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Good morning and welcome to the April thread.
Of course it is officially April Fool's Day, has anyone got any pranks planned? When I was a little girl I used to get up really early on April 1st and go down and make my parents "a cup of tea" ie a tea-coloured drink laced with salt and curry powder etc. I would also make a proper cuppa, lumber upstairs (unaware that my parents were lying giggling in bed) give them the joke cups and go to my own room, they would shout YUK as if they had really tried it, and I would sashay in with the real drinks, thinking there was no way they had guessed!
Well I hope we all have a peaceful day.
Looby it was lovely to see you in the chatroom, hope you visit often. Are there just two schools to choose between for J?
Hazeleyes, sometimes when we look around at everything that has to be done, we can just think BLEURGH. Break it down into little targets (make a list?) and tackle things one at a time, maybe with the Louise method of how many tracks will it take me to....? reward yourself too, with a cuppa, a break, a chocolate biscuit, whatrever it takes between tasks. You KNOW you will feel loads better if it feels under control, you don't have to finish it all on Day One. It took me soooooo long to declutter my bedroom that I have every sympathy.
Sparkling how are you? Hopeful you got a whole tank of petrol, hooray. I have half a tank at the moment and am waiting for it to quieten down
What is everyone up to today?
Good morning all.
I'm waiting for J to come home. He has decided that the thing he would like to do most today is wash the car, which basically means he plays around getting wet through and I do the actual cleaning bit, but that's exactly how it should be isn't it?
Woke up eldest at 10 telling him it was 11.45am (he has to be at work by noon).
Well, it gave me a laugh
My task of the day is to send a child across to the garage to get the lawn mower down here, and then I'll cut the grass. It's lovely but rather chilly.
Should have been going to the in-laws for tea, but youngest has been coughing since yesterday, so have had to cancel.
Sparkling, you're sooooo cruel
Looby, how did the car washing go? Did you also get soaked, along with J? Hope it was fun anyway.
My lists have flown from my head. The only thing I've managed is a bath and hairwash. I'm too comfy on the settee, but know I should move my backside and try and make an effort Oh, and I did find hospital letter
I'm simply enjoying this Sunday knowing there is no rush for getting things done for tomorrow.
Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine. Not sure if it's chilly or not out there, but seems it indoors.
Sunny but chilly here in Kent! Packing for my daughter today - she's off to Portugal with church for a week. Who's going to do all the cooking I ask!
Am feeling more upbeat now... so maybe it was just a dip...
I hope she has a good time Hopeful. I'm glad you're feeling more upbeat too.
I think I might go and sit on the settee actually - well the armchair. All the children seem to have disappeared into the sunshine - and I'd have been mean to stop them.
Sent the 16 year old to innocently chat to his sister this morning and to glance at the gerbils and claim they'd had babies... The laughter was something else. Took a while to persuade him, and he came down scarlet. He's not really into humour. I have explained that once its after noon, its too late to do more.
Sparkling lime, you need to sit on the naughty step by the sounds of it, never mind your armchair
Hopeful that will be nice for your daughter, maybe not so nice for you! Glad you are feeling a bit brighter.
Looby did you get soaked to the skin? During this recent hot spell my youngest said "If only I was little and still had one of those massive water-guns" I felt really guilty when I opened the cupboard in eldest's bedroom yesterday and saw a massive one there.
Hazeleyes, I have to confess that I nodded off this afternoon but I did tidy up and now have the dinner on (meat in slow cooker) for when His Nibs gets back from football.
LRH how are you?
Hope you all have a nice evening. There was frost on the car this morning and sleet forecast for Tuesday eeek!!
We didn't end up washing the car! My pregnant sister wasn't feeling well so asked if I'd have my niece for a couple of hours. So we've had the sandpit out, moon dough out (any one else seen this, it's really freaky stuff) and J and niece played mummies and daddies with his doll. The doll got put on the thinking step for saying a naughty word and I was even made to set the timer in my phone lol. J confused niece slightly when it came to dolls bedtime as he said the mummy had to do that while the daddy went back to his house! She was so confused bless. Then off to a play centre for a couple of hours. All in all a great afternoon
Sounds great fun Looby. C had moon sand, but not the dough. Awww your son sounds so cute. Loved the doll going on the thinking step. Naughty word eh, hehe.
Hopeful, hope your daughter has a fantastic time. Lucky thing.
Sparkling, again, you're so cruel Your poor children!!
Louise, I could easily have napped this afternoon, but C's constant talking put paid to that I've simply been lounging on the settee. Tomorrow is another day for the bits and bobs that need doing. (I'll still be saying the same thing in a weeks time)!!!
Hi lrh, what have you been up to today? Hope you, the girls and the fluffy things are okay.
I have been fuming most of the day - kids with the idiot today - he messed up and was supposed to have them Saturday - i swapped with him then the letter dropped on the mat - I won't be swapping again in a hurry - he can sort his own mess out.
Spent alot of time crying then my mum rescued me and we went out for lunch
Fell asleep in the afternoon as I was so exhausted
lrh, what a horrid day you've had, but thankfully you found comfort from your mum. Are the children back now? xx
I'm so glad your Mum came round lrh...
Good morning all. Jeez, cannot believe that I'm still getting up early, 7.10 today!!! Am taking C to the cinema on Wednesday afternoon, decided last night. It's a cartoon Pirate thing, supposed to be quite funny. Has anyone seen it? Today I am tackling his bedroom, anyone would think we'd been burgled looking at the state of it. He did start it, but somehow never got finished. Of course he's blaming me, saying that I constantly call him, either for a bath, dinner, etc!!! Sun is shining here again, so maybe a game of swingball later.
Hope you all have a good day. Louise, is it your day off now on Mondays? Have a good one if so.
Sparkling, am sure your kids are glad it's no longer April Fool's day!!!
Hello to Anna if you pop in. Am waving
Hiya hazeleyes, nice to 'see' you again (waves back)
I have just had a couple of weeks off work, decorating my daughters bedroom finally! It looks so lovely I am going to get on and do mine next! When I get another break.
I was wondering how come you aren't in work, but then remember it is half term. My daughter is now at college doing a 12 week course, so isn't having a half term, I feel so out of the swing of school times (I quite like it!)
Yesterday my friends 15yr old daughter E came downstairs all red eyed and teary saying she couldn't sleep all night because she had something she had to tell her mum. They sat down together and E announced that she had lost her virginity on New Years Eve and she had just found out that she was three months pregnant. Oh my, my friend was frantic, her daughter ran upstairs saying she felt sick. Three minutes later E came down the stairs with a camera in her hand, pointed it at her mum and shouted APRIL FOOL!! I am surprised E has lived to see another day!!
Hello to everyone today, I am going to have a root around the boards and see what has been going on since I have been away. Looking forward to catching up with your news
I phoned eldest this morning to bring milk into work. The boss was in a very bad mood as he'd come back off holiday yesterday. Financial worries didn't help, so I went in early...
Not the best of days and then a phone call at 4.30pm from eldest to say that friend who's pushing it neighbour had phoned to say he'd been taken to hospital. I'll have to go and get the dog, but am waiting until the daughter has finished her tea to help. Another friend has a number for another friend, who can look after him for a while if push comes to shove, and even re-home him.
Have changed plans for eveing, which involved scouty stuff.
We can only wait for his brother to phone us with an update.
Cold and drizzly here today.
Hope your friend is okay Sparkling. As for the dog, if the other friend can take him in, maybe that's a good idea. You have so much on with your lot as well as work, it might be a bit much, even though I know how much you love animals. Let us know how your friend is.
Anna, what an April Fools trick for your friend. Even reading it, my heart was in my mouth, thinking your poor friend. When I got to the end, I was relieved for her, and I don't even know them, hehe. Feeling sorry for your daughter now not having a half term. What course is she doing?
I tackled C's bedroom, you should see the boxes i got rid of!!! I was doing so well, and then C appeared to help. Not good when I'm trying to get de-clutter! Apart from that, I haven't done much to be honest. Cannot get into the swing of things at the moment. Maybe on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
Daughter left for Portugal at 3:30. No2 son staying over at friends, No3 son out and about (sigh) but has been told to be back soon. He's turned the shed into his den and it seems his mates like that and have spent most of the day there.
Had friends' son here to fix a radiator that had come off the wall because nobody stood on it (when I catch nobody there will be hell to pay!). He's the same age as No1 son, but it was a bit like having another teenager here. Bless him, it took him all day!
Sparkling, I hope you will say no in time, before everything gets too much for you!
Hazeleyes, you wouldn't want to pop over and do Daughter's room, too, would you?
Hope all are well!
Daughter left for Portugal at 3:30. No2 son staying over at friends, No3 son out and about (sigh) but has been told to be back soon. He's turned the shed into his den and it seems his mates like that and have spent most of the day there.
Had friends' son here to fix a radiator that had come off the wall because nobody stood on it (when I catch nobody there will be hell to pay!). He's the same age as No1 son, but it was a bit like having another teenager here. Bless him, it took him all day!
Sparkling, I hope you will say no in time, before everything gets too much for you!
Hazeleyes, you wouldn't want to pop over and do Daughter's room, too, would you?
Hope all are well!
Hazeleyes, do you mean this week or next?!
Hugs coming your way Hopeful.
And possible rant coming tomorrow to let off steam!!
Good morning everyone
A chilly spell is upon us, and SNOW in Scotland, good grief,
Sparkling I hope your friend is Ok, and I agree with the others about the dog!
Looby, I was giggling about J's game What are you up to today?
Hazeleyes, that pirate film looks ace, I am quite tempted to go myself, even without a young child as an excuse. I just knowwwwwwwww you are going to turn into a Human Whirlwind one day this week and go through the flat like a dynamo...
Hopeful, hope your daughter has a great time, good you got your radiator mended but sounds very laborious.
LRH hope today is a better day.
Anna I was totally horrified by the story of your friend's daughter. Whilst obviously relieved that it was not true, I still would have been very cross with her for saying something so major and serious. Heck, our parenting motto of "stay calm" would have been very sorely tested, I can tell you!
My day off whizzed past, I did some errands in town and yes ok ok, I went for a posh coffee , it's a lovely little cafe just near the counselling place where I work and very friendly. Son has work almost every day this week, which means I am going to have to be a Dragon, a he also needs to tweak those assignments where the tutor set the wrong criteria.I have four clients this afternoon so that will keep me busy!
Yes we have snow here
Today is going to be a better day as I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and get advice from the bank and start getting myself sorted - the idiot can go and bury himself in the snow for all I care
Enjoy - everyone!
Hi all. The coffee place seems to lure you in doesn't it Louise? Glad you had a good day off. Sounds like son has a tough week ahead. Best of luck to you Louise!
lrh, oh gosh, snow!!! If the ex hasn't enough to bury himself, I could also have fake snow delivered Good luck at the bank. Stay positive, you'll get through this.
Sparkling, how's your friend? Hope you're okay.
Hopeful, will give your daughter's room a miss this week, thankyou all the same for thinking of me though
Looby, what are your plans for today? Are you working?
Two more hours to go until hospital checkup and the results. Have my positive hat on!! I've prepared myself for good and not so good.
Have cleaned the bathroom, so just my bedroom and the kitchen to go. For such a small place it's taking me forever. The ironing is half way to the ceiling Another load to pile on today! Will do little by little of that though, and leave ironing board up in my bedroom. (That should make me move quicker).
Let us know how you get on hazeleyes - did you "speak" to Louise about contacting me by email re our 'condition'?
Fingers crossed for you x
Sending lots of good thoughts to you in retrospect, Hazeleyes!
LRH hope your positiveness is being kept up and catches on!
Sparkling, have you said no yet? xx.x
Hope all else are fine. I have two more days in placement with midwife, still not seen any babies being born, but on call on Thursday, so really hopeful (if that doesn't happen I've asked the midwife to call me on the next call out, too, even though I won't be on placement anymore).
No3 son and friend have been cleaning and tidying (they are after pocket money....) so at least the house isn't too bad.
Hi all
sparklinglime, how is your friend, any news?
hazeleyes - what about you? How did it go at the hospital check up?
Hopeful I really hope you get to see a baby born, it must be magical Hope you are enjoying this evening with lovely tidy home.
LRH, unfortunately our rules state that we can't pass on personal information to other users, even though you are both in agreement, I do apologise. Please feel free to start a new thread to discuss this though if you want.
Louise I hope that your afternoon went well.
My daughter is currently doing the Princes Trust 12 week which includes team building and helping in the community for 16 - 14 year olds who are not in work or education.
In January she decided school wasn't for her, so I made the decision not to flog a dead horse. It has been the making of her! She enrolled on a 4 week Photography course and now doing the Princes Trust. She has just heard that she has been accepted on the Media Production course at college that she wants to do. She is a budding film editor! I just wish we had looked at colleges last year rather than me just presuming she would continue into 6th form. But it has all turned out well in the end!
Tonight I am off to Tai Chi and looking forward to unwinding! Hope everyone has a good evening :)
Thinking of you, Hazeleyes....
Hi all. My results are okay. Huge relief all round. Anna, I wouldn't feel comfortable in starting a thread about mine and lrh's condition especially discussing it in detail and men are online. It's embarrassing enough talking about it with ladies!!! lrh, it's definately not a subject that is easily spoken about is it? Guess rules are rules Guess the only other way of getting in touch is going into another where we could pm each other with our e.mail addys. Am I allowed to mention another group?
Hope the bank went okay lrh.
Hopeful, your house must be sparkling. Might be you sending the boys to me hehe
Your daughter is doing really well Anna, despite not going onto 6th form. She obviously knows her own mind.
Well done Hazeleyes, that is fantastic news!!!!!! I am delighted for you
hazeleyes, fantastic news, I am thrilled to hear it.
I am in the process of trying to create a better Profile page for users and hopefully you will be able to pm each other once that is created.
Yes my daughter does know her own mind, she is a smart cookie and I guess 6th form isn't for everyone, I didn't even make it that far with my education. I am very proud of her
hi hazeleyes - great news
Hazeleyes, I'm so relieved for you. xxxx
Dog has gone back. He went home on the bus as he is fine. It was a panic attack. The thing I find shocking is that they sent the air ambulance out to get him.
I'm stunned and words fail me. They really do.
lrh, is there something about a trailer??
Sparkling, do you think they may have thought he was having a heart attack or something? Glad he's okay. Had to giggle about the dog going home on the bus. Can just see it getting on, paying his fare, and taking a seat by the window, hehe.
I thought the same hazeleyes about the dog on the bus
Hi everyone! Just been reading through all the threads for this month. Wow! You ladies cope so well with stuff going on in your lives. I really hope that eventually I can handle it all half as well as you all seem to. It has been such a lovely relief to find this site. I felt like I was going round the bend. I have divorced friends but only the 2 of them that help and support me amazingly. It's nice to get fresh perspective on things.
We had our BBQ on Saturday and it was a lovely chilled affair. So much easier for not having the usless excuse for an ex-husband around. Before it would have been him doing usless jobs before hand and me doing the headless chicken around the house tidying, cleaning and prepping food.
This time me, the kids and my Uncle mucked in together and the jobs were done in time for me to even have a shower and attempt to look a little bit glam. My 10 year old son invited his newly diabeitc 'new girlfriend' along and they were soooo sweet together. Sitting with the others on the trampoline having a laugh a minute! It put me in such a happy place it was very good for me. I have just started to see a psychologist to sort the depression & anxiety issues. The solicitor is seeing me on Tues to talk about divorce financial issues. So things are starting to look up. I've even managed to swing a 3 day week at work just for the summer term so I can get myself sorted enough to actually be efficient at work.
Without this site I would not have got the push to do some of these things. So, ladies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and support thus far. I will try to give back advice when I can to help those I may need to help. God bless you one and all. Good night, God bless, sweet dreams! xxx :-)
Lovely post Carolyn - keep posting - I feel the same way - great people and great friends
Morning everyone - what are you all up to today - we are off to see a friend today although there is snow on the ground and it looks icy
Not much else planned for the rest of holidays and trying not to feel overwhelmed by everything, will have a think later as to what else we can do later on in the week
Have a good day everyone - it was me Hazeleyes
Good morning all. Thankgoodness lrh Go careful in the snow, and enjoy your time with friend. Try and put the worries out of your mind (for a few hours at least)
Carolyn, lovely to see you here. Sounds like a lovely BBQ had by all, and even time to get glammed up I love BBQ's, but I make extra work for myself I think by half cooking the meat in oven before it hits the outside fire!!
Have had numerous phone calls over the last few days/weeks. Neighbour is worried about the switchover for digital boxes. How many times have I reassured her I'll go over and re-tune it in for them?? Only every phone call she makes, but still she's worried! Help. A strange thing last night too. Phone rang, C answered it, within my earshot. He kept saying hello, I heard a man's voice saying 'hello, can you hear me'. C passed the phone to me, and I could swear it was C's (father). I didn't speak, but simply put the phone down. I could have been mistaken, but ........
What's everyone else up to today?
Good morning, she said, turning a blindish eye to any shenanigans that may have gone on
Sparkling I laughed like a drain at the dog on the bus. Wonder if he got a "Day Rover" ticket? Seriously I am glad your friend is out of hopsital. What are you up to today?
LRH enjoy the day. Yes, it would be good to get some more things organised, keeping busy is definitely a good way to cope with overwhelming feelings. Anyhing good on at the cinema? Any Easter Egg hunts locally? Make your own hot cross buns?
Carolyn how lovely to see you posting here and I do hope you will continue to visit this thread.The BBQ sounds great, and so many things are moving forward for you now (well done you), it feels as if you are in charge of your future and doing all the things that will help that along.
Hazeleyes what is on the agenda today? Is it the pirate film? I have seen some clips of it and it does look good.
I was at counsellling yesterday, had four clients which is quite tiring all in a row, although I do love it and get a lot out of it myself as well as knowing that I am helping people. There was a lot of hail here yesterday but no snow has laid. Son got in for tea at 7pm looking like a frozen (giant) pea. He is not at work until 2 today so there is still some snoring going on hereabouts
Have a good day everyone
Yes, it is funny thinking of the dog on the bus. The bloke went on the bus though.
I'm not as disgusted this morning, having calmed down. Absolute disgrace that someone can do all of this to justify a claim for ESA instead of agreeing with a decision to go back to work. Someone who tells me I should be claiming it because I'm in receipt of DLA.
A person who can walk and cycle for miles, can ride a motorbike and dig a garden who can't understand why he doesn't get DLA and has CAB appealing it.
Me, tired as I was sitting like an idiot waiting until 12.30am for a text asking me to pick him up from A&E as they wanted to go home after he'd finished eating his tea. Meanwhile another friend had phoned the hospital and they told her he was staying the night (on a side ward, he didn't get admitted to a ward). Luckily she texted me this in her nightly good night text. Shattered going to work yesterday.
So, while we are all so relieved he is fine, if you could have seen the grin on his very healthy face when he mentioned that the air ambulance coming, I don't think that many people would not have been standing there with their jaws dropped. I told him that I hope they send him a bill. Even my daughter was shocked - and that was before she saw my face.
He complained too about being kept awake all night by a child whimpering. A child that staff were trying to keep diabetes under control and were sticking needles into.
I'm sure I'll be laughing about this in time, but at the moment, all I can think about is how much that all cost, and how, when there is an excellent main road for an ambulance, how unnecessary it was.
After we took the dog back, daughter and I were travelling home a different direction as by then I needed chocolate (it was after 6pm and I'd had nothing since breakfast as we'd been busy at work). I spotted blue flashing lights, and then a wheel... A girl in sixth form with my daughter had rolled her car. Another friend had arrived by then, and she had been in Scouts with daughter for years, and I thought she had been involved too (she hadn't). The girl who rolled the car's mother was there by then too. I got quite upset by that, as it is a fear I have with son. Also made me realise how fond you do get of your childrens friends over the years.
It's blowing a gale here and raining, but no snow. I'm putting off going to work as long as I can!! Oh, snow flakes... It's not due to stick though.
I'm sorry I'm being ratty with things here. I'm sure I should be far more sympathetic. Hearing his brother in tears on the phone on Tuesday evening though, when I already knew that this bloke was fine and sitting up in bed eating tea is unbelievable. His brother is in his 70's and isn't well. They're sending money through all the time and really do think he's too ill to do anything.
I have to seriously consider things with the Scouts too, as he is the other leader. I have held off booking a camp as I do need reliable adults there.
I just wish that when he got booted out the last place that he had gone home. While he's here, I still feel responsible for him (my friend who was phoning does too). I have enough money worries and issued to cope with here...
Oh Louise - love the day rover
Don't apologise sparklinglime - its hard when we feel responsible for other people - maybe now is the time to stop doing that but only you can make that decision - we are hear to listen and not judge - sending you a chocolatey hug
Sparkling, don't apologise, LRH is right! Some people like to use the system and others. Do you want me to come up and say no for you? I will! I think it's you who needs some TLC now! Sending you lots of it!
Just to make all you cold and snowy people jealous: I have bright sun coming through my window. Am meeting a friend for lunch at midday. I should really be writing an essay, but with the sun and the lunch and all...
No3 son seems to be behave himself (am not quite trusting this though...).
Louise, good that you enjoy the counselling! Don't know if I'd have the patience for that.
Hazeleyes, let me know if the film's good - we have a cinema trip coming up soon.
Hope everyone is fine despite the weather! x
Shenanigans Louise? What us? Never!!
Trip to cinema is on hold. Asked C if he'd like us to take Friday friend's son or just the two of us. He's sort of in two minds, so has said he'll decide and then if neccessary I can get in touch with friend. Could be tomorrow or early next week now! Still going into town though, as I promised C a WII game for his easter present. He also wants me to go on another bus ride, which is over half hour in the opposite direction. I've said no, as all he wants is another wand for Harry Potter. He has one already, but has now decided he'll give this one to his friend, so they can play proper 'Harry Potter', also wants the broom? So at the moment I have one unhappy chappie. Tough!!!
Sparkling, I can understand why you're so 'angry' with this friend who is pushing it. I feel sorry for his brother though, being in tears. Did you put him straight on the situation? Don't let it get to you though, and try and have a good day. Re the dog and the bus. I didn't know a man had taken it. I just thought it was the dog, durhhh.
Louise, have a good day, hopefully not as tiring as yesterday for you.
Hopeful, any news on a delivery yet?
lrh, we've been rumbled hehe. (runs out of the chat room smartish)
It will be great though if a pm system is set up here Anna. Looking forward to that.
Did you notice I ignored the shenanigans comment hazeleyes/Louise
No delivery yet (why is it called that anyway? and why do we 'fall' pregnant?). On call tomorrow, so I've not given up yet!
I didn't notice any shennanigans! Honest!
When I was a little girl, my Mum would go elsewhere in the house to do jobs, tell me to be good and say that she was leaving her eye in the corner of the room to watch me. Now I never could see it no matter how hard I craned my neck, but I am wondering if she had a very good idea
So no cinema for you today Hazeleyes. Hope you got the Harry Potter accessories dispute solved in an amicable way?
Hopeful, yes they are strange turns of phrase, I have always thought "I had a child TO him" is strange (rather than BY him or WITH him)
Sparkling the others have said it is about saying no and I know this is one thing you struggle with. I suppose after a long catalogue of tiring and annoying consequences of NOT saying no, you may feel more likely to do so? it's a sure fire thing that people will just let you run around after them, with never a thought for your wellbeing: just look at how Hazeleyes' neighbours still wanted her to do their errands and she had only just come out of hospital!
LRH hope you will have a nice evening and have been dreaming up some plans for the holidays
Looby, how are you?
I have ploughed my way through all my paperwork today, have to keep a log of counselling hours and training done and have not updated it since Christmas, also had the Gift Aid return to do, people donate what they want for counselling and we claim back the tax if they are a taxpayer. Glad it was quiet though, as I found yesterday very tiring.
Apprentice on TV tonight, hooray!
I couldn't abandon the dog, however annoying he is.
I've been out for a ride on my own. Children sulking as they decided after I went that they wanted to come! They hummed and haad too much before I went.
I did take my camera though... Snow looks amazing on the mountains, and I'm sure its down to where the sun is in the sky.
Well what a week! Was very busy at work Monday/Tuesday because of year end. Didn't get in until half seven on Monday. J's dad had picked him up from nursery and brought him home to put him to bed. I got a tearful phonecall at bed time asking why I wasn't at home, I shouldn't work late and should always be at home to put him to bed. They really know how to lay the guilt trip on you don't they? Friend I went out with the other week sent me some flowers to work. While I LOVE getting flowers and they are gorgeous, I got twenty questions as to who they were from! Is a woman allowed no mystery? FIL was released from hospital, him and MIL fell out and she is now house hunting as she cannot live with the man any longer. She's 65 and they've been married 40 years!
Today I got a phone call from J's nursery to say he'd fallen over and hit his head on the table and could I go and take him to casualty. On the way I phoned his dad, who then told me that FIL had been taken back in with suspected heart attack! Casualty staff were brill with J. The hospital has recently been modernised and they now have a separate 'Emergency Care' section for children. Its great, loads of toys, books, tv playing away. J had to have his cut glued with 'magic glue' and he got some medicine 'cos he had a headache. He didn't like the first lot they gave him and asked for some pink medicine which he took happily. He also got an Easter Egg for being very brave. The nurse then took us through the back way to find Gramps. J thought it was very cool that he was in hospital at the same time as Gramps! When we left hospital I had to take him back to nursery so that he could show all his friends and the staff that he had been glued!
So thats my week so far. Got a nice fattening pasta bake in the oven, complete with garlic bread and a dark chocolate Bounty to follow! Will also read and catch up with what everyone else been up to. Briefly heard mention of the word shenanigans and am very intrigued....
Good morning all. Wow April already. I can't remember playing any tricks really. You were a wicked wicked child Louise
I've got a list in my head, so today is going to be the kitchen and bathroom, which will then leave my room, C's room (he did well yesterday, but I need to de-clutter a bit), and then lastly the dreaded ironing. I shall have to do this in stages as well, as I have tons!!! The holidays go so quickly that I just want to really spend most of it doing stuff with C. Cannot find my hospital letter for Tuesday, so will turn into Sherlock Holmes later, eye glass and all
Sun is shining, so hoping it stays like this all day.
What's everyone else's plans for today?