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WOW I only just realised it is September today! So here is a new thread for us to chat on.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I have had some problems with my Internet so the engineer has been here a couple of times but fingers crossed it is fixed now
Thanks sparkling, hopefully I will bring some nice weather over towards your way...
Anna will be here tomorrow, Sally is back from her hols and Mary will join you on Monday. I will be back next Sunday.
Have a lovely time away Louise.
Thank you, take care everyone, hope the returns to school/college/work go well and especially thinking of Hopeful on Monday.
Happy Sunday morning to one and all and wishing Louise a super break!
Is everyone prepared for the new school term? My daughter has finally decided to go back to college and do Media Production and an evening class in Spanish. I am so pleased as it has been a summer of her surfing the internet!!
No sun here, but it is bright outside. I am meeting my brother and his new wife for Sunday lunch.
Looking forward to hearing about your September news
Hi everyone,
This weekend has flown by, thankfully I have an extra day off tomorrow as the girls don't go back to school until Tuesday. The kitchen is all prepped and ready to be fitted with the new units tomorrow, only a few more days of disruption to go
Wishing you a lovely break louise.
Not quite organised here, but am slowly but surely getting more so. C's birthday things are definately organised for Wednesday, and he's been on a countdown for weeks!!! He chose the cake yesterday (not chocolate, booooooo) Not to worry, I shall pick up a chocy gateau on Wednesday (yeahhhh)
Hope you have a nice lunch Anna, glad your daughter has decided what she wants to do.
pq, all systems go your end then. Enjoy your day off with the girls tomorrow.
Hopeful, not caught up with posts, but am guessing it's something to do with your breast tomorrow. Good luck with everything. I will catch up with your news (promise)
Sparkling, are you all ready for the going back? What has 16 year old decided on? Am sure everything will pan out.
I'm doing a naughty naughty on Wednesday. When I finish work at 12, I'm taking C for dinner. A pub lunch, then back home, where I shall put nibbles out for 2 friends that always see him on his big day. Am sure his teacher won't mind, as not a lot will be happening, so he won't miss a thing.
Weather has been rubbish. Washing didn't even dry on the line, despite it not raining.
Hope you all have a good week.
Hi pq, have I said before how excited I am about your kitchen!! Enjoy your day off tomorrow supervising the units being fitted!!
Hiya hazeleyes! Feel like I haven't spoken with you for ages! Had a lovely lunch thank you, roast lamb, my fav!!
I really can't believe it is the end of the holidays already, where does it go?! Well done for getting C's birthday things prepared. It will be exciting for him to leave school early! I am dying to know what you bought him from HP Tour!
Weather rubbish here to, do you have all your washing scattered around the house now?!
Have a good Sunday evening one and all
I hope your daughter enjoys the course Anna.
Daughter's looking forward to college. Sixteen year old... Well, he's now telling everyone he's going back to school to do A levels - and he's not even asked yet.
Been an interesting time here, shall we say.
Hope all goes smoothly with the kitchen pq.
Hello hazeleyes
Hello Sparkling
Anna, from the tour I bought C the mauraders map, which he very much wanted on the day. He does have the smaller one, and not sure how, but he uses it a lot. This one, I'm hoping he'll frame it, and put it on the wall, but I'm sure he won't I also bought the jelly sweets, all different flavours, some absolutely disgusting I might add. YUK
Up early, as expecting the postman with some lego that I've ordered for C. Think Louise asked me what I'd got for C's birthday, so here goes. Harry Potter DSI game, H P's tie and scarf (bargain for £2) spy kit, teacher's chess (to help me, it has all the moves on the pieces!) a signed pic of the three main characters in H P, silly presents that I've wrapped ie, bar of choc, huge badge.
Last week the postie knocked me up at 8, bet he doesn't knock until 12 today!!!
Oh hazeleyes the postman 'knocked you up', did he?! Lucky you! C's presents sound great and what every 9 year old could wish for. I think my 17yr old would love all of those things too! Funny how they can be so grown up some days, but still be complete Potter fans!
Hi sparklinglime, well my daughter was up early and raring to go for college, until I saw that she had taken 2 () mini rolls. I told her to put one back and the whole thing ended in tears about how I pushed her into going to college and how she doesn't want to do the course etc etc. I felt very guilty, it was only after she left with tears streaming down her face, that I remembered that favourite book of Louise's "I'm leaving home, but first take me and Alex into town", where it explains how a teenager will create a situation to divert from the initial telling off!! She did it to a T!! Fingers crossed she had a good day
Good to hear that your 16yr old is all ready for A levels! I hope that he is able to do them?
Good luck with your kitchen pq and thinking of Hopeful today, sending lots of strength her way.
Good to have kiera back on board after a great holiday too.
I hope everyone else is in good spirit for the new Autumn term
Hello everyone , hope you all had a good weekend...lush weather all this week :). This September thread has just made me realise that's it's Christmas in 3 months eeeeeek
Please no mention of the C word. It's depressing enough seeing all the cards in the shops. It's absolutely ridiculous.
Anna, if you saw the postie, you wouldn't think I was lucky, lol. Hope your daughter has a good day. Let her have the other mini roll when she comes home
My 16 year old still not sorted. Went to the school at 8.30am only for him to be told to go back at 11.30am.
I took him to college as he needed to register there by 9am.
I've taken the day off in the hope I can speak to someone in the school.
Meanwhile I've had a reply to the text I sent to say the people are nice and its ok.
I'm hoping daughter is having a good day.
Hi tinkerbell2, great weather always makes life feel that little bit better doesn't it!
I will consider the mini roll, because you have suggested it hazeleyes, but I don't know that her behaviour warrants it just yet!
Hi sparklinglime, glad that your son is liking the people and things are ok, I do hope your daughter will come home with a similar report. Did you get to speak to someone in the school?
Well my house is full of strange men and my kitchen is progressing at a rate of notts!!
On a sad note my Grandad died this morning, he had been unwell for the last year, but had been really struggling for the last 3 weeks, in a lot of pain and very distressed. I sat down with my girls and told them, it was very painfull and we all had a good sob, they seem to be ok now.
Took my eldest shopping this morning to get the last few things for school. She only had one bag with the shoes in to carry but somehow manage to lose them. Strangely enough it was my fault as well which really annoyed me, got so angry I burst into tears in sports direct
We retraced our steps though and luckily someone had found them in Argos and handed them in..phew.
Enjoying the sunshine, hope you are all having a good day
I'm so sorry pq. What a difficult and sad day for you all.
I spoke to deputy head and had a very long and helpful talk. Sixteen year old can return if he wishes, but he thinks he would struggle, and that art is the best route for him. Up to my son now...
Just dropped in to say i'm back and will update you all on what i have been up to whilst i was away once i have caught up with what you all have been doing.
I hope that you all have been keeping well!
Nice to have you back sally, hope you're well.
Thank you sparkling it has been a sad day.
Good morning pancakequeen, my thoughts are with you. Hopefully his passing was for the best for him, if he had been ill for so long. So glad that you found the shoes - how could you have lost them like that? You really should learn to keep an eye on everything that your children are carrying at all times!!
I hope your girls got off to school okay today.
sparklinglime, how fantastic to have such a supportive deputy head, is your son excited? My daughter came back from college blue, her hours are to be 9am - 5.30pm, she said that the teacher gave a lecture on eating a good breakfast for about an hour - she is doing media production and she doesn't see the relevance. I do hope that he can keep her interested.
Hi sally, welcome back, 3 weeks is a good long break, I hope you and the children had a great time, I look forward to hearing about all the shennanigans that you got up to!!
I hope everyone else is well, have a good day
Hi everyone, just thought I'd pop onto chat to say 'hello'. I'll be on the boards keeping Sally & Anna company, until Saturday (covering for that gadabout Louise!)
pancakequeen, I'm sorry to hear about your grandad. Any passing is a time of sadness, but it sounds like he has been an important person in yours and the girls' lives.
I hope everyone else is ok - I'm scurrying about like a mad thing after a weekend - child free!! - at a festival. So I'm catching up with washing clothes, unpacking camping stuff, making tea and getting A ready to go back to school tomorrow simultaneously (or at least I will be in a minute).
Best wishes to all,
Thank you Anna and Mary,
It has been a sad time. My grandad was a very happy, cheeky chappy with a twinkle in his eye and we loved him very much, we shall miss him dearly.
The girls got off to school ok, A had her first day at senior school and went on the bus looking very grown up in her new school blazer, she had a big smile on her face, I, on the other hand had a tear in my eye .
The kitchen is almost finished. I'm just waiting for the plumber to attach the sink, washing machine, dishwasher, hob and radiator and for a new internal door and the major work will be done. All thats left to do is the decorating and sort out the floor, thats my job . If I do a bit every night after work I should be finished by christmas!!
Nice to have you back mary, did you enjoy the festival?
Nice to 'see' you mary.
Son is so confused, not excited at all really. Very difficult for him (and therefore the rest of us). Ah well...
I like to think I'll have this house sorted by Christmas... I'm just not sure which one
I hope you're ok pq
Hi Sparkling,
I'm ok, life goes on like it does, I am trying to think of my grandad and remember his little ways and funny comments.
It must be hard for your son. It must seem like such a big decision to make.
Hello ladies.
pq, I'm very envious of your spanking new kitchen - my house is like sparkling's in that i'm not sure when it will be how I'd like it to be (probably when I move somewhere else!) I'm glad A had a good first day at senior school - my A has gone back today very enthusiastically.
With regard to your grandad, I think it's important to keep people close by talking about them when they've gone.
Has your son decided what he wants to do with regard to school, sparkling? I can understand why he's feeling confused.
The festival was fabulous - not a huge one, but lots of interesting bands, a group of fabulous friends to share it with and we had sunshine for most of it
Just a quick visit. C had an absolutely fantastic birthday yesterday. Up at 4.50am!!! Said it was the best birthday ever (says that every year, hehe) Loved his teacher. Took him out at 12, and got ready for visitors in the afternoon. A long day, but a truely great one.
Catch up with you all soon. Time to get ready for the day ahead.
Hope you all okay.
So glad he had a wonderful day. Was thinking about you :-)
Hi hazeleyes,
Glad C had such a great birthday!
Hope everyone has a good day. The sun is shining here again, so I suppose I should get another load of washing out on the line...can you sense my enthusiasm?!
Glad birthday went well Hazeleyes.
I have my washing machine back in action so I was very excited to do some washing yesterday!!! Not sure how long the enthusiam will last Mary
Hi all, the weather is divine isn't it and apparently its supposed to be good over the weekend too!
hazeleyes, I am so pleased that C had a great birthday, you are a star mum . Is he pacing the house with the Marauders Map, or have you managed to secure it behind a frame??
Hi pq, so, your plumbing has been done! Fantastic! How is the kitchen looking?
Hi RM (Rudimentary Mary!), I hope this will be the last of the festival washing now! It is so nice to have it on the line though, I always think it smells delicious.
Hi sparkling, hope you and yours are well and big wave to everyone else. How are we doing now term time is back in full swing - I bet the children are already exhausted and everyone is ready for the weekend
No news my end, except tonight I start running club!! I saw it on Groupon and thought it was a fantastic idea, at a fantastic price - I'm afraid to say, now the day is upon me, my enthusiasm has waned! hey ho, we shall see, I am always up for something new!
Good luck with the running club Anna. Blimey, you've got some energy! I'm totally exhausted this week, and feeling wrecked. Hot flushes are really at me with a vengence, so I need to sort out tablets with Dr. Mood swings all over the place too (not good)
Marauders map is massive, so no way will it go in a frame
Blue tacked to one wall? Hope you're ok...
Cubs and Scouts was good fun.
My brother and sister-in-law are calling in the morning. He had wanted to meet at a restaurant, but 16 year old has been getting his hornby trains ready to show him all day! Sixteen year old so excited now...
Hope the running went well Anna
Ooooo running club sounds fab....I love running. Haven't had chance to get out much since I split up with my ex as can't leave the girls on their own. Hope you enjoyed it Anna.
The kitchen is almost fully functional. The hob isn't working for some reason and I don't have a door between the kitchen and the lounge and there are a few other small jobs to be done. The builder is coming back on saturday to finish off. Still have all the decorating to do, but I shall take my time....or maybe I could have a decorating party...anyone fancy it
Hi all, good to see most are ok! And the hp theme is still going for some!
Can't concentrate enough to read up on everything, but sorry about your granddad, PQ,
Decorating going on, too, huh, exciting times!
Am zonked on the sofa atm....
You zonk out on the sofa as much as you want, Hopeful - good to hear from you.
pq, I'm up for a bit of painting - and yes, the washing basket has pretty much reverted to its usual measure of half full rather than threatenening to escape over the top! Just got to get the tent out to give it a clean and re-waterproof it at the weekend. Normal service has almost resumed...
Glad to hear 16 yr old is on good form sparkling - were you as enthusiastic about seeing your brother & your sister-in-law?! I have to say my relationships with my siblings are pretty good, but I know not everyone gets on with their brothers & sisters. I'm going to see my (little) sister later today. I have a new neice - only 3 weeks old! - so am going round for a cuddle
Anna, if you have any of your boundless energy going spare, send some my way please.
hazeleyes - you have my sympathies. I'm feeling hormonal and unpleasant at present too. Have a virtual hug x (but don't overheat!)
Happy Friday all x
Hi All
Well have finally made it back on here to share my hoilday news, i think i made some wise crack about flying by the seat of my pants, well that pretty much summed up the holiday
My nan passed away at the start of the hoilday (had been ill for a while and kind of expected), the day after her burial my brother whom had been ill ended up in a critical condition in intensive care things were rather shaky for few days and he is still in hospital, he has improved and is waiting for an operation.
Anyway i won't go into anymore details as the holiday pretty much went from one thing to another, i did manage to squeeze in quite a few activities with the kids though inspite of all the choas, and i did manage to have the whole of last weekend relaxing before i started back to work on Monday
So i am now full charged and raring to go, it's P's birthday tomorrow so we are having abit of a party at home, nothing major though, and i probably should tackle the pile of laundry, anyone fancy doing a pile of ironing?
What are the rest of you up to today/weekend?
Hi Sally, sorry to hear about your Nan, even when its expected its still a blow. I hope your brother makes a good recovery too.
I'll swap you some ironing for some painting....??? didn't anyone stop me from signing up to a running course - I must be MAD. It was h*ll!
There were about 15 of us and most of them were regular runners!! There was only me and another young woman who were new. She said she felt like the 'token fat person' and doesn't want to go back next week, but she was ahead of me most of the time! I tried to persuade her that we will stick together over the next 8 weeks as I can be the 'token old smoker'! And that we would go at our own pace and stuff the skinny fit people!! I am dreading next Thursday already!
PQ I'll come and do some painting - forget the ironing Sally, sooo not my bag!
sparklinglime, I hope you have had a good day with your brother and his wife and everyone enjoyed their visit.
hazeleyes, hope you have that Friday feeling and looking forward to the weekend of no work!
hopeful, feet up tonight and enjoy tomorrow
Sally I hope P has a fantastic birthday and she gets all that she wanted.
Oh and welcome back Louise!! Hope you feel refreshed
Wishing everyone a super weekend and catch up with you on Monday. x
Hi Sally, so so sorry to hear about your Nan. Hope you're okay. How's your brother doing? Thinking of you. xxx
mary, trying not to overheat, but thankyou
Anna, am laughing at your post, I wish I'd warned you, hehe. (like to see people suffer)joke.
Hopeful, hope you've zonked enough, and now back to fighting mode. You're doing so well. xx
Sparkling, hope all went well with visit from brother etc.
pq, how are you? Don't envy you and the decorating, but kitchen is cool!
Weekend is here, thankgod. Only three days this week, and I'm gone, gone, gone. Not getting out of the bed until at least 10 tomorrow. Going to head off now, hope you're all okay. Take care, and have a good weekend. xx
I'm sorry about your nan too Sally.
Anna, I really admire you for doing the running thing. I do hope that the other newcomer is there next week as it makes a difference having another newbie.
We're meant to be gardening here.
My brother and sister-in-law called for a couple of hours and it was lovely to see them. My brother is a retired college lecturer and my sister-in-law a retired SEN teacher, so both were brilliant with 16 year old. Not one of us has told him what to do. He seems to have decided to carry on with college... Lets see if he feels the same tomorrow night.
Glad the 16 year old got some time with your brother and sister-in-law. The decision is in his hands, isn't it? Hope all's well that ends well, sparkling.
Sally, so sorry to hear about your nan and your brother. it sounds like you've had a traumatic time during the hols I have to turn you down on the ironing front though - I have my own 'mountain' to contend with. Hoping P has a lovely time today.
hazeleyes I hope you're still in bed as I'm typing, having a well earned lie in.
I'm afraid, like everyone else, your post made me laugh Anna! Good for you though. I'm thinking about taking up yoga again as soon as my cash flow improves. There are a couple of classes run locally and it's something I used to love - I did yoga exercises until the day before I gave birth to A & I'm convinced it made a difference to my labour.
Is anyone else watching Parade's End on BBC 2? I normally avoid period dramas, but the acting and direction in this series is something else. It was episode 3 last night - and the third episode to make me cry...
So today for me is about doing some admin work, making a curry, keeping A occupied and cleaning the tent, before popping back onto the boards later!
Hope everyone else has something more relaxing and/or fun planned.
It is 16 year old's choice, but the asperger's does make and has made it a very challenging couple of weeks.
I think yesterday afternoon was the first smile I'd seen for a long while.
Oh yes...
28 years ago today I got married...
8 years ago today I got divorced...
Somethings you just have to celebrate
Indeed you do, sparkling! Hope you are doing something appropriate this evening
(With regard to the 16 year old - when there are more challenges than the 'norm' I appreciate how important the smiles are x)
there a group going on soon with span helping famleys cope with children
in care and as i run my support group as well and linda wanted me to come
down as well and chat to other famleys and linda not got back to me so can u ask
her for me
Hope Anna or Louise can pass that message on for you, britney24.
Just popped on to say 'so long' to everyone - my stint of holiday cover is at an end. Take care one & all!
Mary x x
Britney, I will pass that nmessage on to Anna for you.
Hello and good bye Mary, great that you were back on the boards, see you here again soon! The festival sounds fab.
Many sympathies to PQ and Sally on your bereavements. No matter how poorly someone is, it does not make it any easier, and it is often hard for the children to understand. How is your brother, Sally?
Sparkling you have had a heck of a time getting sorted with 16 year old, you know better than anyone the best way to approach this and yet that will not stop you worrying. Hopefully the college decision is settled now.
Hazeleyes, happy birthday to C. TEN!!!!! I bet you can't believe it was ten years ago. Glad the day went well and his present list sounded fab. Not long until your own birthday now. I do sympathise with the hot flushes, you know I am your ally in those!
PQ the kitchen sounds great. How did A get on at big school?
Anna well done for the running club, you will feel encouraged with the other new girl. The mini-roll thing, sounds like a really good illustration of teen behaviour. Anyway, hope she gets on well at college.
Hopeful, sending good thoughts to you and hope everyone else OK, Tinkerbell2, kiera and where is Fizzy Liz?
I had a fab holiday, gorgeous weather and scenery. Went on a horse drawn barge and a steam train, met up with an old friend and had lots of posh coffee
I'm so glad you had a good holiday Louise. It sounds lovely.
My main computer won't connect to the internet and has now given up printing...
I hope you have a lovely week Louise, in case I miss you before you go.