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Abit of advice please folks


Its good to be able to have a joke and and laugh (as well as a good cry!) Its just been snowing here in bristol again although it has now turned to rain. Ohh some hot sunshine would really do the trick. can I come too???!!

Posted on: January 5, 2010 - 2:58pm

Of course Claire-Louise, throw some bits Shortie's way, I've nominated her for the packing ;) :) :)

Posted on: January 5, 2010 - 3:52pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all

shortie2, you must'n't feel like you are palming Louise off, this just isn't true. It is good for her to have the experience of being around others. I know she is only little at the moment, but it is important for her to learn a little bit of independance even at this young age. Letting someone else have her every now and again could be a life saver for you. :)

Count me in for Barbados, in fact I'm already packed and waiting at the airport right now!! :lol:

Posted on: January 6, 2010 - 10:04am

Oh aye am the master of all plans here - suggesting that we go to barbados and i get nominated for packing?? :lol: :lol: Go on then if i do everyones packing then everyone will need to pay for me i mean pay my share of a hotel, meals etc etc...fair deal for me then. :lol:

I think i hate leaving her with someone is because am now that attach to her. By being there at her beck in call. Being there to fed her, when she cries, just wanting to be picked up etc. Christ its gonna be hard back at work.

Posted on: January 6, 2010 - 10:19pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi shortie2 when are you thinking of going back to work?

Your daughter is only 5 months or so, so I think it is fair enough to want to keep her by your side at all times, she is completely helpless and needs you. However when she becomes one and romping around and a little more independant, maybe you won't find it so hard. :)

don't worry about flight tickets, they are on me!!! :D

Posted on: January 8, 2010 - 10:20am

Anna wrote:
Hi shortie2 when are you thinking of going back to work?

Your daughter is only 5 months or so, so I think it is fair enough to want to keep her by your side at all times, she is completely helpless and needs you. However when she becomes one and romping around and a little more independant, maybe you won't find it so hard. :)

don't worry about flight tickets, they are on me!!! :D

Thank you so much Anna.

Just highlighting it so we can all see it :D 8-) :roll: :geek:

Posted on: January 8, 2010 - 10:36am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted on: January 8, 2010 - 11:25am

thanks anna your a doll for offering to pay for everyones flight tickets.... Did you win the euro millions then??:lol: :lol: :lol:

I go back week commencing the 1st february. I get a monday and thursday off so my first day back is the 2nd. Wonder how long it will take them to p*** me right off again. I give them an hour before an arguement errupts....

Posted on: January 10, 2010 - 9:31am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

A whole hour, shortie2? :lol:

Seriously it will be a hard transition for you and we will be here to support you through.

Posted on: January 10, 2010 - 1:29pm

Hi Sparkling
I saw it, and I'm loving it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just highlighting it so we can all see it :D 8-) :roll: :geek:

Shortie, you've done the packing, we'll do the babysitting :)

Posted on: January 10, 2010 - 6:07pm

yeah it would just take an hour before an arguement would erupt. Oh how am dreading it.

Nae bother folk babysitting louise she's a great wean so you's dont have to worry there. thanks folks :lol:

I got louise back from her dad today. I text him at 5.10pm asking where are you? His reply was just leaving my dads. So i phoned the house and told his dad he was to bring her back by 5pm and am sick of this. (mark bringing louise home after the time i ask for her back) His dad replied with i'll get it sorted. Yeah right he wont get it sorted. So my mum answered the door to mark and said this isnt good enough if it happens again next week we're getting a lawyer involved. Mark said because am 20mins late? He does this every week. So i got louise's snow suit off to find she didnt have her tights on! (if louise is going away out in this weather ave been putting tights on under her trousers. His excuse she was roasting. So i bathed louise at 6.20pm but when taking of her nappy it was extremly heavy so i shouted to my mum and i said he hasnt changed her nappy. I had put a clean nappy on her at 9.30am this morning. Its never this heavy and never has been. So it was another text to mark saying what size of nappies are you using as this nappy seems like it has been changed all day. The reply was pampers 3 (which im using) and it has been changed. Then he replied back a minute later with am not arguing through txt as its childish. I wasnt going to reply back as normal but my angry got the best of me so i txt back saying your a fine one to talk and it was a simple question. Am now considering getting his visits supervised and instead of him getting her 6hours a day put it down to 3hours a day when he starts getting supervised visits with louise. Ave had enough. He's trying to be the hard man infront of his girlfriend at my daughters expense.

Posted on: January 10, 2010 - 9:15pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh shortie2, it is so waring on the heart and soul, all this two-ing and fro-ing. I read your post and feel the frustration and remember it vividly. However I want you to stop and think about something...
How was Louise? I know she is only small, so can't telll you, but was she well? Were her legs freezing? Had she gotten nappy rash?

I remember that so often I was noticing all the things that he had done wrong, that I didn't stop and realise that everything was actually ok, just not my way. Some people just don't seem to think that half an hour later than originally planned is late, it might have been that they set out 5 mins before the allocated time, then had to get petrol and cash out, had to stop for phone call, who knows, but they got delayed and don't realised there is a woman waiting in her house pulling her hair out staring at the clock and making frantic threats with every passing second! :)

I am not saying you are wrong wanting supervised access, but from my experience (and it may be different in your part of the country), these places are supervised by elderly volunteers, who just think it is lovely that there is a place for absent parents to spend time with their children, regardless of the circumstances. They always give a glowing report to the court regarding parent and childs behaviour, all they can do is sit and play board games.(Although years later my daughter said she really liked it there because her dad would play with her rather than drive around and visit his friends!!)

Usually supervised access lasts for 3 months and then it has to be reviewed and moved on, usually in favour of the absent parent as they have shown up every session. (they have shown their consistency, their willingness/keeness and have not missed one of 6 fortnightly visits, how responsible this has showed everybody :shock: :oops: )(Do I sound cross??)

Anyway what I am trying to say is, hard as it is can you try and look at the positives of your ex and what he is doing with his daughter, he may want her just as a trophy and if that is the case he will still need to learn how to look after her properly. We are with them 24/7, we know pretty instantly when the nappy needs changing etc. If someone had landed a baby on us 2 years ago, how would we have coped? Itis all a learning experience.

Come on here and have a good rant, as it is soooo frustrating visits to the absent parent and it takes a lot out of us, more than anyone else could imagine. But take your time with threats against him, for your own sake as you don't need added grief, everyone's backs get up and it is a long painful process.

Phew! Sorry shortie2, I was only going to say that I recognise that feeling of the audacity of your ex and his incompetence! How are you today?? :)

Posted on: January 11, 2010 - 10:14am

thanks for that. her feet were cool but not freezing. She didnt have nappy rash thankfully but if am honest i dont think he would of cared if she had because he wouldnt be the one who was gonna have to deal with her screaming etc if its painful etc etc. I think he is using her as a trophy and trying to be the big hard man infront of the girlfriend and her pal (marks dad's partners daughter)

Am ok today. The snow up here in the falkirk area, from looking out my living room window as i aint been out today, isnt so bad and is gradually melting. well slowly i think is the word.

How is everyone?? :)

Posted on: January 11, 2010 - 9:22pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

hi shortie2

Glad the snow is melting up there. I agree it is a worry the little ones going out in this freezing cold weather.

I am not surprised you are so angry about what happened the other day. Anna has some really wise words for you and I just wanted to say that I agree :)

Posted on: January 12, 2010 - 7:29am

Hi shortie
How are you today? I would have been just as angry as you, and would probably have threatened all these things. Reading Anna's post makes lots of sense, and I hope you've had a re-think now. Yes, the same sort of thing will probably happen again and again, but hold on to Anna's words. I was actually thinking too, that if your ex doesn't get any sort of reaction for being late, leaving tights off etc etc, he might well get bored with the whole thing!!
Take care
x :)

Posted on: January 12, 2010 - 8:19am

Hi Shortie2
How are you feeling today? Have you had a chance to re-assess the situation? I can really hear your frustration in your post and I know how hard it is as we all want the best for our little ones, especially when they are so small and depend on us so much. However I too have to agree with Anna's words of wisdom. I know it can be hard to hear and take in but at the end of it all, we do need to see the positives in how and what other people are doing when caring for our little treasures! otherwise I think you can end up working yourself up into a real state that is not good for you of for little Louise.
Kep smiling!

Posted on: January 12, 2010 - 9:03pm

Thanks for the posts. its most grateful. He (mark) get bored of things too quickley. But i just have to grin and bear it.

hows everyone today? hope everyone is doing fine. ave stole the plane and getting it decorated for our big adventure. not long now... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted on: January 13, 2010 - 9:17pm

Hi Shortie2
Hang in there and see what happens naturally. If Mark is as you say then he made well fade out of the picture.
What sort of theme have you chosen for the plane decoration by the way?!

Posted on: January 16, 2010 - 5:47pm

Well its a yellow plane (yellows my favourite colour) with plastered on each side with the words in brackets (single parents website) will be easy to spot. Inside multicoloured etc.

Well marks coming to get louise tomorrow after me thinking will i or wont i. He text me yesterday asking take it am no getting louise on sunday? then he txt twice today asking if he was getting her so needless to say i agreed. Am giving him her for 2 reasons 1) to get as much prof if it ever goes to court and i dont want him to get her etc and 2) he has rights. Ave been more than paitent with him but never mind. Am going to mark the nappy tomorrow and then check it when she arrives back to see if it has been changed and also take a photo before she leaves tomorrow (a photo with her wearing the nappy i have made the spot on).

Posted on: January 16, 2010 - 9:15pm

Hi shortie
Are you part of 'taggart' team :lol:
I just had visions of you with camera in hand, and your little baby staring at you in wonder!!!
It is great that you are not being vindictive by not letting him see baby Louise, and if it did go to court, he wouldn't have any ammunition against you. I really do hope that tomorrow goes without any hitches. Have a good night, and try not to worry too much. Easier than said than done I know.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: January 16, 2010 - 9:50pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Good for you shortie2. It will be interesting to see whether it is the same nappy. By the way, he does not actually have any "rights" (although he could have, if he got a court order to define parenting time) However, the general presumption is that the child has a right to a relationship with both its parents, provided it is safe to do so.

Anyway I am sure you are handling it the right way, to wait and see

Posted on: January 17, 2010 - 10:31am

Hi Shortie2
All sounds very CSI like but I think you are right to cotinue with the visits - make it really clear to him the time you want Louise back by and then keep any evidence you happen to collect on the way in case you need to use it in the future but don't let that affect Louise and Mark's relationship at the moment. When my kids were very young and I let them be cared for by other family members or friends, I used to type out a sheet of their daily routine at that particular age. That sort of thing could be useful for Mark - there are some things that some people just don't think of that perhaps come naturally to you or I.
Anyway good luck with the visit and be in touch again soon.

Posted on: January 17, 2010 - 3:51pm

Well when mark arrived for louise before i passed louise over to him i said shes due a feed at 1 then 4pm so theres no excuse for you not bring her back out her for 5pm. I also want her tights back (he didnt put them on her before bringing her back to me last sunday as she was "roasting") and i also want her changing mat back that goes with the changing bag as ave asked for it a few times and i'm still waiting for it. You better be listening to me mark* as am very sick of you right now and when i passed her to mark i said your lucky to be seeing your daughter.

* I had asked my dad to stand with me at the door to be witness to whats being said. Mark just looked at the ground the whole time while i was talking.

So mark brought her back at 4.40pm yesterday 20mins before her time to be brought back :o :o, i was in the kitchen making dinner for me, mum and dad, i said to my mum i wanna check her nappy. So we toke of her snow suit, tights and un done her baby grow to see the same nappy she had on when she left me at 11am. So that nappy had been on from 9.30am that morning. So ave phoned our health visitor this morning and shes coming out for a visit tomorrow just to get some advise from her. Am now sick and tired of this and i no longer want mark to get louise as this isnt fair for louise as i now think that he is not capable of looking after his own daughter. I dont believe he has got nappies for her, he wouldnt of thought of asking someone for a loan of a fiver just to buy a pack of nappies. He's being very immature and not being a responsible adult. I wonder what would happen if louise had a S***e nappy yesterday or last sunday...i would believe mark wouldnt change it and would leave her sitting in a stench of S***e.

My mind has been made up. For the sake of daughter i cant let this go on....! When shes home she seems so happy to be back.

Posted on: January 18, 2010 - 9:21pm


I'm apologising in advance here... I'm just throwing in some different view points into the pot (comes from having to put arguements into essays...)

It's good he's wanting to see your daughter and I feel he is trying. He has no idea how to deal with her, as he's not spending enough time to gain confidence. Yep, it could be that he's not bothered and I'm not disputing that.

An idea may be to suggest that he takes her out for an hour or two. That way he's spending time with her, and you know that she's not going to be in a manky nappy all day. You will also know that she's being fed properly (long story regarding my in-laws here if anyone wants to know :D ).

Alternatively, you provide the nappies and a change of clothes, and tell him to bring everything back (ok, not manky nappies). Yes, it can be argued that he could go out and buy a pack of nappies and some clothes, but the reality is that won't happen. I was married for 20 years but still had to provide everything for The Git when the children were staying there regularly (including dry-nites for my son with special needs).

This can be turned into a challenge each time he sees her - and she does have a right to see him and build a relationship with him - or you could perhaps make things easier in the long run, as you will know that she has everything she needs.

As I say, just some different ideas.

Posted on: January 18, 2010 - 10:11pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I can hear how absolutely fuming you are, shortie2, and no wonder. We can turn into tigresses when it is an issue of protecting our children.

See what the Health Visitor says. There may be some sort of parenting support HE can get, if he has little idea of caring for a child.

I have to say that I agree with sparkling lime. Witholding contact will certainly up the ante and then you will be in the middle of a legal battle. If your character assessment of him is correct then he will stay in the background anyway, after the initial flurry of effort. Human nature being what it is, it is my opinion that if you cross him, this will make him more determined to fight you.

Of course you have to make sure Louise is safe and properly clothed and yes, that might mean proiding the nappies. Remember, you would be providing them for Louise (not for him!) I know he does ot get on with is dad any more but is there anyone else he DOES respect that could give him a bit of friendly advice about childcare? It might end up being the Health Visitor, who could perhaps make an excuse to have an appointment with him ("We like to see both parents" etc?)

Posted on: January 19, 2010 - 7:04am

Hi Shortie2
Well your invertigation plan did help you in this senario but as both Louise and Sparklinglime have said, you now need to have a long think about what you are going to do with this information.
I think you were wise to call the Health Visitor and get her opinion on it. Did you and/or Mark ever go to post natal classes with Louise at the DRs? Has he ever really learned about how to take care of a small child? It sounds like this is what he needs. I can think of a couple of things, one would be as already suggested to have short visits, you could have him come to yours and see her there in a supervised capacity. How do your parents get on with Mark?
The other suggestion which I think I said before would be to write everything down in a time table fashion. It sounds like he DID listen to what you said as he picked her up as he did bring her back on time so perhaps he needs everything listed down:
1pm collect Louise
2pm Give her a snack
3pm Check her nappy and change if dirty (does ne know that wee doesn't really show up but you can tell by the weight?)
This may sound really silly but for some people (not just males) it really takes time to learn this stuff as it does not just come naturally and I am not sure how long you were together with Louise and so whether he has had a chance to pick this up or not?
I really don't think anyone would want to get into a legal battle if they can possibly help it. I agree that I think he is trying but people also have different standards.
Good luck and speak soon

Posted on: January 19, 2010 - 5:10pm

I think a list is such a good idea. I am sure there are men who can do these things so easily, and while I know I'm being very generalistic :? :roll: 8-) boy, do some men need a list...

Posted on: January 19, 2010 - 7:02pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

To be honest, as I had no childcare experience myself when I had my first child, I would have liked a list as well!!!!! :oops:

What do you think, shortie 2?

Posted on: January 19, 2010 - 8:27pm

the health visitor came and said monitor the situation etc. (am no could at taking/minding information to well. my brain seems to go in overload and shut down). I would make a list for him but he wouldnt do it as i (shortie2) wouldnt then have prof that he didnt stick to it. ie am no there to see he sticks to it. he told me around 2 or 3 weeks ago that she is his daughter and he's sick of me telling him what and what not to do with our daughter as its his daughter!!!

An hour ago my mum wanted to chat to mark but instead of it ringing it said we are unable to conect your call. If i remeber correctly this isnt a contract phone. So he isnt wanting us to contact him. So which means he's being imature now (maybe just me thinking that). So we phoned his dads house (which mark says he's staying there but i know thats a lie but in the end i ave no definate prof but i spoke to a friend i met through mark and she says mark told her on 30th dec that he's moved into amy's) but christine (his dads g/f) said they both were out and that sandy was working late. She was hesitating as if someone was there but she was lying. She asked if she could take a message but my mum said we need to speak to mark. My mum and i both think that shes dying to ken what it is so she can say to steph to tell amy to say to mark....

Posted on: January 19, 2010 - 9:36pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

yes it is very difficult to know who is telling the whole story here.......You will just have to bide your time, shortie2 and see what happens. At least now you have talked with the Health Visitor, it has put your concern on record

Posted on: January 20, 2010 - 4:54pm

well i've had a solicetors letter sent out to him.  A** (the girlfriend) had text me (she got the my number out of marks phone.  nothing to do with her) and text me.  M*** said to me that he will be seeing louise soon.  But time will tell as he's one for lying all the time but to be honest i dont think he'll do anything about it...but i dont wanna speak to soon. 

Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 9:28pm

Hi Shortie2

How are you doing?  Good to hear from you but you must be even more busy now that you are back to work?  How is it going?

How are you feeling nw the letter has been sent?  I am still catching up on things here so forgive me if you have said this already but what was the nature of the solicitors letter?  Does that mean you will be going through court proceedings?  How are things going with your ex now?

Sorry for all the questions but I feel like I need a bit of filling in before I can comment properly.

Cheers C-L

Posted on: February 18, 2010 - 11:05am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi shortie2

Well done for getting the solicitors letter out.

I have just editted the names in your post. We encourage everybody to anonymise people that they talk about as it exposes you and breaks confidentiality.  So please use initials or abbreviations.

Have you heard anything since he received the letter?



Posted on: February 22, 2010 - 1:06pm

cool, thanks anna.


Well i had the solicitors 3 weeks ago to get the letter sent out to the ex.  In the letter it was stated that i wasnt happy with L's nappies been unchanged and coming home in appropriately dressed. The ex taking L to the new girlfriends house.

I got a txt 2 weeks ago from the ex saying send it to my dad yourself. ( i sent a picture message to mark saying for your dad - mark had told me that he was back at his dads house.  I didnt know if his dad would get picture messages in his mobile phone). Then the ex text 2minutes later saying your trying to rub it in my face i aint getting to see my daughter.  I thought well at least your getting picture messages of your daughter even though your not getting to see her.  He should be more than grateful i would be if the roles were reversed.  I thought thats it your getting no more from me if thats the way your wanting it.  His g/f txt me 30minutes after the ex say she got my name from the ex's phone. Shes said that me and the ex are being selfish and trying to score points off each other.  And how hes been through alot with his mum and granpa dyin.  Now his mum died 3 years come july and his granpa died last december.  Ok he'd prob want his mum to be alive now because he has a daughter but at the end of the day thats just an excuse.  He cant use that as an excuse for his behaviour. The ex had said i will see my daughter again.  To be honest i cant see him doing anything about it.  You can read him like a book.  One day he may just surprise me.

The csa has now informed me that the ex had phoned them on the 4th feb to say that he's now claiming benifets and am entiled to £10 every fortnight.  I cant say am at all surprised with that as i knew he would do that at the end of the day.  The way i see it your not much of a parent if you dont at least pay decent amount or go on the brew or avoid to pay for the up keep of you child/children.

Think i failed to mention that he got engaged at christmas and his pal text me yesterday to say that they are supposed to be getting married on his birthday this july.  Like i txt the ex 2 weeks ago when he text me i said i dont care what happens in your life wither you and the g/f are together or not.  He text back with fair enough. 

Posted on: February 22, 2010 - 8:15pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi shortie2

Thanks for the update.

I wonder if I might say something that struck me when I read your post? It seems to me that there are a lot of texts flying back and forth and I wonder how it would be if you just decided not to have that sort of contact with your daughter's dad and maintain a silence.

You're right, he may well not do anything about it but he has also put you and your daughter in a difficult position financially by only contributing £10 a fortnight to her upkeep. The stuff about his bereavements is not really relevant; all you are asking him to do is to keep your daughter warm and clean when he sees her. I have said before that the issue you have about the new girlfriend is a more difficult one as unless you can prove she is a danger to your daughter, you would be unlikely to get contact with the girlfriend banned.

Posted on: February 23, 2010 - 8:42am

Hi shortie2

In my view point, as you've chosen to take action via the solicitor, then stick to it.

As Louise has said, you can't stop his partner seeing your daughter when she's in his care.

Personally, I feel that short visits would be in order so that  you know your daughter is clean and fed.

And - again, just my view point - why all these text messages between the two of you?  Ignore anything that doesn't relate to contact with your daughter. 

You're just getting wound up over it - and believe me, I know how that feels.  The Git still plays games with me, and with what is going on today between the children too.

The Git is a disgrace.  He sees as little of the children as possible and avoids paying maintenance by lying about his income (I get £37 a month at the mo for four children as he claims to work 12 hours a week when I know he works full time).

I just feel this is being made harder than it needs to be.  Your life will be easier when you get to the point of accepting that this is how he is (it took me four years to get to that point, by the way, so I do understand how horrid things can be).


Posted on: February 23, 2010 - 12:55pm

my contract for my phone runs out in april so am then canceling my contract from orange then going back to O2. 

Thanks very much for the replys as am always very grateful. The reason i dont want his g/f with him at the moment is the fact that i want my the ex to bond with our daughter his self.  Am glad (to be honest) that so far he doesnt seem to be that bothered about her. 


Posted on: February 24, 2010 - 7:38pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi shortie2

sparklinglime's post was really poignant for me in regards to your message.

It takes us a long time to get over all the things we wish that the absent parent should be doing.  They can play games and twist things and we can get very mixed up and annoyed with it all.

Where you are right now, is still very wound up by your ex, WE can't control them and we need to truly recognise this.  When we have, it means we can let go a bit and get on with our life.  Make new expectations and boundaries and stick with them.

I think from your posts:

You want your daughter to know her dad. (which at this time, he sounds like he does too)

You want your daughter to be cared for (if he has her for a few hours at a time then you can control food and nappies and clothes)

You don't want ex's fiancee involved (she is a part of your ex's life now and if they are going to be married, will be for the foreseeable future, again you are unable to have control over this)

Of course you want the best for your daughter, but maybe it is time to recognise that if you try and control everything it just becomes really stressful for you.

I know this is easy for me to say as I am 15 years down the line, but I do remember going through all that you are and at the end of the day, whether he takes you to Court or not, the situation is unlikely to be resolved exactly in the way that you want.

Give yourself a break, know that you have done everything that you can to create what you wanted for your daughter, but now it is time to compromise, it doesn't necessarily mean you will be 100% happy with the outcome, but it does mean you can focus on the really important issues, which is your daughters well being.

Do you think this is possible?



Posted on: February 25, 2010 - 3:11pm

hope you're doing ok shortie2

Posted on: March 10, 2010 - 5:36pm

Hi there, I am new to this site but have read over your posts and agree with Anna's last post.  We can't control everything that happens when our ex's have the children and its really hard when you don't want certain people involved but if the girlfriend is gonna be a permanant thing in your ex's life then maybe you just have to give way on that one.  I understand where you're coming from, I went beserk when my ex introduced his new partner but as I thought she didn't last long....although long enough for him to have another child with  You will worry but its all about making things easier for you and as time goes on it will all get easier but children do need consistency and you need regular times and days.  I think some of your worries just seem natural and you want to do everything you can to protect your little girl.  Don't be so hard on yourself hun, fingers crossed things will get better.


Posted on: March 22, 2010 - 1:05am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi yummymummy25, thanks for your message.  It is something that we all have had to go through and it is not easy, however once we get through the initial hurdle of acceptance, our lives do become a little easier.  I like how you said.  We just have to let go.

Is your ex still with his new girlfriend, or is that old news?

Posted on: March 29, 2010 - 5:06pm