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Have antibiotics, sinuses much better, even though there's no infection.
Glad sinuses are better, that can be so painful.
Hope you're feeling a bit better today.
I know you mention that you have soo much to do. The most important thing to do right now is look after yourself. If you can do that, then you will heal faster.
Glad to hear that there is no infection. What are your plans for today?
Ha, the most important thing is that I write this essay that is due on Thursday! Slight panic, but what can I say - it's my own fault for not pulling my finger out earlier.
Last week I was not in such a good place - I am so fed up with chemo. I was quite happy to say no more chemo, let's just do the other bits. Chemo is just in case there is any cancer cells anywhere in my body, and I am quite convinced that there isn't. But a friend visited and got really cross with me, so I promised I'd do this next one (Wednesday week) and think about the last two after that. Biiiiiig sigh. Just want my normal crazy life back!
Awww, I think you are so strong and doing a fantastic job with all of this, yes it has knocked you sideways, but you are confronting it full on.
OK, essay, will you have a stab at it this morning? I have assignments to do as well at the moment & I shared recently (I'm not sure if it was on this thread), something that my daughter told me.....that it can take half an hour before your brain kicks in and you start to be productive. So when I am huffing and puffing and getting up and down to make another cuppa to help me through, she says stick with it for half and hour and then it will flow better and do you know what, she was right!
Good luck!
I always used to do my best essays under pressure...
I can imagine how fed up you are feeling, but please, do complete the treatment. I have no doubt you're right and there are no cancer cells floating about, but then, better to do all that can be done?
Loads of strenght and essay vibes coming your way.
My sympathies with the essay, I hate essay writing.
Glad you're feeling a bit better now
BiL has given me his sore throat and cough! Blood test is on Monday, so I'd better go and buy lots of oranges....
Yes, Vitamin C ahoy!
Don't know if it is at all reassuring but my friend and some of those going though it at the same time said that chemo number three was absolutely the worst one. My friend said she did not think she could face any more, she just felt in utter despair and her partner persuaded her to have number four and that was a lot more manageable, as were five and six, it was just number three that was so dire....and I have heard of a number of women having this experience, no idea why this should be, though.
Ok then Louise, let's hope that's all it was!
Friend coming tomorrow with more immunity soup. She said she'd put extra extra garlic in, so I shall stink! Good thing the smells don't get put onto our bits here...
That's a thought, Hopeful, an avatar with an aroma!!! I do very much hope that you have indeed done the worst chemo and got it behind you.
Ohhh, it is a good job that my youngest's avatar hasn't got an aroma, his shoes smell terrible in the hall, I have been cheeky enough to include some shoe fresheners in his Xmas loot.Luckily he has a good sense of humour.
Hope the soup and company are nice
I shall turn into a soup bowl now. She just brought sooo much. It is nice soup, but I'd like something else for a change... :-/
Still got a cold, so a bit worried about how the blood test on Monday will be....
Hi soupful ,
Hope the cold clears up over the weekend.
Haha soupful, very witty PQ
Keeping fingers crossed for the test Hopeful. Still might be Ok, despite the cold.
I hope the cold is clearing...
Hope you're feeling better, and not all souped out Hopeful. Good luck with the tests.
I feel fine anyway, that's why I am upset if blood tests say no. I have sniffle, but under normal circumstances I wouldn't even waste a thought on it.
Different friend has given me a supply of strawberries, blueberries, kiwis and assorted seeds. :-)
Hi Hopeful,
Just been having a 'catch up' with what's going on for you, reading through some of your most recent posts. Sending you lots of positive thoughts & best wishes for the bloods. Assorted berries eh? Do you want to share?!
Sure, come over! :-)
Ah, wish I'd seen this last night
How are you this morning? What does your Sunday have in store?
Waiting for Hopeful to throw me some strawberries
I'll take the blueberries & the kiwis then
I have noted that nobody wants any seeds.... Throwing everyone a handful of assorted berries though!
The nurse promised she'd ring me today if anything is wrong, so fingers crossed! x
I'll take the seeds please Hopeful, yum!
I am wondering if you could add some tomatoes to your garlicky soup? Give it some bulk and a bit of a change of flavour?
My fingers are crossed too, that you havent heard from the nurse.
It's berries for me please, hope all went well today, are the snuffles gone?
Arms, fingers, legs, feet, toes, in fact everything crossed for you Hopeful.
Thankyou for the berries (had to uncross my arms for a moment though)
fingers crossed here...
Hope no news is good news hopeful
Bad news. Neutrophils really really low. So I won't qualify with my group, but in September.
The nurse was talking about injections to boost immune system, but they have a whole new set of horrid side effects. Have asked for the oncologist to ring me today.
Am really sorry to hear that, Hopeful (I didn't graduate with most of my group when I did my counselling qualification, but in the event there were 3/4 of us that defered until the following year. So there's a chance you won't qualify 'on your own').
Hope the oncologist doesn't keep you waiting too long. I think having as much information as possible about potential side effects is a wise move on your part.
Awww Hopeful. I'm sorry you won't be qualifying with your group.
I hope the Oncologist is helpful
The oncologist hasn't rung back, so she was not helpful. But of course she is very busy and might not have had the time - I dont want to be unfair. If she doesn't ring back tomorrow I shall email her.
Not a good day for me today.
Aww Hopeful, sorry you're not able to qualify with your group. Keep in sight though, that you will do it
Hope you hear from the oncologist. x
hazeleyes is right - you'll get there.
Hope the oncologist is in touch very soon & that tomorrow proves to be a better day.
Hi Hopeful, how disappointing for you, but like everyone said you will still qualify.
Oncologist rang back yesterday. I discussed the injections that she wants me to have to boost blood count with her. I really really don't fancy those because of the side effects, so said no to them - my argument is that everyone is saying everybody's different, so maybe my body just takes four weeks for a cycle rather than three. She half agreed on that, so I won't have injections, but will still aim at blood test three weeks after next chemo. She said she may have to lower the dose of chemo after that.
Of course now I am dead worried that I've made the wrong decision, but I am in a fragile place today anyway (because of No3 son, see other thread) and am looking at mountains again rather than little bits.
Was pleased though, that the oncologist saw things from my perspective, too.
Hi Hopeful, that does sound good that your oncologist listened to you and let you run with your decision.
If you are concerned about whether you made the right decision, then could you ring her back and have a further discussion, just so that you feel clearer about what you want?
Or perhaps you could call Macmillan helpline free on 0808 808 0000 to talk things through? It is important that you feel supported and that you are at peace with the decisions that you make.
Today has already started out difficult, so be kind to yourself, I think you are doing a grand job. What are your plans for the day?
I can't just ring the oncologist back - she took almost two days to get back to me this time, and she is really busy and working very hard. I was quite happy with the decision, because if it was dangerous dangerous for me to be without those injections, she would have said and given me proper rationales etc. I think she's thinking the dose is too high for me to begin with, because she said she'd probably lower it for the last one or two sessions. My reasoning is that I don't want the side effects of the injections, especially as they include problems with going to the loo (I have to run to make it in time for a wee already because of the chemo), headaches (they are disabling), low blood pressure (I already have low blood pressure. how low can you go) and then there is potential liver failure, heart damage and spleen rupture. Add that to the potential chemo side effects......
I won't ring Macmillan either. Did that once, and when I was on the phone (24 hours later) to them, I knew more than they did.
Am hoping to get on with my essay today. :-)
All is not lost!
Hi Hopeful, I was just concerned as you said that you were 'dead worried that you made the wrong decision' and I felt that it was important that you felt settled with your decisions, I am no doctor and have no personal experience of cancer, so I am learning an awful lot through you.
It is a shame that you didn't find the Macmillan helpline informative.
Good luck with your essay - I am trying to get on with some of my essays too. Heads down! No talking!
Blood test tomorrow - not that I care anymore. Am not in a good place, should be writing essays and am procrastinating (hence I am on here). Want to go and sleep - hibernation has always seemed like an excellent idea to me....
If bloods ok tomorrow, it'll be chemo on Thursday.
I'm sorry you're not in a good place Hopeful.
Thinking of you. xx
Sorry to hear your not feeling on top of things Hopeful
I can only imagine how tough it must be what with what your going through at the moment and still doing/dealing with all your other responsibilities, i hope you are taking care of you, you could give yourself permission to take sometime off and sleep
I hope the results are good tomorrow xx
Hibernation sounds very tempting....
Fingers crossed for the blood test result.
So far no phone call..... Looks like I am set for tomorrow....
God luck, thinking of you
No call. Not sure I am pleased about this because I don't think I care anymore.
Sorry for being negative - I feel really down atm. :-(
Yes hope the GP can suggest something.