The first day at school is a big step in every child’s life. As a single parent it can be just as daunting for you!
Often the things we hear about schools are when it goes wrong: detentions, bad results, exam, pressure, mean teachers… But most children have an OK time at school, and (though they might not admit it) they may even enjoy it much of the time! We are not going to pretend that it’s always easy, but we have written a few articles to help you have a happy time with your school age children and to get the best out of their education.

Their First Day at School
Their First Day at School

Appealing School Admission Decisions
If your child has been turned down for the school that you have applied for it can be a distressing time for you and your child.
Appealing School Admission Decisions

Building a Relationship with your Child’s Teachers
The best way to build a relationship with your child’s teacher is to start by making contact with them and introducing yourself.
Building a Relationship with your Child’s Teachers

Encouraging your Child at School
As a parent/carer, you have the skills needed to support and encourage your child to learn, achieve and get the best out of their school experience.
Encouraging your Child at School

What IS the “National Curriculum”?
The word ‘curriculum’ refers to the subjects your child will study at school. The National Curriculum was developed to make sure all pupils have a balanced education.
What IS the “National Curriculum”?

Free School Meals
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (key stage 1) in state funded schools and academies are eligible for Free School Meals
Free School Meals

Improving your child’s performance in school
Your child is more likely to succeed when you, your family and your child’s teachers expect them to do their very best Remind them how important learning is
Improving your child’s performance in school

Top 10 Tips for Homework Survival!
If your son/daughter knows that you care about their homework, they will be more likely to want to do it and hand it in on time.
Top 10 Tips for Homework Survival!

Moving up to Big School
As children move from being the oldest and biggest in the school to being the youngest and smallest in often a much larger environment, there are plenty of reasons why some children may struggle
Moving up to Big School

Single parent families are sometimes blamed for many of the ills of society, but there is no evidence that your children are doomed to be badly behaved.

Dealing with Detention and Exclusion
Discipline at junior school generally involves little more than being told off or moved to sit elsewhere else. In secondary school it is usually the odd lunchtime detention.
Dealing with Detention and Exclusion