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Wow it is the first of May, and time for a new thread. How is everyone today?
PQ shame you don't fancy this chap but it is fun dating I think it is a good idea to meet them before too much time has elapsed as otherwise, I always thought I had put a lot of time and effort in that was a bit wasted. I have several friends who met their new SPOUSE online though, so it definitely works.
Sparkling, is your name well known in the MP's office? You may be one of the few people who stands up for your rights. Good for you. I am sorry to hear about your youngest, PQ is right, you have to get on with life. If they were off everytime there "might" be something, they would never go to school.
Alarm went forward to 4.40 this morning, he must have needed that extra five minutes for the hair. He is doing it in a sort of Mr Whippy style I have had a funny do the last couple of days, eyelids suddenly swelling and eyes half closing, bit scary when driving!!! I think it is sudden pollen after all the awful weather, I have got some hayfever tabs now so will take one before I venture out today!
Its been a lovely sunny day here.
Youngest not too good, but no worse. I'm sure a tree at the corner of the estate (only a small garden away) doesn't help. He's now sneezing as well as wheezing. He should be ok by Friday, hopefully.
I need to go and get him some lemonade. And his older brother has made him some sausages with pasta for tea, so he must be poorly.
Hi all,
Sparkling, glad your son is no worse, does he get hayfever? Lucky him having dinner cooked for him, was there anything for you?
Anna, this internet dating malarkey is very strange, there has only been 2 dates but because we have talked a lot on the phone and via email it feels a lot more accelerated, I think Louise is right..its probably better to meet early on.
Bank holiday weekend coming up, I didn't realise until this week so I feel I have an unexpected treat!
Youngest can get a touch of hayfever sometimes... He really is full of cold this evening. I've bought him a box of soft tissues. He wants to sleep downstairs to sit up, to see if he coughs less. I just don't like the thought of being upstairs and away from him. It doesn't do me anygood sleeping on the chair though, as I just lock up.
It has been a lovely day here.
Daughter and I popped down to Asda to get the lemonade and cheap chocolate for youngest (you can see he is bad), but she and I bought ready made mash and ready prepared onions. £1.50 for them both. Added more butter, milk and pepper to the mash, fried up the onions, gravy (gravy granules), and it was delicious!
Election day here tomorrow. Hoping to see some of the councillors on the way in to discuss scout huts.
I hope everyone is ok.
Just popping in to wish you all a Good Morning as i am on here so early, the sun is shining here so i am feeling in the mood to be out and about, hope you are all experiencing some of this great weather we are having here in Bristol.
Probably not so great though for those of you that suffer with allergies.
Hope you all have a good day
It's a lovely morning here too.
Shattered after a rought night with youngest, but off to work soon. trying to decide whether or not I need my jacket!
Hi all. Shall catch up with posts a bit later. My news, well, I've been getting pain in my boob for roughly four weeks now. Each time I turned over in the night, a pain would wake me, and through the day too! So, not knowing if I could feel a lump or not, or whether I was imagining it, thought it best to check it out. Went to see GP today, and she was surprised that I'd left it so long (the pain) I'm going to clinic in two weeks time, as it's bank holiday, and the clinic is only open on Mondays. I've had lumps before, and they've been cysts, but this time, it feels totally different because of the pain I've been getting. There is of course breast cancer in my family, so that is a big worry, naturally. Anyhow, hope you're all well. Shall catch up soon.
Hi hazeleyes, I am glad that you have finally contacted the GP and you have a date for the clinic. It is bound to be a worry but try not to let it dominate your thoughts, lets wait and see what the doctors say.
sparklinglime, I hope that you managed to get out without your jacket on, apparently it is 20 degrees here, phew! gorgeous. Hope your son had a good night, did he sleep upstairs or downstairs in the end? Does it help if he sleeps sitting up?
Hi PQ, I imagine that you have shared quite a lot via emails etc, so I can understand that it feels as though you are a lot further along in the relationship 'virtually' that in 'reality'. The bank holiday was a bit of a surprise on me too, its great isn't it!
Sally I hope the spring stayed in your step today and having a lovely evening with your children :)
Hi to everyone else, I hope you are all well, I have sweaty yoga tonight, hurrah, excited! See y'all tomorrow!
Hi Hazeleyes, good that you have been to the dr and that they have referred you to the breast clinic, at least now you will know what it is. I'm sure you must be worried, I too have had breast lumps and you can't help think the worse. Sending you a big hug, keep talking about your fears, they are better out of your head than festering inside xxx
Hello everyone hope you are all ok this morning. I sat outside for my posh coffee yesterday so you can tell the weather is finally warmer. I have some bog-standard hay fever tablets and they seem to be doing the trick. I wasn't nodding off, Anna, my eye was just closing up because the eyelid swelled.
How is your youngest, sparkling? hope you had a better night last night. Did you buttonhole any councillors?
Hazeleyes what a worry for you and it is fab that you have been to the doc. Breast cancer lumps are almost always painless so the pain is a positive sign. But obviously you need to get it checked out PDQ, keep us posted but try not to let it dominate things too much, easier said than done but say to yourself "I will deal with whatever I have to deal with, I am a strong person, and I want to enjoy all the good things in my life in the meantime" We are always here to talk to, of course we are. Have you any plans for the long weekend?
PQ hope you are ok and will have a good weekend
What is everyone up to today? I had my book club last night, which I always enjoy. My settee is finally coming on Saturday, hurrah, I have looked like the princess and the pea for weeks, the current one is stacked with a folded duvet, a throw and a giant cushion so that we can sit on it without a spring digging in
Loads and loads of hugs from me too Hazeleyes xxxxx
Morning all,
I had an unexpected day off yesterday as H lost her voice! but back to work today. The sun is shining and it truly feels like winter is finaly behind us.
I had a another date last night with a very odd man, once I was home he pestered me via text for another date but when I politely declined he was quite rude....grrr!!
What is everyone doing for the long weekend. I'm doing nothing , I have been so busy over the last few weekends I am really looking forward to staying at home and potering.
Hi all, today is cloudier than it has been all week, I hope that the weekend clears up a bit.
pq, sorry to hear that you had to fend off a pest. Well done though I am sure it is going to be great practice for sharpening your assertiveness skills! I hope you have a truly lovely weekend, I too hope to do absolutely nothing! (Except visit my mum and go mountain biking!)
hazeleyes, how are you doing? Do you have any plans for the long weekend? I hope whatever you and C get up to, it is relaxing and fun
Hey sparklinglime, any visits to the beach for you and your lot over the weekend? That would be lovely, if its not too windy!
Louise, I know that you weren't falling sleep at the wheel, I was joking! I hope that the tablets keep doing their work, please be safe.
Wishing everyone a lovely bank holiday, bring on the sunshine
hi everyone is everyone ok, well cloudy here but not cold, my eldest son on his paper round, he as his sling off, we av appointment to see our consultant 20th may, the results of his eeg av cum in, and my son wil b on medication, at least he wil be getin sorted,im avin night out sunday night with few my friends,so lookin forward to that,my eldest dawter back from uni in 2 weeks, so cant wait to see her, not seen her for weeks,my 11 year old son as asthma, he as started wheezin now, hje ad bad asthma attack few year ago, myt av take him doctors next weeek, he as inhalersbut hes not ad to use um, i av hayfever but like itchy nose and throat and keep sneezing,i av periton medicine,thts gud, gona take dog out for long walk today and go park,hope goes bit sunnyx
Anna have a lovely bank holiday weekend look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday.
Hello everyone, how are things? Hope you will all find some nice things to do over the next few days, even if mixed in with a few chores. I am waiting for my delivery, what an excitement! Last night, put all the princess-and-pea cushions and duvets into youngest's ottoman bed. You have to lift the mattress and platform up and there is a hollow space within. I did this, then came past again, to find son INSIDE the bed, I said "what are you doing in there?" he said I can't be bothered to get out, which wasn't an answer as what I really wanted to know is why he had got in to start with. I would have thought that at 18, a mantle of sensible-ness would have settled on him by now silly me
PQ that sounds horrid about that bloke, lucky escape..if he is like that because you refuse a second date, what else is in his character? Don't let it put you off though, there are lots of lovely chaps out there (honest)
Sparkling, how is your youngest?
Hazeleyes, is it sunny there?
It's actually drizzled here this morning. A shame as I've dropped youngest off with friends (responsible adult who understands asthma). He's still far from well.
And now I have it.
A truly not good day at work yesterday, with colleague blowing up, stating that if plans changed she's walking. I'll be following... Work booked in and boss moved men elsewhere without us knowing. Very understandably angry customer, and so glad she took the call.
I came home and went to bed, feel so rotten. Just crawled up to the car to take youngest to meet up with the friends, as he's not fit to walk there. I think I'm about to now crawl back up to bed.
I really hope everyone has at least a peaceful and restful weekend with hopefuly some sunshine...
Hi all. Louise, your son is hilarious, and his antics always make me chuckle. Has the new settee arrived yet? How exciting. Let's hope there's no bouncing on it from you know who
Pq, think you had a lucky escape there from that chap, but better to see that side of him now, than later on. Hope you and the girls have a lovely weekend.
Sparkling, hope you're better as the day goes on. Will your youngests friend drop him home later (well, the parent I mean)
Anna, have a lovely Bank Holiday. Weather is dull here, so hopefully, it'll pick up tomorrow.
Had an absolute shock yesterday. Received a call from the neighbours. The other neighbour (a wonderful lady) her husband died nearly four years ago, well, her daughter died suddenly. She was about 57/58. Doesn't live in this country, but visits her Mum regularly, and they were so close. She was a total rock when the Dad died. Anyhow, I cannot believe this has happened, but knew I needed to speak to J. What I was going to say, I didn't know, but.... So, I rang, simply said that I was so so sorry, and if there was anything I could do, to ring me (I have her keys in cases of emergency) Her son and grandchildren were with her, but she kept saying, she didn't want to go on now. Life is a bloody s***, it really is. C was upset too, as he knew her, so we had a chat. The lady and her daughter share the same birthday, which is early next month. So very hard for her, and I will do whatever I can of course (which isn't much to be honest) but she'll go down hill very quickly now, I just know it. She didn't want to live when her husband died (they were inseperable) It's all just so awful.
I'm okay, and trying not to think about me and my problem! I know you're all here for me, and that does of course help, so big thankyou for that
Oh Sparkling, sorry to hear you have the lurgy, bed is the best place for you when you feel rotten. Can your oldest two help with the food side of things for everyone? Work sounds continually stressful, that other lady is a big boon to you, well you are for each other, I am sure.
Hi Hazeleyes, what a shock about your neighbour's daughter. It will be hard for her to see a way forward, and I agree it will not be surprising if she deteriorates now, all you can do is be on hand, although you can't do much I am sure she feels better with knowing you are just nearby.
New settee is here, hurrah! Bouncing strictly out of bounds. I am away tomorrow night, unbeknown to my son (rudimentary mary is having a birthday BBQ and I am going over there and staying in a B and B that night) He is going out on the town on Sunday night so will not notice I am not there when he arrives home at silly o'clock on Monday morning, I will text him that morning so he does not worry, but I will be back home shortly after he wakes up on Monday afternoon anyway.
Wishing everyone a good Sunday! The sun is shining here, and I hope it is with you too.
Wish Mary a very Happy Birthday from me Louise, and hope you all have a lovely time.
Another shock last night. My sister in law's Mum died suddenly. God almighty.
My boiler broke down on Friday, luckily I have an emersion. Well I did until this morning. Turned it on, and it blew, sparks flew, so I no longer have any hot water. At least I have electricity to boil water. I did ring emergency yesterday about the boiler, but it's not an emergency.
I'm spending day in garden, hope to cut the grass, unless the mower blows up on me!!
Hope you're using a safety plug hazeleyes... (sorry)
Loads and loads of love and hugs winging there way to you. I'm so sorry all these things are hitting you at once.
Its been raining here - shocking really as the forecast had been so good.
Have a lovely time Louise, and happy birthday to Mary from me too. I love the thought of letting your son know the day after...
Slept most of yesterday, and would quite like to do the same today. I'm quite glad that I selfishly hid the box of ultra soft tissues, as they really are soft compared to the standard ones.
Well, the credit card has had the dust blown off it to do a food order. Far too many bills due to touch my bank account this month. Oldest has had a lecture (**sigh** again), and daughter is in tears as the online job applications she's sent in have not got past the first hurdle. Her test is this coming week (shhhh, no one is meant to know), and she knows that I won't be paying to insure the car, or for any more lessons...
Seventeen year old seems to have settled down a bit after the college open evening. He has an interview for the second year at art next week, so he's been getting stuff together in his portfolio. He's taken to having late evening walks though, which is worrying. Panicks last night as when youngest was being brought home (he had a lift back - thank goodness) as he saw seventeen year old walking to the school one way, having seen the gang of lads who bully him going through the other school entrance. Luckily this coincided with oldest arriving home from work (there are times when these horrid noisy exhausts have their uses) who after a quick text went to get him! Seventeen year old had a talking to as I had told him he wasn't to go out as it was getting dark!
I need to sort some washing out. We're all running out of clothes now. Mine will have priority.
I need to get the Sage done for the VAT to be paid.
If colleague walks out on Tuesday, I won't be going back...
I hope the sunshines for everyone.
Hazeleyes - thinking of you.
Hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Ive been having one of those weeks!! Car broke last week costing me £500, heating broke yesterday so had to get the gas man out again. Sadly not the eye candy from last time and he was only here fifteen minutes. MIL was burgled, her own fault for leaving valuables in the outside lean to, but still distressing. Took J and a friend to a play centre this morning and a motorbike threw up a stone that's chipped my windscreen! Rang Autoglass and the man on the phone got very snotty with me because I didn't have a drawing pin to see if the chip was smaller than the head of it! It's the difference between a £10 repair and £75 new windscreen. J's friend was sick in the car. Fortunately he gave me warning and I navigated a roundabout one handed whilst giving him a blanket to be sick on. He did really well and only got a bit on the car seat lol.
The good thing is I have had J all weekend. He had a couple of days off school so I asked his dad if I could have him for the weekend. It has been lovely to be able to do things with him, such as having a friend fr a sleepover. We've had some days out and made the most of it. We are just pottering and gardening tomorrow, after we've been swimming in the morning. I may even give the grass it's first haircut. Hope everyone enjoys whatever they have planned.
Hello one and all, it sounds as if the Bank Holiday weekend and the run up to it has been rather eventful!
Hazeleyes, so sorry about the bereavement, what a horrid shock and everything seems to be happening at once. What a terrible thing about the boiler too, it's pants having no hot water, good luck with getting someone out, why don't these things happen at 9.30 on a Monday so that you can get help straightaway? I presume your repair will be reported on Tuesday then? Hope you got out into the garden as you wanted and enjoy the NICE things this weekend has to offer!
Hi sparkling, busy your end as ever. Glad 17 year old settled down though I agree the walks are worrying. How are you feeeling this morning? Fingers crossed to your daughter for her test. I have been nagging youngest to start taking lessons. He is worried that work will ask him to drive a van. I said just dont tell them you are learning, do it for yourself. I was hearing on the radio that a very large percentage of people (think it said 68?) are putting food on their credit cards now. Are you doing the SAGE at home?
Hello Looby and glad you have had some nice times with J. Cars grrrr don't tell me! they are good when they work but.....And then you have the windscreen to deal with (sounds like the man you got was less cheery then the one on the advert eh?) and some sick to deal with (well done for one-handed manoeuvre)and the flipping heating as well. Hope you can have a nice day with J again, anyway.
Well I went to the party and saw Mary and she was having a busy time, as there were loads of people there and she was trying to go round and talk to everyone, I remember doing this at the party I had for my 50th and how stressful that was. It was fab to see her and she has a funky new haircut. I passed on your good wishes to her and she is looking forward to being back here soon. I was really pleased the weather was good so we could all be outside, there was a BBQ and a massive buffet and everyone was having a really chilled time. The B+B is nice and I am going for a touristy explore after breakfast then to the garden centre for a couple of plants. Son hasn't noticed my absence and texted me at 6am to say he would be home soon.
Wishing everyone as good a day as possible and I will check in with you all later
I'm glad Mary's party went well - and thank you for passing on our wishes.
No, have to do Sage at work. No choice but to go in today now :-))
It's a very rare event the credit card coming out for food. Just no choice really. I hope I can start to reduce it again from next month. I'm surprised there is a balance there to use as the credit card reduces the available balance to match my repayments! Not always helpful...
Oldest is now coughing, so we all have the cold. Youngest is off to a party at midday so taking his ventolin with him. He's out for 5 hours, so hoping I can get the VAT done in that time.
I am off tomorrow, but will count today as work instead of a day's holiday (not that colleague and I seem to have time to take a holiday). I'll be very relieved not to be there tomorrow after Friday!
It started off as a lovely morning, but is now cloudy. Little chest freezer defrosted and cleaned ready for the frozen stuff. Seventeen year old has been reminded that a full freezer doesn't mean two full meals a day!! I know he won't listen though.
Hazeleyes, I hope you're ok.
Sorry about the challenges, shall we say, of the week looby, and no dish of an engineer to help ease the breakdown...
Take care everyone.
So pleased last night was a success, with the weather too Louise. Hope Mary had a fab time.
Sparkling, you've got a lot on your plate at the moment too. Hope the seventeen has taken on board how worried you all were. Poor thing x
I rang the council at 9 sharp this morning, said about the emersion, and previous call about boiler. He promised to have someone out within an hour, and he did bless him. However, the emersion could not be fixed, but he very kindly spoke to emergency council fella, and explained about the boiler, and me having no water whatsoever. Again, I was told someone would be round. This time, I received a call from the company, and the woman said, someone would be here tomorrow. I explained about me being at work all day, and also that in order for washing/baths etc, I'd have to boil saucepans and then carry them through. I explained about my breathing problems, and she told me she'd have someone out. Again, within an hour, but this time round, the boiler man wasn't helpful. He blamed the emersion fella, and after saying there was no water in the pipes, that it had all drained, boiler needed a part etc, he said someone would be out tomorrow. So, I'm still no better off!! I am so so down. It took over an hour to boil saucepans, and even that didn't half full the ruddy thing, but hey ho, at least it was hot. I jumped in C's bath once he had done, but unfortunately it was cold by the time he got out
Sister rang me, regarding the funeral arrangements (no kind offer of having a shower or anything there. 5 min drive away!) Her husband has offered to pick me up on Friday for the funeral, but debating if I will go. My hospital appointment is the following Monday, so it's not going to go down well is it? Shall see what tomorrow brings, once I speak to the line manager.
Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine. I've not been out there today. From 9am until now, I've not sat down, not even for a cuppa, but I'm about to have half hour, before I do move from here. I'm exhausted, and fed up.
Wow, what a moany post, Sorry all.
Hi hazeleyes, sounds like you have good reason to be 'moany'...not that you are of course!. My friend told me about bucket baths when I had no water. You fill a bucket with hot water and put it in the bath, you get in the bath with a jug and wash yourself etc using the jug to rinse with. I found it works really well and takes the stress out of boilng so many saucepans.
Sparkling, you really are a trouper with work, going in today is above and beyond in my opinion, especially after friday!
Louise glad you had a good time with Mary and that she enjoyed her party, it can be stressfull being the host for so many people as there is an expectation to socialise with everyone.
Well my weekend has been lovely, my friend came up on saturday and left a few hours ago. We went for a long walk yesterday, puctuated by lunch in a pub garden. The girls are out now with some friends, after moaning for about an hour because they were 'bored'. They wanted me to take them somewhere but I was determined to spend the day at home and relax, eventually they decided to go for a walk to see who was around.
The guy who was rude to me after our date last week has emailed me, but I have ignored him, as you all said, a lucky escape there.
Pq, thankyou so much for that tip. You're right, it would certainly take the stress out of boiling so many saucepans. Great one, thankyou.
Glad your weekend has been good for you. Unfortunately even C has brought me down, yesterday and today. I'm truely fed up with him, the things he says, the things he does. God, the list goes on and on. I don't feel I want to be around him at all (bad I know) but there it is. Homework situation just gets worse, and I thought it was getting better. Thought I had it under control, but this weekend really does take the biscuit. I actually want him to get a detention, in fact, one piece of homework that's not done, and this particular teacher will keep them in for a week, and clean up the classroom (this is the one I so want C to have) I just don't seem to know him anymore, which is sad isn't it?
Oh well, off to sort stuff out for tomorrow. Roll on half term!
Hello guys, I have arrived back home and had a good day and lovely weather.
PQ glad you have had a good weekend. Good for you, sticking to your guns and not letting the girls persuade you to do otherwise.
Sparkling, hope you got your work done ok. Also trust that youngest was OK at the party with the trusty Ventolin.
Hazeleyes, there comes a time when our lovely children have to realise that there are consequences in the big wide world for their behaviour. C will be at secondary school in just over a year and the homework he will get there will be quite another thing and if you have to stand over him then, you will probably grow roots like a tree, so it is time for him to take responsibility now. HOWEVER, don't say "serves you right if you get a dentention" etc (however much you may think this, heh heh) Just say QUIETLY "Ok, it's up to you, and you can deal with the teacher" and smile sweetly and walk away.
You have a lot of your plate right now, Hazeleyes (HUG) and that is bound to affect how you are feeling in general and make you less tolerant of C. However, as we have seen in the past, getting aggravated with him just makes things escalate. If you are not careful I will make you read my favourite book Seriously, take it as steady as you can.....with yourself AND with C.
I am off tomorrow so Anna will be with you and I will see you all on Wednesday.
Hellooo everyone, wow what a weekend! There was a build up wasnt there.
Firstly, big hi and hug to kiera, I think yours and Louise's post crossed each other last week. Great to hear that eldest son has had his sling off, I guess that makes his paper round easier for him! Also great to hear that your daughter is coming home soon, I know you miss her. Has your youngest son been using his inhaler now, I hope his asthma hasn't gotten any worse over the weekend? How was your Sunday night out, look forward to hearing all about it!
Hi hazeleyes, it alwasy feels like two steps forward and one step back with our youngsters. It is really hard parenting alone, it is also hard when you have only one child as the dynamics make you so close, it is natural how you are feeling about C, you have been one on one all weekend. What about planning something nice for the pair of you to do together?
sparklinglime, I read how your your daughter was coping with the online job applications, my daughter was the same, it is infuriating isn't it, they spend 20 minutes filling out an electronic form to then get an automated response telling them they aren't suitable (or words to that effect), I also get cross when my daughter sends off applications and then hears nothing back. We spend our whole lives teaching them to be respectful etc etc and then they learn that the adult world of business doesn't actually work like that.
looby, your weekend sounded lovely, so glad that you were able to have J and spend time out and about, but also chilling at home too, lovely!
pq, your weekend sounded good too, glad you got to hang out with your friend and also that the girls got off your back and found their own entertainment. Those are the times that they will be glad they have each other!
Louise, the party sounded like fun, glad that your sofa arrived, c'mon tell us, did you have a little bounce yourself??
My weekend was good, although I was ill in bed on all day Saturday, which was annoying, but I think it is the usual thing, as soon as you get a bit of a break, then you relax and all your illnesses come at once! Sunday went to visit my mum in Devon, we had a picnic and sat on the beach, it was lovely, really relaxing and got a tan too! Yesterday I went mountain biking again, getting pretty good (ha ha, not!) and then had an impromptu bbq in my back garden. Today the sun is still gorgeous, so although back at work, I can't complain!!
Is everyone back at work again (apart from sparklinglime and kiera)?
Hi anna, yes I'm back at work, but the gorgeous sun does put a smile on my face...I've even taken my vest off today!
Hazeleyes, its completely normal to feel that way about C, but it does make you feel awful when you do. I've felt like that so many times. I've noticed things have been getting easier recently and I really think thats down to the way I handle things rather than the girls being any different. 'The book' louise mentioned is really useful, its well worth a read.
hi everyone yes ad gud nyt sunday nyt, got in at 6am, my mum babysat all night so i cud let my hair down, got results of eeg got go seee consultant, 20th may, my hayfever doin my head in, throat itchin, nose runnin, my son seems b ok,lovely today, mowed all garden, avin haddock for tea, with baby potatoes asnd sweetcorn,hope everyone ok
Hi pq, because everyone here is walking around in vest tops, I had to re-read your post and realise you were talking about an undergarment, not that you were sitting in work wearing very little!
This weather is beautiful isn't it, it certainly does boost the mood.
kiera your supper sounds lovely, do you eat outside too? Do you get the sun in your garden in the evening?
Our garden gets shady around 6pm, so I am going to go home, find a sunny spot in between the shady bits and have a cuppa and a biscuit.
I hope everyone has a great evening
He he...thats an image anna!!!!! Best not inflict that on anyone
I get the sun in my garden until about 6, stretching to 7 in July, which is a shame but nevermind.
Off out tonight to meet up with ex-work colleagues, should be a fun evening.
Good morning all. Anna, your weekend sounded really lovely (apart from Saturday) sitting on the beach at your Mums, and the bbq.
I have the emersion man coming round this morn sometime, so no work for me. I kicked up such a stink with the people concerned yesterday, as one company was even saying that nobody had visited me on Monday regarding the boiler, so had no record of it. After numerous phone calls to them, they told me they had ordered the part and would be out on Thursday (pm) Emersion was going to be sorted on that day too, which is why I kicked up some stink. Worked eh, as they'll be here today!
Name of the book please Louise (again)
C was okay yesterday, again apologised. I sat him down calmly and explained the consequences. He thinks I'm totally unreasonable because he's in bed by 8.30, but not asleep until 9.30! He is allowed to read, watch tv etc, so I don't think I'm that bad! Anyhow, his friends don't have to go to bed at set times, some don't go until 10.30, but I'm not backing down on bedtimes. He needs those hours of sleep, he knows he needs them, and I don't give a hoot what his friend's parents allow As for homework, I've told him it's up to him, he also knows the consequences on that one (not with me, but with the teacher)
Not a good weather day here, seeing the sun and feeling the heat yesterday was gorgeous. Hope you all have a good day.
Hello one and all
It's a bit cooler here this morning, still it was lovely to have the sun while everyone was off.
Kiera, hayfever is awful, I have it this year in that my eyes have been very bad, have you been to th doctor? or there are lots of things at the pharmacy that can help. I know that you are very good about your garden but it can set things off.
Hello PQ don't put the vest in mothballs yet! Did you have a good night out?
Anna glad you had some nice times over the weekend. No, I haven't bounced on the new sofa, I have sat on it very primly (Yer...right)
Hazleyes well done with C. I don't think your bedtime thing is unreasonable AT ALL. Many reports from child specialists highlight lack of sleep as a real problem for children in school these days. This news article has just been published today about it. Throughout secondary school, both mine had a cut-off point of 9pm if it was school the next day, they could get a last drink, and then it was Goodnight Vienna. They could read or watch TV for a while but that was all. And that was till they were about 14!!! Hope your hot water is fixed today, fingers crossed. And yes, here is that book again
Sparkling, how are things with you today?
Hope everyone will have a good day, I have a friend coming over and am cooking a vegetarian concoction for lunch.
Hazeleyes, we have a very strict bedtime here during the week. H goes up at 8 and A at 8.30, they can read in bed but thats all. I agree that sleep is very important, my girls often site their friends as a reason to stay up later, but I am standing firm on this one.
Had a lovely night out thanks, we all get on so well and have a good giggle when we get together.
My cat fell out my bedroom window last night!! He jumped up on the window sill and I had the window open but it never occured to me he would climb out, I heard a scraping noise and a thud, I ran downstairs and opened the front door and he was just sitting there waiting for me to let him back in!!! No sense, no feeling eh?
Thankyou Louise, now downloaded on my kindle.
Pq, wow, your cat was lucky. Love the no sense, no feeling bit.
Hi all, booo the weather !!
hazeleyes, I hope you enjoy the book, I found it very entertaining reading, not hard at all, I hope your boiler is all sorted and you have an evening of soaking ahead! I used to make my daughter go to bed at a reasonable time too, friends of hers that were allowed to stay up didn't do so well in their exams and I truly believe that because she was never tired, she was focussed and alert throughout lessons.
Hi pq, glad you had a good night out, they can be so refreshing and reviving can't they?! Glad your cat was ok, mine fell out of the window years ago, out the back it is 3 floors up, my neighbour rang my doorbell to let me know, I just couldn't believe it until I saw her!
Louise, what did you cook for lunch?? I generally eat veggie and have recently fallen in love with Hugh Fearnley Whittingstalls veggie cook book River Cottage Veg, saw it on the cheap in the second hand shop - Bargain!! Some lovely recipes.
I hope everyone else is well who reads this thread or is currently away from this thread, have a happy evening!
Hi everybody - sorry I've been neglecting this a bit, if you bear with me for another couple of weeks I'll be back properly!
Handed in my dissertation today! Yay!!!! 5443 words and prould of it. Was discussing publishing it with my tutor :-) xxx
Thats great hopeful, you should be glowing with pride, look forward to hooking up with you more soon.
feeling a bit melancholy tonight and the girls are playing up...its hard to know which came first but either way they seem to be feeding off each other...hopefully we'll have snapped out of it in the morning
hi everyone well gale force winds here and heavy rain in north west, awful, hope we av a summer x
Congratulations on finishing your dissertation Hopeful i bet thats aload of your mind.
Morning PQ i hope your feeling more up beat today
Anna what veggie concoction are you having to today?
Hello aswell to everyone else i hope you all had a pleasant evening last night, what is everyone up to today?
I have sometime off work this afternoon "yippee" and was thinking off going for some posh coffee and treating myself to a new book, before having to go to the dentist with my lot, two of them are waiting to see an orthodontist whom has a long waiting list (it's been six months already) hopefully it will be our turn soon.
Hi Sally, the glums have left thankfully, a neighbour popped over for coffee in the evening and by the time she left I realised I was feeling myself again....strange isn't it?
Very windy here but no rain yet, although the sky looks very dark so I don't suppose its far away.
Hi everyone
Hopeful, great to see you back with us, well done you for completing your dissertation, time for celebrations methinks? What will you be doing to pat yourself on your back?? What are you up to for the next couple of weeks??
pq, glad that you are back from the blue - it happens to us all, sometimes it is a random thought that can bring us down and just sit with us. I spoke to my friend the other night who lives abroad, she really needed to talk, but there was delay on the line, so we kept talking over the top of each other and we were both beginning to get frustrated, so we decided to say 'over' when we had finished what we were saying. Well ..........that didn't work, we kept saying 'over' and then adding more to what we were saying, we ended up in hysterics, it was ridiculous, I had tears streaming down my face as did she. She thanked me and hung up, she felt better! Sometimes we just need a girlfriend to remind us that 'we're ok' I think!
kiera, the storms hit the south west this afternoon, they aren't pleasant are they, oh well I have sweaty yoga tonight, so it will feel nice and fresh afterwards!
Sal I hope you had a nice coffee and everything went well at the dentist, did you buy a book?
Last night I cooked Linda McCartneys king prawns and then made linguine with a blue cheese and creme fraiche sauce omg it was divine! Not had those prawns before they were fab!
No rest yet - so only a brief visit. Still have two essays to improve on, plus all the paperwork that's necessary to start the job. :-) But the 'big' one is gone :-) x
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! hopeful x
Nearly there Hopeful :-))
I'll be thinking of you today Hazeleyes xxx
I'm hoping that today I will have the strength to do what does need to be done...
I am hoping that for you too, sparkling We are here for you
Hazeleyes, I know it is the funeral today so will be thinking of you. How are things on the hot water front?
Hopeful, WELL DONE on finishing your dissertation, wow, I know that there are still some things to finish off but you can see the finishing line now, high five to you
PQ you know they always say cats land on their feet (unlike my toast, which always lands butter side down) Glad your friend cheered you up. I get those grey times sometimes, too.
Sally how did you get on at the dentist? I have managed to get an NHS dentist place for my youngest (very rare in this area) but you would think I was asking him to irrigate the Sahara, it has all been such a chore, with sighs and eye-rollings etc.
Kiera are you having a quiet weekend this week? I was seeing about the roast chicken on the other thread. How is your garden doing?
Anna your cooking sounds lovely, I will be round for tea (that is after I have been to kiera's for dinner!) What I did for my veggie friend was onion and red pepper cooked in fry light, then added cooked carrot and tiny cauli florets, a small tin of butter beans, some mushrooms, passata, chili powder and a veg stock cube melted into a tiny amount of water. Then did a bit of rice as well.
Quiet day for me today. Asda have changed youngest's contract YET AGAIN, that is about the fourth time. Sounds as if there will be two 5am starts, which means him getting up @ 4am those days.
Look forward to hearing everyone's news
Louise, I hope you get some tablets, piritin or something (?) we can't have you nodding off at the wheel!
sparklinglime, I hope you had a nice afternoon with your youngest yesterday and that he is feeling a bit bettter today?
pq, am i right in thinking that you have only been on a couple of 'dates'? Isn't he rushing it a bit, saying that he wants more than a pen pal? I believe you want more too, but you are not about to rush into anything....
Hi hazeleyes, kiera, hopeful, ula, looby and everyone else that reads these boards, I do hope you are managing to enjoy this weather