
We are working with various legal experts to provide you with the most relevant, accurate and accessible information and advice in this area. We focus strongly on Family Law, as most legal questions we receive refer to a period of our lives when even small decisions can cause long-lasting effects. From divorce to financial settlements, from custody to shared parenting and Wills to the role of Social Services and the Family Courts, we have attempted to create a bank of information that will inform your choices.

Single Parents Guide – Taken to Court by Violent Ex
Single Parents Guide – Taken to Court by Violent Ex

Going to court over issues regarding your children can be stressful, particularly when your ex has been violent or abusive towards you

Single Parents Guide – Courts and Judges
Single Parents Guide – Courts and Judges

The Courts of England and Wales can be a confusing place for the general public. Here is a list of the different kinds of court, who works there and what goes on in them

Single Parents Guide – Who’s Who in the Court Room
Single Parent’s Guide – Who’s Who in the Court Room

Whether you are, representing yourself in court or are going to court with a legal representative, it is important you are aware of who is who and what they are doing in relation to your case!

What is Parental Responsibility (PR)
What is Parental Responsibility (PR)?

In legal terms this is “all the rights, duties and powers which a parent has in relation to a child and their property”. In other words the responsibility to make decisions on behalf of your child

Top 5 Causes of Divorce and Separation in the UK
Top 5 Causes of Divorce and Separation in the UK

When divorce is sought a valid reason is required in order to legally terminate the marriage. Sadly, getting a divorce isn’t a simple process