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The chap has left.
He was vile. He spoke to me in a way I'm not used to. I feel like a scrounger, which, to be fair, I suppose I am. It's been so long now since I worked, I can't really argue that I did pay tax and NI for 24 years.
He said he would get painters in to paint the ceiling, but I'd have to get all the furniture out of the rooms. Including the fridge, cooker, dresser etc. I'd have to get them out of the house, and there would be no help.
£50 paint voucher is plenty to decorate the house with.
I've said no anyway, as clearing the house is impossible. He felt my son should do it as he's an adult (yes, he is 19). Fact he has been having issues isn't his problem either.
He was head of maintenance.
Spoken to my friends down the road, and they're going to help me write a letter to both social services and to the CEO of the housing association.
Not sure I have the energy now.
I'm such a drama queen.
I feel like a piece of spat out gum on the sole of someone's shoe.
I am not going out today apart from the school run so please feel free to have a good old rant, I`ll listen xxx
Thank you.
Just stupid tears keep falling.
Its not stupid at all xxx
They are so out of order, do your HA have a complaints dept by that I mean someone you can speak to xxx
Hi Sparkling. How dare they make you feel like this? You are not a scrounger, you're a single Mum of 4, one of whom has special needs. Please don't let the likes of some jumped up pig make you feel so bad about yourself. Your 19 year old has issues of his own, and it is nothing to do with this pig whatsoever, they have created this mess, not you. £50 is nothing, so don't go being grateful either. I do hope you're able to get a letter written, am sure with the help of your friend, or Louise, they will certainly get their points across. I am livid on your behalf, I really am. xxx
This really does sound appalling sparklinglime, I am glad that you are going to write some letters with your friends support. That sounds like a good start.
I agree with the others, you don't sound like a drama queen, imagine if this was happening to another One Spacer, you would be horrified.
Did you contact Shelter?
Hi sparklinglime, how are you feeling now?
Has anyone been today about your hot water?
I`m thinking of you xxx
Thank you. xx
In theory, we now have hot water - economy 7 though, so will find out tomorrow. I don't have the energy to go up the stairs to put the boost on. Just hope the fact that the tank is half the size of the one replaced that it won't be blowing up.
I feel like going back into that shell I was in five years back. I like being invisible.
Oh sparklinglime, they really have knocked all the stuffing out of you havent they, I am so angry that they have done this to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have everything crossed for you that you do have hot water, is it now heated through the solar panels?
Please dont give them the satisfaction of making you go backwards, easy to say I know but we are all here and all 10000000000% behind you xxx
Solar panels don't heat the water.
I feel exhausted, which is daft.
No its not daft, stress can and does exhaust you xxx
Oh so they have just changed the system, still hope it works for you xxx
Hi sparkling,
I am back from York and am really shocked that people can speak to you like this.
Good that your friends will help with the letter, it DOES need to go to the CEO, can you find out who this is? This is the absolute priority I feel, before you have to face any of the decorating etc.
How would you feel about contacting the local newspaper? "Single mum with four children left with no hot water for four weeks and house ruined by HA workmen"?
Please please PLEASE contact the Shelter number as well as they might have some clout, do it for us, even if you can't be bothered to do it for YOU! Also write to your MP. Shelter and the MP are two OUTSIDE sources who can bring their influences to bear.
Why on earth do you need to move all furniture out to have the ceiling painted? I didn't when mine was painted...why not just pile it in the middle of the room and cover it up with their paint sheets?
We could appeal to a local DIY store etc with your permission to see if materials could be donated, although that would still leave the question of who would do it all.....and by the way, hands up all One Space members whose teenager can do all the decorating.....oh, NONE! you do surprise me. My boys would not have the first clue and it needs to be done by someone experienced, if not professional.
Freecycle and Freegle may also have spare paint but you might get more from a store, heh heh
I am happy to help with appeal letters etc but I do feel that the priority has to be the complaint to the CEO and getting Shelter "on the case", as well as your MP
What do you think?
I do too.
My friend is rather stunned that its a small tank, which bothers me as he's a plumber.
We don't use much hot water though, so I don't mind it being smaller.
The booster thing isn't working though, so doesn't look promising.
None of the shelves put back in the airing cupboard either.
I need a handy man!
As well as the teas we had from the chippy, the storage boxes, the replacement hoover, the new filter I've ordered for the hoover I've paid for, now need to get dust covers (well, there are some quilt covers that the children don't like anymore), masking tape, roller, wood for shelving (the slats aren't to be seen) and the handyman.
Must buy a lottery ticket.
That is a bit worrying that your friends is a plumber and doesnt see why its smaller.
What is the boost thing, I take it to heat it up a little quicker? How long before you know if you do have hot water and why wasnt it checked before they left.
It really isnt on is it that they havent put things back for you xxx
Shelter seem to be closed - but I've phoned once, so I will phone again.
J is so upset by all of this (he was here) he just wants to buy paint and get it done.
This man has made me look around at the house though, and it is disgusting. I can probably see where he's coming from.
It's raining. Everything seems so much bleaker when its raining.
Come tomorrow I'll be a bit better.
Yes it will, everything always looks worse when you are tired and it is rainy.
The man has no right to judge your house...STOP making excuses for him! There is no excuse for that rudeness!
Oldest just telling daughter that he was ready to hit this bloke.
I'd like to say that I didn't cry when he was here, but trying to state my case.
It's after I cried!
Sending you lots of hugs Sparkling. Don't let these people get you down. xx
Hi sparklinglime, do hope you have managed to get some rest tonight, well done for not crying in front of the guy that came today xxx
Thinking of you and sending you a hug xxx
Thank you
Eldest was up at around 2.30am with another panic attack. So mad at the way the ha rep spoke to me.
I think now that I will send in a final letter of complaint and write to our AM with a copy of it.
I'm not up to a fight, and my eldest - and probably the rest of them - aren't.
I'm going to buy a little matchpot today, to paint the bit of wall where the microwave goes. This will give us a bit of room on the worktop.
Oh yes, hot water cylinder tripped the economy 7. At least the boost seems to work during the day.
Sorry I'm weak. I really do wish I had a dynamic personality.
You are not weak Sparkling. It does sound as if the stress of what is happening could be causing the panic attacks with your son, and of course, this isn't good for him. The poor thing. Would your friend, who is helping you write the letters, put up a fight for you. I really wish there was something I could do. xxx
I agree with hazeleyes you are not weak, worn down certainly but not weak. I also wish there was something I could do xxx
How is your son this morning xxx
Son is sleeping now. He wasn't able to lie down as he felt he was having palpatations.
It feels like my head is having palpatations this morning! Have to go to asda as I've run out of bread and mild. And worse still cat food! The cat is telling us off
I think worn down is an excellent word. Being spoken to like a low-life has finished me off.
You are all wonderful, seriously you are.
I`m glad yopur son is sleeping now, the palpitations are so horrible and so scary.
You must be tired too this morning, Asda doesnt seem so appealing when you are tired does it but if you go and get the bits that you need at least its out of the way.
NO ONE has the right to make you feel that way and please remember you dont deserve any of this xxx
Absolutely! Now get that bread and milk and get going on those letters!!
I also bought chocolate buttons.
I feel I deserve them
Bought three for two offer in paint, brushes, cheap chuck away rollers (children are going to be doing this), masking tape. £60.
That's just for the bedrooms... I need to get the youngest out of the living room.
Two tester tubes for the kitchen where the microwave's going. Lemon! Can always magnolia it if its too bright.
I have lemon in my kitchen. Magnolia in my bedroom/washing room.
Daughter's chosen a colour for her room, so I'll have to share the tin! Her room is so small... I used to have lemon in the cottage, and the sun shining in in the mornings made it glow. I loved it.
We've found a tin of white, which must be five years old, so I'm hoping, as its not been open it will be ok...
Just speaking to the chap up the road, who has been talking to someone else who has only had rewiring. She's been waiting four weeks so far to have things finished off. Told chappy I'm sending a letter to AM (assembly member) and he's going to suggest the same to her. She's very upset.
Hopefully more and more people will write to the AM.
Tin of paint should be ok, especially as it hasn't been opened. I keep thinking I should go and check out what paint I have in shed, but mine have all been opened, and now 6 years old!!
glad you have got some paint xxx
could you speak to the lady up the road and see if they have been as rude to her as they have to you xxx
Sorry to hear things have been stressful with rude repair guy. make sure you send letters off ! :) and hope things feel better soon x
Thank you.
Oldest is thrilled to see paint.
How is he feeling tonight and how are you xxx
Did you get the lemon painting done in the kitchen, I love lemon it always brightens a room up xxx
Eldest is actually starting with the lemon now.
They only had two of the testers though, and I didn't want to get a tin until the ceiling's done...
Thats good, well yes you are still in limbo really till ceilings are done xxx
Hi Sparklinglime
Hope you get sorted soon xxx You will get there eventually... Hug sent!
Thank you very much.
He's sanded, wiped down the wall and put some white emulsion to seal the bits of new plaster.
I said I'm so glad he's doing it properly, as I'd have just shoved the lemon on to see what it looks like!
Awwwh bless him, he`s a good son you have there xxx
They've all been called to look at the colour, as he's decided it was dry enough to bung the yellow on.
It looks lovely!
I just feel we had to start this to move on... It will just take a long time to get it all done.
The light at the end of a very very long tunnel, you will get there xxx
That sounds positive, well done. The next move is to get the other lady, and anyone else, to write letters as you have done.
I think I may know who she is - she grew up next door but one from me!
I'll call to see her today. If I can get letters in the same envelope it might be more of an eye opener.
That sounds like a good idea Sparkling. Glad your son started the painting for you. xx
They've made a start on the bedroom. I really do need to save up for a decorator to do the ceilings downstairs They're having a great time, which is what matters, but I seriously would be driven bats by that in the living room...
Microwave, meanwhile, has just been put back up on the wall. Fifteen year old and I have done a combined efforts. Slightly smaller than the old one, but a hard tug on one of the brackets sorted that out.
Found some slightly frost bitten pork in freezer, so I've done a pork casserole for them.
My neighbour's daugher-in-law has put a selection of paint tins together that they found while sorting the house to see if they're any good to me. She has white too. I've not been yet though as legs are rather very wonky today.
And I had a snooze. With eldest not sleeping and then youngest having his mate over, I was tired.
Good that there has been some progress, hope it has made you feel a bit brighter
Far better today, thank you.
I feel better for making the decision to send the letter and forget about anything else.
I just find I'm getting anxious now about contacting them about the hot water tank tripping out at night and the fact the heaters don't work.
Also, is it up to me to shelve the airing cupboard, or have they not finished the job...
Silly things that make me almost hyperventilate.
Sparklinglime, you are NOT a scrounger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How dare they make you feel like this, I am absolutely appauled!!!!!!
When we had our houses done there was a set amount per room, this did make for some very happy people if they had lets say a small living room or hallway then they got the exact same as we did and my hallway is huge it is 10ft by 10ft with a staircase that goes up to one landing and then up again so its big, however we did receive just over £400 to redecorate and bearing in mind the kitchen and bathrooms were decorated for us by the contractors and it was now almost 5 years ago, £50 wont go anywhere near.
I am fuming here for you, please dont give up, this can and will be sorted, Louise will be here later wont she and you know how good she is with letters too xxx
You are NOT a drama queen, I dont know how you have kept going this long with the way you have been treated.
I am so sorry that they constantly seem to belittle you, please try to rise above it, you are worth 10 of them xxx
I`m sending you a great big hug, just wish I could help you more xxx