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January 2013 chat


I have to say I cannot stand lemsip, however effective its meant to be.  I'm sorry the cold's got worse though pq.  Youngest had streaming eyes on Sunday and Monday, but is better today.

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 7:09pm

Sparkling, you must be wishing the same thing as me hehe. Glad the head sat with me?? Are you kidding me? I was a nervous wreck. Still no feedback, and others have had theirs!! Hmmmmmmm

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 7:22pm

You had a good observation in November, and this will be excellent too.  I reckon she'll be avoiding you as you're not afraid of her :-)

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 7:26pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Louise, you are a delightful woman and a pleasure to work with and I am glad to have this opportunity to get to know you Smile

sparklinglime, you are a fab mother with great spirit

hazeleyes - you are considerate and have a warm heart

hopeful - you are a hard worker, you keep striving even when the odds are against you

pancakequeen - you are a lovely mum who doesn't deserve the beration you give yourself (is that a word?!)

kiera - you are our diamond learning to shine once more 

KT - although you are quite new, from what I can tell you are a friendly person, who will fight for what she wants.

To all our One Space mummies and daddies, I think you do a smashing job, you are all hard workers, resilient and fair. Big hugs to all Smile

Ooh Louise, this is quite fun!

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 7:39pm

Thanks Anna,

Lovely to read such nice things, we should do it more often.

I feel truely blessed to have stumbled across one space, you have all given me inspiration and courage and have picked me up when I've been down.

Thank you for the well wishes, I have bought some night nurse hoping that it will help me sleep tonight. The girls have been lovely this evening, A put some washing on and hung it on the airer and H emptied and reloaded the dishwasher.....nice to have them back again. Was thinking I may take the day off tomorrow if I still feel bad, but we have the CQC in at work at the moment so feel I should be there. If I get a good night sleep I'm hoping I'll feel better.

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 10:31pm

hi im a diamond god i wish lolx

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 10:55pm


Thank you for your kind word. I really appreciate you being there. There isn't a website like this here and people are more closed. I feel rotten with the cold and not quite got over the fact that I had to come back to my country but I shall rise above eventually.

P.S. They don't use paracetamol here, it's banned apparently because of side effects.What side effects? Annoying.

Posted on: January 31, 2013 - 12:01am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Side effects? wow that is interesting KT. Sorry you have had a cold.

PQ are you feeling any better today?

Sparkling I agree about LemSip but I overcome my revulsion for a cure! Glad youngest is better. Are you working today?

Kiera why shouldn't you be a diamond? Smile

Hazleyes, I feel sure that your feedback will be good, I know you get very nervous about it all though Kiss Hope you are feeling calmer about You Know Who.

Anna you have demonstrated something that we always say at Strengthening Families parent groups, don't we: that Praise should be specific, and it was lovely that you were able to say those things about the regulars on those thread. I agree with what you said. And as for you, I find you to be a supportive, dependable and wonderfully honest colleague and friend Laughing SO THERE!

So what is everyone up today? It's very blustery here. I am trying to find a decent picture for the publicity for the SECOND teen group, oh yes a new one has been commissioned in the spring, hurrah.

Posted on: January 31, 2013 - 12:16pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Wow thats fantastic Louise, well done you! Thank you for your kind words too, it is touching to hear.

So tomorrow, if not this evening, I want everyone to say something positive and personal to each of your children and feedback their response. Smile

pq, when I have a cold I swear by Day and Night Nurse, (although I am not promoting it moderators!). I hope you feel better tomorrow.

kiera, yes I do think you are a diamond, I just don't think you recognise it yet, but one day you will. Smile

KT, I wonder if the side effects are the damage it can do to the liver if too much is taken? In extreme cases the liver damage that can result from a paracetamol overdose can be fatal

Have a good Thursday evening one and all :)

Posted on: January 31, 2013 - 8:22pm

Ah, Anna, that is so funny you should say that - I always feel I am not working hard enough! :-) Other people, for example, have a busy life, too, but they manage to have a tidy house as well..... Thank you!!!! 

I think Anna is a great encourager (as is Louise) and never has a bad word to say about anyone!

PQ, hope you feel better soon!

Hazeleyes, go and ask for your feedback. If everyone's had theirs, it's not fair you didn't get yours yet. 

Sparkling, hope you are ok! :-)

Big hug to all!


Posted on: January 31, 2013 - 8:42pm

Morning all. Feedback was good for other TA and myself. It's the teacher that receives the feedback, so had to wait for her to be told (which was yesterday morning) Head was pleased, so I'm pleased Smile The new woman took me by surprise too yesterday. She'd asked me for something last week, which I produced, but couldn't give her all details, as the child in question has been away a lot. Anyhow, woman got cross (not my problem, so shouldn't have been directed at me) Yesterday I gave her the notes she required, and because of the sort of person she is, felt so sure that it wouldn't be up to her standards. Well, she couldn't have been more delighted. Must have caught her on a brilliant day, unless the wind was blowing in the right directionTongue Out Not a sighting or anything from you know who Louise hehe.

Have been looking up PDSA to see if I qualify (to help with a pet, cost wise) It does say you have to be in receipt of full Council Tax benefit, not just for a single person etc, but the Housing benefit, not sure if it's for if you get help with some of the housing or not. Does anyone know for sure if I'd qualify? I work 20 hours, and do get some help with the housing benefit.

Hope everyone is okay. Hopeful, hope today goes okay for you.

Posted on: February 1, 2013 - 7:30am