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Hello....and welcome to November! Hope everyone managed to stay egg-free. We had quite a few trick/treaters including a lad dressed as Elvis (afterwards wished I had thought of a quick rendition of "don't you......step on my red suede slippers!" but hindsight is a wonderful thing) and there was a tiny little boy whose sweetie collection bag had split so all his sweets were going in with his brother's and he didnt understand and thought his brother was pinching them, so I gave him his own carrier bag
Anna, many happy returns to your daughter! Have a lovely day together
PQ you are going on a run, that is good,. glad you are enjoying some "me" time. Hazleyes that sounds fab with the furniture, one sofa is plenty for the two of you and lots more room to move. Do get some flowers for yourself Hope you get booked in for your haircut
How are you, sparkling?
The police rang yesterday and were discussing my concerns about the lights out situation. He said it is possible to get an online petition going. I went on the Council website, the petitions section had "an internal error". I bet the page where you can pay for things online hasn't got an internal error!!!! Anyway I will keep going as I like being a campaigner
I was listening to Chris Evans too.
Actually home on time today - as I need to take the children to the dentist.
Good luck at the dentist, sparkling (hopes Hazeleyes has the hoover on VERY loudly!)
PQ, my eldest is doing the Movember challenge. He already had a 'tache and beard so he has had them cut really short. I think he is expecting me to sponsor him
My hoover has been on most of the morning Louise The settee has gone, so I've shifted a really heavy unit (first taking out the stuff inside) Next was C's bedroom, and I've re-arranged his too. I'm truely whacked. Uhmmed and Arrgghhed about hairdressers, and decided to take the plunge. Went round, will fit me in at 4, to have new style
and a tint to cover my 'white bits'. Would have been £71, but for being a new customer, I got a discount, so looking at £50. Never done this before, and as I haven't done food shop this week, thought I would go the whole hog and totally treat myself. Am very nervous I have to say!! I'm sure also, this will put a spring in my step for work etc, and make me feel so much better about myself.
Hope the visit went okay at the dentist for your three Sparkling. I chickened out, and cancelled mine, which for Wednesday (cluck, cluck)
Louise, I'm sure Elvis would have been delighted with that, had you thought of it at the time.
Pq, you're best away from the sugar rush, hehe. C didn't do anything, though they had some sparklers, and did the pumpkins.
You have been busy hazeleyes, are you feeling really pleased with yourself? I had a restyle at the hairdresser on saturday and it really gave me a boost, felt a bit strange at first as I've lost about 5 inches of hair, but now I'm used to it I love it .
Hope the visit to the dentist was ok sparkling, I really need to book the three of us in soon.
I was listening to chris evans read out the rules for movember this morning louise, it sounded quite involved. I thought you just had to grow facial hair but apparently it can only be a m'tache, can't join up with the sideburns or beard not sure it matters really as long as you take part.
Dentist was ok, thank you. Children got very bored while I gossiped with the receptionist and two nurses after!!
There's snow on the mountains! Thought it was cold enough, but there was cloud cover earlier.
It's quite a nice day here really.
Hi all. Well Pq, I thought I'd done a great job indoors, but, I must be more tired than what I thought. I missed dusting half the living room You all might say, 'how on earth could she do that' My answer is 'easy, if you're me!' Seriously though, I was half way through the dusting, when the settee was collected. Hoover at the ready, and of I went. And that is how I came to not finish off the dusting!!!
Just spoken to C. He's great. Told him he has a new mum to come home to. New hair etc. Actually, it's not much different, though a lot was taken off the length, and more layers. Colour is lovely, am a blondish bimbo
Glad the dentist went okay Sparkling.
Pq, when do the girls come home? Are you ready for them? I'm sure you've missed them like crazy. Wierd isn't it. They drive us bonkers, and yet..........
Hope you're having a relaxing evening Louise
Hi everyone,
I have finally managed to get on here after soooooooooo long xxx
I do hope you are all well and having the best week you can
It has been a v.busy time for us here and the great news is that we finally have a unit from which to run, its so much easier and means we can expand to help so many more people, we have so much to do 1st though as always we need at least 48 hours in our days haha.
I just wanted to pop on and say hello and will be back again soon xxx
Hi hazeleyes,
yes I've missed my girls like mad, but this time I've also managed to appreciate the slower pace I have adopted. I've done most things the same but at my pace and I've loved it. The routine I have with them is great and its what keeps us on the straight and narrow most of the time, but it also feels like a restriction too, so its been lovely to break free this week and be me I pick them up on saturday. When do you get C?
Hello everyone
Tired mum, that is fab news, I know you work so hard to keep our project buzzing and helping people. How are your family?
Hazeleyes your new hairdo sounds ace; will you need to change your avatar? You have transformed your flat by the sound of it. I was watching Young Apprentice last night. I swear one of the boys was C's age (are you sure he went to your sister's and wasn't with Alan Sugar? )
PQ you have enjoyed a change of pace, good for you. You know how old my boys are and yet sometimes I think I still operate on "toddler time"; I allow far too much time for journeys and errands as I still have the thing inbuilt which always used to neccessitate sundry toilet trips, stopping to examine interesting leaves and insects and jumping in and over puddles, whereas in reality my child has a BEARD and I should just GET ON WITH IT!! Glad to know that you are being more realistic than me and you also have a new hairdo.
Hi sparkling, you had a busy day but sounds positive. Snow, brrrr.
Kiera, when is your son back? Hopeful how are you feeling?
I am on a course tomorrow re Creative Therapy. I already use some different tools with counselling clients, eg sand trays but want to learn some more about art therapy and play therapy. So I am looking forward to that! Eldest's rota is very late in coming out, he is getting his hours today the going to see if a visit is possible
Good morning all. Yeahhh, just done the other half of the room One wash done, loads of ironing to be done!!
Don't think I need to change the avatar (wouldn't know how to anyway) Pq, C is back tomorrow too. He said last night that he cannot wait to come home. It would be wonderful if it was to see me, but I rather think it's to see the changes in the home
It has been easier this time without him being here. I've missed him desperately of course, but he's happy, so I'm happy.
Your counselling session tomorrow sounds fun Louise. Who gives you the ideas, or are they yours? How far away is your eldest now from you? Am I right that he is closer than before?
Sparkling, how are things? You're not snowed in are you?
Sun is shining, but I would say it's cold out there. Shopping to do, food to get, unless C earned it from Alan Louise
hi every1 well my sonm bk soon, its alot of travellin really. on coach and ferry, he as ad gud tym espec the theme park, and im on big nyt out tonyt with my mate, so cant wait, got few nyts out planned, 17th nov goin out for meal with my eldest dawter avnt seen er as she in uni and she works, very proud of er, she stil brings up tho bout my ex and she left cos of him i feel so guilty bout tht, she hated him and no wonder but we seem b ok now, and got big nyt out 1st dec for mates birthday so cant waitx well was sunny ere all mornin got washin out,and tuk dog out, now black clouds are cumin, my washin machine fixed my cook er is thank god and my hoover was fixed last week, happyx
Hi Hazeleyes, well as a counsellor, in addition to the normal training, I can choose to incorporate different ways of working in my "toolbox" What I find with sandtrays is that it gives people a bit of distance when emotions are very heightened, they can make a display in the tray of their situation and talk me through it (there are loads of objects they can choose from in the room to make the display with) and it lets them analyse it more. So I am hoping the course will give me other ways to run alongside this. Clients don't do a tray every time, of course; it may be used in one or two sessions of the whole counselling work.
So C is back tomorrow, it will be great for him to see that you have been busy while he is away (I sometimes think children worry about us when they are away or feel guilty, so your makeover-of you and the flat!!-will show him that you have been Ok) It's important for them to feel this so they can gradually build their independence. I never told youngest how I would go and stand in his bedroom when he was away My eldest lives about 20 miles away, he is arriving after work on Saturday and returning on Tuesday morning for work. Have cleared his bed (it was covered in Christmas stuff....oh no! the C word)
Wow, kiera, you have got plenty planned! It is lovely to see you moving forward with your life and doing lots of nice things, good for you.
Hope everyone is Ok, it is sunny but cold here too Who has started their Christmas shopping then?
hi louise yes i am movin forward, well i avnt started exmas shoppin yet, need pay to get room decorated for my little girl ,plus ive ad 2 school trips to pay for, my parents elped me out tho, x
I have bought a couple of things, nothing major yet.
My car is playing up. The garage took pity on me and have agreed to have a look this afternoon so am leaving work early to take it. I hope its nothing major as I need to pick my girls up tomorrow
Kiera, your nights out sound great, its nice to have something to look forward to.
Hazeleyes, I am also looking forward to my girls coming home, I've enjoyed my time to myself but now I'm ready to have them back again. (Remind me I said that next time A is driving me mad!!)
Your counselling work sounds facinating louise, is it very rewarding?
Louise said the 'C' word It is so depressing to think it is nearly upon us. I'm 100% per cent we're missing months in the year!!!
Pq, I'll probably need reminding of the same thing, when C has to do his homework on his return Another reason I was so cross that his laptop wasn't connected (and could have been in 5 mins flat) and they could have done it for him.
Kiera, glad your son will soon be home. I'm sure he's had a great time.
Just got back from the garage, minus my car, its going to cost between £550-£1000 to repair. The cluch has gone and I can't drive it at the moment. Not sure how Im going to get my girls tomorrow, hopefully my parents will come to the rescue when I tell them my tale of woe later.
Feeling really fed up
Oh no Pq. Would your parents drop the kids back? I'm not surprised you're fed up. Loads of money to find. Hope you're okay. The last thing you needed!!
Just spoke to my dad and they've offered to bring them here for me, phew. Now just got to decide whether to have the car fixed or cut my loses and get a new one (well new to me anyway). Could really do without this right now.
Problems with a car nearly finished me off financeially, I and I did cut my losses there. I do hope you can get it sorted pq. So glad your Dad can help out.
Christmas stocking and Christmas decorations will be as good as it gets here. They get enough all year round. I've always tried to keep 'special' presents for their birthdays, as really spending a fortune at Christmas is not what it's all about (that's what I tell my lot, and I'm not about to change ) Always told my lot Christmas is magical, and some fairy lights and tinsel sorts that bit out...
One more sleep for you two. I hope you're both ok. I'm sure very excited for tomorrow.
I hope the course goes well Louise.
How was the night out Kiera?
Good morning, it is an early one for me as I am away to my course shortly
Pq that is awful, cars are such a worry. It is a lot of money to pay out, if a car is old and getting past it, mine is ten years old and I wonder how long it will last, at least your parents can bring the girls, wonder if your dad has any advice for you?
Sparkling yes I do not spend much at Christmas, the boys get a few things but never expensive, this year one of eldest's presents is a pillowcase with Alan Sugar on it, saying "You're Tired!", which he will love.
Hazeleyes and PQ, you get your cherubs home today, enjoy!!! My eldest is arriving this evening for a few days. Kiera, is decorating your next project?
Right better get off to course, I do love my counselling work pq but it is very tiring as now I have some years' experience I often see quite long term clients who need to come for a year or more and working with them can be complex.
Take care all, back this evening
Pq, that's a massive relief for you, having your Dad drop the girls to you. I hope the kids are looking forward to seeing you (unlike my son)
Louise, have a good day, and enjoy time with your eldest. How's your youngest getting on at work? Is he out tonight, or will he 'hang out' with you and his big brother?
How's things your end Sparkling?
Spoke to C earlier. Sounded so miserable about coming home. Makes me feel just great! Sister has been telling him that she couldn't see a problem with him having late nights, as the way it stood, it's been like a school week there. Going to bed earylish and getting up at 7. I've explained over and over to her why he needed to go to bed at same time. She agreed with me, now tells him this!! Made out to be a bloody bad parent again. Wish she'd back me, rather than agree with me to my face, then say stuff to him. I asked him to make sure he texts me on leaving hers, but he said his battery was dead. Charger at the bottom of the suitcase!! Yep I'm moaning again, and probably sound so ungrateful. I'm sad that he's not bothered about seeing me (must be doing something wrong somewhere)
Hi louise, my car is 10 years old and has done over 120000 miles. I've had it since new so its done me proud. I think I will probably change it as I'm not sure I feel I can rely on it anymore, which for me is the most important thing. There's a garage not far from here so I'm going to wander up and see what they've got.
Hazeleys, I'm sure C is really looking forward to coming home and seeing you again. When he sees what you've done to your flat he's bound to forget about everything else. Your not doing anything wrong, you have a confident little boy who is happy to go away with your sister, this speaks volumes. You are not a bad parent either, there is nothing wrong with wanting routine for our children, its a shame your sister led you to believe she would respect that whilst C was with her, that must be so frustrating for you. Don't forget how excited you have been about seeing C again, hang on to that
Well better get on with the car hunting, hope evryone has a good day.
That was a lovely post Pq, thankyou I'm soooo looking forward to seeing him, but hearing him this morning put a damper on the excitement, if that makes sense. Once he's back, and we're on our own, I know he'll be fine, it was just the disappointment in his little voice, no enthusiam like the other day. I needed it to be kept at the routine, simply because he was being woken each morning at 6.30/7.00 and I would have taken the brunt of the tiredness on his return. Normally, on a holiday, I allow him to stay up (as that's part and parcel of a holiday isn't it?) and then with a late night here, he stays asleep until 10/11. Tonight we are out at a scouty thing, fireworks, stuff for the kids to do, but I won't be staying late, as it's an inset day on Monday, and I have to go in, so he has to be up early then. One day (tomorrow)for a lie-in, and then it'll be hell here next week
Before that of course comes the homework
Am I looking forward to that one?
I hope the garage can sort you out with something. Good luck.
I'm really not being over protective, I just know the sleep he needs that's all
Its so easy sometimes for people to offer advice as they 'think' they know better. At the end of the day you know C the best and how he is when it comes to sleep, its not about being overprotective, its about doing whats best for him. The problems come when they want to make their own decisions, another kettle of fish altogether
Well I went to the local car dealer, they had just taken a car as part exchange which was perfect for me, so took it for a test drive and bought it, can't quite believe it was so easy. They will also get it ready so I can pick it up on Monday afternoon, happy days
Girls will be here soon so better walk to the shops to get some food as the fridge is empty, can't have tham back without pancakes for breakfast
That's brilliant news Pq regarding the car. Hope you have a great afternoon and evening with the girls. Enjoy the pancakes in morning
C has called me to say they are at the first destination, so hopefully, he won't be much longer now. He sounded chirpier too, cannot wait to see him for a huge hug, and a snuggle later.
Thanks hazeleyes, you too x
Hello PQ and Hazeleyes, hope you have your lovely children back ok.
PQ that is exciting about the car!!!!!
Hazeleyes, you ARE the one who knows C best, and how he functions on different sleep patterns so feel confident in your views
My course was interesting but I think pitched at people who are starting out as counsellors so a bit frustrating for me, good fun though and saw an old friend. Have a good evening everyone!
hi ad gud nyt out bit ruff today just orderd chinese fro me and my family xx
Yum yum kiera, what did you have? We had a Chinese too, as I was out all day on that course. My eldest was here so I got him his favourite, beef in black bean sauce.
Well good morning everyone and a frosty one it is too, talk about a winter wonderland! Hope everyone is snuggled up. Both my boys went out last night, together on the bus but meeting separate groups of friends. Eldest got in at a decent time (ie he was in when I went to the loo in the night) and youngest crept in at 4 so there will be some lie-ins today. They were talking about going to see their dad this afternoon; it is always eldest who organises it as youngest still lives in a teenage "me-bubble"
Good morning all. Hope you manage to have some rest today Louise, after a full day yesterday.
We had a very late night, so hoping C will not wake til at least 11. I managed 5 hours, which seems the norm for me lately. Firework display was lovely. Going to have a quiet day today. Absolutely pouring down here, the heavens have certainly opened!
Good morning. No frost here just lots of rain, which is unfortunate as I have to walk to the supemarket at some point today
Hope all is well at yours hazeleyes, did C like what you have done to your flat? My girls have settled back to their normal life.....bickering and winding each other up...taking deep breaths and trying to keep calm!
I've heard its snowing quite badly in some parts of the country, anyone had any today?
C loved the way I've changed the rooms round Pq. Alas, it hasn't stayed tidy in his room, but I don't care today. Just so pleased to have him home Glad your girls have settled back to normal life (though not glad about the bickering part of course) Are they back at school tomorrow?
Eldest said he had to scrape the ice of his car before he went to work this morning.
As I've been called to go into work for 1.30pm I hope its well defrosted by now.
Glad things are 'back to normal' hazeleyes and pq
Yes it is good to get your children back Eldest is here, as you know, and it is strange not to be able to be queen of the the moment he has some foul sci-fi thing on.
Sparking I hope you stay warm at work this afternoon. PQ get your cagoule on if you need some shopping. Hazeleyes, glad C liked his room. I am doing that chicken thing for tea, that I put the recipe for in the Food section.
There is snow in some sourthern counties I believe. The frost has gone here and we have had thick fog. Went to church, nice to see everyone, a lady who is a GP up here is looking at setting up a support service for women who have had abortions or miscarriages and she was wasking me about the counselling side of things, I may be involved in a meeting once she has sorted out how they are going to do it. I made it clear I could not volunteer for them as I already commit one day a week to it, but suggested she could have a referral route into my counselling organsation and also that student counsellors may be able to prvoide women with emotional support.
Hope everyone will have a nice afternoon. I am watching some tv OF MY CHOICE in my bedroom
Decided against the walk to the shops (its still raining), will be making some kind of pasta bake with whatever I can find in the fridge/cupboard. I will have my car tomorrow so can do a big shop then.
Sorry you've had to go to work sparkling, I hope they appreciate you, or is that one of the reasons you want to leave?
Glad C has settled back at home with you again hazeleyes and that he likes the makeover. A goes back to school tomorrow but H has an inset day so I've taken a days holiday to be with her. Found out why they're getting at each other. H is upset that her dad didn't reply to her emails whilst she was away, he didn't phone them either, she's really upset about it. Poor love
It is chilly here, I have to say. I had to put the heater on at work. And yes, one of the reasons I would like to leave yet, I know he appreciated me going in. I booked a few jobs in too, taking advantage of people being home from work.
They're good friends which makes it all the harder...
Been a lovely day here. The mountains look rather pretty.
Youngest has an inset day on Friday, so hopefully I will be able to finish a 1pm...
hi well reallyu cold ere and frosty, makin tuna pasta bake today itas in oven,and ive dun pancakes,with lemon, x
Good morning. Woken up feeling not so great. Thumping headache! I actually felt unwell yesterday, but had a lazy day on the settee, and thought it would blow over. It hasn't. C has a nasty bark cough, so a great start to the week!! Only in work for the morning, so that's just as well. No kids in today, even better. C is taking some bits and pieces to while away the time. It's freezing here too. Roll on Summer!
Sparkling, can you not have the whole day off Friday, as you went in yesterday?
Pq, today's the day you get your car. All good your end then. That is horrid that H's dad didn't respond to her. Hope she hears from him soon.
Kiera, has your son settled back in now?
Louise, enjoy your day off. Hope you've something nice planned.
Morning, got up today and made A her breakfast then waved her off to school, I felt like a proper stay at home mum, sometimes I feel that I really miss out working full time.
Sorry you're not feeling well hazeleyes, hope it passes quickly. Yes it is a shame about their dad, but he doesn't keep in touch with them when they are at home inbetween contact days, so it probably doesn't occur to him that he should behave any differently because they are away.
Get my car today, really looking forward to that.
Hope you're ok hazeleyes. At least there are no children in...
Taking the middle two to college today. Sixteen year old needs to take in a big model that he's had a week to cover in photos. Guess what he's doing now...
Enjoy the car pq.
Its a lovely morning here, but I reckon the car might be frozen.
hi well really cold and frosty, got take my eldest hospital later avin tests dun,when he ad tht fit in school, my mum watchin my little girl,if ikt wasnt for my mum i dont no wot i wud of dunx
Good morning all! We had snow yesterday morning, it didn't settle though, thank goodness!
hazeleyes, I hope your morning goes swiftly and you and C can have a nice afternoon together. Any plans?
pq, I loved your post to hazeleyes earlier, she is a great mum and does know whats best for C. As are you. I hope you have a good day with your youngest, are you doing anything in particular? Enjoy your new purchase
kiera, thank goodness you have your mum to help out. I hope the hospital tests go ok and you don't have to wait around for too long. How is your dad?
sparklinglime, did your son finish his project? I agree with hazeleyes, couldn't you have the whole of Friday off?
My daughter has today off and has a couple of assignments to do. Huge promises that she would get it done during half term, before her birthday celebrations, but guess what???? Yup, she has to cram it all today! I dont envy her!
Lots of people went to Bonfire Night celebrations at the weekend, anyone going to one tonight?
We'll be watching fireworks tonight. Its in the local rugby club, but I'll be watching from up by the Scout hut. Will feel guilty as no one comes around with a bucket for money up there - I've always parked close and paid the going rate (running down to the gate to pay and then back to the car) as I never went on the field as oldest hated bangs!
Now you can't park close by and the council have commandeered all the car parks for "staff only"!
I have sparklers...
It took me over 40 minutes to get 16 year old to college with the queues on the bridge, and an hour before I got daughter to her site. Ridiculous really.
No, I won't have the whole of Friday off. That's the joy of working for a friend who will put emotional pressure on me. I hope to be able to be strict and walk out as near to my finishing time as I can. Getting things done yesterday almost makes this possible... Well, if I unplug the phones it will.
I've assembled my winter kit this morning. Shoes with mini crampons fitted, de-icer, scraper, hook (to change shoes as I can't always reach down to pick shoes up)... All in a bag ready. I need to go and sort out a battery charger today, so will look for a bag of rock salt too.
I have paperwork to photocopy and post off too.
Thanks Anna, I have been having a great day with H. We had a lovely leisurely breakfast, then browsed the cookery books and decided on cup cakes. Walked to the shops for some supplies, came home baked the cakes. Moved H's bedroom furniture around (she's been asking for ages) had lunch, now she's upstairs titivating her room and I'm having a rest!
Do you live a long way North sparkling? It seems like your preparing for a harsh winter.
Hope you've had a good afternoon with C hazeleyes and are feeling a bit better now.
Am having the afternoon from hell Pq. The way C has spoken to me, slammed a door, and I'm at end of tether. Everything is my fault, the normal jargon that comes out of kids mouths. I wouldn't mind, but it was to do with homework. Also he needs his bike to tomorrow. Back tyre has gone down. Was told it's because he hasn't been on it for ages, so they go down? Anyhow, C knew all of this, should have done what I suggested before he went away, and rode it around, but OH No. I have called the man next door, and when he is home, he will do it with charger from his car. I've banned C from watching TV, and his remark was 'oh yeah, you always say that, and then you'll let me' I'm fuming with the way he has spoken to me, and trying not to let him see how upset I am. Well, he won't be watching TV, once his bike has been done, he can bath, hairwash, dinner, and then back into bedroom. I don't even want to look at him right now.
I'm glad your having a good day pq, and really sorry that your day isn't so good hazeleyes.
I had a text from my boss's son - his Dad sacked him this morning... I thought I'd calmed things down yesterday. I just feel sick. Cried and nodded off as oldest didn't get in until 3.30am - my text asking him where he was woke him up. He'd nodded off in his car.
So not such a good day here either. Still trying to sort out EMA for the two in college. I think I'm getting somewhere now with that.
Pq I live in North Wales. Last winter was mild, but the two winters before were harsh. The estate I live on has a hill of paving slabs leading down to my house - it's deadly when frozen, and I'm terrified of falling!
Oh no Sparkling, that is awful. Hopefully, the boss will have a rethink, and re-employ his son. Hope the EMA does get sorted.
Pq, your afternoon with A sounds lovely.
Back on even keel here (for now anyway) We've had a chat, I've asked why he gets so angry with me, and he doesn't know, so if he doesn't, then I certainly don't He's eating dinner, and I'm going to make myself a sandwich, then dishes and bed. Not even washed my hair, no energy left at all. Feel low in myself, not just because of today, but lots of things that have happened. Sure I'll pick myself up, and dust myself down though.
Hope we all have good days tomorrow.
Happy november everyone. Any one of the male members involved in Movember? I heard chris evans talking about it this morning.
Don't think I got egged last night, but haven't had a proper look yet. Spoke to my girls, they went trick or treating with my brother, they obviously did very well as they had over 100 sweets each !!!!! glad I'm wont be there when they hit their sugar rush