CSA Case Closure Programme
The Child Support Agency (CSA) was replaced by the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) in 2012 and for people who have cases assessed under the 1993 and 2003 Schemes there is a programme of closure over the next three years.
The programme for closure is:
1. Those with a NIL assessment under the 1993/2003 schemes. Both the Receiving and Paying Parent will be expected to agree to a Direct Pay arrangement
2. Those who are NIL compliant – Non Resident Parents/Paying Parents who have not paid in the last quarter. Both the Receiving and Paying Parent will be expected to agree to a Direct Pay arrangement
3. Those whose cases have been made clerical for whatever reason. Both the Receiving and Paying Parent will be expected to agree to a Direct Pay arrangement
4. All remaining caseloads. Both the Receiving and Paying Parent will be expected to agree to a Direct Pay arrangement
5. Those with ongoing enforcement action including with a Deduction from Earnings Order. We are informed that the Paying Parent will be allowed the opportunity to comply with a Direct Pay arrangement before any enforcement action will be considered.
Because we do not know the expected time frame for each of the 5 stages of closure, any parent can consider making a request that their case be closed before they are contacted by CMS but would likely have to wait 13 weeks before they could apply to the new CMS Scheme.
If the same Non Resident Parent/Paying Parent has a new CMS claim made against them, those with 1993/2003 cases will be invited to transfer across without any waiting period.
For anyone with an old rules case where there are high housing costs being taken into account or where the NRP was exempt from the contribution to maintenance because of receiving the family premium, it might be worth considering closing the old case down and making a new application after the 13 week waiting period.