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Indian community Centre – Derby

Provides facilities and support for the Indian (Asian) community . To provide good relations between different communities in Derby. Services include: Welfare rights advice, luncheon club for men and women, hall hire for parties, wedding parties, dance, keep fit classes, karate classes, religious and cultural celebrations. IT classes Mon-Fri.


Asian Advisory Service – Derby

Provides services for minority ethnic communities in the inner city of Derby. Services include: general help with welfare rights, immigration, health, debt, housing and education. Has a drop in centre, arranges cultural events and social trips. Also has a volunteering project and after school project which provides support to parents and children in homework.


Berkshire Women’s Aid – Reading

Provides information and support services for women experienceing domestic violence throughout Reading, Bracknell, Wokingham and West Berkshire. Provides a telephone helpline (0118 950 4003) which operates between 10am-5pm weekdays – a worker can be contacted on this number out of these hours in cases of emergency and has seven refuges across the Reading, Wokingham, Bracknell and...


Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project

Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project is run by the unemployed for the unemployed. The project provides practical support, education and recreation for people in poor housing, claimants, unwaged people and those on low incomes. The project offers a range of courses and classes such as art and creative writing, a creche, refreshments and lunches, welfare and  benefit...


Choices Advocacy – Southhampton

An Advocacy project for people with learning difficulties in Southampton and South West Hampshire, to help change things at home, school, college, work or at the daycentre and help understanding with things such as human rights and complaints procedures.


Cerebral Palsy Plus – Bristol

Cerebral Palsy Plus listens to and supports people with cerebral palsy and their families in the greater Bristol area. It listens to their needs and then develops new or existing services, or by providing financial assistance. It has an information service and can act as an advocate.


Clifton Advice Centre – Nottingham

For people in Clifton, Silverdale or Wilford, the advice centre offers help and information on welfare benefits, debt, employment and more. 


Keyworth Advice Centre

Keyworth Advice Centre  provides information and advice on a wide range of matters, such as welfare benefits, housing and homelessness, redundancy and other work-related problems, consumer protection, and family issues.


Newcastle East End ADHD Support – North East

Run by volunteers who all have a family member with ADHD. The group is open to parents/carers, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents – Professionals with an interest in ADHD are welcome too. Have a small amount of books and literature which members can borrow and try to organise events and activities with funding is available. ...


Sheffield Carers Centre

Offers a range of information, advice and support services for carers of adults in the city. Helpline number 0114 272 8362


Cruse Bereavement Care – Tyneside, North East

Offers support to bereaved people through specialist 1-2-1 counselling, advice and information. Also has support sessions where bereaved people can share experiences etc.


Gateshead Carers Association – North East

Run a confidential Carers Information Service to provide:     * Information about carer’s rights and assessments, benefits, and other help available.     * Support and a listening ear    * Help to puts carers in touch with other support groups or organisations that may be able to provide further support. Also recruits, supports and trains volunteers. ...