davids Day!
I can see daffodils, blossom and sunshine, today couldn't really get much better!!
There is an Eisteddfod at the school today, so my lot are doing all they can to get out of going.
We have daffodils almost out - if we have some sunshine today they just might bloom which would be nice. I have some mini ones in a pot.
Was up at 6.30am (sleep is almost impossible) and it was light. And it's March - hurrah. Perhaps daughter well now stop asking if a card has arrived from The Git. She so wanted one.
Yes sparkling it is March!!
Well done, Anna, for noticing and starting the new thread
Hazeleyes, how are you doing?
Hope everyone is Ok
Hi all,
sorry I've not been on for such a long time. Feeling exhausted most of the time and have sent off blood test to see if I'm anaemic again.
Hope everyone is alright!
Sparkling, what is an Eisteddfod???? x
An Eisteddfod is like a competition with singing, dancing, humour, drama, art, recitation. They can go on and on so are boring! I like watching the national Eiseddfod (whole of Wales) as they show highlights
Dydd Gwyl Dewi - St David's Day.
My hair is now sort of ear length. Hurrah. The comments I had when the hairdresser was cutting it off were hilarious, including the other hairdresser who was almost crying. About 10" cut off today. Should be nice and wavy after I wash it in the morning.
I'm sorry your feeling exhausted Hopeful. You do so much too.
My side's so bad I'm trying to avoid getting in the car (fine getting out!), so limiting trips. I didn't go to Scouts, and youngest was telling me that when I'm not there, there are loads of arguments. I suppose it is nice to know I'm missed, but seems that it will be difficult to take the odd night off.
Surgery in the morning to see the practice nurse about the high blood pressure etc. And hopefully about the side too.
I have missed lots again, haven't I??? What's the problem with your hair? (i'm having mine cut by a hairdresser for the first time in about ten years at the end of the month! how scary is that?)
why is your side bad? is it bad - painful? and what surgery are you having?
you don't have to say, if you don't want, i am just too tired to search through the old posts. Hope all will go well for you! xxx
Ooh sparkling a new spring haircut, I rememeber when I had all my hair cut off, I said to the hairdersser "Oh no, I will have to start washing my neck now" She was not sure whether I was joking haha I feel so sorry for you with the pain, I know how horrid it can be, it takes your breath away. See what they suggest at the surgery, they might say anti inflammatories or pain killers. Let us know how you get on. Did the children get out of the Esitedfodd?
Nice to see you Hopeful, working hard as usual, your assignments must now be "almost" at an end for this year? Are you still with the Distrcit Nurses? By the way sparkling has wrenched all the muscles in her side with violent coughing. Let us know what the blood test result is, fin gers crossed they can get you sorted.
I am meeting my siater later today!
Have a nice time with your sister Louise.
The awful cough I had Hopeful has made up for me not having had a cough for two years!
Youngest is off not feeling well, so looks like we won't be going to tea with the in-laws.
Is it his asthma, sparkling? How did you get on at the doc?
Had lovely time with sister but cut short as she had to collect one of her rabbits from the vets where he was being "done"
I'm glad you had a good time with your sister. Our boy rabbit was "done" last year. He now lives in luxury with the girl rabbit, and they love each other incredibly...
Youngest has had a bug. He was running back and forth to the bathroom all night. Luckily its been a fabulous day here to have flung all the windows open wide! I really, really don't want it
Saw the nurse, who after all the drama's of me inheriting another of my mother's condition's has had to back-track today as blood pressure was fantastic and she's jealous! She's still wanting to send a load of bloods off though They never believe me that I don't sit and eat mars bars' and drink gallons of coke all day. Perhaps I should try and see what happens.
Went back at noon to see the GP who agrees that I've pulled a muscle (intercostal ) and has given me a perscription for some gel. I couldn't park by the chemists, and to be honest couldn't bear the thought of getting in and out the car again, so I'll ask my son to pick that up when he comes home. I have a feeling it will be in the morning now though.
Forecast for a drop of 12 degrees in temperature and rain. Why can't it be spring now?
Yes, still District Nursing, very busy, very interesting. Only one assignment to 'redo' - the one I messed up when No3 son messed up school. But it's not due till April, so no pressure.
Sparkling, ask for some physio for your chest, there are things that can be done! (Sadly, I am not doing physiotherapy, so I am not sure what, just know that....)..
Louise, your rabbit story made me laugh, was thinking 'what about doing it like rabbits - poor rabbit!' (*apologies all round*)
He reckons time will be the healer for the muscle sadly. I've had to do an interview panel with Scouts this evening, and the angle I was sitting at on the chair has not helped at all!
I'm glad the District Nursing is interesting.
Hi all. Sorry not been here for a while. Busy at work, and busy at home, trying desperately to get stuff under control (housewise things) no luck hehe. Am getting quite anxious now about the looming operation on Monday, and basically *****ing it. I have such a black look on this one, like they will say it's time for the partial vulvectomy. (pray I'm wrong). I really don't want the op on this date either, as it could be bad omen, Dad's cremation day. I know I'm probably being totally irrational but years ago, my gall bladder was booked on this day, and I had to cancel. Now, the ruddy date has come up again, and...... Can just see Louise shaking her head at me, and Sparkling crying, hehe. (Me, trying to make light of the situation). I know I shall be fine!!! Friend (ex teacher one) came round tonight with a lovely card, and it was really nice to see her. Kept me occupied.
Anyhow, not really read through posts, but hope you're all okay. Have a lovely weekend. Any news on elle?
No, I am not shaking my head, Hazeleyes, I have a sympathetic expression, it is horrid to face health worries, especially when you are not sure of the outcome. Hopefully the operation will not be too major and they can give you good news, otherwise I know it would involve some reconstructive surgery too. if the news is not so good, do ask if you can have the support of the local Macmillan nurse during the recovery time as they are fab (well you know that already)
We have missed you on the boards so I was glad to see you had posted. My painting is done but I still have a few things to do when I can afford it.
Sparkling, hope you get your gel today and I was wondering about a hot water bottle on your side as well? How is your youngest?
Hopeful you are going great guns with the training and learning, hats off to you, I had to giggle at your comment about the rabbit because that was actually what I was thinking as I drove home yesterday....
Hazeleyes, sorry to hear you're so worried! Will be thinking of you xxx
Sparkling, try deep breathing (at least one thing I know): really deep breath in and slowly let it all out - relaxes all the upper body muscles. Did you actually ask for physio? Throw a wobbly at the doctor's (they hate that), maybe they'll give it to you just so you go away!
Am going to the theatre tonight to see Zach Braff in his play. That'll be fun!
Louise, thanks for the praise! I don't feel like I am 'going great guns' because there's so much still to do!
Have a brilliant weekend everyone! x
Hopeful, you are doing so well. Enjoy the play :-)
Hazeleyes, I am thinking of you loads. Don't think of the date as an omen though, as although I know it sounds cold (and I don't mean it to), the date of the cremation isn't chosen, but given - or was with Mum and Dad's, as to when it could be fitted in... I'm not surprised you're feeling anxious. Wish you were closer (note not the other way around ) so I could help. xxxx
I'm glad the painting's done Louise. Eldest's friend has had his hours at work cut from 39 to 13 and is so upset, as he left college to take up the job (supermarket). He does a lot of diy with his Dad, so I've asked if he'll do some painting here and I'll pay him. Only the parts I'm desperate to have finished...
Good morning all. Thankyou Loads for me to do today, so lots to keep me busy
C is eagerly looking forward to seeing my sister. I've been awake since 4.30 watching tv in bed. Think I slept funny on Thursday night, as woke with a pain down the shoulder blade, and this morning, it is really hurting, so I've stuck one of those heat pads on. I'll be fine, I know I will, come Monday morning, and I'm there. I shall use the laptop in bed to update you all of course.
Glad the painting is done Louise, you don't waste any time do you I bet it looks lovely.
Hopeful, glad you're okay.
Sparkling, how's your youngest today? Better I hope. Uhmmmm, did notice the bit about me being nearer to your end!! I was thinking the other way around myself Hope your pain in the side is getting easier too. Did you manage to get the gel? How's your FIL doing?
Hope you all have a good Saturday, it's raining here (typical for the weekend).
hazeleyes i am sending you lots of positive vibes - i had pre-cancerous cells removed and it was a partial vulvectomy - i have come out the other side - i think that is why i get so mad about ex leaving as everything i had been through last year but there in lies another story.
you are bound to feel the way you do and it is normal to feel like that - your friends on here will remain positive and optimistic on your behalf - deep breaths though - sending a hug and much love
Hi lrh. Sorry to hear you went through that. Can I ask how many operations you needed before the partial, or was yours done on the first findings (as it were). I shall keep you all informed anyway. Thankyou.
Haven't done much again I'm afraid (what am I like). I just want to go to bed, but first am doing C something to eat. He also needs an earlier night too!
i had a biopsy and then they decided that as i had pre cancerous cells and there was 3 different points that had them they decided to cut them away but i thought for over a year i had thrush and it was a long process to end up at the hospital - i wish i had pursued it sooner - having said that maybe if i had pursued it sooner i may have ended up in the same position because it may have had to develop into it if you know what i mean - i go for 6 monthly check ups - had first one a couple of months ago and everything fine - don't be hard on yourself for doing not very much - you have to be kind to yourself and go with the flow
Yes, I second that, you do have to go with the flow. I had part of my cervix removed when they found pre-cancerous cells in 2003 and I have been fine ever since, and I know that is less invasive but I remember how upsetting it was and how scary, so you are in my thoughts. I know that it might feel hard to post if you're not feeling great but that is what we are here for so do come on and talk to us.Please be assured that as you go through the next few days, all of us will be with you in spirit
What is everyone up to today?
Morning all, what is everyone up to today? Its a rainy miserable day here in the South West! It is very quiet in the house as my daughter was at her friends for a sleepover last night, go o go and pick her up at 11. I not sure how muchsleep if any will have gone on though! My son has enjoed the peace and quiet and being able o play with his toys without getting annoyed by his big sister!! Think we will probably just chill for the rest of the day as Im sure that M will be very tired and grumpy when she gets bac!
Hope everyone has a good day
Sam x
Snow on the moutains....
Nice to see you in here Sam Hope your daughter wasn't too tired when she got back.....
Sparkling, we have had sleet all day
LRH how did it go?
Hazeleyes : GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW! will be thinking of you
It was a lovely sunny day. The clouds kept covertng the mountains though. I've been good and done some work ready for phone tutorial of shame with the tutor tomorrow. I hope I've done enough
Hazeleyes, I'll be thinking of you so much. xxxxxxxxx
Hazeleyes sending positive vibes for today - thinking of you
I will try and get on here more, it has just been very hectic lately! M wasnt too tired after the sleepover, shesaid she had a fab time whcih is the main thing! It was T who got sent to bed early as he had been a right little monkey all day!! Had day trying to carry on with the spring cleaning! I feel like I am starting to get somewhere but there is still lots to do!
Hope everyone is okay
Sam x
Hi all. Well, I'm back home, sore at the moment, but the numbness is starting to wear off, so it will hit me very soon I think!! Go back in four weeks for the results. Have been cut both sides, which as you probably know, it's slightly awkard to sit down (ouch). My sister and C picked me up, and my little monkey filmed me coming out with the nurse. She was it was great (I didn't) hehe. Anyhow, just got back in, she made me a tea, then her daughter rang. Her little fella was ill, and she had to go to benefit office otherwise they would have cut her money. Couldn't let that happen, so off my sister and C went, leaving me on my own. I don't mind of course, as I haven't done anything, apart from grab some sausages out of the fridge and a bag of crisps. Starving! Am just pleased it's over and done with.
How's everyone? Sparkling, how is the pain in your side? What's everyone up too today?
I'm ok, thank you.
I'm so glad you're home. xxx
glad your home and ok hazeleyes
Hazeleyes, 'i'm starving' is such a good sign! :-) I was thinking of you! Hope you recover really really fast!
Am still being chaotic in the community (or should that be dynamic in the district?!).
Sending hugs to all! x
Hello and hope everyone is Ok.
Hi Hazeleyes, just checking in to see how you are....good that you are home and fingers crossed that the anaesthetic will give you a decent night's sleep. Perhaps try and lie on your side? gosh there is plenty of rubbish telly to watch (no shouting at Jeremy Kyle heh heh) I know four weeks is a while to wait but you have done it now,phew! We have all been thinking of you today.
Take care of yourself
Will be back with you all on Wednesday
Have given a little snigger at your post Louise, anaesthetic giving me a decent night's sleep! 2.10 in the morning and I'm still awake. Have been drinking lots of water, so am not burning so much when I go to the loo, very swollen too. I wasn't comfy in sitting, so while I waited on sister and C's return I decided I might as well get dinner started (mince) so not too hard work. Even got the ironing board out and just ironed some bits of C's. Only managed about 4/5 things, and that whacked me, so you'd think I'd be exhausted, but oh no, even an anesthetic doesn't work!!
Going to get into bed now, and yes, will sleep on side (hopefully). Have a lovely day off Louise, catch you on Wednesday. What are your plans tomorrow?
Hopeful, sounds like you're totally enjoying your job.
Goodnight to one and all. xx
hazeleyes, I was thinking of you yesterday, I was too busy here to get on the boards and send my well wishes to you.
I am so glad to hear that it has gone ok, a bit sore, but generally it is over and done with. I hope that you managed to get some sleep after your 2.16am message on here
Hopeful, I love your Dynamic in the District, that is a brilliant way to describe your work!
Hi to everyone else, we have beautiful weather here, just FREEZING cold. Why is it in the morning you look out of your bedroom window and see the sun and feel that you don't need to wear loads of clothes and head out in just a jumper?? (I know its because the heating is on and the house is cosy) only to spend the rest of the day shivering and bemoaning the weather! When will I learn!
Hope every one is well
Hi all. Sorry but a rant coming on. Not a good sleep last night. C has been asking for a while for a hamster. Not a place near enough by us, so sister said she would take him, but I would have to go.... Why?? This morning, she tells me she will head to her daughters tomorrow (thanks sis), so the hamster would have to be gotten today! Like I want to go out right now! Anyhow, off we went. I was shattered. Got back, her daughter rang, youngest is still poorly. Took him to doctors, given medicine but cannot find why he has such high temperature. Take him back tomorrow if it doesn't go down. Well, sister has now gone over there, not sure if she is here tonight. What I cannot get my head round, is the fact, she's gone there because you have to hold the 2 year old down to give the medicine!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but...... Told her she was needed more with her daughter, so stay there. (was being sarcastic I'm afraid), but then she said, I still need her. What a ruddy laugh. I have just run C's bath, washed his hair (which he cannot do himself), put my dinner in oven. Just sat down now, after a whole day on my feet, and I want to cry. Yes, I'm on my own, and don't I know it. Truth is what I knew all along, but it just keeps getting thrown in my face, I don't really have anyone to help me out. Bum, bum bum.
Little rant over. Apart from this, I'm okay, case of having to be isn't it?
Feeling horrid now. Rang sister, and she is coming back about 7.30. Her daughter is feeling bad that she should be with me, and now I'm on a guilt trip (no pleasing me eh). Told sister C was already, bath, hairwash, homework sorted etc, and she is telling me to sit down. HUH.
One pleased chappie in here though because of hamster. Stinking already or is it just me imagining it? Actually it is a cutie, but I shan't be handling it. Looking through the cage is enough for me. Ginger and white in colour, C has called him Sniffie, as it was sniffing all round the cage, (original or what).
Hope everyone is okay, sorry didn't ask earlier, but with my rant and all, completely self absorbed in myself (selfish woman that I am)!
I can only imagine she's feeling torn, which doesn't help I know...
It will be the sawdust that smells. It won't be stinky just yet.
Thinking of you loads.
Got to go to Beavers as she's investing some new ones for the first time.
aw sorry Hazeleys -its annoying when people let you down - its so frustrating - sending you a hug
don't feel guilty Hazeleyes sometimes you need to let other people feel guilty
Thanks you too
lrh, just read your thread. Sorry to hear about the cat. I'm not an animal person, but I know how attached us humans get to things. I grew up with cats, and I wouldn't mind getting one for C (not now of course), but hamsters work out cheaper hehe.
Not sure if this is possible, but VIN isn't something people actually speak openly about. I think maybe the area of it, not sure. But was wondering, as you're the only one I 'know', if in the future, perhaps I could ask Louise to pass my e.mail addy to you, and perhaps have a chat like that?
hi hazeleyes - thanks - i am diagnosed with VIN3 - happy to 'talk' by email if its ok with Louise
Have also been diagnosed with VIN3, but go down to 2 and have been 1. Not sure on Monday's results yet, but will know in 4 weeks. Read the report on Monday, which said skin lining now too thin, which makes me wonder about the partial vulvectomy if and when next surgery. x
Oh Hazeleyes, how frustrating! And I am sure the doctors and nurses have told you to 'take it easy' for a while.... Sending lots of hugs your way!
Yes, I am loving the placement (loved all of them actually). It's a bit frustrating that I can't go out by myself, as the team could do with a better workload distribution. All that stuff that I can and do do, but am not allowed by myself yet!!! Got signed off for the year by the tutor last night, too. One more year and I'll be registered. Scary!
Hope people are ok! x
Hello one and all, Hopeful you are doing great, it is scary isn't it when you are coming up to being qualified? I felt like that about being a counsellor.
Sparkling how is your side? Hope Beavers went ok. Is it pouring with rain there today?
LRH hope you are ok today, I am so sorry about your cat
Hazeleyes, well I don't know whether to send you a hug, look at you through my glasses or give you a round of applause, so I will do all three Yes, we DO just end up getting on with it and it is exasperating....the only crumb of comfort I can offer is that whan I was married to the boys' dad, it was no easer, cos I just had him flannelling around as well and saying he was too busy at work to look after me. Don't feel guilty for being annoyed, what happened WAS annoying and ending up with a hamster as well! as if you don't have enough to cope with! Now for my glasses....the world will not end if C does not have a bath or wash his hair for a few days, you know this is true and you are the first to reassure others who are going through hard times to cut themslves a bit of slack so please give yourself the same loving care. If only I were Fred Elllott from Corrie (remember him?) I could say "Cut yerself a bit of slack Hazeleyes....I say cut yerself a bit of slack!"
...and then I would slap half a pound of mince on the counter for dinner
Hope you are feeling a bit brighter this morning
My son is on a trip to the local Young Offenders Insitute. They are looking at prison work and how the place runs, and also taking part in a fitness challenge with the lads. Tomorrow he is off to do an outward bound-y thing with rock climbing and ropes (don't ask) He had a group interview with Asda last week and has been asked to a second interview on Sunday, so fingers crossed.
Good afternoon all, its another day on planet earth, how is everyone?
...well I will just sweep away this tumbleweed...
Where are you all? Hope everyone is Ok. I am out and about for the day but will be back at teatime to check on all your news. Hazeleyes, how are you feeling? What's everyone doing over the weekend?
hi I am still stomping about so don't want to come and spoil the thread here! hope everyone has a good weekend though
Morning all,
Dreadful morning ahead
Little one got a dental appointment at 11.30 she needs to have some treatment done on the root of the back of two of her teeth - ouch. Today will be the 3rd attempt to do it. She has to have those awful injections to numb it but first time the first injection didnt work and little one was so distressed they couldnt get the second injection in. The second attempt we tried laughing gas to calm her down but after being under the mask for 30 minutes she still wasnt chilled and she screamed blue murder when they got the first injection in which again didnt numb her gum.
So today we are trying again.... I am dreading it. She doesnt even know she is going dentist because she will kick off so I put her in school and will collect her soon.
It is so awful I wish i could have it done for her but I cant. Dentist wont put her to sleep so god knows how today will work. I got my mum coming with me coz I hate seeing her so upset