What they offer: Free Confidential Advice – Helping clients claim benefits to which they may be entitled, Employment Problems, Pension and Tax Issues, Consumer Advice, Help with filling out forms, Debt Advice, Help with Appeals and Tribunals and Housing Advice.
The Eastolian website contains a range of contacts for advice and support services, to access this resource please visit www.eastbristoladvice.org.uk
They also offer: Outreach…In a variety of local venues including doctors’ surgeries
Home visits…If clients cannot visit because of health, disability or caring responsibilities
Drop-ins…Two mornings and one evening a week with no appointment necessary
Telephone: 0117 9655 133
Email: info@eastbristoladvice.org.uk
Address: East Bristol Advice and Information Centres, 54 Staple Hill Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 5BS