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Need Help?

Unfortunately we are currently unable to offer individual support, so we recommend the following:

Gingerbread is a charity that fights for the rights and well-being of single parents and their children. It offers advice, information, support groups, policy campaigns and fundraising opportunities.

OnlyMums/OnlyDads supports families through separation and divorce by offering a range of resources and free information.If However, we are committed to providing you with the most helpful information online in the UK.

Shelter helps people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who are struggling with housing issues

Mind provides information, support and campaigns for people with mental health problems and their families.

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We’re working hard to improve our content and will soon be launching a newsletter packed with valuable updates and resources. If you’d like to be notified when it launches, please leave your email address below.

For Business Inquiries

If you are an advertiser or potential partner and would like to discuss opportunities, please contact us below.