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Mothers for Mothers – Bristol

Mothers for Mothers are a group of mothers, most of who have suffered postnatal depression or distress after the birth of one or more of our babies. They offer support, advice, information and most of all a listening ear for any worries or concerns you may have.


Next Link – Bristol

Next Link provides specialist domestic abuse services for women and children in Bristol including dedicated BME, South Asian and Somali services and a GP referral service. They support women who are homeless, or have a history of sleeping rough or whose housing is at risk because of their mental health issues. Services include safe houses...


Bristol Health Trainers

Bristol Health Trainers provide support to the people and communities living in Bristol so that they are able to get what they need to improve their health.   A key element of their work is to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles based on having a healthy diet and being physically active.  They offer tailored advice,...


Yate Cranleigh Court Sure Start Children’s Centre

Yate Cranleigh Court Sure Start Children’s Centre offer many classes and groups. Some of the groups run –  Dads’ Group Breastfeeding Support Group Twins + Group Tiny Toes Stay and Play  Baby Group  Family Learning    Example of some of the courses- Bringing stories to life (making a story sack) Health & well being (beauty...


Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support

Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS) provides practical support to Asylum seekers and refugees in additon to advocacy and advice.  The services they offer are:  Food programme – Those who destitute and in long and short term need Clothing Store – Providing second hand clothes , household goods and bedding Internet Suite Sports and fitness...


Check Point – Torquay

Check Point provides free and confidential information, advice and specialist support to young people aged 11-21 who are at risk on the streets.    Check Point provide a drop in service that young people can talk to a trustworthy adult and get help on a range of issues including housing, sexual health and family relationships.  ...


Plymouth & Devon Racial Equality Council

Plymouth & Devon Racial Equality Council work with BME (Black, Minority, Ethnic) individuals and communities in Devon and offer a free and confidential service. The services they provide: Advice, Information, Advocacy, Guidance and Signposting Black and ethnic minority (BME) empowerment, rural outreach and consultation Education and Awareness raising Racial harassment/discrimination case work and support Monitoring and...


Family Information Service – Bath and North East Somerset

The Family Information Service provides a comprehensive information service for families, professionals and young people in the Bath and North East Somerset area.  They offer up to date, impartial information and advice covering a range of topics which support families with children aged 0-20 years.    The Information Team will answer your calls to the...


Brixham Youth Enquiry Service Ltd

Brixham Youth Enquiry Service is open Monday to Friday 9.30am-6.00pm for information, advice and support and also runs a number of projects and events during the evenings and weekends. The project offers free confidential, non-judgemental information, advice and support to young people in a welcoming and informal atmosphere.


Bath & North East Somerset Youth Offending Team

The Youth Offending Team is a multi-agency team, managed within the Children’s Services Department, and includes staff from Health, Police, Probation, Education, Social Care and Connexions. The YOT takes most of its referrals from Police and the Courts; services include: Compass Project for young people aged 8 – 17 at high risk of   offending Advice...


LGBT Bristol

LGBT Bristol is the Bristol Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Forum. What they do; Challenge homophobia and transphobia in Bristol and the wider community Circulate and publicise information about local and national LGBT support groups Promote services, events and social groups that are targeted at LGBT communities in Bristol and the surrounding area Provide a...


Bristol Citizens Advice Bureau

Bristol Citizens Advice Bureau provides free, impartial advice and information on a range of issues. The bureau can help with most everyday problems from employment to housing and debt. Before using the service it is advisable to visit their national where there is information about all the main areas of advice including: Benefits, Debt, Housing,...