Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone – whatever age you are, if you are a man or a woman, whatever your lifestyle and wherever you live.
Domestic Abuse and Violence
1 in 4 women have survived domestic abuse and/or domestic violence. If you have experienced abuse and/or violence, then your world view will have changed.

Tips for Life after Violence & Abuse
Tips for Life after Violence & Abuse

From Victim to Survivor to Thriver
After living through an abusive relationship or suffering incredible heartache or another life changing experience, we may have ended up feeling and therefore behaving like a ‘victim’.
From Victim to Survivor to Thriver

Cycle of Violence
It may never feel like the ‘right’ time to leave an abusive relationship. You are living in a never ending cycle which prevents you from taken action.
Cycle of Violence

Tactics of an abuser
Below are the eight personae of the ‘Dominator’ with descriptions and the effects each one can have on us.
Tactics of an Abuser

Is there Life after an Abusive Relationship
There absolutely IS life after an abusive relationship… …however the trauma of abuse leaves deep psychological scars on survivors and we need to be gentle with ourselves.
Is there Life after an Abusive Relationship?

This is Abuse
Are you afraid of what a partner, ex-partner or other family member will do if you put a foot wrong?
This is Abuse

Top 10 Tips for Parenting During and After Domestic Abuse
Dealing with domestic abuse is a harrowing ordeal for all involved. As with most things in life, being open and talking through our experiences can help, although it may take time…
Top 10 Tips for Parenting During and After Domestic Abuse

Books for Children after Domestic Abuse
Here is a list of books that parents and practitioners have found helpful for supporting children after they have witnessed abuse or violence in their home.
Books for Children after Domestic Abuse

Resources for Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Violence
Support for You Womens Aid provides advice and support services to abused women and their children. 24hr Helpline – 0808 2000 247 Mind offers information on panic attacks, anxiety and coping after Domestic Violence and more.…
Resources for Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Violence

Clare’s Law
1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence1 in 6 men will experience domestic violence “It’s my fault” “They were upset” “They didn’t mean to” These are some of the statements commonly used
Clare’s Law