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I now declare the October chatroom open!
My back is still very variable. I've made another appointment to see my GP tomorrow to see if he will send me for some physio. Had a back, neck and shoulder massage last night. It was lovely, went straight to bed after and was fast asleep by 9.30!
Did any of you hear Pam Ayres on Simon Mayo's radio show last night? She read a poem about when her son left home, it was really sad. I know my girls are still quite young, but I'm not sure I want them to leave? Do you feel differently as they get older I wonder? When they start eating you out of house and home/using home like a hotel etc etc...
I really need to start exercising Sparkling, I read your posts about you going to the gym and I feel quite inspired. Maybe I could start power walking instead of running until my back is stronger??
Got another school to visit tonight with H, then 1 more next week, then its decision time. I'm fairly sure she will want to go to the same school as A, which is fine, but the school bus costs me just under £1000 a year so feeling a bit anxious about how I will be able to afford that!
That's a fab poem, PQ, thanks for mentioning it, it brought a tear to my eye too. If you want to read it, click here and spool on to 1:11 to hear it. Personally, I had mixed feelings when my eldest left, it was time for him to have some independence but I cried as soon as the door closed. One of the hardest things I ever did was to say to him, when he seemed to be here more than at the new flat "you are always welcome here but if you want to make a go of this flat you have to give it a chance and be there more" He said later that this had shocked him but it was the right thing to say. It's soooooo hard!
Glad the massage helped, PQ
Hi Ladies
Yes i did manage to get a cuppa before they got back yesterday Louise, lovely it was too Glad your dentist appointment went well this time.
How did you get on at the doctors about your back PQ? I love having a good back and neck massage it makes me sleepy too.
Been a busy day and i'm off to help at Junior soldiers tonight, so it will be a late dinner, i'm thinking poached eggs on toast!!
Hope everyone else has had a good day.
I am soo tired.
I went to see my Aunty this morning, and my cousine was there too. She and I are the my Aunt's only nieces - she has 10 nephews...
Then I went to work and stayed until 5pm. It is our year end, so loads of Sage to catch up with. I can see me working on Saturday - my fault for doing scouty stuff last Saturday when the PAT testing chap was there.
Scouts was fun, although not many there this evening. Two were at a grandmother's birthday, two at panto rehearsals and one ill. They were tasting various foods, and they all did well. Nothing horrible...
I have the gym in the morning, and will be taking my neighbour. I don't think she's fit to go, personally, but she feels its her duty to encourage me to go by joining me... I've been going for weeks now, but there we go... I'm enjoying it too PQ, although my shoulders and neck are killing me, as I have all my weight on the bars of the treadmill. I still don't find it any easier walking up to the car though. My two friends who help with the scouts were commenting on my being toned this evening, which is probably the most encouragement I need. I think it is becoming routine now, and not going would now be a problem rather than going be a chore.
I understand where you're coming from with the eldest Louise.
And goodnight from me...
I'm lying hear in bed listening to little scratchy feet in my loft.....yuk!
When I was married we used to have mice in the loft. The noises they'd make were remarkable to think they're so small.
They'd stay for the winter and go in the spring! When we had an extension done, I had socket put up in the new loft and fitted these sonic detterent things - waste of money
Good morning all!
How are you today?
PQ is it worth having a word with the Pest Control people at your local Council? I would certainly be doing that. Hope they didn't disturb you last night.
Sparkling, glad you have a day off, work sounds mega busy. Hope the gym goes ok, do you think you need to check with the instructor to see if there is any other way to use the treadmill without it causing that much pain? And to help you in your walking?
Sally you sound busy too.What is Junior Soilders, is that like the Boys' Brigade?
Well, I am surprised I slept at all, after watching scary Whitechapel last night! I was dreaming I was about to leave on a trip home (don't know where I was) and I was roped in to a Radio 4 show where I had to introduce the panel, including Kenneth Williams and then someone carried in two mechanical parrots on a wooden stand who sang a comic song. Then there was a break in recording and I had to have some awful vegetable soup (the sort that comes out of coffee machines) and kept worrying I would be sick on the train home. Good grief!
Today I am meeting a friend and taking her out to a nice cafe to say thank you for the fact she has altered two of my skirts for me. Book club later as well Hope everyone will have a good day
I would be exhausted after that dream louise!! I don't often remember my dreams, good or bad.
The little visitors woke me often during the night. I also had a visit from H in the night after a nightmare, she wouldn't settle so ended up sleeping with me, which in turn meant I got very little sleep as she can fidget for England!! Really struggled to get up this morning so may have to resort to lots of coffee today.
I'm going to the GP tonight Sally, hopefully he will refer me to the physio?
Hope everyone else is ok x
hi everyone hope everyone is ok, well my 12 yr old son as school trip next wednesday til friday, in shropshire, activities trip, he is actually lookin forward to it, pay rest of it tomz, 100quid, not to bad, his nana paid half for it, i do get help which is gud,had all my graden dun yesterday front and back by professional gardner, my m,ower broke, looks alot better now, gona b mowed til november then its dun, x
Junior soldiers are the youth part of the salvation army Louise, they have mid week activities such as singing lessons and bible studies or some other games and activities.
Sparkling i'm glad your enjoying the gym i can't seem to find the motivation. Did you enjoy your day off?
PQ i hope you get your little visitor problem sorted so you can get a good sleep, L will still get in my bed when she has had bad dream thing is she wants to lay with her head on my chest so i can stroke her hair i usually end up waking up stiff where i ahven been able to move.
keira your sons trip sounds interesting, and your graden reminds me that i need to get mine sorted before the weather gets to bad. Do you have plants that you have to look after?
How was book club this week Louise?
Good morning all
Grey and mizzly here, we had thick fog yesterday and I had to drive in it which wasn't good, was taking my friend out as a thank you for the alterations she has done to my clothes, an out of town road, 60mph limit, I was going along at 53 which I thought reasonable, chap tailgating me, ridiculous in thick fog. Suddenly the fog cleared, and there was a clear road and I knew I was turning right up ahead, I stuck my right hand indicator on as I could imagine him overtaking me just as I got to the junction. As I turned off, he roared off at about 80. I do hate driving!
PQ I hope you got a better night, how did you get on at the GP? I often ahve very silly dreams, and I write them down, I just think I have a busy brain!
Kiera your boy's trip sounds fantastic, glad your mum has helped with the cost, these things are quite a price aren't they? Good news about your garden as well, I know you work hard to keep it nice, a new mower will have to be on the shopping list for next spring.
Sparkling, how was your day off? Is it mega-SAGE today? Is it the new Inland Revenue reporting regulations that are causing the extra work?
Sally that sounds like a great activity group for young people. Mine used to be in Boy's Brigade as their dad was a helper there. He also heped with Beaver Cubs for a while. What are you up to over the weekend? Book Club was great, I really like the women there, we are going to read Thomas Keneally's The Daughters of Mars next, it is about Australian nurses during the First World War.
I have a get together with some church ladies today, always enjoy a good natter. My friend there has her baby granddaughter staying at the moment and is enjoying all the baby stuff second time round. Youngest had his big night out last night and stayed at his friend's so the house is very quiet
Afternoon to you all,
Plans for the weekend Lousie are to catch up on the house work, my girls want to go to the cinema to watch Smurfs 2 tomorrow, so will probably be doing that as well.
How was your meeting with the ladies from church?
Hope everyone else has a good weekend, i will catch up with you all on Monday.
We have our year end at work, hence the delights of Sage. The Inland Revenue thing is ok, actually. The programme we have for the wages is pretty good even though I did object to having to pay for licence for something HMRC as asking for...
I hope you enjoyed the quiet house Louise. I hope the meeting went well.
Sally, i should be doing some housekeeping too!
I hope you got through the day pq.
I could do with a professional gardener here. I might sort something out next spring. Bet I won't...
Oh sparkling! we could all do with a professional gardener, I reckon. I had one here once, that was when I went out to the supermarket and returned to find that youngest and his friends had dug a huge "fishpond" in the middle of the lawn (the one he wanted to use as a football pitch of course) I had to call someone in to fix it and I made youngest pay half of it with his little savings account, which seemed to prevent further occurences.
Hope you get all done if you have to pop in to work today.
Sally, enjoy the cinema. I am going to see Sunshine on Leith on Monday Had a nice chat with the ladies yesterday and then a neighbour popped round to tell me about her plans for a little buffet party next month. Today I am at a Women's day with my friend, it is through the church, don't really know what it's all about but will be a faith conference. Then X Factor and Strictly later
How is everyone today? Hope your back is easier, pq. Kiera, what are your plans?
Ooh I just heard a pin drop, haha. Hope everyone's days are going well, I enjoyed my Women's day but did not go to the last session as I was tired by that time and it was very hot in the hall. I phoned youngest to tell him I was on the way home in case he was doing anything "unsuitable" in the house, thinking I was out all day, but luckily he wasn't
How are you all?
I've been trying to find the working tax credit award letter to sort out daughter's learning grant. Two carrier bags of shredding and a half full recycling box, and I still haven't found it. I know its safe
Daughter and I went out for rabbit food and then caught a sunset. It's been quite a nice day really, weather wise.
I need to go to work at some point and get more Sage rubbish done for the year end. I might leave it until next weekend though!
Glad the day worked out well in the end, sparkling. You WILL find the tax credit award! I have managed to mislay three pairs of glasses this week, have found one now though. I have four pairs of ready readers, one upstairs (found) one in my handbag (lost), one for generally in the house (unaffected) and a spare pair (lost)
Someone was talking about MASH the TV programme the other day, was it you sparkling? They are showing episodes at 7pm on True entertainment channel at the moment, 61 on freeview.
How is everyone today and even more importantly, what's for dinner?
Yes, it was me Thank you Louise.
Trust me to know all the telly news, haha. We had chicken escalopes in breadcrumbs today and youngest has gone to work for a while so I am having a quiet cuppa. Going to see Sunshine On Leith at the cinema tomorrow
Have you managed to find your letter sparkling?
Hope you enjoy your movie Louise, i had to laugh at you ringing and warning your son you were on your way back the other day.
Well i got most of the housework done with a bit of help from the kids, have some shopping to do after work today then i'll be putting my feet up
I did some housework instead Sally. And the living rooms did look very nice, and then I went to bed before the oldest!!
I shall have a look after work this evening. I know it is here somewhere. I'm going to put stuff in files this evening while I look, now that I've got rid of the recycling bits, and the shredding stuff. I think I have a plan!
Ooh a plan, sparkling, good for you. AND you have a clean house!
Glad you will have a chance to rest this evening after your busy time, Sally
I have been to see Sunshine on Leith, I highly recommend it....I did not know it was a musical, I knew it had a Proclaimers soundtrack but not that the cast would keep bursting into song, but I really liked the film, it has a lot of good people in it.
Following my glasses disaster, the lens fell out of my only decent remaining pair.....why suddenly all at once? Had them mended today (went into optician and told him I had a screw loose, haha), bought a new pair of ready readers, went for a posh coffee and left the new ones on the cafe table...I had only owned them an hour! Luckily they were still there when I went back
How is everyone this evening?
I've come to bed instead. Feeling low. I match the weather.
Hello All
Apologies if you have been trying to post today, the site went down during the night and it took our techi people a while to get us back up and working.
Sorry you were having a bad time of it yesterday sparkling i hope your feeling in a better frame of mind today
How was your day off Louise, i hope you have managed to keep hold of your new pair of glasses, That movie sounds interesting, i'm not one for musical movies either, but was pleasantly surprised when i first watched Mamma Mia.
Plans for tonight are to cook dinner, pork chops, baby potatoes, and veg, have promised youngest to do some word searches with her, and hope to catch up on some of the stuff i have recorded on playback.
Hope everyone else has had a good day and are doing well
I went to a meeting in a local pub that the council had arranged. It seemed to be directed at grants for groups and help with volunteers... Went there and it was all geared towards sports. Which is fair enough, I was just hoping that there might be help with scouting.
It got me out though.
Its a lovely clear night here.
Well done, sparkling, for going to the meeting anyway, sometimes I find that just getting a change of scene helps when I am feeling low. Hope you feel better this morning.
Sally, your tea sounds yummy. So your youngest is a puzzle fan? I have to admit I buy a Puzzler compendium book from time to time and I especially like those Kriss kross ones and Logic problems. I signed up for a free trial of online crosswords the other day but I did not enjoy doing them as much as I do in a book or newspaper, mainly because I like to scribble things down and work out the anagrams.
I am going out for a curry with a group of friends this evening, there is a little place a couple of miles out of town and it feels like you are having your tea in someone's living room, very cosy, so we are going there. I still have my glasses, TA DA! and even had to bonus of discovering one of the lost pairs when I went to counselling last night.
How is everyone today?
Good morning!
Been an eventful few days here. Had to take a day off on Friday as A was ill. Went out with my neighbour saturday night. Mil came round for lunch on Sunday. H had her tooth out on Monday so had another day off work! Crazy day at work yesterday, went out for dinner with a friend last night. Then at 3.30 this morning there was an almighty cat fight outside my window, it settled down but the next thing H is up, she had looked out the window and thought she saw our elderly cat running off into the there we are in our dressing gowns trying to find our cat! We couldn't find her so I managed to persuade H to go back to bed. Luckily the cat had spent the night in A's room so had been indoors all the time!!!
I still have little visitors in my loft. I took your advice Louise and rang the council, pest control are going to come out tomorrow to have a look, however they will only deal with it if its rats so I still may need to arrange for someone else to come round.
I've also been to the Drs again about my back. She's worried that I may have a disc problem so she wants me to see a specialist and have an MRI scan. Couldn't get an appointment until mid november so I'm managing with hot water bottles and pain killers.
Sparkling, I hope you are feeling better today. Day off for you tomorrow, will you go to the gym? I always find exercise lifts my spirits.
Enjoy your curry tonight Louise.
Back from the Isle of Wight plus some shifts on the ward! Currently having a lay in with the laptop and the cat. Getting up now to do the shopping.
Isle of Wight was a bit disappointing. I thought it would be much more spectacular, but the tourist trade has taken over one half of the coast and erosion the other. Still, we walked around the lot of it in 4 1/2 days - all 67 miles of it. :-) The Needles are tiny! I expected them to be huge!
Will catch up properly later!
Hope you managed to enjoy the time with your friends hopeful, even if the Isle of White didn't quite live up to your expectations. I've never been and to be honest it has never really appealed to me.
Nice to see a few more of you in here today.
Ditto, curry for me tonight too Louise, though not going out we are having chicken korma, i have a thali resturant not far from me that is cheap as chips and tasty, they have a similair ambience to the one you described, looking forward to hearing all about your evening.
Phew PQ you have had a busy few day's, i hope the girls are doing o.k now. What a shame you can't get an appointment sooner.
Sorry the Isle of White did not quite meet up to your expectations Hopeful, how are your feet after all that walking?
Good morning everyone!
Great to see you back, Hopeful, and a massive achievement walking round the island. I agree with you that the Needles are a bit small! I went to the Isle of Wight about 25 years ago and it was very fulll of groups of OAPs. I love the Isle of Man, but my reasons are that it is scenic, has some isolated places still, never gets too hot and is very old fashioned and these reasons may not appeal to everyone. Hope work is not too hectic for your return.
PQ wow you have had a busy few days. Sorry to hear about your back being so painful, the last thing you needed was to be leaping out of bed in the early hours to track down the cat, eek. At least if you get the council to come and have a look they might be able to give you some advice. Where did you go for your meal? My curry last night was yummy, I had chicken acharee. Lovely to be with that group of women again as well, two of them I see quite regularly, but the other two I have not seen for ages.
Sally hope you enjoyed your curry too. It's ace when you can find somewhere local that does a good deal on nice food and even better to have a night off the cooking!
Sparkling it is your day off I believe? Hope you enjoy.
I have a counselling client today (she could not come to her usual appointment) and this evening it is the book quiz. Have a good day everyone
Well the pest control man says I have a Glis Glis! It hasn't done any obvious damage and apparently it will move on soon to hibernate under ground, but if I wanted to catch it I could use a rat trap. The only problem is it is ilegal to set them free in the wild as they are not native to this country so he said I would have to kill it...eek! Not sure about that!
I went to cafe rouge with my friend, louise. They have changed the menu and re-vamped the way they present the food...must say I wasn't overly impressed so probably wont go there again for a while. The only reason we chose it was because I had a voucher! I do enjoy a good curry so maybe we should try that next time.
I'm reading 'The art of racing in the rain' at the moment, oh my, its very emotional! Has anyone else read it? What did you think of 'Room' Louise? Thats my next book in the queue.
Hi all
Doing abit of a mad dash in here this evening as i'm rushing off to a meeting in a minute.
Glad you found out what was lodging in your loft PQ, i wouldn't be comfortable killing something either.
Louise glad you enjoyed your curry, mine for a Korma was abit on the hot side though still tasty, How did you do at the book quiz?
Morning all
Oh PQ I had to look up what a Glis Glis is. So it is illegal to set them free in the wild, well I guess it wouldn't have your postcode engraved on its leg (whoops, who said that?) Seriously, it's illegal to release them but legal to kill them?!?!? How is your back this morning? You are really good with your vouchers. I have been to Cafe Rouge in the past, it was nice but not cheap so vouchers are certainly called for.
Sally your tea was a bit spicy, I love Indian food but it can make me burp. I spotted a whole green chilli in my curry on Wednesday night and made sure I did not eat it, I imagine it would have been an embarrassing scene.
The book quiz was ace, there were six of us in the team, we have such a laugh together and we were exactly halfway down the league table but we topped the league in the amount of noise we made
It's Friday, what is everyone planning for the weekend? I have eldest coming, which is lovely
Haha, I had to look up Glis Glis, too. Wiki says that the Romans used to eat it as a snack, so Bon Appetit! On the other hand, why you can't set it free I don't understand, after all it got to you from somewhere, didn't it?
My third day off today, so I am unfortunately planning to work at the weekend. Never mind. Also going to sort out some paperwork today - hopefully!
I agree about the Glis Glis, if I do manage to catch it I will be taking it on a little trip, I don't want it finding its way back!! When the council man said I had to kill it, he said "all you need to do is take your air pistol and shoot it in the back of the head". Air pistol.....what kind of woman does he think I am??
My back is worse in the morning and if I do any leaning with stretching, which unfortunately I do quite a lot of during my working day. Thankfully moving around generally is a lot better so I don't look like an old lady anymore!
The weekend is fairly quiet. Going to take my eldest to buy her first bra! Can't believe we're at that stage already , where does the time go?
How was your day of Hopeful, do anything nice for yourself?
PQ the time goes by quickly, I found it tricky to buy them a bra that was decent and better for a growing girl, the shops they like to shop in had all those padded and gelled ones, Thankfully M&S had what we were looking for and not to badly priced either.
Ah glad your eldest is coming for the weekend Louise, do you have any plans?
I'm visiting my parents this weekend, which is usually chaos (most of my brothers and sister plus children are usually there on the weekend) But i love catching up with all of them, so worth putting up with.
Have a good weekend with your eldest home Louise.
Have a lovely time with your family too Sally.
Oh heck, pq. I'd never heard of that before.
I'll be working over the weekend too hopeful. Silly year end. I was at work for two and a half hours yesterday too - colleague went to the dentist. I went to the gym first mind. Youngest and I will be at the gym in the morning. He's done the induction, so can now go.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Sparkling, you have been busy! it will be great to go to the gym with your youngest. A bit less of a worry than going with your neighbour?
PQ I do agree with you re Glis Glis though do you mean to tell me you do not keep an air pistol in your stocking-top at all times? Well, you do surprise me! Sorry about your back. Hope you have success on bra-quest. Maybe just one like a crop top, or you will have to get the type that all her friends have, I suppose.
Hopeful, hope work is busy enough to be stimulating without being too hectic, is it generally busier at weekends?
Sally your family visit sounds hectic, how do you all fit in one room? Eldest and I will spend most of the time talking, I should think, there always seems to be so much to discuss. After being very radical in his views (student) his real-life experiences are beginning to colour how he sees things and he is sorting out a lot of his values right now, so we talk about all sorts, accompanied by dramatic eye-rolling from youngest.
Have a good saturday, everyone.
Morning one and all, how are you? it was very quiet in here yesterday, hope that it is a good sign I had a bit of a TV fest last night with Strictly and X factor, went to bed early though. Going to do that chicken and chorizo thing in the slow cooker for tea, can bung it all in before church. Youngest worked at the night club as usual, till 4am and was in at 6 as requested, it feels like a continual project to keep him on the straight and narrow. have a good day everyone!
I did go to the gym in the morning with my youngest. Although I did give him and his friends a telling off for mucking about on the machines and not wiping them down after (disinfectant and paper towels ). It really annoys me when they behave irrisponsibly and dont' respect stuff. There were some other adults giving me funny looks, but I don't think they realised that one was my son and that I have known the other three boys for yonks!!! I had my iScout t-shirt on too!
Going to work today to get on with a bit of Sage. No phones might mean I get somewhere with it. I'm in all day tomorrow, and the joyful news is that boss is away on a course so wont' be there.
Hating this time of year still. I'm into hibernating with the joy of summer being a distant memory. I keep reminding myself what an amazing summer it was though.
I've got some veg to do a casserrole. Not until Tuesday though as oldest is going to be working silly hours for a couple of nights getting the Christmas mat sorted at work.
Hi everyone. Waving like mad at you all xx. Work is really whacking me out at the moment, younger years are exremely hard work!!! Have also been poorly with a chest infection, cold etc, and that wiped me out completely for a week. I actually stayed in bed as too ill to get up. C is doing fantastically well at school. He's been made peer mediator and prefect. Takes it very seriously! Louise, I heard you'd opened a Christmas thread so need to check that out. You know how much I luvvvvvv Christmas!!!
Hopefully I'll get on laptop later, as typing on iphone just isn't the same. My pc went a while ago, and though I miss it, it has given more space in the living room.
Hope you're all doing well, and adjusting to this miserable weather (i'm not) missed you all, Louise, Sparkling, Anna, Pq, Kiera, Hopeful, and everyone else of course.
Take care everyone.
Ouch you are both not loving the miserable weather. Neither am I but the one bonus is I have finally got the summer quilt on my bed so can snuggle down, it is horrid to have to sleep without a cover for ages.
Sorry to hear about your chest infection hazeleyes, you need to take care, work sounds very demanding at the moment.How is C? have you had to start the trawling round senior schools to choose one or is there a feed school that he will definitely go to?
Good luck with the SAGE, sparkling, will work be a bit quieter without the boss stomping around? hang on to the memories of the summer, it's been lovely.
Got rather wet in the squally rain today, I have a bright pink fleece and when I get home on a chilly day I always put it on, so it has had a lot of use lately
We have looked at schools Louise. The local one, neither of us like! C likes one further away, but I think it'll be hard to get into. Fingers crossed though that he does. The teachers and Head were very surprised that he didn't take tests for grammer schools, but C was adamant that he'd hate an all boy school and the one mixed school is much too far. He'd have had to leave home about 7!! Have to say I sobbed after visiting the secondary schools. All becoming real now.
Welcome to the boards hazeleyes... Oh no! Wait! I remember you now
It's so hard when they move up to secondary school.
I did get through a bit of work at work. Detest Sage now. Gone beyond hate.
I then went to Rhosneigr to listen to the sea. The tide was in, so I could hear it! But the clouds came over, and it started to rain. There was a most amazing rainbow though.
I hope you're feeling ok hazeleyes. It is good to see you here.
I'm thinking of getting some pink iScout stuff as I may have now toned enough to get in them!
So I found a CIS book that I though I'd lost for the friend I do stuff for - it was in the drawer I use for his work!
I will have to phone WTC for the award notice for daughter's learning grant though.
Oh dear, you haven't found your award letter, sparkling. In these days of "paperless" I have so many files of paper. Mind you the last straw was a few weeks ago when I sent my sister a cheque for something and she texted me to say the bank had returned it as having a "stop" on it, I thought well I haven't told the bank that and I checked my balance in case my account had been hacked (no...phew) so I phoned the bank. They asked me for the cheque number then informed me that I had stopped that whole cheque book in 2008, saying I had lost the book. Whoops.
Hazeleyes, yes scondary school is a big step. If the preferred school is harder to get into, it is worth thinking about how you would present a case in the event of an appeal. Things like "highly intelligent child of a single parent who has worked her socks off"
Hope everyone is having a good evening. Eldest has just gone back, having enjoyed his chicken and chorizo. I have British Gas coming in the morning for the leaky old bolier (the central heating, NOT ME haha)
Just hopping in from nightshift.
Hazeleyes I am so glad I'll only have to do this school stuff one more time when my daughter goes to sixth form. (Unless you count university.... sigh). It's so hard, isn't it!
Going to sleep now!
We had a fairly quiet weekend. Bra shopping with A was great success, muchos brownie points for me . I cooked Chicken wings Gangnham style yesterday which went down really well so will be doing that again.
Great to 'see' you again hazeleyes. We too have been doing the school hunting but I think we've chosen now which is good. I hope C gets into his 1st choice.
I love the sea too sparkling. sometimes just to sit and listen too it is all you need. I would really love to live by the sea, its on my bucket list.
My ex is playing up again so I'm trying to keep my stress levels down, but on a plus note I'm off to spain for a few days next weekend to visit my new man!!! Excited
Ooh how exciting, a trip to Spain pq, hope you have a fab time, what with one thing and another you need a break! Glad the bra shopping went well and you had a success with your cooking.
Hopeful hope night shift was not too draining, I agree the school changeovers are soooo hard.
Boiler fixed, hurrah. Finally got a coat that fits me, the one from last year would fit me and Benedick Cumberbatch in it (haven't actually tried that, just imagining....ha)
Well hello everyone and I am looking forward to hearing your news!
Sparkling, what are you cooking with the Scouts? Are they doing a badge with it? I remember doing the Cubs cooking badge with them in a grotty, dirty little kitchen attached to the Scout Hut; my friend and I had to hive it a good spring clena so no-one got food poisoning. Sorry to hear about your friend's leg, that must be worrying for her. So your eldest is talking about moving out? I keep having that with youngest but it hasn't come to anything yet, I think they imagine money grows on trees
Sally did you have a peaceful cuppa before the onslaught? I often think we parents have to grab the odd 20 minutes while we can.
The dentist was MUCH better yesterday, not sure whether the receptionist had spoken to her, after I said I did not want to see her again. I have to go again in two weeks then in three months. I had a pretty uncomfortable few minutes in there while she dug a load of plaque off my teeth, have to floss every day from now on, eek.
How is your back, PQ?
It's pouring with rain here today, I have my counselling supervisor later, what is everyone up to? Hope the weather is better on the Isle of Wight for Hopeful.
Looby, Hazeleyes, Kiera, Happy Mamma, a big hello to you and we are missing you in here