Where to look for Local Childcare

Your local Family Information Service (FIS) is the best place to find out about registered childcare in your area.

There is a FIS in each local authority area and they are responsible for providing information to parents, carers and others about local childcare and other children’s services. They should have lists of all registered childcare in your area. Google FIS + your area or go to their Find Your family Information Service page.

Further information:

Sure Start Childrens Centres – bring together childcare, early education, health and family-support services for families with children under 5 years old.

Pacey – promotes childminding as a quality childcare and education service and informs childminders, parents, and employers.

Working Families – is a national charity committed to the welfare of children of working parents.

Directgov – Further info on finding Childcare.

Also don’t forget to go to your local community centre and/or library as they too may have more information.