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you know when you just need some time to your self, your son (or daughter) has just been on one of those mummy mummy mummy (or the other!) mood. well that's how my son's been for the past few days now and my brother a little while back made a comment that he would like to look after my son again soon!
so as i just managed to catch him on chat i asked if he would like to look after him tomorrow night! he went and asked his gf (cuz even tho he's 30 and she a few mnths older than ME! (27!) he still has to ask!) and even tho it's HIS Nephew and God Son he still has to ask! (grr! she is a little bit controling!) any ways next thing i know she's put on her status ... "was looking to a relaxing weekend but apparently that isn't everyone else's plan." ... I really cant win with her! she's one of these people that what ever it is you cant win. This isn't the first comment she's made about plans me and my brother have had nor will it probably be the last one but really sometimes i just think she's too controling! ... my mum says i cant put a comment down in any way against the comment she makes! lol (so not fair! lol) but when it's all the time about every little thing your brother dose it really dose up set you. :(
(of subject!)
I went in to town today spent £1.30 and came home with a brand new phone and a disposable camera!!! (really i did! hehe)
The camera story!
we (me and my son) went to the zoo the other week and i brought him one of those disposable camera's (cuz i couldn't find his on the day lol!) I took it into boots to get it developed and went back to pick the photos up, they hadn't turned up hummmm! so they took my details and everything ticket number etc and got in touch with the company that dose the developing! bout 2 days later i get a phone call to say that they are still on the case and they'v not come across them yet! (i was like i don't really mind as thye are my son's photos of the zoo lol so prob not 100% good!) I popped back in today to see how they were getting on with it and to say that it was me! lol (they know me by face, just didn't realise it was me when they phoned! lol) and the lady said they'd sent of the questionair that i filled in over the phone for them and seeing what happends in the next few days really! she also said that she'd had a chat to the manager and he'd said that cuz they were a little boys photos from the Zoo i could have a Boots or Kodac disposable camera AND prints for FREE! :D WOW! they didn't have any boots one on the shelf so i'v ended up with a Kodac camera! hehe! and so long as i see her when he's used it i will get the photos done for FREE! :D
The phone story! (ok not all that interesting!lol)
while i was in town this morning i got a text message from the phone shop to say that i was due an upgrade! and so i popped in to see him about it! told him what plan i'm on now and how much i am spended etc and what phone i was after! which was all EASY and about 10 mins later i walked out with a brand new HTC phone! i love it! :D upgraded my contract as at the moment the contract is £25 a month but i usely end up spending £30-£35 a month so he said that i might as well go on the £35 a month contract and get internet put in with that and will be able to use the internet on the phone! so as i am spended about that on my old contract i said well i might as well go for it! lol so i'v just spent the best part of a day sorting out my new phone, i'v just put all my music on there from my computer and when put my old phone on charge i'll be able to transfer the 2 other songs of there too my new one that i listen too! lol and were all singing and dancing really! lol
But yes lol only spent £1.30 come home with a brand new phone and a Kodac camera ... was thinking about bribing the bus driver to see if he'll let me have the bus fair for free but he was in a foul mood so didn't bother! lol
Hi hatz. Hope you get some free time this weekend too. Your son will have a lovely time with your brother I'm sure. I also feel that it is right for him to discuss it with his GF too, like Sparkling says, they are in a relationship and live together, so having your son over would also affect her. She shouldn't however have put that on FB. Like your Mum says, don't comment on it, as I'm sure she is probably waiting for you to do something, and I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that you're cross with her. Have a lovely weekend. xx
Hope your son has a great time with his uncle, hatz.
Try not to get too upset about the FB comment...she might have had something planned and has put it on hold so they can look after your son. Rise above it! that's what I always say (that's you with a halo on, lol)
You got some great bargains in town!!!
Hi Hatz, hope you are ok xxx
yeh i'm glad they do ask ... nope sorry! i'm glad that my brother dose ask if he can have his nephew round (if it's her wanting her nephew round it's a striaght yes with out asking!!!!!!! (that's what my prob is really!!!)) but it's just her attitued which gets me really nothin my brother dose or says will ever be ok, that sort of thing! and prob also due to the fact that now i'v realised i cant stand her! nothing's right unless she's done it, nothin will be ok unless it's sorted by her, that sort of person! lol but yes i'v not commented back on her status ... but have kept an eye on them seeing what she's put next and so on! lol (she hasn't put anything up lol)
as for me and what i'm doin right now ... nothing! lol ... i should really plan these nights shouldn't I! lol only thing is the closest friend i have lives in Nottingham and has just FINELY had her baby! lol (went over by a day and mid wife said a week ago that she wouldn't go past monday! haha!!!) so I don't really have any friends round here that i can just call up on and go have a natter to :( but there we go! lol so i'v sat down stairs for so long and said i'm headin up cuz am cold (which i am!) so i'm now under my dovet warming thru! lol
had an argument with me step dad this morning :'( he decided to have a clear out ... basicly get everything that's mine or my son's out from where it was stacked tidely and chuck it all on the settee so EVERYTHING was on our settee which has meant that i'v had to find space to put it all in my son's rather small bedroom so there was I a few days ago making some head space in there and sorting it all out so he could have his train track out under his bed how he wanted it and everything and i'v had to fill it all up again
he's only got 1 cupboard (which is next to useless really!) and ok he's got the space under his bed (as he has a high bed) but it dosen't help when you have to fill it up with things that your mother's brought home that you don't really want, but you end up getting! but anyways there was me tryin to sort out the settee and he turned round to me (in a very angry voice) "If you fill that coffee table up again, i will chuck it all out!" of which my reply was "i'm tryin to sort this settee out, that YOU have filled up, it wont be staying there!" (something like that! tbh i'v actually forgotten what i said!) so i'v had a pretty rubish morning and now am back in my room doin what probably most moody teenagers do and stayin out of there way! (his way!) but there we go! ... also just remembered that my purse and keys came up here some where now need to find them grrrrr!
we ended up in the garden after that lol so I cleaned out my rabbits and my mum's birds, and then started to help my son (bless him at 4yrs old tryin to dig up the veg plot!!!) so dug up the patches of grass that had grown back thru and the weeds that were growing as well! and found some red onions and some spring onions still growing away! :O they were last yrs crop lol and there they are thru snow, frost and what ever weather we'v had growing till this very day! lol so yes dug up a huge patch of mud pullin up weeds and the such lol now it's all been dug up got to leave it to settle again and will give us time to work out what we'll be growing this yr! lol last yr it was onions, carrots, beetroots, pattypans, caugettes and potatoes! oh and a pumpkin in my son's plot! lol we did well with the potatoes and patty's so prob grow them again mum's said we'll have another go with the carrots and just see what else we got!!
Hello hatz
Sorry you did not have an outing planned but at least you had a bit of child free time and will looking forward to getting him back today!
well kinda glad cuz i don't have any money at the moment! lol i got £2 to pay for my son's dinner at school tomorrow and thats it! lol i do get some more tomorrow so least i don't have to wait too long lol! it was strange waking up with out a little boy in my bed this morning! lol i looked at the time was 7:30 and said to my self NOPE! turned phone back on to standby turned over and went back to sleep till 5 to 10 :D WHOOP! :D went down made me self a cuppa went toilet had a quick chat to the 'rents and went back up to bed! haha!!!! so just bout to get up now really! lol
were off out to the Curve later on to see Shaun the Sheep! lol so aught really to get my self sorted out and ready for that at least! lol :) just enjoying this quiet time wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much! lol
chat to you laters xxx
How lovely! Staying in bed until 10! That always seems like such a treat and then to be able to roll over and slowly properly wake up in your own time Love it!
yup it sure was good to stay in bed till that point! lol but it's now back to monday and back to the usual ruteen! lol up at 7 this morning but it wasn't too bad really! woke up to my son being next to me and still asleep he looked so sweet! :) hehe!
had a busy day at work today which is a good thing as it means it runs smoothly and rather fast AND! we got out at 7 mins past before the play ground staff managed to get out! lol (which isn't always the case! it's usuly the other way round!)
Found out that when my son went to stay with my brother for the night they really didn't get a good night out of him (which i knew) but my brother told my step dad that he was up with him from 11pm and on the hr every hr from then on :( but like i said to my step dad i think they left him up too long as it was 9pm when they phoned thru to say good night to me! so i think he was a bit too awake and hyper that he couldn't settle down! so they prob dropped them selfs in it and BIG TIME there! lol so shall see when the next time they want him will be! lol probably not for a little while!!!!
Hi hatz
it is often difficult for little ones to settle away from their main carer. Let us hope it hasn't put them off having him!
Hope you have another good day today
I don't know if it's just me of if she's like this with everyone? .... the head teacher at my son's school seems to always give me dirty looks. i don't really know how to explain it really but today, i had to pop back in to my son's class room and my son was playin up on the play ground i said to called over to him and showed him his books and said just inside! he must of forgoten that and ran round to the main gate when he didn't see me any more (thankfully he dose now stop at the main gate with the teacher(S) that are on gate duty!) so i knew that he wouldn't have got out with out me! when i showed up bout 5 mins later the head teacher was there and she gave me a right filthy look as if to say I should keep more of an eye on him, so i felt like i had to make something up on the spot to cover my back, so turned to him and said I had to go in to sort your books out cuz you forgot to remind your teacher!
The other day she did it ... think i'd just given my son a hug just before my shift started cuz he wasn't feeling 100% so i just gave him a hug to say you'll be all right and she gave me a filthy look then as well! Yes ok i was on duty so when your on duty your children arn't actualy your children they are people you work with ... but when they arn't 100% you do these things any way!
it just feels as tho she's always watching us and what we do, how i deal with my son and if ever i make a mistake or tell him off or he runs off or i just give him a hug she's there to give me a filthy look :( now i know i cant really say anything but is there anything i can do to stop me thinking she's watching me and only me :(
Awwwh hatz thats a really difficult one isnt it, not nice for you to feel that way must be uncomfortable for you xxxx
Hi hatz. I would say to ignore it, and that it probably isn't just you that she does it too. I'm saying this, because I'm a volunteer at C's school, and I find one of the teachers VERY strange. One minute she is so chatty with me, all smiles and stuff, then the next minute she completely blanks me, and seems to give dirty looks too. I don't honestly think she means too, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. Don't let the Head get to you, just get on with your job. Perhaps she's just a miserable old trout hehe.
She could actually be thinking about something completely different and her natural expression is a bit surly ()....or she could be feeling a bit envious of you and your son and your lovely relationship. No need to justify yourself to her. Next time she gives you a "dirty look", give her a sunny smile, that will disconcert her!
There is always that point! lol I cant do or say anything to her about it cuz 1 she's the head teacher and 2 she's my boss! lol ... she seems to be fine with me in my lunch time hrs and everything lol just seems to be when i'm out of hrs and with my son! it's just so strange! I guess i just got to get on with it see her but don't see her at the same time type thing!!!!
any ways i'm headin off to bed some reason i seem to be gettin earlier and earlier every night!!! lol ... but then i do read to like 12/1am so in a way i don't get any earlier! tell you what tho! ... i aint half missing my sis :( she had her baby last week and so of course hasnt been able to get on line like she use to be able to and so were not having out rants and chats like we use to! lol i leave her lil notes on fb tell her i'm thinkin of her and hope that she's doin well with new baby, so just got to wait for her to come on line and me to try catch her! lol but it just seems as tho i'm missing a part of my body with out chatting to her every night! :( bit i know she's doin well :) she's a natural mum and is amazing :) she's been thru so much at 10 she lost her mum to a stroke and so has been brought up by her father and 2 brothers!!!! she is a truly amazing mum to her 2 wonderfull children! and i'v only known her coming on 5yrs and proud to call her my sister :) I love her to bits! ()
i'm goin to head off before i really start balling! lol (happy balling tho!) nighty night night x
hatz your sister is so lucky to have you, how lovely that was to read about how much you think of her and i`m sure she thinks the same about you xxx
Have a good night and a good day tomorrow xxx
Good morning hatz. Hope it goes ok today. The out of hours thing. It's the same in every school I think. Teachers don't like it when you speak to your child. One volunteer used to stand in the playground and get her son to come over to her so not allowing him to play. This stern teacher told her she wasn't allowed to go into the playground, as it wasn't fair on the boy or the other children. Like to add it wasn't me!!! I did however used to pop into the playground, say hi to C, then disappear back to my classroom, but in all honesty C couldn't have given a monkees whether I said hello or not hehe. Don't take it to heart hatz. It's lovely to hear how you're close to your sister, and think so much of each other. Will you get to see her and the baby soon, or doesn't she live near you?
she lives over in Nottinham so not too far to go but do have to save up a few pennies for the train and tram journy there (and back!) but i'm thinkin of goin over in the Easter break! (i don't think our holiday to Sweden (my unkles) is goin on due to lack of funds BIG TIME!) so i'll see whats happaning nearer the time and then give her a call :) see what she's up to! least now i know where i'm goin to actually get to her house!!! :) We'v only been callin our selfs sisters for the past 2yrs lol we friends really but there comes a point when you realise that actually were more than friends and a lot closer than friends she turned to me one day and said that she feels like i'm the sister she's never had and i said that i'v felt that for a little while now and so from then on we'v been sisters :) i love her to death, hate seeing her upset, love who she is, what she dose and how she dose things and at one point before my son started school i was debating weather to move out to Nottingham to be 1 closer to me and 2 more of a job opertunity and 3 to start livin MY life with my son! lol
Yeh i know not to take her to heart or anything and today she's not had the face on her! :) and tomorrow i'v got to talk to her cuz my son's got a speach and language review on monday and i'v organised it for them to come to my son's school as i cant get out to where they are as have to use the bus and would have to pull my son out of school when i finish my shift and head to the bus arive 1/2 hr early so wouldn't be let on sight cuz it's in another school lol so gave them a call and she said yes it's good for that and then said that she's been to that school before as it sounds familiar! lol so weather she's been out to see someone else or if in fact she's been to see my son there i cant remember (neither can she! lol) so i just got to pop in to the head teacher and say that my son's got an apoinment i did speek to the other person about it and she said it was ok to sort out so long as we let them know what date! lol and just tell her that it'll be goin on! :) makes it a LOT easier for me not to travle out to her!
lol i phoned thru to my mum earlier at work and told her about the speach people will come in to school and she turned to me and said that she'd phoned thru to her phone company and said she wanted an upgrade as she's had her phone for 3yrs now and really thinks she should be due one by now! they said that they don't know how she slipped thru the automatic upgrade sistum but they sorted her out! ... now at begining of the month my step dad upgraded to the HTC wildfire then on the 17th i upgraded to the HTC wildfire! now my mum will be tomorrow upgrading to the ... yup!!!! HTC wildfire so with in the month of march the HTC wildfire has proved to be a popular phone ... at least in this house hold! haha!!!! mine and my step dads are the same black ones but my mum was given the choice and she's gone for red! so at least they wont end up with each others phone! i'v got a to me to you bear charm on my phone so we wont get ours mixed up either! :) lol and bles my son ... he turned to me and said I wont one of those phones!!!! ... told him that he was a bit too young to have a real phone just yet!!! lol bless him x
any ways i'm goin to head off and sort a few more bits out! grab another drink and head off bed and read more of my book :)
Hi hatz
Sure it will be fine for the speech therapy appointment.
The idea of moving nearer your sister-friend sounds exciting!
Hope you have a good day today
What book are you reading hatz??
evening all :) anna i'm reading at the moment .... it's about an autisic lad that's big in to CSI and crime seens and how there family have to live due to him having high fucntioning aspergers syndrome (which is what i'v grown up with due to my brother and the minded kids my mum looked after!) so i'm big in to stories that involve people with autisum. I'v also read the compleat collection of Torey Hayden which are about children who have been abused and this (kind of) special needs teacher works with them and brings them out of what they have been thru and turns there lives around! ... I don't know what really draws me to these types of stories, i supose in one way i'v grown up with a brother with special needs and have to live life as it comes but i just love stories about children who have all sorts of problems in there lives.
lol well i'v got a parent free weekend WHOOP WHOOP! :D lol my step dad's goin to some sort of reunion with some army mates of his and me mum's goin (to make sure he don't get in to too much trouble!!!!!) lol so i'v got the WHOLE weekend to do as i please! and as i just gone to my bank and found i had a tad bit more money than what i thought it's goin to be a treat day for my son on saturday!!!! ... not sure yet what goin to do but will invole a few shops some where!!! not sure but might head over to birmingham for the day!!! extra special treat for him cuz i'v not really been able to treat him this month at all :( (tbh he's just happy to have a train ride! lol but cant really pay for the train to take us to no where and back! hahahaha)
Talked to the head teacher about the appointment that's been made and she said that's fine :) just got to call them in the morning to find out the name of the lady that's seeing my son! lol only so when she comes she can say she's such-a-such from the LCC (company) and they'll know that it's who that's meeting us, told her that i'll be there too with my son so we can have a good chat about things that are goin on and see what they say about my son! and if she needs to she can also have a natter to his teacher. so that's happanin on monday at our school! :)
well (i was about to put it's gettin to that time! ... look up at clock it's only 9pm :O i don't think i'm goin to bed JUST yet! lol) i'm goin to log off for now get a few bits sorted out and see what tomorrow brings! :) chat soon x
That will be nice - a really chilled weekend.
That sounds like something to look forward to and enjoy!
sure dose! lol i love this feeling that i'm going to have a really nice weekend!!! :)
grrr! (some of) you will remember a couple weeks back when i had a problem with the wormen that lives 2 doors down from me! ... well she's at it again! :( today i was walking up the path from school to come home and i was walking right at the edge of the curb as there's lots of people still coming in to school (and it's eaiser to walk there so not to bump in to any one!) so there was me bags of space on the inside of me, and she walking towards me, so i make sure that theres planty of space so that she can get buy with her buggy and the lad that's walking. but for some odd reason she decides that she wants to push the buggy towards me so that i have to step down of the path and out of her way.
:O I really don't understand why she had to do that... :( if she's tryin to get a reaction out of me she's failing big time as i'v worked out that it really annoys people a lot more than givin in to them at there level. She has really upset me now tho, I have to get on with people in my job and i cant really play in to her hands and react as i could end up with out a job even if i am only working as a dinner lady. What can i do?????? should i go talk to the head teacher about her and that it seems she's in to get me or what????????????????? :(
Hi hatz, you did the right thing. Ignore your neighbour, rise above it. You said yourself that you feel she is trying to get a reaction out of you. That is just who she is....recognise it and move on, then you don't need to worry about it for more than the second that it has irritated you! Don't feel bullied, but feel like you are taking control of the situation, by choosing to ignore it/let it go. Perhaps your neighbour has her own issues and the last thing you need is to be another one of them.
Perhaps next time you see her, try really hard and smile at her! What response would that get?
A weekend all to yourself and your boy, sounds like fun! I hope you really enjoy yourselves!
Hi hatz
How are you tonight? Have you decided what you are doing with your day tomorrow, train and shopping sounds good
Anna is right you know, smile at this woman, it will throw her completely xxx
lol i'll try and smile at her next time she decieds to be a silly little girl! lol told me mum and she said if she dose carry on doin silly thing we can call the council and report her on antisocial behaviour but cant really do that till a lot further down the line!
tomorrow we are goin of to birmingham!! i know that the train station stops just out side The Bullring so i shouldn't get lost! lol been there a few times just not in about 2yrs! so might just have to get my brain in gear and everything lol from what i remember you enter next to boots lol ... just gettin the right boots on the way out lol told my son that tomorrow is all about him he asked if we were goin to do reading i said no! lol he said you goin to be a teacher ... nooo! lol it's saturaday tomorrow!!! i'll give you a clue ... choo choo choo choo! (train noise!) WHAT ... WERE GOIN ON A TRAIN :D! yes matey! we goin far away??? (i wish! lol) no mate were not goin too far away but just far enought, theres goin to be lots of things for YOU, shops and EVERYTHING else!!! i remember one shop called the Entertainer which is a great toy shop so deffently goin to head in there and see what we can find!!! :)
any ways my pizza is goin cold! lol and my cider is warming up! haha!!! chat to you soon xx
Awww, I'm sorry she's upset you.
Hope you're ok now, and that you and your son enjoy your weekend.
Have a lovely weekend hatz. Don't let the neighbour spoil it for you. Enjoy the train ride! x
My eldest used to almost die with ecstasy if we went on a train when he was little, hope your boy enjoys it too
Hi Hatz, hope you have a lovely time xxx
i am tottaly and utterly S.H.A.T.E.R.E.D. now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow who would have know it 2hrs in birmingham and i'm done for! haha!!! but we sure have enjoyed it! :) come home with build a bear, bear which cam really enjoyed being able to press the peddle to get the fluff to go in to his bear, we made a cirtificate for him and he's proudly named BEAR!!!!!!! we love him and he's gone to bed with him tucked up in his arms! :) (hopefully his other teddy wont be feeling left out!!! hehe) ... we'v also brought the Toy Story box set so we are FINELY able to sit down and watch that after buyin the wrong ones (blue-ray) about 3 months ago! lol we'v also got some new trainers for him and he's gone for some fetchin bright blue football style ones and i brought 2 boxes of Millies Cookies! haha!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yum yum!!! The only problem now is that i have about 30p to my name! hahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! but that really dosent matter cuz we'v had the best day out that we'v not had in suce a long time! LOVED the train there LOVED it back again! lol oooo we went for dinner at pizza hut and i had a portabello pizza and he had some macaronni cheese which i havent seen him eat SOOOOOOOOOO fast! lol
i am SOOOOOO tired! lol really forcin my eyes to stay open so i guess it's goin to be a VERY early night for me!!
so any ways he's tooked up in bed all ready i don't think it's goin to be long till i'm there so i'm goin to log off and shut down! litually! lol xxx
Just been reminded that the clocks go forward tonight! haha!!!!!!!!!!! night night x
Hi hatz, what a wonderful day you have had so pleased for you xxx
Yes the clocks go forward tonight so we all lose an hours sleep.
Good morning hatz. Your day yesterday sounds lovely. Both of you having a great time together. Hope he slept through for you after his exhausting and exciting day. Enjoy the rest of your parentfree weekend. x
i'm still kinda on a high about yesterday and how good it actually was now! lol i really did enjoy it ... even if it has left me penny less! lol
well today wasn't too bad either! we've made some muffins up which i had to give my mum a call cuz it said it needs 100ml of oil and 2 eggs, think we scraped 25ml of oil and 1 egg so had to see what she would use as subsitutions! lol but they'v thurned out just as good with the subs lol and really tasty too! :) got to bag them up and try save them for tues, weds and thrus!!! (his lunch box days!) stick them in the fridge should be fine! lol
we'v had a Toy Story weekend this weekend and watched 1 and 2 yesterday and number 3 today (which had me welling up! haha!) but it was really good to watch them all with my son as he's only seen bit's here and there at school on there film afternoon once a month! lol so it was good for him to see the whole lot and he's really enjoyed it! :) (just as much as i have! haha)
well the parents are back, which hasn't been too bad actually! :) they'v made tea (which i could have eaten about 10times over cuz haven't actually eaten much today!) had brocolli quiche roasted herby spuds (which they brought!!!) and home made colslaw with some spinach and beetroot salad! ... now thinking bout it i'm hungry again! haha!
last night i'm sure i was goin mad! i pulled out the fridge the last 2 cheese triangles in the pot, put them on the side came in to the front room 5 mins later went back in to the kitchen and ..... there was only 1 cheese triangle in the pot (confused big time!) asked my son if he'd been in which he said nope, had a look round the sides and table and even back in the fridge, no sign of it! (confused even more!) i even checked the doors to see that yes they were locked and that no one was in the house! cuz this cheese triangle had gone missing! (as to why any one would come in and only take 1 cheese triangle i don't know, but it seemed like a thing to do! lol) so i put it down to the fact that i wasn't wearing my glasses and could of possibly been seeing double! lol this morning i had to fill the tumbley up and moved a chair, low and behold sat there on the floor was the missing cheese traingle!!!!! so i wasn't goin mad after all! there really was 2 cheese triangles in the pot when i took them out the fridge but as to how the 2nd one jumped out the pot and landed under the chair i haven't got a clue!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i'm goin to raid the kitchen and see what food the parents have brought home! lol and the fact my step dad is doin him self some toast which smells soooo nice is another reason for feeling hungry! lol
chat laters x hows every one's weekend been here???
dear hatz, what a lovely weekend you have had, good for you!
Hi hatz, Birmingham sounds like great fun for both of you, I actually felt quite envious! It sounds like a truly memorable trip. I haven't been to the Bullring in years!
hatz, have you ever considered writing a blog? You are basically doing it here, keeping people posted about whats been going on for you and your little one, with funny quips, observations and life in general. You are upbeat and quirky and I think you could consider it! Some people actually make money from it! Have a look at our article To blog or not to blog? I would be interested to hear what you think.
yeh i tried bloging (nearly missed the L out of it then! haha) before but i don't get the same feeling about it than when i post on here, so think i'm just goin to stick around! lol
well my son had his speach review today :) and all went pretty good :) he has a few imatureities in his speach, he gets his, him's her's she's he's all mixed up and it's mo all pretty much him or his! lol his listening isn't up to scratch as the lady asked if he could point to a bird ... he pointed to all 3, she asked him to point to either a cat or a dog ... he pointed to both! so she's goin to send thru some info and some activities to work with him on his listening and listening to the whole sentance not just the parts he wants to! lol so like if you ask him to do his written work then some reading and then he can go and play ... she said all he'd probably hear is the play part! (and not just cuz he's a kid hear the word play and wants to go off! lol) but as i say she's goin to send thru some information for me and his teacher to work on and will come and review him again in 6months time when he's moved up in to yr 1 and then again in another 6months. so he's got another 2 assesments at least to go thru but at least they aren't hard ones and are pretty easy goin! :)
my son turned round to me tonight that he wanted to wear glasses, so i asked him why he thought he needed to wear glasses and he said it was because he couldn't see the smart board very well, so i said that he can read his words in his books really well and he can see the things on his DS, so do you really need glasses and he still said yes! lol i don't think theres any problem with him seeing and things but i might pop in to his teacher and just say what he's said and see if he could move round slightly so that he can see the smart board... one thought that's just popped in to my mind is that it could well be the fact the sun has bean out and if it was shining on the board he might not be able to see it that well due to that!
i don't know lol catch up with you laters x
Hi hatz, glad you had a good day today.
Has your son has his hearing checked recently? The reason I ask is that what you wrote about him not listening/hearing the full sentence, my friends son had similar problems and he was in year 2/3 before they realised he had impaired hearing, he would for example say dv instead of dvd as he didnt hear the last letter of the word,and as your son would only catch parts of a whole sentence, he also had huge problems in class with background noise, he was moved closer to the front of the class and that made it much easier for him, he doesnt wear hearing aids he just has difficulties in hearing(that doesnt make sense the way I have written it) hopefully you will understand what I am trying to say lol.
I`m sure your sons hearing has been tested but just thought I would mention it xxx Strangely my friends son also had problems with the white boards in school and it turned out he is colour blind, he now wears glasses and the teacher avoids certain colours on the board, he like your little boy never complained about playing on his ds, might be worth having him checked at the opticians xxx
yeh i know what you mean, he really need hearing aides so long as you speak to him directly he can hear you type of thing!
he had his ears tested back when he was at nursery about 2 they marked him down as low frequensies (can't spell that word lol low noise level!) as being hard to hear but he passed the whole test other wise! He dose seem to take after me tho with producing a lot of wax in the ears so he could just have a problem with that and hearing might pop down to the drs and just ask if there all right or if they are blocked slightly. As he's already had hearing test done unles he's got some majour problems that start up he prob wont get chance for another test.
hatz, please go have him retested, it took ages for my friends son to be diagnosed, but it makes all the difference once it is recognised and will definitely help with his speech if indeed it turns out to be a slight hearing problem xxx
My friends son now has a hearing test every 6 months and he is now almost 11 xxx
Hi hatz
Good idea from tired Mum. There is a detailed test they can do at the hospital which is fun for the child, my youngest used to have a few when he was little. Perhaps do this first, before the eyesight check?
Anyway your son will enjoy doing the activities with you at home
OMW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FORGOT ABOUT MY MUM'S BIRTHDAY :O :( oops!!!!!!!!!! thankfully i was on the way IN to town and not out of lol so it came to me at the right time so have been able to buy some cake mix for her, a pressy and some flowers! :) FEW!!!!!!!
yeh i think i am goin to pop him down the drs and get him in for another hearing test just to make sure! as for his eyes it he's anything like the boys in our family he'll have 20/20 vision up untill he's 40! lol but i might pop him in there and say that he's told me he's havin problems seeing the smart board in his class!
still cant beleive that i forgot it was my mum's birthday! i remembered about it yesterday! i remembered about it last month when i brought a pressy for her from my son!!!!!! (which i now got to go and find!!!) scatter brains or what! ... any ways cakes smelling good so better go rescue it out the oven and set it out to cool then when i come back from work i'v got to decorate it! lol (as well as do the washin up and make tea!!!) ... mothers day on sunday!!!! (so use to it being the other way round mothers day THEN my mum's birthdya!!) think that's a reason why i forgot in a way! lol ttfn
Hi hatz, I am glad that you are sticking around!! I wasn't trying to get rid of you, just felt that you offer laughter in your posts and perhaps other people in the world would enjoy reading about you and your boy, not just One Spacers!
I agree with tiredmum, get hearing and eyes checked. Doctor said my daughter was deaf when she was about 1yr old, because she wouldn't turn around when a noise was made behind her back. I suggested that was because she was too busy looking at the toy cars and she was used to loud noises (ie her dad!!) Anyway they disagreed with me and wrote in her little read book that she had hearing difficulties. She has proved them all wrong and has problems at all.
ANYWAY! it is good to get them checked. I have a friend who was deaf in one ear, it wasn't diagnosed until he was in his teens...unfortunately he was already branded the naughty kid for not listening etc, but he thinks it would have made a massive difference to his life if he had been diagnosed earlier.
Bad luck for forgetting your mums birthday, hopefully you were saved in the nick of time!
Yes, mothers day on Sunday, lets not forget!
I'm glad you remembered your Mum's birthday Hope she enjoyed it.
well i'm SOOOOO glad that i managed to get eveyin thing i needed inc pressy's and a few little extra's for young mans lunch boxes this week! for £40 i had to go back in to town as i realised that i didn't have any iceing sugar and i even popped over to a nabourghs to see if she had any! haha! and oh my word it's times like that when i miss our corner shop!!!! but there we go! went to the bank and it said NO so was like right i have £1.50 on me got some iceing sugar and a drink and i have 30p to my name left! (thank god i payed for mr's dinners (mon and fri) last week!)
so i made her a really nice pepermint butter cream chock cake! (a bit of a mouth full i know lol) had some ready rolled iceing so that save a LOT of time and i brought some red glitery gel iceing and used my cake stamping set to put HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it and made a red heat under that! :D so it's turned out really nice! :) For her pressies i brought her a note book that i found on the internet and you up load 5 or 6 pics and they print it off on to the cover so i put 5 picks of my son on the front and 1 of our new cat on the back and so i gave that to my son to give to her :) and i brought her a (actually mothers day pressy! lol) mug, coaster and tray set with me to you teddy on it! :) and i brought some flowers too. Of which then she came home with a watering can full of flowers and my step dad came home with flowers too! hehe! so we'v got 3 lots of flowers to try keep alive! haha!!! but it's really nice with all the different colours goin on now :) we'v got lilly's and peach roses, tiny daffidils and little pink and white flowers! (i haven't got a clue on flowers tbh!) and i brought her pink, orange and yellow Tulips and a sping mix bunch!!! (that's what they were labled up as in the shop!!!!!!!)
so now i'v got to get her a little something for mothers day!!! thankfully pay day is on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but yes i think i'v redeemed my self today!!!! hehe! she came to the front door and i had the chain on (as always!) and i called for my son he came running and i wispered to him HAPPY BIRTHDAY so when i opened the door he shouted it at her! :D (good on ya lil man!!!!!!!!!!!!) :D
(and yes i know you weren't tryin to get rid of me! hehe!!! found some good online friends here who probably know more than what my friends around me do!!! so sorry to say i'm here for a while to come yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D hehe!)
Hi hatz, awwwh thats lovely that you made your mum a birthday cake, sounds yummy too!!!!!!!! I`m sure she has had a lovely day xxx
I have to say hatz, I love to read about your day and hope you arent going to go anywhere!!!!!!! xxx
Hi hatz
That sounds like a fab birthday for your mum and I bet she loves all those flowers around her. Good job it is payday coming up!
Hi hatz
That's such a shame about the photos. I know I used to send films off to be developed and they lost a load of my youngest when he was a 'new' baby, so there are hardly any pics of him... If the photos are sent to the wrong person, if they're not returned to the shop, there's not a lot that can be done. People tend to just chuck wrong pics in the bin - I always returned them... After that the first photo I took was of a card with 'these photos belong to sparklinglime' ok, not sparklinglime... It was someone's idea which seemed like a plan.
With your brother, I actually feel that its right he discusses plans with his girlfriend as they're in a relationship. And while she may be a bit sarcastic on fb, I take it that your son is going to spend time with them? I'm sure they'll have a great time together in the end, even if perhaps her plans have had to be changed.
My eldest has that phone and loves it.
I think I'm too old for these 'new' phones. I prefer internet on a bigger screen! I blame my eyesight... I love my nokia though.
You'll be able to take brilliant photos with that phone too, and put them onto the computer...
Hope you do have some quiet time this weekend.