Culture & Roots

Mosaic depicting cultural identity of single parents
Knowing our Cultural Identity

Everyone has a cultural and family identity. This influences how we see the world, how we interact with others and what we define as important.

Black History Month
Black History Month

We are celebrating Black History Month by recognising and valuing the impact of inspirational black people who have helped turn the UK into the diverse and unique country that it is today.

Globe of mixed heritage families
Mixed Heritage Families

What is Mixed Heritage? ‘Mixed heritage’ is the fastest growing ethnic minority group in Britain today, children where the mother and father are of different races

Carnival showing west indian culture
West Indian Culture

‘Out of many people, One Culture’ – West Indian Culture – A way of life. “Out of many, one people” – the motto of the Jamaican national flag, sums up the diversity of cultures

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT) Single Parents

Anyone with their eyes open will be aware of the wonderful diversity of family life within Britain that mixes culture, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexuality.

Hanukkah cookies
Celebrate Hanukkah! | Jewish Holiday

The Festival of Lights Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday celebrated in November/December every year.

Happy Kwanzaa
Celebrating Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is a week long celebration from 26th December to 1st January honouring African heritage.