Everyday’s Tomorrow aim to encourage, inspire and promote the personal and professional development of disadvantaged women and girls (in particular African and Caribbean women) to participate fully in their local communities and the labour market, by improving access to learning, employment and self-employment

Key Aims

  • To ensure that there is equality of opportunity and access to mainstream services.
  • To support African and Caribbean women in achieving their goals both personally and professionally
  • To raise awareness of the issues affecting disadvantaged African and Caribbean women 
  • Promote safety for all women


Services include:

  • Job club
  • Financial literacy project
  • Domestic Violence Family programme
  • Family, Friends Fitness Programme

Visit website

Telephone: 020 3441 9731

Email: info@everydaystomorrow.org.uk

Address: Merit House, 508 Edgware Road Colindale NW9 5AB