About SingleParents

SingleParents.org.uk is the legacy of the hard work invested by a dedicated team of professional single parents and volunteers at Single Parent Action Network (SPAN).

The website SingleParents.org.uk (originally known as OneSpace.org.uk) was born in 2008 and has supported thousands of single mums and single dads nationwide with every aspect of singleparenthood from coping with separation and/or divorce, understanding Court procedures, surviving domestic abuse to sharing parenting ideas, information on work and benefits and so much more! Read our Archive Forums for what single parents were dealing with in 2008 – 2014.

We aimed to be the first port of call for single parents online, providing information, support or signposting to relevant services and a lifeline for everyone who is doing the hardest yet most important job, parenting alone.

Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) closed in 2016, but it’s legacy lives on through www.singleparents.org.uk