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Age 54 Trying to manage the abuse

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Roseanne

I am glad your new grandson is doing so well :D Also good news about your pictures, you never know what new avenues may open.

Sorry that things continue difficult at home. Stay strong.....

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 1:54pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Rosanne, enjoy your grandson sleeping, you know in a few years he will be climbing all over the furniture and running around shouting and showering you down with a water pistol. I bet he is SOOO cute. I have not recieved an email regarding the quilt (I am the administrator of it). So it is not there yet, please try again, if you get the time.

Ummm, no I don't speak Portuguese! I used Google Translate i'm afraid!! :?

It would be fabulous if you could hand-carry them to Norway! I am sure they would be safer that way! Maybe there is an idea there, what about all the Christmas markets around Europe?

I wonder why men think they have to behave in such an ungentlemanly way once the door is closed? Is it your house or his that you live in? I am unsure if you have told me already.

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 2:28pm


Yes I am enjoying the sleeping grandson, in fact I saw him awake for the first time today. :D And, yes I will enjoy him jumping on my furniture and squirting me with a water pistol. (I will probably squirt him first!) Nothing but joy. His sisters are enjoying him too. Even the 14 month old is loving having a baby around, no jealousy whatsoever. :)

Hand carry to Norway, what a lovely idea, don't know how practical that would be though! Suppose I could look into driving though. Not heard back from him yet, but he has given me lots of ideas.

It is strange how they can be 'gentlemen' outside, showing people the side that you wish you could see all the time, and then the door closes! So he can control his moods, just doesn't want to I guess! :x

Feel like there is two of me in my head, one trying to move forward and the other one stuck! :?

I am hanging onto anything good in my life, and still moving forward, however slowly that might be. There is always someone worse off!


Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 6:01pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes you are right there IS always someone worse off, but that doesn't mean that you have to be stuck with it.

What ARE your options here Roseanne? You can make changes, I know it takes inner strength, but I believe you have that. Is it just the money side? Are you still in love with him? Do you think that this will be the last rage? Do you blame yourself? What is going on for you?

Posted on: August 13, 2009 - 10:52am

Hi Anna,

First I want to sincerely thank you for asking the questions that you did. It has made me think very carefully about everything.

In answer, and fogive me if this gets a little long, to your questions. No I am not stuck, though sometimes I feel I am. In all truth I am using this time to try to get at least one of my businesses off the ground to make myself financially independent. As I have said before, there is no help here in Portugal, and going back to the UK is not on the horizon for me, although if things got that bad that I needed to, I would. (just to regroup myself to come back). On the work front, my daughter and I are now starting a new venture together. Very sad to say that she is in a similar situation to myself, we are helping each other.

Make changes - yes I can and am making changes. I very much believe that I got myself into this situation and I will get myself out of it, and learn the lessons along the way. This is not to excuse his behaviour, he is wrong, but I must and do take resposibility for accepting it for so long and living with the vein hope that he will change, and that things will get better. Accepting that they won't has made it easier to live with and to concetrate on my needs, my head feels much clearer and the hurt is much less. Just have to deal with the anger that it has given me now.

Do I think this is my last rage? - Maybe it is,and maybe it isn't. I'm 55 in December and to be honest I don't know if I want a live-in relationship anymore. But I guess the answer to how I feel about that will come when I'm on my own and have given myself time to get over this one. Which I fully intend to do. That has been one of my mistakes in the past, jumping from the frying pan to the fire! Not anymore.

I am also using this time to observe people, and to try to spot the traits and signs that I have always missed in the past. I've always been a bit of a people watcher so this is an interesting past time that I can do without anyone knowing. There have been a couple of people interested in me lately, and at first I was flattered, but I guess because I will not do anything about it until I am free, I have had the time to sit back and consider much more carefully than I maybe would have if I was free. And, to be honest, they show many of the same traits as the present one. I am so pleased with myself to have gone through this process and seen it for myself from what is reletively a safe place. (If you know what I mean).

I am deteremined to take as much good in the way of 'lessons learnt' as I possibly can.

"Every adversity carries the seed of greater or equivalent benefit." And whether it is 'equivalent' or 'greater' I know I am in for something very good.

The question I was avoiding - am I still in love with him? The answer is yes. If I wasn't I don't think it would hurt so much. And of course I am annoyed at myself for being in love with someone like that. Don't worry, I will forgive myself for my lack of foresight and move on.

I can't tell you how much this forum has meant to me, it has made me focus on the issues and look for solutions.

Bless you all.


Posted on: September 24, 2009 - 11:39am

It's so lovely to see your post, and to see you moving forward so positively.

You're so determined, and doing so well. It's left me smiling.

I'm off for a Seasonal Crafts course now up the road. Looking for inspiration. Not often that I do something solely for me - and this is just that.

Take care Ann.

Loads of hugs and best wishes.

Posted on: September 24, 2009 - 12:23pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Dear roseanne

It was lovely to receive your post. I am sorry to hear that your daughter is experiencing difficulties too. It is good that you can share difficulties and support each other through the hard times. I am interested to hear what you joint venture will be?? You seem to be very good at coming up with money making schemes.

I always think it is a great lesson learnt, when survivors of abuse recognise their part in it all. It is normal to blame the other person, as they are absolutely in the wrong, however until we accept the role that we have played in the relationship....meaning that we have allowed it, not that we were the cause of it.....only then can we move on mentally and emotionally.

I love it that you are observing people as you are. I found it a really interesting exercise from the Freedom Programme. If you look at someone like the quiet butcher, or the road sweeper, who just gets on with his job, he might not be an adonis to look at, but underneath if you talk to them, they might be polite, considerate and thoughtful. People that we might have completely dismissed in earlier years.

I heard recently that to be in a successful relationship you need to like and love someone in equal measures. Quite often we think we love our abusive partner, but we often don't like them. Does this make sense to love something that we don't like?

I have been reading a book that we have discussed on other forums called 'Are you the one for me?' by Barbara D Angelis which I have found really interesting, it explores why we choose who we do and where our ideas about what is a good relationship come from.

It really sounds as though you are sorting through this and you will come out stronger. Another question you could ask yourself is, am I in love with this person or the fantasy that I have created around our relationship? You are worth so much more Roseanne and I know that you know that too.

Keep up the good work, we are all rooting for you and look after yourself.

How is your baby?? :)

Posted on: September 24, 2009 - 1:55pm

Hi all,

Well here it is!!!

Saturday 17th October, sitting in my nightie with broken glass all around me, fearing what might come next and listening to unbelievable verbal abuse, something changed!!!

He had been going through my texts on the computer and found one that said, "thank you for the swim and the company." This had been sent to my friend Pam, I spent a few hours with her back in August in her pool. He didn´t believe that it was to Pam, even though all he had to do was to read the information in front of his face....I was a liar, a whore, secretive, manipulating and lots thing led to another. He started throwing my things out into the street, and threatened to throw me out in what I was wearing, I quickly put some clothes on and tried to stay out of his way, and all the while he continued to rant and rave. I had an appointment with my daughter to sell some bed linen that we make to order, somehow I got through it and we made a sale. When I came back I was locked out...spent the night at Pam´s apartment and went back the next day to collect my things. Not easy, at first he would not let me have anything, then my daughter went with me and he let us in. We frantically grabbed anything we could and he stood there totally incredulous that I was actually leaving.

Since then he has been in tears, telling me that it will change, that he knows he was wrong and that he just wants another chance to prove it. How many more....for me none. I moved into a friends empty apartment a few days later. At last, I have done it. Feel like I have been hit by a train, but, I am free. He says he will not give up, but he is definately wasting his time, there is no way that I am going back to that, I deserve better, and I will have some peace in my life.

I will survive, a much wiser person.

Posted on: October 25, 2009 - 3:35pm

Hi Roseanne
A whopping big pat on the back for you. You have finally made the break, I'm so happy for you. It is so easy to believe the abuser when they say they will change, but you have stood your ground. A whole new world is waiting for you. Of course, it might be frightening, but from your posts, you are so strong, and I'm sure you'll continue to be so.
Best of luck in the new apartment. This is a new start for you.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: October 25, 2009 - 5:00pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh Roseanne, what can I say? I feel so happy that you have been able to make this move, gosh that took so much strength. I know that you would have been waiting for the tears and the promises to change...and ready to resist them. Deep breath.....WHEW. It's a long, hard road to freedom.

So what are your plans?

Keep posting (whatever happens) and we will keep supporting you

Sending you heaps of strength

Posted on: October 25, 2009 - 5:01pm


Thanks for your replies, it makes me feel less alone. I seem to be jumping from sheer joy to the depths of dispair at the moment. And again I am hanging in there, my head tells me that ´this too shall pass´.

It has only been 7 days, and he is only allowing me to take my things a bit at a time, which means I have to keep going back. I know this is a tactic on his part, get me in the house and try and persuade me to stay with all his promises. :twisted: I am finding it quite exhausting. On the up side I have slept better, and feel safer than I have for years. It´s (believe it or not), only just dawning on me how much stress I was under 24 - 7. The more I think about the things that I have forgiven him for, the more of a fool I feel. :oops: I know I´m not a fool, it just feels that way. Strange how such a ´right´decision can feel so awful. :?

Now is when I could do with a real break from here, but now is also the time I have to throw myself into work. I must keep thinking and working towards the future. This is what is fueling me at the moment. I know I will feel better soon. The support that you all give me means so much to me. I can´t thank you all enough.

I´m trying to keep the positives in mind, I am so lucky to have friends around me, even though he did his best to stop me from having friends. I know we don´t know each other personally but I count you all in that too. :D

I will keep posting, and hopefully it will be more and more good news as the weeks go on.

Cherrish you all.

Posted on: October 25, 2009 - 8:35pm

Hi Roseanne
It is very early days for you, only 7 days, and I'm guessing the stress is really showing now. Is it not possible to have police escort so you are able to collect all your belongings in one go, or possibly take a friend with you? Each visit must be torture for you, and of course what he is doing, only letting you take bits at a time, must be adding to the stress that you're already feeling.
Does he know where you are living now? Hopefully not!
Don't feel a fool for forgiving him, (when you lived with him). I was abused a long time ago, and constantly forgave him. We do it, because we love them. Its human nature to forgive after all, but you get to the point where you know, there is no more forgiving.
You are a brave lady, who has so much to give. You have been through so much, and once your belongings are out of the home, you can look to the future again, and put the past behind you.
I have been reading up on your previous posts. How is your daughter doing?
Take care, hopefully you are having a relaxing, stressfree Sunday
x :)

Posted on: October 25, 2009 - 9:01pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Roseanne

Be proud of yourself for surviving all that you have been through! No point in regretting the past, or feeling a fool, so many of us on this board have found it difficult to break away from destructive relationships (me included! :oops: )

That's a great idea of alison cam's, to tale someone with you when you go to the house, he will behave in front of a third party.

Hope your baby grandson is doing well!

Be strong, we are with you in spirit :)

Posted on: October 26, 2009 - 8:02am

Hi Roseanne

Loads of hugs from me. My very best wishes. Stay strong.


Posted on: October 26, 2009 - 12:41pm

Hi all,

Thanks again for your replies, you all give me strength.

There is no police protection here, it is considered to be a domestic, and, as it was in the UK years ago, they will not get involved. Believe it or not it is only 30 years since they changed the law that men could legally kill their wives if they suspected them of having an affair. (goes without saying that the other way round was dealt with differently) So help on the domestic front might be available in another 30 years or so. Hard to believe that they are part of the EC isn´t it. But, it is all over bar the shouting. I collected the last of my things today, under the usual duress!

But heh, I´m out of there. Yes he does know where I am, nothing I can do about that, we live in a small village, Praia da Luz, I´m sure you will all have heard of it, it´s where Maddie was taken from. Gossip is the main occupation of the X pats around here, can´t change that. I can and will hold my head up high, and they can think and say what they want.

My daughter is ok at the moment, they have sorted some of their problems. Although I don´t say as much to her, it will all happen again. I´m here to help whenever I can. My grandson is growing by the day, he is a little giggler, an absolute treasure. The other one has hit the terrible two´s early and is keeping us on our toes. The eldest one is going through the teenage stage (at 11). Hands full, but they bring such joy.

I spent Sunday doing a Car Boot with some friends of mine, made some money and had some good company to ´boot´. Needless to say that they are not people that he approved of.

Strange the things that come up, I suddenly realised that I can use furniture polish again, and I can file and paint my nails. He wouldn´t allow the smell of polish of any kind and could not stand the sound of a nail file. Mmmmm!

I hope that someone reads this and finds the same support that you have all given me.

Roseanne :)

Posted on: October 26, 2009 - 5:44pm

Hi Roseanne
Glad to hear your belongings are now out of the house :)
It's a shame that he knows where you are living, but like you say, there is nothing you can do about that. The main thing is that you are safe, and don't have to open the door to anyone you choose not too!
I think wherever anyone lives, town, village, there will always be some sort of gossip. You have nothing to be ashamed of, so paint your nails, hold your head high, and up the rest of them :lol:
I guess all you can do for your daughter is be there if and when anything happens.
Don't be doing do much polishing, you don't want to ruin your nails eh!!!!!
Take care, and all the best
x :)

Posted on: October 26, 2009 - 6:08pm

Hi Roseanne
As you may or may not know, I am quite new to the site and covering the boards while Anna is away on holiday. Well Done you for having the courage and strength to leave. I echo the suggestion of having someone with you on any visits, although it sounds like they are now over. However statistically the period just after leaving is actually the most dangerous so please take care. I don't want to panic you in any way but simply to ensure you are aware of the situation so you can look after yourself.
I really am glad you have the support of your daughter and have family members to be able to get in touch with. Are they living near to you?
It is also really good to hear you have your own business to help support you.
I don't know if you have had a chance to look at the Info Library on the Onespace site but it has sections on life after separation and violence and abuse which might be worth a read. Also you can get hold of the book that goes alongside the Freedom Programme which is very informative and has a chapter on the warning signs to help you identify potentially abusive characteristics in others.
Thats enough from me - enjoy your freedom, keep strong and safe and have fun!
Love and congratrulations

Posted on: October 26, 2009 - 6:27pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe


Roseanne, I have been away for a while and am now back again and WOW what a fantastic suprise! You have made my day, no...... my week, WELL DONE YOU!! :P

I am sooo proud of you, it is such a difficult thing to go through and I am ecstatic that you are freeeeee! :D

Of course he will naturally try and persuade you that he has changed/he is sorry/he didn't mean it/he's dying without you etc etc etc. :roll: So keep strong, I believe you will. The world and your future is yours, enjoy to the max!

There will be low days and that is fine and normal, I often say to people, enjoy the low days, feel as rotten as you want, indulge yourself with anything you want as it WILL pass! ;)

Best Wishes to you, please keep in touch and look after yourself and enjoy polishing, nail painting, seeing friends and anything and everything you want!! :P

PS. Good to hear that your daughter and her family are well, I bet she is dead pleased for you too.

Posted on: November 12, 2009 - 2:14pm


Its been a while since I posted, but I want to shout my news from the rooftops...


I feel pretty strange, but I absolutel know that I have made the right decision.  I have left my life behind in Portugal which was not an easy thing to do, especially the grandchildren.  But I had no choice.  Very sad about that.  Both my businesses have gone, had to leave them behind.  I will have to start again, from scratch.

[Yes, I did go back to him, at the time I felt I had no choice, I had no money, and nowhere to live. All the usual promises were given an I fell for them.]

Once again I have to thank everyone on this site for your support, it took a while but I got there in the end.  Now....I really don't know what the future is going to bring, but what I do know is that I have escaped from a horrendous situation.

Merry christmas.



Posted on: December 18, 2010 - 10:18am

Hi Roseanne. Well done to you. That's absolutely brilliant that you've finally left it behind. I know it is sad about your grandchildren, but you will still see them, and keep in contact. They will have a happier Grandmother now Smile You're a strong lady, and I'm sure you will build other businesses up once you have settled, and given yourself time, and lots of pampering and tlc I hope.

Have a wonderful Christmas.


Posted on: December 18, 2010 - 10:59am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello Roseanne

What fantastic news, well done, what a huge step for you. You will be with your grandhcildren again before you know it, your daughter will be just be pleased that you have made the break. I understand that you may not want to post your plans on a public domain website, but can I just give you a couple of links that might help as you make your fresh start:

Women's Aid

The Freedom Programme

Job Centre Plus (re benefits as well as jobs)

1-2-1 Money Advice can also be accessed in confidence by clicking here, do contact them as they have all the up to date information about help that may be available

Take good care and I am glad our support has helped.

Posted on: December 18, 2010 - 11:11am

Roseanne, it is so lovely to hear from you.  Well done for finding the strength to leave.

I'll be thinking of you and hope you can settle very quickly and make a new start.  Teh internet is such a brilliant way of keeping in touch and hopefully making the world a smaller place when it comes to your family.

Merry Christmas to you too.


Posted on: December 18, 2010 - 11:45am

Hi all,

thank you so much for all your comments.  I am very pleased to be back intouch with you all, you all gave me so much strenght. 

On the up-side, I am now in the safe hands of my elsdest daughter and another granddaughter, who I have not seen for years.  I am luckier than most.  And yes, once I get myself stable, I will be starting a new business, I will be fine.

He is doing the predicted and texting me on a regular basis, all about him and his misery! I am very proud of myself for not answering a single one of them.

I have had no contact since I left and have no intention of doing so.

I hope you all have a wonderful christmas.

Love you all.


Posted on: December 19, 2010 - 11:04am

I'm glad you're with your daughter.

Have you thought of changing your sim card?  You could have some peace then..


Posted on: December 19, 2010 - 11:34am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe


What wonderful news to hear from you, well done, big pat on the back for you!  You have really made my day!

Its going to be strange for you for a while, finding your feet again but who knows what the future holds??!

Louise has added some great links, it would definitely be worth joining a Freedom Programme and talking through your experiences, so that you are prepared for the future and different thoughts that will cross your mind, but also so that you are able to support others and meet new people.

You may find that you are an inspiration to your daughter in Portugal, it took my parents to split up after 25 years of marriage for me to leave my ex, I hope that you can keep in touch via email and Skype?

It will be lovely reconnecting with your daughter and granddaughter here in the UK.

I am glad that you recognise The Persuader in your ex, as sometimes receiving heart breaking texts can weigh heavily on your emotions.

Sparklinglime's idea of getting another sim card is a good idea, it would mean that you are completely free of any guilt that may be laid on you.  You say you have no intention of having contact with him, is there any reason why you would need to keep in touch with him? Any unfinished business?

So pleased you are free, look forward to being in touch with you and hearing how life is progressing for you Laughing

Posted on: December 20, 2010 - 12:03pm

Hi Anna,

Thank you for your comments.  I really do feel very strange, thoughts keep drinfting accross my mind such as 'if I am so sure I have done the right thing, and I am, why do I feel so bad?' I am absolutely solid on my decision, I never want to see or speak to him again. drinking more and more with every passing week to try to cope with life was killing me.  I am no longer the person that I used to be.  I do struggle with a reason to fight for myself sometimes, I know I have granddchildren and my daughters, but, at the end of the day, they have their own lives.

My daughters tell me to take one day at a time, and that is what I am doing.  It seems impossible to not find yourself wondering what you are going to do and how are you going to manage to do it, this brings a black moment.  At other times, I think of my home that I have left and all my things that I have left behind.  I know they are only 'things' but there is such a loss of the familiar.

I don't think that I have ever felt so ashamed, humiliated and plain old stupid in my life.

I did contact Womans Aid and they gave me some contacts at Refuges, none could take me, because he was still in Portugal so I was not in imediate danger.

Eventually a local organization found me a Refuge, and of all the places it could have been it turned out to be just around the corner from my daughter. Wow!

I was so drained I droped my case on the floor fell on the bed and had a reasonable nights sleep.  The main thing was that I felt safe and a little hope that I might get through this.

I am very depressed, so it isn't easy to look to the future and all this good stuff that people say will happen. Even having gone through all that I have been through in this last week to get myself free, I would do it again.  I know I have done the right thing and I have to believe that I will feel better. 

One step at a time Embarassed


Posted on: December 26, 2010 - 10:09am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Roseanne

Good to hear from you.

I agree that people will encourage you to live for your daughters and grandchildren and whilst you love them it is not that simple. They do have their own lives and you have left your own life and-to a great extent-your identity behind. No wonder you feel flat and depressed! I do not think that this means you have done the wrong thing; if anything it proves what you have always known, and I have always believed: that leaving is not that easy! Also, with any big goal, we as humans work towards that goal with little thought of what will happen when we achieve the goal. We need all our energies to achieve the goal....and when we do, after the initial euphoria and exhaustion, it is normal to think "what next?" and to feel low and unsure. I am hoping that it will be helpful for you to be assured that the psychological process you are going through is normal.

Your daughters are right: one day at a time, which may be a difficult philosophy for you to embrace when you are used to being a businesswoman.....and when you have had to undertake a supreme planning process in order to leave. Use this time to rest and recover and you will gradually start moving forward. Can Women's Aid put you in touch with any talking therpay/support?

Posted on: December 26, 2010 - 11:30am

Loads of hugs.

Please try not to look too far ahead.  I find I still don't, and this is after what will seven years in March.

Do as much as you feel you can deal with in a day.  I feel you have a lot of recovering to do before you will be able to start making plans.  And you will, in time...

Loads of hugs Roseanne

Posted on: December 26, 2010 - 2:27pm

I just want to say hello and wish you luck : )

Posted on: December 27, 2010 - 9:55am

Hi Roseanne, hope you're ok. You know, as you're one of the oldies, (on One Space of course) that we're all here for you, and we're all rooting you on. I think you're terrific, all that you've put up with, been through, and so so brave to have left and started all over again, and you will you know Smile

Posted on: December 27, 2010 - 10:14am

Hi all,

Thanks for you kind words and encouragement.  I don't feel brave just copletely worn out.  I have lost so much that was familiar, I feel that I am in a strange world with no energy to find my way around.  I get flash backs all the time, remembering things I have left behind.  I try to move my thoughts on straight away, but it does get to me.  I have left my Portuguese phone on waiting to see who contacts me to see if I am ok.  Sadly I haven't recieved a single text of call, I guess I had become more isolated than I realized.  The sting in the tail is that I introduced him to the area that we lived in and the people that we knew, and not one of them has bothered to find out if I am ok.Either he has done a good job on people or my judgement when chosing friends is way off. Either way it leaves me out in the cold.

I haven't met any of you, but you have all shown more understanding and caring than people I have known for years.



Posted on: January 2, 2011 - 5:02am

Roseanne, I understand what you mean when no one had contacted you. 

When I left The Git, I sent out 'new address' cards with what I thought was a simple note to say that sadly The Git and I had split up.  It was only a sentence, and figured anyone who wanted to know would ask.

I must have sent out about 60 - all my Christmas card list!  This was in the March of 2004.

The same people had Christmas cards, with a note on the bottom giving the new address - just incase, and luckily, I wasn't expecting anything back.

I think I had four 'welcome to you new home' cards, and probably a few more at Christmas (I'm excluding my family here...).

At Christmas I now use up one book of stamps to post cards.  But those stamps are used for people who took time out to think of me.  To say its a time when you do find out who your true friends are is spot on.

Coming up to seven years on, I still have flash backs of what I had.  But I wouldn't change a thing - ok, I'd like my office back!!

You will be ok.  Just for now, be kind to you, as you have so much adjusting to do and time to recover.


Posted on: January 2, 2011 - 8:04am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Roseanne

I truly understand that you feel all at sea, having left everything familiar behind. Indeed, that is one reason why people stay in abusive relationships: that it feels familiar, however illogical that sounds. You do find out your true friends, and if that number turns out to be basically zero then hey, proof positive that you were right to go. Also, don't forget that one of the abuser's main weapons is he/she can appear very charming to others outside the family!!!

You endured so much for so long,  it is not going take only a few weeks to get over it. it is a gradual process. Have you started to think about some support now, in terms of Women's Aid/counselling/Freedom Programme?

Posted on: January 2, 2011 - 9:27am


Again, thanks for your comments.  I know it's going to take time, and I am trying to take one day at a time, i'm sure I'll get there in the end.

Yes I did think about counselling, and the refuge that I am in, I believe offer counselling, but of course my timing was a bit off, with Christmas and New Year everything stops until about the 7th.  I will sort that out then.  I checked on the net for the Freedom Programme, but there is nothing in the area where I am.

One day at a time. Undecided

Posted on: January 2, 2011 - 11:34am