Exeter Community Initiatives is a local charity that helps people facing poverty and homelessness.
They run a range of projects designed to give people skills and social support and to help them improve the quality of their life.
Transitions: Provide volunteer mentors for people who have been homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless to help them manage domestic problems such as utiltily bills, find employment or support them to become more involved in their community.
Family Resource: A bespoke service to support families that need extra help to cope with problems that may not be supported by schools or children’s centres.
Homelessness Collaboration: Ensuring that all the organisations dealing with homeless or vulnerably housed people in Exeter work together work effectively.
Service User Voice: Support people with drug and alcohol problem to have a say in the types of services they receive.
Children’s Centres: Run a very wide range of groups and social events for children aged 0-5 and their parents.
Telephone: 01392 205800
Email: info@eci.org.uk
Address: 14 York Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 6BA