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So, here's the story:
Got there for 7 o'clock and found i was - guess - LAST on the list. Threw a wobble, said can I at least have a coffee now (really a proper breakfast would have been perfectly alright then) but got told to wait a bit in case the doctor wanted to change the order of play. Waited an hour. Saw very lovely anaethetist who said the reason why I sleep so long after GA is because I hardly drink any alcohol and therefore don't have an overactive liver like 90 % of the population (roll on the wine, I say!). He said he would like me first on the list so I got all - Hopeful (excuse the pun).
After another hour the surgeon turned up, was still a prat, but slightly improved. Did not mention lists, but he hadn't spoken to the nice anaethetist yet. Went back to waiting room. After ANOTHER hour my friend went to ask what was going on and a very grumpy horrid nurse at the desk said I was LAST on the list. I got cross, because they'd known that for a while and I could have had breakfast and coffee. Last on the list meant 4 o'clock (!!!!!!!!!!) and it was now 10, exactly over the line for food and milky drinks. I was not very happy. I said I was going to have a coffee WITH milk and if anybody asked me I would lie. Very nice nurse came to do the check-in thing, but didn't put labels on me yet. She said she'd get the ward manager to talk to me a bit later.
Friend who was with me and I went and she bought me a white coffee (she didn't like it I have to say, but I said patients are allowed to make bad decisions sometimes). We went for a walk on the beach and then back to the hospital because she had to go. I went to theatre at four and nobody asked me about coffee or anything.
I remember recovery where a nice nurse looked after me only vaguely. Got to the ward which had very nice nurses, too. Had turquoise wee - very interesting - from the dye they use to find lymph nodes. No pain, just was very tired and sleepy. Had visit from friend whose placement is on wards nearby and one from uni friend who lives nearby. Very nice :-)
Tried to sleep through the night, but there is a squeaky hinge on one of the doors and everytime that went I woke up again. Then an emergency came in and that took a lot of morphine to calm down.
Lights came on at 6:30 - no apparent reason. Friend on wards brought me coffee before her shift. Still no pain and I was surprised how much movement I have.
at 9:30 surgeon came to see me. The first thing I said to him was could he smile, and he did! And if he didn't look the same I would have said it's a different person. He was very nice and lovely. Said drains could come out and I could go home. (We also had a bit of a discussion about when chemo would start and when placement could possibly be). He made me promise to do my exercises. Bless him.
Phoned a friend, she came and took me home. Got home about one and had a sleep. Feel fit now, but have decided not to do any work today.
That's it for now! :-) You don't have to read it all.... xxx
Hi Hopeful, well I did read it all, as I wanted to know how you had got on. Well done for getting through,and welcome back home. The exercises are indeed really important, otherwise there is a risk of your shoulder stiffening up. Time to take things steady for a few days.
I'm in shock Hopeful, and again inspired by you. Firstly, extremely glad that the op went okay, and you are home safe and sound. Secondly, I'm in shock because I didn't think you'd be up for typing and updating us so soon. Very pleased you're able to do so of course. Thirdly, plenty of time for work, you're to rest for a while at least. And finally, a bit well done on getting the surgeon to smile
I'm still amazed too that you're out so soon. Boy, they really do kick you out of the beds now don't they? Glad you've had visitors. Sit down with your feet up, and let the kids take care of you. xx
So lovely to hear from you.
Well done for getting the surgeon to smile.
Thinking of you loads.
Wow what a lot has gone on for you over the last couple of days. It is so great to hear your spirits are up as I really believe this helps the healing process.
Look after yourself and glad you let us and others do the worrying for you
No1 son is here and being a right bully telling me to rest rest rest. (He's right actually, just making it to the toilet made me feel dizzy yesterday).
I had a lovely shower this morning (well it was 12 o'clock) which is brilliant because that makes you feel so much better right away. Friend came with lunch AND blueberries (I love blueberries), and stayed just the right amount of time.
Have decided to take it really easy till Saturday and then we'll see. Am amazed at how much movement I have in my arm; I thought it would be much worse. Also I am not taking any painkillers, I really don't need any, there is no pain, just a bit of discomfort.
So upwards and onwards! :-)
You're doing so well Hopeful, and your son is right to bully you You need someone to keep you on the straight and narrow hehe. What brilliant news about no pain. Could that be because of all the painkillers administered during surgery? Hope you have a relaxing evening. Onwards and upwards ole girl
Good for your son Hope you're able to rest...
That's fab that you have your son there.
Yes, everyone I have known have "your" op has been surprisingly good after wards but do still do the exercises, not only will they maintain the mobility but also make it easier for you when you have the radiotherapy.
Blueberries mmmmmmmm (I sound like Homer Simpson now )
Full of energy today and have been banned from even doing the washing up!
Did the exercises this morning - how boring - I can do way more than that! Radiotherapy isn't for a while, I think chemo will be first. Have just written to my tutor to see if I can do placment earlier than the six weeks.
Hugs'nstuff xxx
Hi Hopeful, glad your op went well, really hope that you try and take it easy for a little while longer (not that easy i know, i'm not one to sit around for long either).
Whats on your agenda for the weekend other than resting of course!
You're amazing Hopeful. Being banned from the washing up sounds great. Enjoy it while you can. Good luck with the response from the tutor. Keep on with the exercising
Have discovered yesterday that I am black/blue/purple from just under my collarbone down to my right hip! Very interessting! (My daughter thinks it's disgusting and she has only seen my hip and by no means the worst bit!)
The very very very worst bit is that the wound site is sooooo itchy!!!! And of cause I can't scratch. Nobody warned me about this!
Am hopping int he car to go to the supermarket later - I won't carry anything, but we need juice and heavy stuff, so I will be the chauffeur.
Yes just a bit of chauffeuring might be allowed, although you might have to put some padding between the wound and your seatbelt. It is really important not to carry anything with the arm on the affected side as you risk sparking off lymphoedema, something that surgeons often do not tell you. You could have your shopping delivered online for a week or two?
Hopeful, do take care. And don't be tempted to carry things.
Should you be driving so soon Hopeful? Were you not told after 3/4 weeks? Not nagging honest, just looking after you from afar Hope you're resting today. x
Look at you all! I didn't drive in the end, we took a family walk to the supermarket. I carried the responsibility. The others everything else.
Nobody's told me about carrying anything (nobody professional anyway). Am not too worried on the lymph side because they only took the one node, so am counting on safety in numbers.
I am well padded, Louise, I have a fantastically sexy bra insert!
Legally you can't drive for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic, and then you have to be able to perform an emergency stop. Seeing that I'd use my feet for that and not my boobs, I reckon I could. :P Having said that, I've not every performed a full blown emergency stop and don't know if I can. It's not part of German driving testing.
Today I went to church in the morning - ok, I was chauffeured! - and had visitors all afternoon, and then someone unexpected at 9, so not really resting, but I feel absolutely fine.
Hugs to you all, and I really do appreciate the good advise! I am not overdoing it, or at least I don't think so, I try really hard to do a lot of sitting down. Earlier I reached for something high up without thinking - I think that's more the danger..... :-/
Hugs to you all! :-)
Glad you are having good company, Hopeful. Is the next stage waiting for the pathology so they can discuss the treatment plan with you?
You are beign good... Hugs from me to you.
Yes, Louise, will get histology results on 16th July (outside their guidelines, but the surgeon says he's really struggling for appointments, and seeing that we've made up I'll let him off!).
Thank you Sparkling!!! Now I need this on a certificate so I can show all those people who are always on my case!
I promised you a laugh:
My church friends are cooking for me. This is absolutely lovely because I hate cooking and although I feel a bit of a fraud (I probably could do it myself) I've been told to just enjoy. So far we've had six meals and every other one was ..... Lasagne!
The children are a bit like the Israelites in the desert after all the manna! Now I really like lasagne, so I really don't mind, but No2 son and daughter were really moaning.
If the weather is good tomorrow, I shall be taken for a picnic on the beach, so everybody wish me sunshine! x
I hope the sunshines warmly for you Hopeful
sunshine wishes coming your way
Hi Hopeful, yes I hope you can have a nice day out.
HAHAHA re the lasagne, I really chuckled at that...and also breathed a sigh of relief that I am not the only one who has "a million ways with mince". When my friend and I went on holiday to the Scottish borders, no matter which cafe or pub we went to for lunch, Soup of the Day was always lentil
Did the sun shine Hopeful? What was for dinner tonight? Lasagne by any chance That is really lovely of them though, and so thoughtful. Perhaps you should have sent out menus
Louise, I remember you telling that story about soup of the day. Still made me laugh.
Did you have a good day, Hopeful?
I had a lovely day yesterday, thank you! Just before my friend picked me up two others arrived unannounced in order to do some housework. I feel such a fraud with everyone cooking and cleaning and washing for me when I feel really quite able. But I've been told to relax and enjoy...
We had a very nice lunch of crab panini by the sea, even though it wasn't sunny it was quite warm. Then we went for a long walk and came back for coffee at my house.
Dinner was chicken pie and it was very nice. Everyone thinks the lasagne is hilarious! Tonight will be sausage casserole I think....
I've still not had my occupational health appointment through. That is really annoying me now, especially as I chased the tutor about this. I know I am impatient, but I really would like to know what's what. It's all about me not having my life ruled by stupid cancer.
Glad to hear you had a good day yesterday, Hopeful. Good to read too, that you realise you are being impatient! I know what you mean though, about not having your life dictated by something which is outside your control.
Do you have a number you could ring to enquire about your appointment with occupational health? I appreciate it shouldn't be your job to 'gee them up', but perhaps that would be better than the frustration you seem to be feeling at the moment.
Hehe, Mary, just because I know I am impatient, doesn't mean I'll do anything about it. I am absolutely chomping at the bits here!
I know the doctor who does the occupational health (I worked with his practice's community nurses during my last placement), so I could just ring him, but I want to be 'good' and go the proper way first. Have threatened the tutor in charge of this with that course of action though.... He is very laid back (the tutor) and much better face to face than ove email, so I might just pay him a visit, that'll surprise him!
Take it easy, Hopeful!
Wanting to be good and being good are two totally different things, as I am only too well aware of...I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do, but try not to push yourself too far,too fast.
I'm so glad you had a good day. I hope you hear soon about the OT. I know you're keen to get on. xxx
You might not tell Hopeful what to do, but I will Send those lovely kind generous friends of yours over to mine, I won't feel a fraud honest
Now, for the placement young lady. Tapping my fingers on the keyboard, just a week from having surgery, and you're highly impatient. Feeling okay though, doing excerises like a good girl, resting when you should (not likely with you
) So, I say, visit the tutor, see what he says, and go from there
A chat can't hurt can it? One more thing though, will you be driving? Ducks for cover now
Glad you had a brilliant day yesterday. How far is the beach from you? Did the long walk tire you out? How's the sausage casserole? Sounds lovely. x
But I am doing my exercises! And I spend hours reading, so I am resting, too. I would love to be on placement - admittedly, I think not in rehab, that's a bit heavy.
I went for a 5 mile little hike today and feel fine. :-)
Hazeleyes, of course I will be driving. My gear arm is ok, it's the right arm that's affected. As long as I can do an emergency stop, I'm legally allowed, too.
Will talk with tutor on Tuesday when we're in for a lecture anyway. xx
P.S: Hazeleyes, I am enjoying the cooking and cleaning by friends despite feeling a fraud. :-)
A five mile little hike.
Contradiction of terms there...
I'm glad you enjoyed it though and has some sunshine.
Five miles isn't any distance for someone who likes to do 10 or 12......
It was lovely and I was nicely tired in the evening (not exhausted! before anyone says anything!) and slept really well.
see, I'm an angel!
Make sure you stay that way Hopeful We're all watching
I would think the walk would be a very satisfying thing to do and would stop you feeling like an invalid. Just another week or so until your appointment and the next stage, it's great to do whatever helps you feel strong and well for the next bit!
The next bit is supposed to be placement. GRRRRR. Am getting ready to start a war on Tuesday. Considering that the tutor asked (at least I hope he did) for this appointment four weeks ago, I think it's just rude to not reply by now.
Went to the supermarket with daughter - now I have bags of juice in the car - before anyone starts, I load stuff from the trolley into the bags at the car and haven't lifted any! Daughter was doing it.
Now waiting for tonights dinner. I'm going to miss that, it's finishing on Tuesday.... x
How would it be to ask some pertinent questions rather than 'starting a war', Hopeful?! I do understand your frustration but do your best to keep calm. Apart from anything else, more is usually acheived when we are being reasonable.
I'm sure the juice won't come to any harm in the car
And what was for dinner last night? Not more lasagne I hope!
Mary, I should have had the appointment before I went into hospital. I have asked pertinent questions. I am done with that. I have been reasonable.
I am doing all my exercises - even the ones for from week 7 - without any problems. I can lift the hoover. I am fine. There is no reason to keep me back now.
The plan is that I will make an appointment with my GP to get something that says I am fit and to ring the Dr that works for the occupational health people (I know him from my last placement) to see if he can help.
Sorry for the rant, but I am soooooo frustrated.
Dinner on Saturday was the second sausage casserole and on Sunday we went to friends for a huge roast. Today is the last dinner and it will be toad in the hole.
Glad to hear that you have not been over doing it Hopeful, though it sounds like not much has held you back so far, i hope that you enjoyed your toad in the hole
Not had toad in the hole for years. Hope you enjoyed it. So, what are you cooking for the family tomorrow? Lasagne maybe, hehe.
Hope you manage to see your GP asap Hopeful. x
My lot love toad in the hole...
Hope you've got an appointment sorted.
Good luck with it all, Hopeful. I thought of you on Sunday as I was talking to a lady at church who has just had a baby, members of the church have been taking meals round for them, she said I am very grateful but every night it is shepherd's pie!
Newsflash - I went to see my breast cancer care nurse (she's called J, I can't possibly type that every time!) today because I had a bit of a seroma (collection of blood around wound) going on and was unsure at what point it needed draining. They said when it's uncomfortable or painful - it was neither, but I thought I'd ask. She drained about 300 ml off. Very interesting.
Talked to her about placement and she said to go for it. Then she said she'd cheat and check my results (that the surgeon is supposed to give me next Monday). The lymph was clear (yippeeeh!) which means I get to keep the rest of them and don't need another op.
All the hormone tests were positive, including the herceptin one which means that, unfortunately, after chemo and radiotherapy I'll now have hormone therapy (probably five years) and herceptin for a year. Didn't really want that, but at least it's not spread anywhere else, so I am quite pleased.
Spoke to the two heads of our year at uni and they both said a GP 'fit to work' note should do the trick. Will also ring the doctor for occupational health tomorrow and try to get him on my side. So I went to see the placement people after I'd seen J and they gave me my first two weeks of shifts starting next week Wednesday.
So right now I am very very motivated! :-)
Oh and toad in the hole was very nice. Tonight No2 son has asked for pizza and as he doesn't ask much, that's what we'll have.
And also: called my mum with results and asked her if she'd come to pick up my daughter for the summer holiday (daughter really wants to go) because I am going to do the placement thing now and then will start chemo. She said no. Again. Said she wouldn't be able to find anyone to walk the dog.
I know she's really struggling with this, but it's the second time I've asked for help (and I haven't asked much over all the years I've been here) and she's said no. I asked her to stay till after my op and she didn't want that.
The more I think about it, the more upset I get about it. If my daughter asks me to be there for her I am. :-(
I'm so pleased Hopeful, but sad your Mum doesn't feel ble to help... xxx
Yes that is sad about your mum. I wonder if she realises how much of a help it would be, you know you come across as so strong. You're right though, disappointing.
GREAT NEWS there is no spread. And as for the hormone thing, it does at least mean there are specific targeted therapies that can be used, although a massive nuisance having Herceptin infused and the five year tablets
Anyway onwards and upwards for the placement!
Here's the bad news: GPs apparently don't do 'fit to work' notices anymore. The receptionist was a dragon.
So I thought I'd ring Occupational Health myself and see what I can do. Of course on all the uni web there's no OH to be found, so I rang the main info number. They said OH can't be contacted by phone, only email. I said that wasn't any good, so they suggested the student support officer for health.
What a nice lady that was! She told me the tutor had only asked for an appointment for early August (I will likely kill him when I see him next) with a view to start placement on 13th August. Grrr. I explained my whole situation to her and she was lovely and very nice and rang OH herself and I now have an appointment for Tuesday.
Louise, you shouldn't have said that about the Herceptin (I wrote a paper on it and did very well last year) because it made me look it up again and yikes I'd forgotten the nast side effects.... Still, maybe I won't have any, or only copable ones.... Let's be very very optimistic! xx
Oh well you know about the Herceptin, obviously there are risks with any treatment but neverthless it is great that it exists.
HOORAY re new appointment, just goes to prove that you have to be assertive to get things done
Very much in my thoughts, Hopeful.