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Welfare Benefit Advisors – Chatham

mhs homes  employs two fully trained Benefits Advisors, who can give specialist advice and help with benefit queries. They can also help customers to challenge decisions made about their benefits and assist with back dated requests.  There is a benefits drop-in session at mhs express every Wednesday between 8:30am-5:00pm. The Benefits Advisors can help: if you are in rent arrears carry out a benefits check...


Sure Start Hyndburn Children’s Centre – Accrington

Sure Start Hyndburn Children’s Centre offers services, information and advice to families with children aged under five years old, across five centres within Accrington. Services include: Antenatal & Postnatal Drop-in Breastfeeding Support Group & associated support Crafty Minders Childminding Group Expectant Fathers Programme From Bump to Birth and Beyond GRTAS – Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Services...


Well Aware – Bristol

Well Aware is a free, online information resource for everyone in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Bath & Somersert. Well Aware has lots of information on 1,000s of health, wellbeing and community groups, organisations, activities and services. Whether personal health services, a lunch club or social group, help round the home or the garden, transport, advice,...


Relate – Tunbridge Wells

Relate offer counselling in the following areas: Relationship Counselling, Sex Therapy, Counselling for Young People, Family Counselling, Counselling for Staff of an External Organisation. As well as the address listed appointments are offered in: Maidstone Sevenoaks West Malling Relate is working to promote health, respect and justice in couple and family relationships. As the country


Walsall Families Information Service

Walsall FIS offers free and impartial information, advice and guidance on everything to do with families in Walsall. We can tell you about  Choosing and paying for childcare Free Early Years Provision for 2, 3 and 4 year olds Activities and fun things to do Working with Children Support and help during difficult time And...


Young Mothers Group Trust – Bristol

The Young Mothers Group Trust Ltd  provides support and housing to young parents to gain the necessary life skills to successfully sustain independent living in permanent accommodation and to access training and educational opportunities. Support is provided by encouraging service yount mothers to identify their own needs and aims and encouraging informed decisions and choices. 


Hertfordshire Womens Centre – Stevenage

Safe, women only environment, to provide support and information for women of all ages. The Centre offers counselling, self development courses, domestic abuse support, careers advice, legal advice, drop-ins and one-to-one support. Open mornings – The Centre has an open morning on a Tuesday from 9.30am-12.30pm There is no need to make an appointment just...


Devonshire Children’s Centre

Offers a range of services, information and support in the local community for all families with children under five. For information about what’s on at Devonshire Children’s Centre, contact the Eastbourne Children’s Centre main office on the number below. Normal opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


Canterbury Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice service offers practical, up-to-date information and advice on a wide range of topics, including; debt, benefits, housing, legal, discrimination, employment, immigration, consumer and other problems. Our advice is available to everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, age, nationality, disability or religion. Open 10am – 4pm – You may be given an appointment to see...


BREAD Youth Project – Bristol

BREAD Youth Project run projects and activities for and with young people, to raise awareness of issues that are important to young people across Bristol. Projects include: Juicy Blitz – Juicy is a juice and smoothie bar in Lawrence Weston where young people aged 11-19 can meet up and get involved with projects and activities....


Tamworth Post-Natal Depression Support Group

Tamworth Post-Natal Depression (PND) Support Group offers a life line in Tamworth and the surrounding villages for Mothers suffering from PND. The group meets every Tuesday and is facilitated by health professionals who have a strong interest in maternal mental health and have a real commitment to help women recover from the illness.


Cedar House Support Group (postnatal depression) – Chiddingfold

The Cedar House Support Group is for women who are experiencing postnatal depression. The group provides a safe and supportive environment where mothers can get together with others who may be feeling similar to themselves. This helps their recovery by normalising feelings and reducing the sense of isolation that postntal depression can bring. The group is...